1000 resultados para PR plan
Antimicrobial Resistance Action Plan 2002-2005
A Five Year Physical Activity Strategy and Action Plan
Strategic Framework and Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Hepatitis C in NI (PDF 182 KB)
2004 - 2007
Summary of Responses to the Consultation ‘A Five Year Tobacco Action Plan’ document was issued for public consultation in August 2002. The Plan, which was developed by an inter-sectoral Working Group, provides a framework for collaborative working across Government departments, the statutory and voluntary sectors, as well as with business and in local communities. It seeks to combine an overview of the background, scale and nature of the problem with a comprehensive programme of action to reduce the harm caused by tobacco use. åÊ
Smoking claims between 2,700 and 3,000 lives here each year. It is the single greatest preventable cause of premature death and avoidable illness. It also harms people who do not smoke and babies in the womb. Smoking is a major risk factor for coronary heart disease, strokes and other diseases of the circulatory system, which kill two in every five men and women here. These diseases are also important causes of disability. A lifetime non-smoker is 60% less likely than a current smoker to have coronary heart disease and 30% less likely to suffer a stroke. åÊ
The Executive in its Programme for Government under the theme “Working for a Healthier People” gave a commitment to promoting public safety by reducing the number of injuries and deaths caused by accidents at home, at work and on the road. An overarching strategy for children and young people is also being developed, which will set out the vision, values and underlying principles, including general safety, for all children and young people and the long-term goals to make that vision a reality. Consultation Document
Monitoring of the usage of health services by the different Section 75 groups is a key aspect of the equality information agenda.
The occurrence of electrolyte disorders as hypocalcemia and/or hyponatremia is an uncommon event in preeclampsia, which can be the sign of serious situation, with potentially unfavourable consequences for the mother and her foetus. Hyponatremia in the setting of preeclampsia is an indicator of severity, and requires the understanding of the etiologic mechanisms to initiate an appropriate treatment. Indeed the often-considered fluid restriction is rarely a treatment option for pregnant women. Hypocalcemia is a complication that must be monitored when a treatment with high doses of intravenous magnesium sulphate is introduced. In this context, hypocalcemia must be sought, with the exclusion of other etiologies as vitamin D deficiency, hypoparathyroidism or renal and extrarenal loss of calcium. A replacement therapy, intravenous or oral according to circumstances, should be considered in case of severe or symptomatic hypocalcemia.
Department of Health and Children Business Plan 2001 Download the Report here
In November of 2001 the Government launched its new National Health Strategy â?" â?oQuality and Fairness, A Health System for youâ?Âù (hereafter referred to as Quality and Fairness). Quality and Fairness was developed following one of the largest consultation processes ever undertaken in the public service. It sets out the vision for the health service, the four principles upon which this vision will be built, it also establishes four National goals and finally sets out six â?~frameworks for changeâ?T, which will be used to achieve the vision, principles and goals. One of the six frameworks for change is Developing Human Resources. The health service is one of the largest employers in the public sector, with the employment level at the end of 2001 approaching 93,000 full time employees. These employees are spread across a large number of organisations, in multiple locations and settings across the country. Each employee plays a key role in the delivery of health service, in all settings, to the public. Download document here
The framework within which the Office of the CMO will operate for 2002 is that of the Departmentâ?Ts corporate implementation plan for the Strategy. The Office will contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the Department with regard to the Strategy, by participating in relevant agreed activities so as to achieve the first national goal of better health for everybody.The stakeholders identified in the Strategy consultation process are those with whom appropriate linkages and communications need to be established and managed if the Strategy is to be implemented effectively. Download document here