955 resultados para Phaseoli vulgaris


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Context - Several paradoxical cases of infliximab-induced or-exacerbated psoriatic lesions have been described in the recent years. There is disagreement regarding the need to discontinue infliximab in order to achieve the resolution of these adverse cutaneous reactions specifically in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) patients. Objective - To systematically review the literature to collect information on IBD patients that showed this adverse cutaneous reaction, focusing mainly on the therapeutic approach. Methods - A systematic literature review was performed utilizing Medline, Embase, SciELO and Lilacs databases. Published studies were identified, reviewed and the data were extracted. Results - Thirty-four studies (69 IBD patients) met inclusion criteria for review. There was inconsistency in reporting of some clinical and therapeutic aspects. Most patients included had Crohn's disease (89.86%), was female (47.83%), had an average age of 27.11 years, and no reported history of psoriasis (84.05%). The patients developed primarily plaque-type psoriasis (40.58%). There was complete remission of psoriatic lesions in 86.96% of IBD patients, existing differences in the therapeutic approaches; cessation of infliximab therapy led to resolution in 47.83% of cases and 43.48% of patients were able to continue infliximab therapy. Conclusion - As increasing numbers of IBD patients with psoriasis induced or exacerbated by infliximab, physicians should be aware of its clinical manifestations so that appropriate diagnosis and treatment are properly established. The decision whether to continue or discontinue infliximab should be individualized.


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The objective of this work was to analyze the most appropriate management to achieve higher productivity for carioca beans (phaseolus vulgaris) and pearll cultivar. The research was developed in the Demonstrative and Experimental Area of Irrigation (ADEI) of FCAV/UNESP, Campus of Jaboticabal, SP. Four treatments were used: T1- irrigation with base in ETo estimated by the method of Class A pan; T2- irrigations based on the readings of tensiometers installed at 0,20 m and 0,40 m of depth; T3- irrigations carried out with base in ETo estimated by the method of Penman-Monteith and T4- witness. The results were submitted to analysis of variance. To compare the averages the test Turkey was used at 5% of probability. The treatment T3 had smaller applied water depth than the treatments T1 and T2, and also smaller productivity. The conclusion is that the treatments irrigated with larger frequency showed higher production of grains.


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The angular leaf spot of dry bean caused by the fungus Phaeoisairopsis griseola is a very important disease on dry bean crops in Brazil. In propitious weather conditions, susceptible cultivars have significant losses due to this disease. In these conditions, fungicide usage is an important step for angular leaf spot management. Since the effects of this method of control on plant physiology are not known, this study had the following objectives: a) Verify the action of fungicide in physiological changes in dry beans (photosynthesis rate and stomatal conductivity); b) evaluate the efficacy of some fungicides for the control of angular leaf spot; and c) examine the effects of these fungicides on other agronomic parameters; weight of 100 grains, number of grains per pod and number of pods per plant. The dry bean cultivar used in this study was Perola. Four trials were conducted, two in a net greenhouse and two trials under field conditions. A spray of piraclostrobin, tebuconazol and tebuconazol+ trifloxistrobin increased photosynthesis rates, although stomatal conductivity was not changed. In addition, sprays of tebuconazol, piraclostrobin, metiram+piraclostrobin and azoxistrobin provided better levels of disease control and also higher weight of 100 grains, with the exception of azoxystrobin for this parameter.


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Fermentable carbohydrates are an important part of the canine diet. They can improve gastrointestinal health by modifying gut microbial population and metabolic activity. The present study compared the fermentation characteristics and kinetic patterns of 10 carbohydrate sources using the in vitro gas production technique (IVGPT) with dog faecal inoculum. The substrates tested were: pure cellulose (PC), carboxymethylcellulose (CMC), sugar-cane fibre (SCF), beet pulp (BP), wheat bran (WB), fructooligosaccharides (FOS), inulin, yeast cell wall (YCW), ground psyllium seed (PS), pea hulls (PH). All substrates were incubated at 39°C under anaerobic conditions with faeces collected from dogs as microbial inoculum. Gas production of fermenting cultures was recorded and after 48 h, pH, shortchain fatty acids (SCFA) and organic matter disappearance (OMD) were determined. The results confirm high fermentation by dog faecal bacteria of FOS and inulin that produced high amounts of propionate and that underwent very rapid fermentation. Three substrates (SCF, CMC and PC) were not able to support bacterial growth, with low gas and SCFA production, and high BCFA formation. The PH and BP showed moderate OMD and SCFA production. Wheat bran B underwent rapid fermentation and generated a high proportion of butyrate. Psyllium seeds underwent slow fermentation with delayed gas production, supporting a high formation of SCFA, with an adequate amount of butyrate for bacterial growth while YCW, which showed a delayed fermentation, gave moderate SCFA production. The fermentation characteristics of PS and YCW suggest their potential use in promoting a more distal fermentation on intestinal tract. © Copyright S. Calabrò et al., 2013 Licensee PAGEPress, Italy.


