975 resultados para Perícias odonto-legais
Since the introduction of cone beam computed tomography (CBCT), this 3-dimensional diagnostic imaging technique has been established in a growing number of fields in dental medicine. It has become an important tool for both diagnosis and treatment planning, and is also able to support endodontic treatments. However, the higher effective dose of ionizing radiation compared to conventional 2-dimensional radiographs is not justifiable in every case. CBCT allows for a more precise diagnosis of periapical lesions, root fractures as well as external and internal resorptions. Concerning the utility of CBCT in treatment planning decisions, the gain of information through 3-dimensional imaging for any of these pathologies has to be evaluated carefully on an individual basis. Moreover, radioopaque materials such as root canal filling and posts often create artefacts, which may compromise diagnosis. The aim of this review is to summarize the possibilities and limits of CBCT imaging in endodontology as well as introduce guidelines for daily clinical practice. Furthermore, the article presents possible therapeutic advantages of preexisting CBCT scans for root canal treatments.
This paper presents a clinical and anatomical review of the mental foramen (MF) based on recent publications (since 1990). Usually, the MF is located below the 2nd premolar or between the two premolars, but it may also be positioned below the 1st premolar or below the mesial root of the 1st molar. At the level of the MF, lingual canals may join the mandibular canal (hence the term "crossroads"). Accessory MF are frequently described in the literature with large ethnic variations in incidence. The emergence pattern of the mental canal usually has an upward and posterior direction. The presence and extent of an "anterior loop" of the mental canal may be overestimated with panoramic radiography. Limited cone-beam computed tomography currently appears to be the most precise radiographic technique for assessment of the "anterior loop". The mental nerve exiting the MF usually has three to four branches for innervation of the soft tissues of the chin, lower lip, facial gingiva and mucosa in the anterior mandible. The clinician is advised to observe a safety distance when performing incisions and osteotomies in the vicinity of the MF.
The present study reports on the surgical and prosthodontic rehabilitation of 46 patients, 31 male and 15 female, after resection of oral tumors. The treatment was carried out from 2004 to 2007 at the Department of Prosthodontics, University of Bern, with a follow-up time of 3 to 6 years. The average age at diagnosis was 54 years. 76% of all tumors were squamous cell carcinoma, followed by adenocarcinoma. Resection of the tumors including soft and/or hard tissues was performed in all patients. 80% of them additionally underwent radiotherapy and 40% chemotherapy. A full block resection of the mandible was perfomed in 23 patients, and in 10 patients, the tumor resection resulted in an oronasal communication. 29 patients underwent grafting procedures, mostly consisting of a free fibula flap transplant. To enhance the prosthetic treatment outcome and improve the prosthesis stability, a total of 114 implants were placed. However, 14 implants were not loaded because they failed during the healing period or the patient could not complete the final treatment with the prostheses. The survival rate of the implants reached 84.2% after 4 to 5 years. Many patients were only partially dentate before the tumors were detected, and further teeth had to be extracted in the course of the tumor therapy. Altogether, 31 jaws became or remained edentulous. Implants provide stability and may facilitate the adaptation to the denture, but their survival rate was compromised. Mostly, patients were fitted with removable prostheses with obturators in the maxilla and implant-supported complete dentures with bars in the mandible. Although sequelae of tumor resection are similar in many patients, the individual intermaxillary relations, facial morphology and functional capacity vary significantly. Thus, individual management is required for prosthetic rehabilitation.
This in vitro study investigated the erosion-inhibiting properties of dental rinses during erosion in the presence of the salivary pellicle. The erosion inhibition by a Sn/F containing dental rinse (800 ppm Sn2+, 500 ppm F –, pH = 4.5) was compared with a fluoridated solution (500 ppm F –, pH = 4.5) and water(control). Calcium release and enamel softening were significantly reduced among enamel samples exposed to the Sn/F rinse (group SF)compared to those treated with the fluoride solution (group F) and the control (p 0.05). SEM showed slightly etched enamel interfaces in group SF, whereas the erosion was more pronounced in group F and even more severe in the control group. In conclusion, the Sn/F combination provided the best inhibition of erosion among tested solutions. This study demonstrates the application of different analytical tools for comparative erosion quantification.A strong correlation (r2 ≥ 0.783) was shown between calcium release and enamel softening during demineralization.
