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The purpose of this research was to apply a test that measures different multiple intelligences in children from two different elementary schools to determine whether there are differences between the Academicist Pedagogical Model (traditional approach) established by the Costa Rican Ministry of Public Education and the Cognitive Pedagogical Model (MPC) (constructivist approach). A total of 29 boys and 20 girls with ages 8 to 12 from two different public schools in Heredia (Laboratorio School and San Isidro School) participated in this study. The instrument used was a Multiple Intelligences Test for school age children (Vega, 2006), which consists of 15 items subdivided in seven categories: linguistic, logical-mathematical, visual, kinaesthetic, musical, interpersonal, and intrapersonal. Descriptive and inferential statistics (Two-Way ANOVA) were used for the analysis of data. Significant differences were found in linguistic intelligence (F:9.47; p < 0.01) between the MPC school (3.24±1.24 points) and the academicist school (2.31±1.10 points). Differences were also found between sex (F:5.26; p< 0.05), for girls (3.25±1.02 points) and boys (2.52±1.30 points). In addition, the musical intelligence showed significant statistical differences between sexes (F: 7.97; p < 0.05). In conclusion, the learning pedagogical models in Costa Rican public schools must be updated based on the new learning trends.
Purpose: To evaluate the effectiveness of intravenous thrombolysis in combination with nicorandil in the treatment of acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). Methods: Patients who developed acute STEMI and underwent intravenous thrombolysis in the hospital were selected and divided into observation group (n = 128) and control group (n = 114). Besides thrombolytic therapy, the observation group was also given 20 mg of nicorandil. The control group received conventional thrombolytic therapy only. Clinical effects and rehabilitation of patients were observed. Results: Cardiac troponin I (cTNI) level of the observation group was 4.0 ± 1.5, 8.3 ± 2.8 and 9.8 ± 3.9 after 4, 12 and 24 h, respectively, which is much lower than 5.8 ± 1.4, 11.4 ± 2.7 and 13.2 ± 4.2 in the control group (p < 0.05). ST-segment resolution of observation group was higher (44 ± 14, 52 ± 17, 69 ± 21 and 80 ± 18) % at different time points, compared with the control group (p < 0.05). The proportion of patients with Curtis-Walker score > 3 points, and ventricular wall motion score (4.70 %; 1.38 ± 0.11) in the observation group were both lower than those of the control group (21.00 %; 1.43 ± 0.15) (p < 0.05). The difference in adverse cardiac events between the observation group (N = 6, 4.70 %) and control group (N = 12, 10.50 %) was not statistically significant (p > 0.05) Conclusion: Combining intravenous thrombolysis with nicorandil therapy can enhance myocardial perfusion level, reduce myocardial damage, improve cardiac function and decrease risk of arrhythmia for acute STEMI patients.
Introducción: la lactancia materna ayuda al desarrollo del niño, además brinda beneficios a la madre, familia, sociedad; siendo su desconocimiento un problema de salud pública. Objetivo: determinar la correlación entre el conocimiento de la lactancia materna y el estado socioeconómico de las gestantes que acuden a los subcentros de salud Totoracocha, El Paraíso y Pumapungo, Cuenca 2015. Metodología: se realizó una encuesta a 170 gestantes, recogiendo datos referentes al estado económico y una evaluación del conocimiento en el tema; para el análisis de los datos se trabajó con el programa estadístico SPSS 15, utilizando los estadísticos de prueba respectivos. Resultados: la edad media fue de 25.3 años, de las cuales el 41,8% son casadas, la mayor parte de madres tienen embarazos previos, el 54,7% de las madres son amas de casa, la gran parte poseen un nivel socioeconómico medio bajo (44,7%); el 90% tuvo conocimientos insuficientes, y no existió correlación entre el conocimiento en lactancia materna y el nivel socioeconómico. El nivel de conocimiento de lactancia materna en las primigestas y adolecentes es menor que las multigestas y grupos de edad mayor respectivamente. Conclusiones: de entre las madres que acuden a los centros de salud de Totoracocha, El Paraiso y Pumapungo el estatus social de la madre gestante no mide su nivel de conocimiento en lactancia materna, así las líneas de acción deberían regirse a proporcionar información suficiente y de calidad a toda la población sin distinción de condiciones
Purpose: To evaluate the clinical effect of bushenhuazhuo (a Chinese traditional medicine) in combination with ciprofloxacin (an orthodox medicine) in chronic prostatitis (CP) therapy. Methods: A total of 160 patients who suffered from CP and received treatment in the People’s Hospital of Zhengzhou between April 2012 and June 2014 were selected and divided randomly into treatment and control groups, with 80 patients in each group. Control group was given 0.25 g ciprofloxacin hydrochloride tablets twice a day for 4 weeks. In addition to ciprofloxacin administration, patients in the treatment group also received a dose of bushenhuazhuo preparation twice daily for 4 weeks. Clinical outcomes, quality of life as well as lecithin body and white blood cell (WBC) count in expressed prostatic secretions (EPS-WBC) were evaluated. Results: Cure rates in the treatment and control groups were 90 and 72.50 %, respectively; this difference was significant (p < 0.05). Scores for National Institutes of Health Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (NIH-CPSI), WBC, and lecithin bodies in the treatment group (8.20 ± 2.20 points, 4.50 ± 1.20 points, and 28.10 ± 2.10 points, respectively) were higher (p < 0.05) than for the control group (12.20 ± 2.20, 6.30 ± 2.20, and 23.30 ± 2.90 points, respectively). The levels of interferon (IFN)-γ and tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-α in the treatment group (26.20 ± 3.30 and 33.80 ± 5.40 mg/L, respectively) were lower than those in the control group (37.70 ± 3.90 and 48.40 ± 3.70 mg/L, respectively), whereas the level of interleukin (IL)-10 in the treatment group (292.60 ± 23.70 mg/L) was higher (p < 0.05) than that in control group (235.80 ± 25.90 mg/L). Conclusion: Ciprofloxacin combined with the Chinese traditional medicine, bushenhuazhuo preparation, demonstrates a marked therapeutic effect in CP. Its mechanism of action may be related to decreased levels of IFN-γ and TNF-α and increased IL-10.
