943 resultados para Pair roller skaters


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We investigate the effects of new physics scenarios containing a high mass vector resonance on top pair production at the LHC, using the polarization of the produced top. In particular we use kinematic distributions of the secondary lepton coming from top decay, which depends on top polarization, as it has been shown that the angular distribution of the decay lepton is insensitive to the anomalous tbW vertex and hence is a pure probe of new physics in top quark production. Spin sensitive variables involving the decay lepton are used to probe top polarization. Some sensitivity is found for the new couplings of the top.


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We report the first measurement of the cross section for Z boson pair production at a hadron collider. This result is based on a data sample corresponding to 1.9 fb-1 of integrated luminosity from ppbar collisions at sqrt{s} = 1.96 TeV collected with the CDF II detector at the Fermilab Tevatron. In the llll channel, we observe three ZZ candidates with an expected background of 0.096^{+0.092}_{-0.063} events. In the llnunu channel, we use a leading-order calculation of the relative ZZ and WW event probabilities to discriminate between signal and background. In the combination of llll and llnunu channels, we observe an excess of events with a probability of $5.1\times 10^{-6}$ to be due to the expected background. This corresponds to a significance of 4.4 standard deviations. The measured cross section is sigma(ppbar -> ZZ) = 1.4^{+0.7}_{-0.6} (stat.+syst.) pb, consistent with the standard model expectation.


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11β-hydroksisteroididehydrogenaasientsyymit (11β-HSD) 1 ja 2 säätelevät kortisonin ja kortisolin määrää kudoksissa. 11β-HSD1 -entsyymin ylimäärä erityisesti viskeraalisessa rasvakudoksessa aiheuttaa metaboliseen oireyhtymän klassisia oireita, mikä tarjoaa mahdollisuuden metabolisen oireyhtymän hoitoon 11β-HSD1 -entsyymin selektiivisellä estämisellä. 11β-HSD2 -entsyymin inhibitio aiheuttaa kortisonivälitteisen mineralokortikoidireseptorien aktivoitumisen, mikä puolestaan johtaa hypertensiivisiin haittavaikutuksiin. Haittavaikutuksista huolimatta 11β-HSD2 -entsyymin estäminen saattaa olla hyödyllistä tilanteissa, joissa halutaan nostaa kortisolin määrä elimistössä. Lukuisia selektiivisiä 11β-HSD1 inhibiittoreita on kehitetty, mutta 11β-HSD2-inhibiittoreita on raportoitu vähemmän. Ero näiden kahden isotsyymin aktiivisen kohdan välillä on myös tuntematon, mikä vaikeuttaa selektiivisten inhibiittoreiden kehittämistä kummallekin entsyymille. Tällä työllä oli kaksi tarkoitusta: (1) löytää ero 11β-HSD entsyymien välillä ja (2) kehittää farmakoforimalli, jota voitaisiin käyttää selektiivisten 11β-HSD2 -inhibiittoreiden virtuaaliseulontaan. Ongelmaa lähestyttiin tietokoneavusteisesti: homologimallinnuksella, pienmolekyylien telakoinnilla proteiiniin, ligandipohjaisella farmakoforimallinnuksella ja virtuaaliseulonnalla. Homologimallinnukseen käytettiin SwissModeler -ohjelmaa, ja luotu malli oli hyvin päällekäinaseteltavissa niin templaattinsa (17β-HSD1) kuin 11β-HSD1 -entsyymin kanssa. Eroa entsyymien välillä ei löytynyt tarkastelemalla päällekäinaseteltuja entsyymejä. Seitsemän yhdistettä, joista kuusi on 11β-HSD2 -selektiivisiä, telakoitiin molempiin entsyymeihin käyttäen ohjelmaa GOLD. 11β-HSD1 -entsyymiin yhdisteet kiinnittyivät kuten suurin osa 11β-HSD1 -selektiivisistä tai epäselektiivisistä inhibiittoreista, kun taas 11β-HSD2 -entsyymiin kaikki yhdisteet olivat telakoituneet käänteisesti. Tällainen sitoutumistapa mahdollistaa vetysidokset Ser310:een ja Asn171:een, aminohappoihin, jotka olivat nähtävissä vain 11β-HSD2 -entsyymissä. Farmakoforimallinnukseen käytettiin ohjelmaa LigandScout3.0, jolla ajettiin myös virtuaaliseulonnat. Luodut kaksi farmakoforimallia, jotka perustuivat aiemmin telakointiinkin käytettyihin kuuteen 11β-HSD2 -selektiiviseen yhdisteeseen, koostuivat kuudesta ominaisuudesta (vetysidosakseptori, vetysidosdonori ja hydrofobinen), ja kieltoalueista. 11β-HSD2 -selektiivisyyden kannalta tärkeimmät ominaisuudet ovat vetysidosakseptori, joka voi muodostaa sidoksen Ser310 kanssa ja vetysidosdonori sen vieressä. Tälle vetysidosdonorille ei löytynyt vuorovaikutusparia 11β-HSD2-mallista. Sopivasti proteiiniin orientoitunut vesimolekyyli voisi kuitenkin olla sopiva ratkaisu puuttuvalle vuorovaikutusparille. Koska molemmat farmakoforimallit löysivät 11β-HSD2 -selektiivisiä yhdisteitä ja jättivät epäselektiivisiä pois testiseulonnassa, käytettiin molempia malleja Innsbruckin yliopistossa säilytettävistä yhdisteistä (2700 kappaletta) koostetun tietokannan seulontaan. Molemmista seulonnoista löytyneistä hiteistä valittiin yhteensä kymmenen kappaletta, jotka lähetettiin biologisiin testeihin. Biologisien testien tulokset vahvistavat lopullisesti sen kuinka hyvin luodut mallit edustavat todellisuudessa 11β-HSD2 -selektiivisyyttä.