The indications for direct resin composite restorations are nowadays extended due to the development of modern resin materials with improved material properties. However, there are still some difficulties regarding handling of resin composite material, especially in large restorations. The reconstruction of a functional and individual occlusion is difficult to achieve with direct application techniques. The aim of the present publication was to introduce a new "stamp"-technique for placing large composite restorations. The procedure of this "stamp"-technique is presented by three typical indications: large single-tooth restoration, occlusal rehabilitation of a compromised occlusal surface due to erosions and direct fibre-reinforced fixed partial denture. A step-by-step description of the technique and clinical figures illustrates the method. Large single-tooth restorations can be built-up with individual, two- piece silicone stamps. Large occlusal abrasive and/or erosive defects can be restored by copying the wax-up from the dental technician using the "stamp"-technique. Even fiber-reinforced resin-bonded fixed partial dentures can be formed with this intraoral technique with more precision and within a shorter treatment time. The presented "stamp"-technique facilitates the placement of large restoration with composite and can be recommended for the clinical use.
No Brasil, a indução do aborto é legalmente permitida somente quando necessária para salvar a vida da mulher ou quando a concepção ocorreu de estupro. Apesar das restrições legais, morais e religiosas, a indução do aborto é amplamente praticada. Com o objetivo de identificar as características do aborto incompleto nas mulheres admitidas na maternidade pública de Florianópolis, foram entrevistadas 620 mulheres, entre 1o de julho de 1993 e 30 de junho de 1994. Com base em dados coletados por meio de questionário estruturado, são apresentadas características sócio-demográficas, reprodutivas e médicas dos abortos, classificados como certamente provocados, possivelmente provocados e espontâneos. Entre os 141 casos de aborto provocado, cerca de 50% das mulheres reportaram uso isolado do Cytotec® (misoprostol), ou deste associado a outro método abortivo. Os resultados revelam que na população estudada a indução do aborto é prática comum entre mulheres jovens, solteiras ou sem parceiro estável, de bom nível de escolaridade e não usuárias de métodos anticonceptivos. Foi também registrada uma redução do número de complicações graves relacionadas ao aborto provocado admitido ao hospital.
El objetivo general de este estudio es analizar la inclusión de los estudiantes en el Consejo Escolar en cuanto a la participación y la autonomíanecesaria para la gestión democrática de la escuela brasileña. Específicamente, el objetivo es analizar los datos y documentos sobre los conceptos expresados en las proposiciones jurídicas, reglamentos nacionales, estatales y locales sobre el funcionamiento del Consejo Escolar, aprender de las posibles relaciones entre los Consejos y el principio de gestión democrática y verificar cuál es la discusión teórica en torno a los Consejos Escolares. La inquietud que impulsa el interés en este trabajo se puede expresar mediante la siguiente pregunta: ¿qué conocimientos tienen los alumnos acerca de la Junta Escolar y en lo que respecta a la participación, tienen autonomía para participar democráticamenteen los asuntos que les afectan? Por lo tanto, este cuestionamiento nos guiará, en el sentido de verificar hasta qué punto los Consejos Escolares, guiados por la gestión democrática escolar,serelacionancon la participación de los estudiantes
This paper has as objective to analyze the foundry work politics made by the Olívio Dutra's government in the state of Rio Grande do Sul-Brazil, being taken into account their guidelines, the dynamics of the political struggle promoted between the social leaders from the rural area and the achieved global results. This government's freshness is related to the fact of it was being sustained and supported by a coalition of left wing parties and by a group of social movements and also by syndical entities of the field, which was decisive in the presentation of an antagonistic program to the neoliberal politics on energy in a national extent. Hence this government became committed in adopting an own foundry work politics, being opposed to the program of market land reform extolled by Cardoso's government, in national wide. Therefore, the results presented along the article demonstrate that in spite of the assumed commitments and, in face of legal, institutional and economical limitations and also its existent politics, the space of the state governments' performance can only be thought about its complemental character on the federal government's actions.
