936 resultados para Oscillatory Singular Integrals
An n degree-of-freedom Hamiltonian system with r (1¡r¡n) independent 0rst integrals which are in involution is calledpartially integrable Hamiltonian system. A partially integrable Hamiltonian system subject to light dampings andweak stochastic excitations is called quasi-partially integrable Hamiltonian system. In the present paper, the procedures for studying the 0rst-passage failure and its feedback minimization of quasi-partially integrable Hamiltonian systems are proposed. First, the stochastic averaging methodfor quasi-partially integrable Hamiltonian systems is brie4y reviewed. Then, basedon the averagedIt ˆo equations, a backwardKolmogorov equation governing the conditional reliability function, a set of generalized Pontryagin equations governing the conditional moments of 0rst-passage time and their boundary and initial conditions are established. After that, the dynamical programming equations and their associated boundary and 0nal time conditions for the control problems of maximization of reliability andof maximization of mean 0rst-passage time are formulated. The relationship between the backwardKolmogorov equation andthe dynamical programming equation for reliability maximization, andthat between the Pontryagin equation andthe dynamical programming equation for maximization of mean 0rst-passage time are discussed. Finally, an example is worked out to illustrate the proposed procedures and the e9ectiveness of feedback control in reducing 0rst-passage failure.
The liquid bridge volume is a critical geometrical parameter in addition to the aspect ratio for onset of oscillation in the floating zone convection. The oscillatory features are generally divided into two characteristic regions: slender liquid bridge region and fat liquid bridge region. The oscillatory modes in two regions are discussed in the present paper.
Resumen: Mediante una reflexión atravesada por los desafíos de la nueva época, Mons. Carmelo Giaquinta se propone formular y desarrollar algunos cuestionamientos evangélicos para los Seminarios de Formación sacerdotal que surgen a la luz de las enseñanzas del Decreto Optatam totius del Concilio Vaticano II y de la exhortación Pastores dabo vobis del magisterio postconciliar. Su experiencia de años y su estilo directo ofrecen a su presentación una singular capacidad motivadora para el diálogo y la conversión pastoral.
This paper provides an overview of ongoing studies in the area of thermocapillary convection driven by a surface tension gradient parallel to the free surface in a floating zone. Here, research interests are focused around the onset of oscillatory thermocapillary convection, also known as the transition from quasisteady convection to oscillatory convection. The onset of oscillation depends on a set of critical parameters, and the margin relationship can be represented by a complex function of the critical parameters. The experimental results indicate that the velocity deviation of an oscillatory flow has the same order of magnitude as that of an average flow, and the deviations of other quantities, such as temperature and free surface radii fluctuations, are much smaller when compared with their normal counterparts. Therefore, the onset of oscillation should be a result of the dynamic process in a fluid, and the problem is a strongly nonlinear one. In the past few decades, several theoretical models have been introduced to tackle the problem using analytical methods, linear instability analysis methods, energy instability methods, and unsteady 3D numerical methods. The last of the above mentioned methods is known to be the most suitable for a thorough analysis of strong nonlinear processes, which generally leads to a better comparison with the experimental results. The transition from oscillatory thermocapillary convection to turbulence falls under the studies of chaotic behavior in a new system, which opens a fascinating new frontier in nonlinear science, a hot research area drawing many recent works. This paper reviews theoretical models and analysis, and also experimental research, on thermocapillary connection in floating zones. It cites 93 references.
Introducción: "La exploración de la posición y el dinamismo comercial de los países es interesante no sólo para fines estadísticos sino también para sustentar recomendaciones de política económica con algún grado de acierto. No por casualidad entonces, determinar quién vende a quien y cuánta vitalidad tienen estas ventas se ha transformado en una preocupación singular; más aún cuando los países están involucrados en procesos de integración económica, ya que permite apreciar el papel que ha jugado la misma y predecir cuál puede ser su futuro. Para lograr la exploración referida es usual la utilización de diferentes indicadores que facilitan el estudio tanto de la dinámica individual de los socios como la del proceso de integración. Adicionalmente, la evolución de estos indicadores constituye un verdadero resumen que refleja, con claridad y simpleza, las políticas comerciales seguida por los países, permitiendo inferir los patrones de comercio prospectivos..."
The hydrothermal wave was investigated numerically for large-Prandtl-number fluid (Pr = 105.6) in a shallow cavity with different heated sidewalls. The traveling wave appears and propagates in the direction opposite to the surface flow (upstream) in the case of zero gravity when the applied temperature difference grows and over the critical value. The phase relationships of the disturbed velocity, temperature and pressure demonstrate that the traveling wave is driven by the disturbed temperature, which is named hydrothermal wave. The hydrothermal wave is so weak that the oscillatory flow field and temperature distribution can hardly be observed in the liquid layer. The exciting mechanism of hydrothermal wave is analyzed and discussed in the present paper.