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A straightforward computation of the list of the words (the `tail words' of the list) that are distributionally most similar to a given word (the `head word' of the list) leads to the question: How semantically similar to the head word are the tail words; that is: how similar are their meanings to its meaning? And can we do better? The experiment was done on nearly 18,000 most frequent nouns in a Finnish newsgroup corpus. These nouns are considered to be distributionally similar to the extent that they occur in the same direct dependency relations with the same nouns, adjectives and verbs. The extent of the similarity of their computational representations is quantified with the information radius. The semantic classification of head-tail pairs is intuitive; some tail words seem to be semantically similar to the head word, some do not. Each such pair is also associated with a number of further distributional variables. Individually, their overlap for the semantic classes is large, but the trained classification-tree models have some success in using combinations to predict the semantic class. The training data consists of a random sample of 400 head-tail pairs with the tail word ranked among the 20 distributionally most similar to the head word, excluding names. The models are then tested on a random sample of another 100 such pairs. The best success rates range from 70% to 92% of the test pairs, where a success means that the model predicted my intuitive semantic class of the pair. This seems somewhat promising when distributional similarity is used to capture semantically similar words. This analysis also includes a general discussion of several different similarity formulas, arranged in three groups: those that apply to sets with graded membership, those that apply to the members of a vector space, and those that apply to probability mass functions.


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Background: MHC/HLA class II molecules are important components of the immune system and play a critical role in processes such as phagocytosis. Understanding peptide recognition properties of the hundreds of MHC class II alleles is essential to appreciate determinants of antigenicity and ultimately to predict epitopes. While there are several methods for epitope prediction, each differing in their success rates, there are no reports so far in the literature to systematically characterize the binding sites at the structural level and infer recognition profiles from them. Results: Here we report a new approach to compare the binding sites of MHC class II molecules using their three dimensional structures. We use a specifically tuned version of our recent algorithm, PocketMatch. We show that our methodology is useful for classification of MHC class II molecules based on similarities or differences among their binding sites. A new module has been used to define binding sites in MHC molecules. Comparison of binding sites of 103 MHC molecules, both at the whole groove and individual sub-pocket levels has been carried out, and their clustering patterns analyzed. While clusters largely agree with serotypic classification, deviations from it and several new insights are obtained from our study. We also present how differences in sub-pockets of molecules associated with a pair of autoimmune diseases, narcolepsy and rheumatoid arthritis, were captured by PocketMatch(13). Conclusion: The systematic framework for understanding structuralvariations in MHC class II molecules enables large scale comparison of binding grooves and sub-pockets, which is likely to have direct implications towards predicting epitopes and understanding peptide binding preferences.