Today a major responsibility for the contamination of soil and groundwater and surface water are establishments known as gas stations of fuel which has attracted increasing attention from both the general population as the state agencies of environmental control due to leaks in storage tanks and mainly to disruption of pipe corrosion of tanks and pumping. Other services, like oil changes and car wash are also causes for concern in this type of establishment. These leaks can cause or waste produced, and the contamination of aquifers, serious health problems and public safety, since most of these stations located in urban areas. Based on this, the work was to evaluate soil contamination of a particular service station and fuel sales in the city of Natal, through the quantification of heavy metals like Cd, Cu, Cr, Ni, Pb, Zn of total organic carbon (TOC) and organic matter using different techniques such as optical emission spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma source (ICP OES), Total Organic Carbon analyzer and gravimetric analysis respectively. And also to characterize the soil through particle size analysis. Samples were taken in 21 georeferenced points and collected in the same period. The soils sampled in sampling stations P3, P5, P6, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15, P17, P18 and P20 showed the smallest size fractions ranging from fine sand to medium sand. The other study sites ranged from fine sand to medium sand, except the point P8 showed that only the type size medium sand and P19, indicating a particle size of the coarse type. The small correlation of organic matter with the elements studied in this work suggests that these are not of anthropogenic origin but geochemical support
This work addresses the relationship between University-Firm aims to understand the model of shared management of R&D in petroleum of Petrobras with UFRN. This is a case study which sought to investigate whether the model of cooperation established by the two institutions brings innovation to generate technical-scientific knowledge and contribute to the coordination with other actors in the promotion of technological innovation. In addition to desk research the necessary data for analysis were obtained by sending questionnaires to the coordinators of projects in R&D at the company and university. Also, interviews were conducted with subjects who participated in the study since its inception to the present day. This case study were analysed through the Resource-Based View and Interorganizational Networks theory. The sample data also stands that: searches were aligned to the strategic planning and that 29% of R&D projects have been successful on the scope of the proposed objectives (of which 11% were incorporated into business processes); which was produced technical and scientific knowledge caracterized by hundreds of national and international publications; thesis, dissertations, eleven patents, and radical and incremental innovations; the partnership has also brought benefits to the academic processes induced by the improved infrastructure UFRN and changing the "attitude" of the university (currently with national prominence in research and staff training for the oil sector). As for the model, the technical point of view, although it has some problems, it follows that it is appropriate. From the viewpoint of the management model is criticized for containing an excess of bureaucracy. From the standpoint of strategic allocation of resources from the legal framework needs to be reassessed, because it is focused only on the college level and it is understood that should also reach the high school given the new reality of the oil sector in Brazil. For this it is desirable to add the local government to this partnership. The set of information leads to the conclusion that the model is identified and named as a innovation of organizational arrangement here known as Shared Management of R&D in petroleum of Petrobras with UFRN. It is said that the shared management model it is possible to exist, which is a simple and effective way to manage partnerships between firms and Science and Technology Institutions. It was created by contingencies arising from regulatory stand points and resource dependence. The partnership is the result of a process of Convergence, Construction and Evaluation supported by the tripod Simplicity, Systematization and Continuity, important factors for its consolidation. In practice an organizational arrangement was built to manage innovative university-industry partnership that is defined by a dyadic relationship on two levels (institutional and technical, therefore governance is hybrid), by measuring the quarterly meetings of systematic and standardized financial contribution proportional to the advancement of research. These details have led to the establishment of a point of interaction between the scientific and technological-business dimension, demystifying they are two worlds apart
Le Res cottidianae sive Aurea sono un’opera giuridica elementare di diritto privato romano. A differenza delle Institutiones di Gaio, di cui abbiamo conoscenza in larga misura grazie al palinsesto Codice Veronese, tutto ciò che sappiamo delle res cottidianae si arresta a ventisei frammenti che ci sono tramandati dal Digesto. Dibattuta è la loro paternità, dibattuta la genuinità del loro contenuto, dibattuti sono il titolo che recavano e di quanti libri fossero composte. La presente ricerca tenta di rispondere a queste vexatae quaestiones e offrire nuove prospettive alla risoluzione del c.d. «enigma gaiano». Punto di partenza sarà una indagine preliminare sul rapporto intercorrente tra le res cottidianae e le Institutiones di Gaio, volta a mostrare la struttura parallela delle due opere, le analogie testuali, i punti di contatto e divergenza. Ci si addentrerà, in seguito, nei ventisei frammenti delle res cottidianae, posto che qualsiasi riflessione scientifica sull’opera non può essere svincolata dall’analisi testuale. Si offrirà infine un bilancio complessivo delle res cottidianae, anche in relazione all’effettiva portata del lascito gaiano agli studi giuridici di diritto positivo.