¿Qué es mejor: el gobierno de la ley o el gobierno de los hombres? La cuestión es, a la vez, política y jurídica. Desde el punto de vista político, consiste en determinar si, en esas raras ocasiones en las que accede al poder un hombre excepcionalmente dotado para la conducción del Estado, conviene o no restringir su libertad de decisión por medio de leyes. Allí donde concurran en el mismo individuo la más alta aptitud política y la personalidad carismática para liderar a sus conciudadanos: ¿debe estar subordinado a la ley o más bien conviene dejar que sea él mismo quien cree la ley mediante su acción ejemplar? En el ámbito jurídico, se presenta una tensión problemática de signo análogo, que ha sido identificada como una “aporía empírica del Derecho”, cuyos términos son los siguientes: o bien organizar la vida social mediante leyes, generales y abstractas, en detrimento de lo singular; o bien dejar librada la última decisión de los asuntos jurídicos a la prudencia de hombres investidos de la autoridad para administrar justicia y resolver las controversias que se produzcan en el marco de la vida social. El problema fue planteado –y resuelto– por primera vez en la historia de las ideas por Platón y Aristóteles. El propósito de este estudio es examinar el tratamiento de la cuestión y las respectivas soluciones, tal como aparecen en las obras de los dos grandes maestros y fundadores de la filosofía política y jurídica occidental. Empero, es menester aclarar que si bien el trabajo trata innegablemente sobre Platón y Aristóteles, no pretende ser una contribución original al conocimiento de su pensamiento. Nuestra aspiración es, más bien, contribuir con el aporte de los dos magnos filósofos griegos al debate actual sobre el gobierno de la ley, el llamado “Rule of Law” o el Estado de Derecho...
Thermocapillary convection coupling with the evaporation effect of evaporating liquids is studied experimentally. This study focused on an evaporation liquid layer in a rectangular cavity subjected to a horizontal temperature gradient when the top evaporating surface is open to air, while most previous works only studied pure thermocapillary convection without evaporation. Two liquids with different evaporating rates are used to study the coupling of evaporation and thermocapillary convection, and the interfacial temperature profiles for different temperature gradients are measured. The experimental results indicate evidently the influence of evaporation effect on the thermocapillary convection and interfacial temperature profiles. The steady multicellular flow and the oscillatory multicellular flow in the evaporation liquid layer are observed by using the particle-image-velocimetry method.
Resumen: Este ensayo teológico comprende y expone el pensamiento pastoral del Papa Francisco, primer obispo de Roma y Papa latinoamericano, elegido desde las periferias del orbe para guiar al Pueblo de Dios en el corazón de la urbe. Francisco es un pastor misionero y un pastoralista lúcido, que ha enseñado teología pastoral y, lo sigue haciendo, de otra forma, desde el ministerio petrino. La exhortación Evangelii gaudium (2013) condensa de una forma orgánica su mirada a la evangelización en la huella de la exhortación Evangelii nuntiandi de Pablo VI (1975) y del Documento Conclusivo de Aparecida del Episcopado latinoamericano y caribeño (2007). La novedad de su pontificado reformador y misionero hunde sus raíces en la figura singular del jesuita argentino Jorge Mario Bergoglio; en su arraigo en la Iglesia latinoamericana y en el proyecto misionero de Aparecida; y en la incipiente pero promisoria teología argentina postconciliar. El autor hace un pormenorizado estudio sistemático y contextualizado de la exhortación La alegría del Evangelio desde el propio documento y en relación a otros textos de Jorge Bergoglio y, ahora, del Papa Francisco. Articula su discurso en dos momentos mostrando sus interrelaciones. El primero, breve, presenta al sucesor de Pedro como un icono de la fisonomía regional y la reflexión pastoral de la Iglesia latinoamericana. El segundo analiza nueve claves de la Evangelii gaudium: la alegría de evangelizar, síntesis de la mística misionera; la figura de la Iglesia centrada en la misión; la influencia del proyecto misionero de Aparecida; la conversión misionera para la reforma eclesial desde el Concilio Vaticano II; la Iglesia, Pueblo de Dios y Madre de los pueblos, como sujeto de la misión; la fuerza evangelizadora de la piedad católica popular; la revolución de la ternura comunicada en el Evangelio de la misericordia; la dimensión social del Evangelio y de la evangelización; la opción por los pobres desde el corazón de Dios.