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16-electrode phantoms are developed and studied with a simple instrumentation developed for Electrical Impedance Tomography. An analog instrumentation is developed with a sinusoidal current generator and signal conditioner circuit. Current generator is developed withmodified Howland constant current source fed by a voltage controlled oscillator and the signal conditioner circuit consisting of an instrumentation amplifier and a narrow band pass filter. Electronic hardware is connected to the electrodes through a DIP switch based multiplexer module. Phantoms with different electrode size and position are developed and the EIT forward problem is studied using the forward solver. A low frequency low magnitude sinusoidal current is injected to the surface electrodes surrounding the phantom boundary and the differential potential is measured by a digital multimeter. Comparing measured potential with the simulated data it is intended to reduce the measurement error and an optimum phantom geometry is suggested. Result shows that the common mode electrode reduces the common mode error of the EIT electronics and reduces the error potential in the measured data. Differential potential is reduced up to 67 mV at the voltage electrode pair opposite to the current electrodes. Offset potential is measured and subtracted from the measured data for further correction. It is noticed that the potential data pattern depends on the electrode width and the optimum electrode width is suggested. It is also observed that measured potential becomes acceptable with a 20 mm solution column above and below the electrode array level.


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Background: MHC/HLA class II molecules are important components of the immune system and play a critical role in processes such as phagocytosis. Understanding peptide recognition properties of the hundreds of MHC class II alleles is essential to appreciate determinants of antigenicity and ultimately to predict epitopes. While there are several methods for epitope prediction, each differing in their success rates, there are no reports so far in the literature to systematically characterize the binding sites at the structural level and infer recognition profiles from them. Results: Here we report a new approach to compare the binding sites of MHC class II molecules using their three dimensional structures. We use a specifically tuned version of our recent algorithm, PocketMatch. We show that our methodology is useful for classification of MHC class II molecules based on similarities or differences among their binding sites. A new module has been used to define binding sites in MHC molecules. Comparison of binding sites of 103 MHC molecules, both at the whole groove and individual sub-pocket levels has been carried out, and their clustering patterns analyzed. While clusters largely agree with serotypic classification, deviations from it and several new insights are obtained from our study. We also present how differences in sub-pockets of molecules associated with a pair of autoimmune diseases, narcolepsy and rheumatoid arthritis, were captured by PocketMatch(13). Conclusion: The systematic framework for understanding structural variations in MHC class II molecules enables large scale comparison of binding grooves and sub-pockets, which is likely to have direct implications towards predicting epitopes and understanding peptide binding preferences.


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We report on a search for the supersymmetric partner of the bottom quark produced from gluino decays in data from 2.5 fb-1 of integrated luminosity collected by the Collider Detector at Fermilab at sqrt(s)=1.96 TeV. Candidate events are selected requiring two or more jets and large missing transverse energy. At least two of the jets are required to be tagged as originating from a b quark to enhance the sensitivity. The results are in good agreement with the prediction of the standard model processes, giving no evidence for gluino decay to sbottom quarks. This result constrains the gluino-pair-production cross section to be less than 40fb at 95% credibility level for a gluino mass of 350 GeV.


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We present a measurement of the mass of the top quark using data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 1.9fb^-1 of ppbar collisions collected at sqrt{s}=1.96 TeV with the CDF II detector at Fermilab's Tevatron. This is the first measurement of the top quark mass using top-antitop pair candidate events in the lepton + jets and dilepton decay channels simultaneously. We reconstruct two observables in each channel and use a non-parametric kernel density estimation technique to derive two-dimensional probability density functions from simulated signal and background samples. The observables are the top quark mass and the invariant mass of two jets from the W decay in the lepton + jets channel, and the top quark mass and the scalar sum of transverse energy of the event in the dilepton channel. We perform a simultaneous fit for the top quark mass and the jet energy scale, which is constrained in situ by the hadronic W boson mass. Using 332 lepton + jets candidate events and 144 dilepton candidate events, we measure the top quark mass to be mtop=171.9 +/- 1.7 (stat. + JES) +/- 1.1 (syst.) GeV/c^2 = 171.9 +/- 2.0 GeV/c^2.


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This paper reports a measurement of the cross section for the pair production of top quarks in ppbar collisions at sqrt(s) = 1.96 TeV at the Fermilab Tevatron. The data was collected from the CDF II detector in a set of runs with a total integrated luminosity of 1.1 fb^{-1}. The cross section is measured in the dilepton channel, the subset of ttbar events in which both top quarks decay through t -> Wb -> l nu b where l = e, mu, or tau. The lepton pair is reconstructed as one identified electron or muon and one isolated track. The use of an isolated track to identify the second lepton increases the ttbar acceptance, particularly for the case in which one W decays as W -> tau nu. The purity of the sample may be further improved at the cost of a reduction in the number of signal events, by requiring an identified b-jet. We present the results of measurements performed with and without the request of an identified b-jet. The former is the first published CDF result for which a b-jet requirement is added to the dilepton selection. In the CDF data there are 129 pretag lepton + track candidate events, of which 69 are tagged. With the tagging information, the sample is divided into tagged and untagged sub-samples, and a combined cross section is calculated by maximizing a likelihood. The result is sigma_{ttbar} = 9.6 +/- 1.2 (stat.) -0.5 +0.6 (sys.) +/- 0.6 (lum.) pb, assuming a branching ratio of BR(W -> ell nu) = 10.8% and a top mass of m_t = 175 GeV/c^2.


