993 resultados para Placa de rutênio
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The education designed and planned in a clear and objective manner is of paramount importance for universities to prepare competent professionals for the labor market, and above all can serve the population with an efficient work. Specifically, in relation to engineering, conducting classes in the laboratories it is very important for the application of theory and development of the practical part of the student. The planning and preparation of laboratories, as well as laboratory equipment and activities should be developed in a succinct and clear way, showing to students how to apply in practice what has been learned in theory and often shows them why and where it can be used when they become engineers. This work uses the MATLAB together with the System Identification Toolbox and Arduino for the identification of linear systems in Linear Control Lab. MATLAB is a widely used program in the engineering area for numerical computation, signal processing, graphing, system identification, among other functions. Thus the introduction to MATLAB and consequently the identification of systems using the System Identification Toolbox becomes relevant in the formation of students to thereafter when necessary to identify a system the base and the concept has been seen. For this procedure the open source platform Arduino was used as a data acquisition board being the same also introduced to the student, offering them a range of software and hardware for learning, giving you every day more luggage to their training
This work intends to know the most types of ignition systems, studying its history, the way it works, applications and some examples. The assembly of a distributor less ignition system is also required. All vehicles powered by internal combustion engines need an ignition system that allows this engine to ignite the air-fuel mixture using its ignition system in the best possible manner. The main goal of an ignition system is to obtain a spark having enough energy to start the chemical reaction of the oxygen and the fuel. It took a study dealing with the various types of ignition systems since their creation at the beginning of the last century until 2015. The work starts studying the high tension magneto ignition system and later together with the low tension ignition system, going on with the conventional ignition system and finally accomplishing with the various types of electronic ignition systems. It was studied and implemented an electronic circuit to power a double spark ignition system also known as wasted spark ignition system. This circuit was assembled with an electric pulse generator and powered mechanically by a dc electric motor of the variable rpm type
This paper presents one proposal of the energy management's model system using photovoltaic panels. The module proposed seeks to monitor photovoltaic panels, which have intermittency in power generation caused by environmental or load conditions, in order to control the coupling between the panel and the load - through the charge controller, of aiming that the panel's operation will be always on the maximum power transfer point as possible. For this, it used the maximum power point tracking technique - MPPT, implemented in LabVIEW software, also utilizing the data acquisition card NI myDAQ. In addition, it was implemented the controller access remote module, from the sharing of network data, so the panels performance can be through a tablet, monitored and controlled with no need for direct contact with the Supervisory server
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The education designed and planned in a clear and objective manner is of paramount importance for universities to prepare competent professionals for the labor market, and above all can serve the population with an efficient work. Specifically, in relation to engineering, conducting classes in the laboratories it is very important for the application of theory and development of the practical part of the student. The planning and preparation of laboratories, as well as laboratory equipment and activities should be developed in a succinct and clear way, showing to students how to apply in practice what has been learned in theory and often shows them why and where it can be used when they become engineers. This work uses the MATLAB together with the System Identification Toolbox and Arduino for the identification of linear systems in Linear Control Lab. MATLAB is a widely used program in the engineering area for numerical computation, signal processing, graphing, system identification, among other functions. Thus the introduction to MATLAB and consequently the identification of systems using the System Identification Toolbox becomes relevant in the formation of students to thereafter when necessary to identify a system the base and the concept has been seen. For this procedure the open source platform Arduino was used as a data acquisition board being the same also introduced to the student, offering them a range of software and hardware for learning, giving you every day more luggage to their training
This work intends to know the most types of ignition systems, studying its history, the way it works, applications and some examples. The assembly of a distributor less ignition system is also required. All vehicles powered by internal combustion engines need an ignition system that allows this engine to ignite the air-fuel mixture using its ignition system in the best possible manner. The main goal of an ignition system is to obtain a spark having enough energy to start the chemical reaction of the oxygen and the fuel. It took a study dealing with the various types of ignition systems since their creation at the beginning of the last century until 2015. The work starts studying the high tension magneto ignition system and later together with the low tension ignition system, going on with the conventional ignition system and finally accomplishing with the various types of electronic ignition systems. It was studied and implemented an electronic circuit to power a double spark ignition system also known as wasted spark ignition system. This circuit was assembled with an electric pulse generator and powered mechanically by a dc electric motor of the variable rpm type
This paper presents one proposal of the energy management's model system using photovoltaic panels. The module proposed seeks to monitor photovoltaic panels, which have intermittency in power generation caused by environmental or load conditions, in order to control the coupling between the panel and the load - through the charge controller, of aiming that the panel's operation will be always on the maximum power transfer point as possible. For this, it used the maximum power point tracking technique - MPPT, implemented in LabVIEW software, also utilizing the data acquisition card NI myDAQ. In addition, it was implemented the controller access remote module, from the sharing of network data, so the panels performance can be through a tablet, monitored and controlled with no need for direct contact with the Supervisory server
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The occurrence of chronic inflammatory periodontal disease due to dental plaque in adults over 30 years of age was noticed in 47.2% of the 3,742 subjects studied, representing a 64.7 million people population in the 50 states of the U.S. and the District of Columbia. The methods used by the authors were uniquely precise and the results brought us to great insight on the correlation between orthodontic treatment and periodontal health, which is described below.