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Sustainable agriculture, reduced production costs and adding value to the system are achieved through the use of agricultural areas throughout the year, in integrated or mixed system. The study aimed to determine the technical coefficients to estimate and evaluate the operational cost and profitability indicators of the consortium of corn with two species of Brachiaria (B. brizantha, MG-5 and B. ruziziensis). The crops were submitted to N rates (0, 100, 200, 300 e 400kg ha-1year-1) at sidedressing, using urea, and winter common bean in succession, in crop-livestock integration under no-tillage, in irrigated conditions, in 2008/2009 agricultural year in Cerrado region (Selvíria - MS). The experiment was conducted in a randomized complete block design with four replications in a 2 x 5factorial. It was concluded thatcathe inputs were the components that most increased the producing cost of corn and common bean in the ILP study. The total operational cost has increased as a function of increasing doses of N. In all treatments the levels of profitability were positive indicating the viability of the system. The treatment that showed the best technical and economic performance was intercropped with corn and B. brizantha, fertilized with 100kg ha-1year-1N and common bean in succession.


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Background: Currently, 13-cis-retinoic acid (13-cis-RA) is the most effective therapy for acne. Isotretinoin, a first-generation synthetic 13-cis-RA compound, is associated with numerous adverse effects. To investigate the cardiac effects of 13-cis-RA, acne patients receiving 13-cis-RA were studied. Methods: Twenty male patients with acne were enrolled in the study. Patients were treated with a dose of 0.5 mg/kg/d of isotretinoin. All participants were assessed prior to treatment and after 10 weeks of therapy with Doppler-echocardiogram. Results: Patients showed reductions in right atrium vertical diameter, left atrium longitudinal diameter, left atrium volume and left ventricular diastolic diameter over the course of treatment. Significant increases in interventricular septum diastolic thickness, posterior wall diastolic thickness, relative wall relative thickness and left ventricle (LV) mass were observed. The LV mass index showed an increase in ventricular mass and a decrease in the cavity size. Examining LV systolic function, a decrease was observed for the cardiac index. Conclusion: In this study, 10 weeks of 13-cis-RA therapy at a dose of 0.5 mg/kg/d was found to promote concentric-type heart remodeling due to the occurrence of two associated events: heart hypertrophy and hypovolemia. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Common bean is an important crop in Brazil primarily because of its nutritional characteristics. Some agronomic practices, such as weed management, are fundamental to cultivation, as a means of obtaining a high crop yield. However, some studies have shown that weed management may alter the function of the cultivar cycle. Thus, this study aimed at determining the optimal phenological stage in early-maturing common bean cultivars to perform the weed control without providing reductions in yield and seed quality. The experimental design was randomized blocks with 20 treatments and four replications, in a 2×2×5 (cultivars × types of weed control × periods of weed control) factorial scheme. The periods of weed control for both cultivars (Carioca Precoce and IPR-Colibri) consisted of full cycle weeded (control), weed control at the V4-3 stage (first three nodes on the main stem with trifoliate leaves), at the R5 stage (beginning of bloom) and at the R8 stage (appearance of pods) and full cycle unweeded (no weed control). The types of weed control used were chemical (fluazifop-p-butyl + fomesafen) and mechanical (hoe). The Carioca Precoce cultivar demonstrated higher agronomic performance and yield than the IPR-Colibri cultivar, although the IPR-Colibri seeds had a higher vigor. The type of weed control (chemical or mechanical) did not affect the agronomic characteristics, yield and seed physiological potential of the cultivars. The ideal period for weed control in early-maturing common bean cultivars to obtain a higher yield and seed physiological potential was observed at the V4-3 phenological stage.