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We present a measurement of the top quark mass with t-tbar dilepton events produced in p-pbar collisions at the Fermilab Tevatron $\sqrt{s}$=1.96 TeV and collected by the CDF II detector. A sample of 328 events with a charged electron or muon and an isolated track, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 2.9 fb$^{-1}$, are selected as t-tbar candidates. To account for the unconstrained event kinematics, we scan over the phase space of the azimuthal angles ($\phi_{\nu_1},\phi_{\nu_2}$) of neutrinos and reconstruct the top quark mass for each $\phi_{\nu_1},\phi_{\nu_2}$ pair by minimizing a $\chi^2$ function in the t-tbar dilepton hypothesis. We assign $\chi^2$-dependent weights to the solutions in order to build a preferred mass for each event. Preferred mass distributions (templates) are built from simulated t-tbar and background events, and parameterized in order to provide continuous probability density functions. A likelihood fit to the mass distribution in data as a weighted sum of signal and background probability density functions gives a top quark mass of $165.5^{+{3.4}}_{-{3.3}}$(stat.)$\pm 3.1$(syst.) GeV/$c^2$.


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A theoretical solution has been obtained for the state of stress in a rectangular plate under a pair of symmetrically placed rigid indenters. The stress distributions along the two central axes have been calculated for a square plate assuming the pressure distribution under the indenters as uniform, parabolic and one resulting from 'constant displacement' on a semiinfinite boundary, for different ratios of indenter-width to side of square. The results are compared with those of photoelastic analysis of Berenbaum and Brodie and the validity of the solution is discussed. The solution has been extended to orthotropic materials and numerical results for one type of coal are given.


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We present a search for the standard model Higgs boson produced with a Z boson in 4.1 fb^-1 of data collected with the CDF II detector at the Tevatron. In events consistent with the decay of the Higgs boson to a bottom-quark pair and the Z boson to electrons or muons, we set 95% credibility level upper limits on the ZH production cross section times the H -> b bbar branching ratio. Improved analysis methods enhance signal sensitivity by 20% relative to previous searches beyond the gain due to the larger data sample. At a Higgs boson mass of 115 GeV/c^2 we set a limit of 5.9 times the standard model value.


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In a search for new phenomena in a signature suppressed in the standard model of elementary particles (SM), we compare the inclusive production of events containing a lepton, a photon, significant transverse momentum imbalance (MET), and a jet identified as containing a b-quark, to SM predictions. The search uses data produced in proton-antiproton collisions at 1.96 TeV corresponding to 1.9 fb-1 of integrated luminosity taken with the CDF detector at the Fermilab Tevatron. We find 28 lepton+photon+MET+b events versus an expectation of 31.0+4.1/-3.5 events. If we further require events to contain at least three jets and large total transverse energy, simulations predict that the largest SM source is top-quark pair production with an additional radiated photon, ttbar+photon. In the data we observe 16 ttbar+photon candidate events versus an expectation from SM sources of 11.2+2.3/-2.1. Assuming the difference between the observed number and the predicted non-top-quark total is due to SM top quark production, we estimate the ttg cross section to be 0.15 +- 0.08 pb.


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IT was initially suggested that vitamin A-deficiency leads to an interference in the biosynthesis of ascorbic acid, because depletion of vitamin A was found to cause a fall in the tissue-levels of ascorbate and diminished urinary ascorbic acid excretion in animals1-3. Mapson4, however, concluded that lowered ascorbic acid-levels in vitamin A-deficient rats is due to inanition only, because he was able to show that following chloretone treatment vitamin A-deficient and pair-fed vitamin A normal rats excrete comparable amounts of ascorbic acid in their urine and that restriction of food intake reduces the urinary ascorbate even in the chloretone-treated normal rats. Results of our preliminary experiments reported here clearly indicate that the synthesis of ascorbic acid in rats is markedly reduced during vitamin A-deficiency.