Resumen: La tesis del trabajo es que la deconstrucción entraña en sí misma una actitud ética, y que ésta radica intrínsecamente en su apertura al otro y en la responsabilidad frente a ese otro. Para ello, se intenta en primer lugar una elucidación del concepto, caracterizándola como un protocolo de lectura compuesto de dos fases: des-sedimentación y reinscripción, siendo este último momento el que la identifica como una lectura singular y no universalizable. Posteriormente, a través de las nociones de “sujeto” y “alteridad del texto”, se muestra cómo las bases de la ética deconstructiva giran en torno a las nociones de “yo” y “otro”, conceptos que Derrida, como se demuestra, toma de Lévinas. La instancia ética es la apertura al otro, que se verifica por la responsabilidad que supone concebir al otro como aquello incapaz de apropiación. Dicha responsabilidad configura la aporía ética de lo general-particular, al concebirse como la posibilidad imposible de una opción general que es al mismo tiempo una decisión personal o singular, o, en otros términos, la indecidibilidad entre la norma general y la decisión concreta, que es a su vez la tensión entre “justicia”, “hospitalidad” y “negociación”. Lo anterior demuestra que el acto ético (o acto deconstructivo) tiene la misma estructura de la différance, imbricada siempre en la iteración del significante.
Numerical simulations were conducted to study thermocapillary flows in short half-zone liquid bridges of molten tin with Prandtl number Pr = 0.009, under ramped temperature difference. The spatio-temporal structures in the thermocapillary flows in short half-zone liquid bridges with aspect ratios As = 0.6, 0.8, and 1.0 were investigated. The first critical Marangoni numbers were compared with those predicted by linear stability analyses (LSA). The second critical Marangoni numbers for As = 0.6 and 0.8 were found to be larger than that for As = 1.0. The time evolutions of the thermocapillary flows exhibited unusual features such as a change in the azimuthal wave number during the three-dimensional stationary (non-oscillating) flow regime, a change in the oscillation mode during the three-dimensional oscillatory flow regime, and the decreasing and then increasing of amplitudes in a single oscillation mode. The effects of the ramping rate of the temperature difference on the flow modes and critical conditions were studied as well. In this paper, the experimental observability of the critical conditions was also discussed. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
A linear stability analysis is applied to determine the onset of oscillatory thermocapillary convection in cylindrical liquid bridges of large Prandtl numbers (4 <= Pr <= 50). We focus on the relationships between the critical Reynolds number Re-c, the azimuthal wave number m, the aspect ratio F and the Prandtl number Pr. A detailed Re-c-Pr stability diagram is given for liquid bridges with various Gamma. In the region of Pr > 1, which has been less studied previously and where Re, has been usually believed to decrease with the increase of Pr, we found Re-c exhibits an early increase for liquid bridges with Gamma around one. From the computed surface temperature gradient, it is concluded that the boundary layers developed at both solid ends of liquid bridges strengthen the stability of basic axisymmetric thermocapillary convection at large Prandtl number, and that the stability property of the basic flow is determined by the "effective" part of liquid bridge. (c) 2008 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of COSPAR.
Linear stability analysis was performed to study the mechanism of transition of thermocapillary convection in liquid bridges with liquid volume ratios ranging from 0.4 to 1.2, aspect ratio of 0.75 and Prandtl number of 100. 2-D governing equations were solved to obtain the steady axi-symmetric basic flow and temperature distributions. 3-D perturbation equations were discretized at the collocation grid points using the Chebyshev-collocation method. Eigenvalues and eigenfunctions were obtained by using the Q-R. method. The predicted critical Marangoni numbers and critical frequencies were compared with data from space experiments. The disturbance of the temperature distribution on the free surface causes the onset of oscillatory convection. It is shown that the origin of instability is related to the hydrothermal origin for convections in large-Prandtl-number liquid bridges. (C) 2007 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The thermovibrational instability of Rayleigh-Marangoni-Benard convection in a two-layer system under the high-frequency vibration has been investigated by linear instability analysis in the present paper. General equations for the description of the convective flow and within this framework, the generalized Boussinesq approximation are formulated. These equations are dealt with using the averaging method. The theoretical analysis results show that the high-frequency thermovibrations can change the Marangoni-Benard convection instabilities as well as the oscillatory gaps of the Rayleigh-Marangoni-Benard convection in two-layer liquid systems. It is found that vertical high-frequency vibrations can delay convective instability of this system, and damp the convective flow down. (C) 2007 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.