1000 resultados para Petrology -- Catalonia -- Sant Feliu de Guíxols


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The epiphytic macroinvertebrate communities associated with the Common Reed, Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steudel, were examined seasonally from summer 2004 to spring 2005 in eleven coastal lagoons of the Llobregat Delta (NE Spain) following the method proposed by Kornijów & Kairesalo (1994). The aims of the study were to: 1) characterise and quantify changes in epiphytic macroinvertebrate communities along environmental gradients; 2) assess the contribution of elements of the epiphytic compartment to structuring the community; 3) define the optima and tolerances of selected epiphytic macroinvertebrate taxa for the most relevant ecological factors responsible for assemblage composition; and 4) identify possible epiphytic species assemblages that would allow a lagoon"s typology to be established, as well as their representative indicator species. Communities showed statistically significant seasonal variation, with two faunal peaks: one in summer, with high chironomid densities, and the other in winter, with high naidid densities. These peaks showed a clear response to the influence of environmental factors. Salinity explained the highest percentage of total variance (36%), while trophic variables (nutrients, phytoplanktonic chlorophyll-a, and total organic carbon) and epiphyton biomass (19.2 and 4% of total variance explained, respectively) were secondary. Three different epiphytic macroinvertebrate species assemblages could be defined. These assemblages were directly linked to conductivity conditions, which determined the rate of survival of certain taxa, and to the existence of a direct connection with the sea, which permitted the establishment of 'brackish-water' species. In spite of the existence of these species assemblages, the species composition and biomass of epiphytic macroinvertebrates and epiphyton differed substantially between lagoons; both elements were subject to changes in the environment, which finally determined the site-to-site variation in the density and composition of the macroinvertebrate population


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El volcanismo neógenocuaternario de Catalunya está asociado al sistema de fracturas escalonadas, de orientación preferente SW-NE y NW-SE, que condiciona también las depresiones tectónicas o fosas neógenas. Las dataciones radiométricas ponen de manifiesto una actividad volcánica entre 10 y 0.1 m.a., localizándose las erupciones más antiguas en la fosa del Empordà, mientras que el volcanismo cuaternario se concentra en las proximidades de Olot (La Garrotxa). El magmatismo es de carácter alcalino, con términos exclusivamente básicos (basanitas), salvo un afloramiento traquítico. Son frecuentes los xenolitos de rocas sedimentarias y plutónicas básicas y ácidas, presentando estos últimos el mayor grado de transformación. Los caracteres estructurales, geoquímicos y mineralógicos, junto a las relaciones isotópicas Sr8YlSr86 apoyan un origen profundo, subcrustal, del magma, y definen un volcanismo intraplaca como el que corresponde a un modelo de rift embrionario sin atenuación litosférica y con escasas manifestacion


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[cat] Aquest article se centra en la significació i transcendència de l"assignatura d"Anatomia artística a l"Escola de Belles Arts de Barcelona durant la segona meitat del segle XIX i principis de segle XX. S"empren, com a fil conductor, les figures de Jeroni Faraudo i Condeminas (1823-1886) i de Tiberio Ávila Rodríguez (1843-1932), els dos primers professors que impartiren la matèria i que romanen, en l"actualitat, pràcticament inèdits. El coneixement de l"ideari de Faraudo i d"Ávila permet completar el panorama de l"evolució de les idees estètiques a la Catalunya del moment i, alhora, contribueix a la comprensió de l"erosió de la primacia de l"antic en l"aprenentatge oficial de les arts a Catalunya. [spa] Este artículo se centra en la significación y transcendencia de la asignatura de Anatomía artística en la Escuela de Bellas Artes de Barcelona durante la segunda mitad del siglo XIX y principios de siglo XX. Se emplean, como hilo conductor, las figuras de Gerónimo Faraudo Condeminas (1823-1886) y de Tiberio Ávila Rodríguez (1843-1932), los dos primeros profesores que impartieron la materia y que permanecen, en la actualidad, prácticamente inéditos. El conocimiento del ideario de Faraudo y de Ávila permite completar el panorama de la evolución de las ideas estéticas en la Cataluña del momento y, al mismo tiempo, contribuye a la comprensión de la erosión de la primacía del antiguo en el aprendizaje oficial de las artes en Cataluña. [eng]This article focuses on the subject of Artistic Anatomy at the Barcelona School of Fine Arts during the second half of the 19th and early 20th centuries, discussing its signification. The connecting thread of this article are Jeroni Faraudo i Condeminas (1823-1886) and Tiberio Ávila Rodríguez (1843-1932), its first two teachers, who remain nowadays practically unknown. The knowledge of their ideas completes the history of contemporary Catalan aesthetics and also contributes to the comprehension of the erosion in the primacy of the use of ancient models in the official artistic teaching in Catalonia.


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A pocos kilómetros al este de Olot, entre la Costa de Pujou y el Puig de Sant Jordi de Sa Cot, el llano está cubierto en gran parte por hayedos frondosos. Ellos han merecido al paraje el nombre de Fageda de Jordá, al cual han dado celebridad ilustres poetas y pintores que encontraron allí, en condiciones de acceso excepcionalmente favorables, sin tener que realizar penosas ascensiones previas, toda la belleza de los grandes bosques de haya y la paz tranquila que reina en su interior, donde la luz tiene aquel tono roerá com d'aigua endinst de que nos habla MARAGALL.


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Contexte: Le Programme cantonal diabète se développe depuis 2010 dans le canton de Vaud. Il a pour objectif de limiter l'évolution de l'incidence du diabète et d'améliorer la prise en charge des patients diabétiques. - Méthodes: Cette étude vise à recueillir des données concernant : 1) la collaboration interprofessionnelle, 2) la pratique professionnelle au regard du « Chronic care model », ainsi que 3) la connaissance et la mise en pratique des recommandations pour la pratique clinique (RPC) auprès du patient diabétique. Les professionnels de santé (PdS) suivant ont été sollicités pour participer à cette étude : médecins et infirmier(ère)s spécialisé(e)s en diabétologie, médecins de premiers recours et infirmier(ère)s en soins généraux. Cette étude comporte un volet quantitatif où les PdS étaient invités à répondre à un questionnaire sur Internet, et un volet qualitatif où des PdS ont été réunis lors de trois focus groups pour recueillir leurs avis sur les trois thématiques de l'étude.


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Objective: The objective of this study was to collect data on the prevalence of smokers among Catalonian dentists (by age and sex) and compare them with existing data on the general population, doctors, registered nurses and pharmacists. The overall prevalence of smokers in Catalonia (2006) was 34.5% of men and 24.3% of women. Data available on the prevalence of smoking among doctors (26.3% men and 22.1% women), pharmacists (19.8% men and 20.6% women) and registered nurses (34.1% men and 35.3% women) relates to the year 2002. Study design: In September 2006, Catalonian dentists (n=3,799) were asked about their habits in relation to tobacco in a self-administered questionnaire, on use and opinions with respect to dental amalgam. Five hundred and seventynine questionnaires were received, of which 538 answered the question on smoking (14.2% of the sample universe). Results: The prevalence of smokers among dentists is lower (24.9% of men and 18.4% of women) than in the general population and other healthcare professionals. In dentists in the age group between 25 and 34 years, the prevalence was 26.1% in men and 14.9% in women, while the prevalence in this age group in the general population was 43.6% and 37.1%, respectively. Conclusion: Catalonian dentists have a much lower prevalence of tobacco use than the general population and lower even than other healthcare professionals. Given that non-smoking healthcare professionals have better awareness for providing recommendations for smoking prevention and cessation, Catalonian dentists may be a valid group for performing this task for which there is scientific evidence.