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The competition between weeds and bean plants, especially because of nutrients in the environment, is extremely important to minimize potential losses of crop productivity. Thus, the aim of this work was to evaluate the effects of using nitrogen fertilization on the timing and extent of the period before interference (PAI), total period of interference (PTPI) and the critical period of interference control (PCPI) in bean cultivar 'Ruby'. The seeds were sown in the conventional system and the trial was conducted in two areas at the same time, in which the nitrogen fertilization was performed only in one of them. Each area received 14 treatments consisting of two groups: first, the crop was free of interference of weeds from emergence to 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 and 70 days; and the second: the crop remained free of interference from sowing to the same periods described above. The experimental design was randomized blocks with four replications. Raphanus raphanistrum showed greater relative importance in the two areas, mainly due to the accumulation of dry mass, followed by Amaranthus deflexus. There was no difference in diversity and evenness of weed populations in response to the fertilization. In the area without N PAI occurred 18 days after emergence (DAE), and up to 24 DAE PTPI, resulting in PCPI 18 to 24 DAE, this area had 58% of reduction in crop yield. In the area where with nitrogen fertilization, PAI occurred at 38 DAE and PTPI occurred at 19 DAE. In this area there was 56% of reduction in crop yield. The nitrogen fertilization increased crop productivity and favored competitiveness in relation to weeds.


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The isotopic technique was employed to study boron (B) mobility in tomato and beetroot plants under protected cultivation conditions. An experiment was conducted in which both species grew in 10-dm3 vases filled with coconut fiber, under hydroponic conditions. The plants were subjected to four different treatments: (1) no B in the substratum and no foliar fertilization; (2) no B in the substratum, with foliar 10B fertilization; (3) B in the substratum, with foliar 10B fertilization; and (4) 10B in the substratum and no foliar fertilization. The biological growth variables and total B and 10B contents in the plant parts grown after the application of the nutrient were evaluated. For increasing B content in young tissues, the foliar application of this element was not as efficient as application via root system, indicating low mobility of B in the tissues of both beetroot and tomato plants. © 2013 Copyright Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.


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In order to maintain the nutrients available to plants have been studied controlled release fertilizers. In this context, the objective was to evaluate the residual effect of doses of potassium chloride, coated or not, applied in the corn crop, regarding the crop components and grains yield of irrigated winter common bean, cultivated in followed, in Cerrado region. The experiment was conducted in Selvíria - MS, Brazil, 51°22- west longitude and 20°22- south latitude, in a clayey Oxisol, in 2009 and 2010. A randomized block design with four repetitions was used, disposed in a factorial scheme 4 x 2, being: four K2O doses (0, 40, 80 and 120 kg ha-1) and two potassium sources (potassium chloride and coated potassium chloride by polymers) applied at sowing in the corn crop. The coated potassium chloride by polymers have the same residual effect as conventional KCl, because it provides results similar for the K and chlorophyll leaf contents, crop components and grains yield of winter common bean irrigated. The increment of potassium doses in the previous crop (corn) have residual effect, because it influenced positively the number of grains per plant in 2009 and increased linearly the chlorophyll leaf content and the grains yield of winter common bean irrigated in 2010, regardless of the source used for K.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the agronomic performance and grain quality, especially the grain technological characteristics in the common bean genotypes, cultivated in winter-spring season. The experiment was carried out in Jaboticabal-SP, in a Rhodic Hapludox. The experimental design was a randomized block with 17 treatments (genotypes) with three replications. The plots had been composed for 17 carioca common bean group genotypes (Pérola, BRS Cometa, BRS Pontal, IPR Juriti, CNFC 10703, CNFC 10713, CNFC 10716, CNFC 10721, CNFC 10729, CNFC 10733, CNFC 10742, CNFC 10753, CNFC 10757, CNFC 10758, CNFC 10762, CNFC 10763 and CNFC 10813). BRS Pontal and CNFC 10716 showed simultaneously the higher number of per plant and grain yield. The technological characteristics more expressive was verified in CNFC 10703, CNFC 10713, CNFC 10758, CNFC 10813 and CNFC 10716 genotypes, principally about the protein content, cooking time and grain hydration capacity. The CNFC 10716 genotype detached as promissory, because their elevated agronomic performance and satisfactory technological characteristics.


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In the no till system, soil acidity correction practice is restricted to limestone use and there is little information regarding slag. The study aimed to evaluate the amendments in soil chemical properties, yield and bean nutrient uptake according to the application forms of slags, compared to limestone, in the implantation of no till system. The experiment was conducted in the field at College of Agricultural Sciences, Botucatu (SP) from December 2010 to May2011. The treatments consisted of two application ways of seven soil acidity correctives: steel slag, blast furnace slag, ladle furnace slag, stainless steel slag (agrosilício), wollastonite, lime and calcined dolomite lime, plus one control without corrective application. Each material dose was calculated to raise the base saturation to 70%. Soil acidity was neutralized down to 20cm with limestones, whereas for wollastonite and ladle furnace slag those effects occurred down to 10cm, for steel slag, blast furnace slag and agrosilício the corrective effect was restricted to the first 5cm. The bean yield increased by application of correctives in soil acidity, without differences between the application ways.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)