958 resultados para POLYPHASIC TAXONOMY
Cylloepus dorvillei sp. nov. is described and illustrated from a first order stream at the Atlantic Forest in Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. Taxonomic and habitat notes on the new species are presented.
In order to investigate the affinities of the hitherto considered Neotropical Cleomenini genera, a detailed morphological comparative study was carried out based on representatives of their type species and other congeneric species. The results, when compared with representatives of Cleomenes Thomson and other non Neotropical Cleomenini genera together with representatives of Rhopalophorini Blanchard and Rhinotragini Thomson, show that: 1) Listroptera Audinet-Serville, 1834, Dihammaphora Chevrolat, 1859, Haenkea Tippmann, 1953, Aguassay Napp & Mermudes, 2001 and Timabiara Napp & Mermudes, 2001 form a very homogeneous group, not related to other Cleomenini, but sharing several synapomorphies with the Rhopalophorini; therefore they are herein transferred to this tribe; 2) the affinities of Dihammaphoroides Zajciw, 1967, were not clearly defined, needing further investigations; nevertheless, the genus is tentatively included in Rhopalophorini due to its morphological similarity with Dihammaphora and allied genera; 3) Pandrosos Bates, 1867 is brought back to Rhinotragini, in which it was originally placed. Therefore, the tribe Cleomenini Lacordaire is no longer represented in the New World.
The males of both species of the paper wasp genus Nectarinella Bequaert, N. xavantinensis Mateus & Noll and N. championi (Dover), are described, and the genitalia illustrated. These are compared to species in the closely related genera Chartergellus, Leipomeles, Marimbonda, Parachartergus and Pseudopolybia.
The genus Thalassa Mulsant, 1850 is revised. Its five species are redescribed: T. pentaspilota (Chevrolat, 1853), T. flaviceps Mulsant, 1850, T. similaris Mulsant, 1850, T. montezumae Mulsant, 1850, and T. glauca (Mulsant, 1850). A new species is proposed, Thalassa korschefskyi sp.nov., from Colombia. The species are illustrated and a key to species is also provided. Lectotype of Thalassa reyi Mulsant, 1850 is here designated.
A new combination is proposed: Brachygasterina valdiviensis (Pamplona & Couri, 2000) comb. nov., formerly in Palpibracus Rondani, 1863. Its affinities with a closely related species B. violaceiventris Macquart, 1851 are discussed.
Hybotinae is being recorded for the first time to Dominican Republic where the subfamily becomes represented by the genera Euhybus Coquillett, 1895, Neohybos Ale-Rocha & Carvalho, 2003 and Syneches Walker, 1852. Euhybus and Neohybos occur exclusively in the Americas, and Syneches is cosmopolitan. Six new species are described and illustrated: Euhybus martiniensis sp. nov., Neohybos cinereus sp. nov., N. longicornis sp. nov., N. pruinosus sp. nov., N. setosus sp. nov. and Syneches dominicanus sp. nov.. Identification keys are provided for the species of the three hybotine genera registered in West Indies. The following species are recorded for the first time from the Dominican Republic: Syneches inversus Curran, 1928, S. pallidus Wilder, 1974 and S. vineus Wilder, 1974. The previously unknown female of S. inversus is described.
Hanstruempelia gen. nov.: H. ceresina sp. nov. (type species) (Colombia, Rio Orteguaza) and H. bitumina sp. nov. (Brazil, Rondonia) are described and illustrated. The new genus is included in Hyphinoini.
Nine new species of Neodexiopsis Malloch from Paraná, southern Brazil, are described: Neodexiopsis cinerea sp. nov. and N. paranaensis sp. nov. from Ponta Grossa; N. facilis sp. nov., N. legitima sp. nov., N. similis sp. nov. and N. uber sp. nov. from Guarapuava; N. erecta sp. nov., N. pura sp. nov. and N. rara sp. nov. from Colombo. A key to the identification of the Brazilian species of Neodexiopsis is also presented.
New names proposed: Beaveriella nom. nov. for Beaveria Lane, 1970, pre-occupied by Beaveria Lee, 1965 (Trematoda, Troglotrematidae); Monnechroma nom. nov. for Xenochroma Schmidt, 1924, pre-occupied by Xenochroma Warren, 1902 (Lepidoptera, Geometridae). Consequently, the following new combinations are made: Beaveriella nacta (Lane, 1970) comb. nov., B. sagda (Monné & Martins, 1972) comb. nov., Monnechroma azurea (Demets, 1976) comb. nov., M. seabrai (Fragoso & Monné, 1989) comb. nov., M. subpulvereum (Schimidt, 1924) comb. nov., M. tibialis (Giesbert, 1987) comb. nov., and M. uniforme (Gounelle, 1911) comb. nov..
The adult and immature stages of two new species of Goeldichironomus are described and figured. Larvae of G. luridus sp. nov., reared in the laboratory from egg masses, are abundant on organically enriched sediments of a chicken slaughter-house effluent treatment lagoon. Larvae of G. petiolicola sp. nov., live inside petioles of aquatic macrophytes such as Eichhornia azurea and Pontederia lanceolata.
The genus Blauta Leconte, 1853 is formed by two species, B. cribraria (Germar, 1844) and B. falli Brown, 1936, recorded from Southeast of United States. The generic characterization and the redescriptions and morphological illustrations, including mouthparts and genitalia, of both species are presented. A comparison of both species is also included.
Fannia carvalhoi sp. nov. (Diptera, Fanniidae) from Peru is described and illustrated.
The genus Aspona Stål contains now only two species: A. bullata Stål, 1862 (= Aspona gibosa Fonseca & Diringshofen, 1969 syn. nov. = Taunaya gibbosa Remes-Lenicov, 1973 syn. nov.) and A. quadrinodosa (Fonseca & Diringshofen, 1969) comb. nov. (formerly in Cyphotes Burmeister).
Revision of the Leucosphyrus Group of Anopheles (Cellia) (Diptera, Culicidae). This is a comprehensive revision of 20 species of the Leucosphyrus Group of the Neomyzomyia Series of Anopheles (Cellia). Morphological description of the adults, male and female, male genitalia, pupa and fourth-instar larva are provided for each taxon in addition to bionomics, distribution data and systematic discussion for each species, including diagnostic characters. Identification keys for females and fourth-instar larvae are provided. When possible medical importance of each species is included. Illustrations of of the adults, fourth-instar larvae and pupae are provided. Distribution maps for each species are mainly based on the material examined; however, when possible published data were also used. Tables on adult character variations, fourth-instar larval and pupal setal branching are included as appendices. A neotype for An. takasagoensis Morishita and An. sulawesi Koesoemawinangoen, and a lectotype for An. balabacensis Baisas, are designated. The authorship of An. sulawesi previously cited as Waktoedi is corrected to Koesoemawinangoen.
Parkiamyia paraensis, a new genus and species of Cecidomyiidae that induces galls on Parkia pendula is described (larva, pupa, male,female and gall) based on material from Pará (Brazil).