Il principale motivo di ospedalizzazione del lattante è la bronchiolite acuta, causata in primis dal Virus Respiratorio Sinciziale (VRS). In questo ambito appaiono controversi i risultati in letteratura riguardo: carica del VRS, risposta immunitaria ed infiammatoria dell’ospite, microbiota del paziente (durante l’infezione e per successivo sviluppo di wheezing e asma). In questo studio di coorte prospettico monocentrico vengono arruolati lattanti peraltro sani ricoverati per primo episodio di bronchiolite acuta, da VRS o da altro agente, per valutare primariamente la relazione tra decorso clinico e carica del VRS, secondariamente l’associazione con specifiche composizioni e modifiche nel tempo del microbiota nasofaringeo ed intestinale durante la fase acuta e nel lungo termine in relazione a sviluppo di wheezing ricorrente. Nello studio sono stati arruolati finora 89 pazienti, di cui 68 con bronchiolite da VRS (76.4%), con analisi della carica virale su 41 lattanti (60.3%) e del microbiota su 20 (29.4%). L’analisi della carica del VRS non ha riscontrato associazione tra outcome di severità clinica quali necessità e durata di ossigenoterapia, nonché durata di ricovero. La presenza di trend di associazione tra carica virale all’ingresso e picco del VRS-RNA con necessità di ossigenoterapia ad alto flusso (HFNC) e l’associazione significativa di clearance di VRS con HFNC (p = 0.03) suggeriscono che la carica virale potrebbe influenzare la severità della bronchiolite da VRS. Le analisi del microbiota evidenziano numerosi genera mai descritti finora in letteratura a nostra conoscenza (es. Alloiococcus e Leptotrichia su aspirato, nonché tutti i dati emersi dallo studio della saliva, prima volta in letteratura) ed un generale aumento della diversity a 6 mesi dalla dimissione. Occorrerà completare l’analisi della carica del VRS con quella del sistema infiammatorio dell’ospite, nonché studiare il microbiota sui campioni del follow-up a lungo termine per la verifica di eventuali associazioni con sviluppo di wheezing e asma.
Sessions in New York (p. 1-71) and in Baltimore (p. [73]-103) have special title-pages.
Statement of problem. Prosthetic restorations that fit poorly may affect periodontal health and occlusion. Studies that have evaluated the accuracy of fit of ceramic restorations before and after cementation assessed primarily intracoronal restorations.Purpose. This in vitro study evaluated the effect of different finish lines, ceramic manufacturing techniques, and luting agents on the vertical discrepancy of ceramic copings.Material and methods. Two stainless steel molars were prepared for complete crowns with 2 different finish lines (heavy chamfer and rounded shoulder); each molar was duplicated to fabricate 90 copings. A total of 180 copings generated 18 groups (n=10 for each finish line-coping material-luting agent combination). Luting agents tested included zinc phosphate, resin-modified glass ionomer (Fuji Plus), and resin composite cements (Panavia F). A metal frame was developed on which to screw the stainless steel model and a ceramic coping; the distance (mum) between 2 predetermined points was measured before and after cementation by a profile projector under a torquing force. A 4-way ANOVA with repeated measurements was performed to assess the influence of each factor in the vertical marginal discrepancy: 3 between-coping factors (finish line-coping material-luting agent) and 1 within-coping factor (before and after cementation) (alpha=.05).Results. Procera copings presented the lowest mean values (P<.05) of vertical marginal discrepancy before and after cementation (25/44 mum) when compared to Empress 2 (68/110 mum) and InCeram Alumina copings (57/117 mum), regardless of any combinations among all finish lines and luting agents tested.Conclusion. Considering each factor separately, the ceramic manufacturing technique appeared to be the most important factor tested for the definitive vertical discrepancy of all-ceramic copings, with lower mean values for Procera copings.