A técnica de Fixação Zigomática serve como um meio alternativo para pacientes que apresentam grande perda de estrutura maxilar decorrentes de atrofia maxilar severa, traumas, cirurgias ressectivas tumorais ou defeitos congênitos. Pacientes portadores de fissura de lábio e palato podem ser beneficiados com esta técnica, pois apresentam baixo desenvolvimento de seus maxilares devido às cirurgias primárias de queiloplastia e palatoplastia. O implante zigomático de titânio que possui em média 30 mm a 52,5 mm de comprimento, se insere no rebordo alveolar remanescente em direção ao corpo do zigoma. Por meio dessa técnica, é possível ancorar uma prótese fixa utilizando carga precoce. Objetivo: O objetivo deste trabalho foi de relatar um caso ocorrido no Hospital de Reabilitação de Anomalias Craniofaciais, Bauru, São Paulo, com resolução protética de um paciente portador de fissura labiopalatina através da ancoragem zigomática. Relato Clínico: Em 2008, paciente do Hospital de Reabilitação de Anomalias Craniofaciais, portadora de fissura labiopalatina, foi realizado um planejamento criterioso e a opção mais adequada foi a resolução protética através de uma ancoragem em zigoma. Foi utilizado implante zigomático do lado direito e implantes unitários na região dos dos elementos dentários 13 e 11, após exodontia do elemento 11. Assim, confeccionada uma prótese sobre implantes e placa miorrelaxante com controle de 45 dias. Conclusão: Esta alternativa possibilita ao paciente uma menor morbidade, sem a necessidade de cirurgias de reconstrução óssea, apresenta um tempo menor de tratamento e consequentemente integrando o paciente à sociedade.
A Província Magmática do Paraná-Etendeka, ou ainda Formação Serra Geral assim definida na estratigrafia da Bacia do Paraná, constitui um dos maiores registros vulcânicos em área continental do planeta. O grande volume de magma é evidenciado não só pelas rochas expostas, que contemplam o sul e parte do sudeste brasileiro, mas também pela forte heterogeneidade geoquímica e petrográfica das rochas básicas, intermediárias e ácidas, que integram a placa Sul-Americana. Os trabalhos que abordam a caracterização geoquímica dos diferentes tipos de magmas, obtidos por meio de coleta sistemática de superfície são bastante abundantes, porem pouco são aqueles que abordam a quimioestratigrafia dos basaltos por meio de poços de sondagem buscando as relações estratigráficas aplicadas ao entendimento da evolução dos diferentes tipos de magmas, fontes, intervalo de idades e variações petrográficas sem a influência direta de falhas tectônicas que interferiam no aspecto fidedigno dos dados. Com isso, este trabalho em andamento, com 15 sequencias vulcânicas completas obtidas por meio de poços de sondagem nos estados de São Paulo e Paraná, com até 1156 metros de espessura, são investigados para elementos maiores, traços, terras-raras, isótopos (Pb, Sr e Nd) e idades (Ar-Ar) buscando a compreensão de processos de diferenciação magmática in situ e até mesmo considerações sobre o grau de fusão, fontes mantélicas envolvidas, correlação com a parte sul da província magmática e relação com a fase rifte da placa sul-americana. Os resultados, ainda que preliminares, mostraram que a média da espessura de cada pulso magmático é de 35 metros de rocha basáltica variando de 2 até 90 metros, sendo que a pilha mais profunda alcança 970 metros na região noroeste do estado de São Paulo podendo chegar até 1200 se for considerado a espessura dos sills intrudidos nos sedimentos paleozoicos sotopostos. Já os dados geoquímicos mostraram que as regiões investigadas são compostas exclusivamente por basaltos toleíticos do tipo alto-Ti, com concentrações em TiO2 variando entre 1,77% e 3,66% e MgO de 2,88% até 4,95%, podendo ser divididos em dois subtipos distintos, denominados de Pitanga e Paranapanema conforme classificação de Peate et al. (1992). O primeiro está enriquecido em Nb (8%), K (9%), La (11%), Ce (18%), P (8%), Nd (20%), Zr (19%), Sm (17%), Eu (15%) e Ti (15%) em relação ao segundo. Também é possível verificar que os magmas se alternam na posição estratigráfica sendo iniciado pelo tipo Pitanga (em contato direto com os arenitos eólicos da Formação Botucatu) seguindo pelo magma Paranapanema onde o primeiro, em espessura, e dominante em 60% em relação ao segundo. Por fim, mesmo que o trabalho ainda esteja em fase inicial, é possível concluir que os basaltos investigados podem ter sido abastecidos por mais de uma câmara magmática, que extravasaram suas lavas em épocas distintas, iniciando com basaltos do tipo Pitanga, em contato com os arenitos da Formação Botucatu, e encerrando a pilha edificada com aqueles do tipo Paranapanema.