El artículo analiza la organización social y la utilización de los recursos naturales por las familias beneficiadas por el programa de reforma agraria en la Amazonía brasileña, considerando aspectos de las prácticas recolectoras y del manejo comunitario de la floresta. El objeto de análisis es el Proyecto de Desarrollo Sustentable (PDS) Nova Bonal, ubicado en la provincia de Acre. La organización del territorio y de la producción en el PDS Nova Bonal al articular orientaciones direccionadas tanto para el atendimiento de las prácticas de agricultura convencional cuanto agro-recolectoras, tiene diferencias de otros asentamientos rurales creados por el gobierno brasileño. El trabajo analiza las posibilidades de esa modalidad de proyecto proporcionar el desarrollo socioeconómico de las familias beneficiadas y, al mismo tiempo, mejores condiciones de sustentabilidad en el uso de los recursos naturales. También son analizados los aspectos legales y formales que direccionan este modelo de proyecto de reforma agraria en el uso y manejo de los recursos naturales en la Amazonia.
El presente artículo se propone caracterizar las configuraciones familiares que habitan en contextos de exclusión social; aportar conceptualizaciones sobre sus modos de funcionamiento a través de la sistematización de los datos recogidos y destacar los efectos formativos que las prácticas interdisciplinarias barriales con esas familias, van produciendo en los psicólogos recién graduados, a través de una tarea de transferencia del enfoque sobre la diversidad tanto en el interior de las investigaciones como a partir de las intervenciones realizadas con las familias en las tareas de incorporados al Programa de Extensión. Asimismo, nos ha interesado poder efectuar una tarea de transferencia del enfoque sobre la diversidad en la formación de los profesionales jóvenes, tanto en el interior de las investigaciones como en el de las intervenciones realizadas con familias en las tareas de extensión. Este trabajo surge de resultados y reflexiones provenientes de tres fuentes: de lo producido en el marco de una Beca de iniciación a la Investigación; de las investigaciones sobre parentalidad, que desde el año 2001 venimos realizando en la Cátedra de Psicología Evolutiva II y del trabajo interdisciplinario con familias asistidas psicológicamente en el interior del Programa de Extensión Universitaria ?Consultorios Jurídicos Gratuitos?, asentados en doce barrios suburbanos de la ciudad de La Plata (convenio entre la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales y la Facultad de Psicología, U.N.L.P.) A partir de una metodología cualitativa, con participación interdisciplinaria, los resultados obtenidos han permitido por un lado arribar a la caracterización y conceptualizaciones propuestas acerca de las familias incluidas y al mismo tiempo precisar los beneficios que para la formación de estudiantes avanzados y jóvenes graduados trae aparejado el trabajo que articula actividades de investigación y extensión
This paper has as objective to analyze the foundry work politics made by the Olívio Dutra's government in the state of Rio Grande do Sul-Brazil, being taken into account their guidelines, the dynamics of the political struggle promoted between the social leaders from the rural area and the achieved global results. This government's freshness is related to the fact of it was being sustained and supported by a coalition of left wing parties and by a group of social movements and also by syndical entities of the field, which was decisive in the presentation of an antagonistic program to the neoliberal politics on energy in a national extent. Hence this government became committed in adopting an own foundry work politics, being opposed to the program of market land reform extolled by Cardoso's government, in national wide. Therefore, the results presented along the article demonstrate that in spite of the assumed commitments and, in face of legal, institutional and economical limitations and also its existent politics, the space of the state governments' performance can only be thought about its complemental character on the federal government's actions.
El artículo analiza la organización social y la utilización de los recursos naturales por las familias beneficiadas por el programa de reforma agraria en la Amazonía brasileña, considerando aspectos de las prácticas recolectoras y del manejo comunitario de la floresta. El objeto de análisis es el Proyecto de Desarrollo Sustentable (PDS) Nova Bonal, ubicado en la provincia de Acre. La organización del territorio y de la producción en el PDS Nova Bonal al articular orientaciones direccionadas tanto para el atendimiento de las prácticas de agricultura convencional cuanto agro-recolectoras, tiene diferencias de otros asentamientos rurales creados por el gobierno brasileño. El trabajo analiza las posibilidades de esa modalidad de proyecto proporcionar el desarrollo socioeconómico de las familias beneficiadas y, al mismo tiempo, mejores condiciones de sustentabilidad en el uso de los recursos naturales. También son analizados los aspectos legales y formales que direccionan este modelo de proyecto de reforma agraria en el uso y manejo de los recursos naturales en la Amazonia.