950 resultados para Organic minerals


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The optical absorption spectra of two samples of grossular have been measured at room temperature. An intense charge transfer band (UVCT) of iron extends to the visible and near infrared region. Some peaks associated to Fe3+ ions in tetrahedral and octahedral positions have been identified and their energy levels were computed. Mn2+ and Fe2+ ions are responsible with some bands and probably these ions occupy dodecahedral positions. No change in the intensity of optical absorption spectra were found after gamma dose, but only the 505 nm band decreases with irradiation. The OH spectra, consisting of OH overtones at 2750nm and asymmetric OH bands in the near infrared region were observed in the two samples. The heat treatment produces Fe2+ -> Fe3+ and Mn2+ -> Mn3+ by oxidation. This last was observed in sample II only. The thermally stimulated luminescence of both grossular samples has been investigated. Due to differences in iron and manganese concentration, not only a large difference has been observed in their optical absorption behavior, but also a striking difference in their thermoluminescent behavior. Actually, it is not clear whether other impurities such as Ti, Na and K that are present in quite different concentration in grossular I and II are also contributing to the thermoluminescenct properties of both samples. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this work, we investigate the control of the two-photon absorption process of a series of organic compounds via spectral phase modulation of the excitation pulse. We analyzed the effect of the pulse central wavelength on the control of the two-photon absorption process for each compound. Depending on the molecules` two-photon absorption position relative to the excitation pulse wavelength, different levels of coherent control were observed. By simulating the two-photon transition probability in molecular systems, taking into account the band structure and its positions, we could explain the experimental results trends. We observed that the intrapulse coherent interference plays an important role in the nonlinear process control besides just the pulse intensity modulation.


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We report a new procedure to convert the polymer precursor poly(xylylidene tetrahydrothiophenium chloride) (PTHT) into poly(p-phenylenevinylene) (PPV) using microwave irradiation. Spin-coated PTHT films were irradiated at room temperature under ambient conditions in a commercial microwave oven, with varying power from 20W to 100W. Complete conversion was reached within only 5 min of irradiation for powers above 50W, yielding PPV films with absorption and photoluminescence spectra that are practically indistinguishable from the spectra of thermally converted PPV films, which require ca. 2 h of a high temperature (similar to 200 degrees C) thermal treatment. In addition to a much faster conversion procedure, the irradiation with microwaves led to a red shift in the absorption spectrum of a PTHT film, which varied linearly with the time of irradiation. These films can then be used as low-cost, easy-to-use detectors of microwaves. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We present a minor but essential modification to the CODEX 1D-MAS exchange experiment. The new CONTRA method, which requires minor changes of the original sequence only, has advantages over the previously introduced S-CODEX, since it is less sensitive to artefacts caused by finite pulse lengths. The performance of this variant, including the finite pulse effect, was confirmed by SIMPSON calculations and demonstrated on a number of dynamic systems. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The impact of human activity on the sediments of Todos os Santos Bay in Brazil was evaluated by elemental analysis and (13)C Nuclear Magnetic Resonance ((13)C NMR). This article reports a study of six sediment cores collected at different depths and regions of Todos os Santos Bay. The elemental profiles of cores collected on the eastern side of Frades Island suggest an abrupt change in the sedimentation regime. Auto-regressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) analysis corroborates this result. The range of depths of the cores corresponds to about 50 years ago, coinciding with the implantation of major onshore industrial projects in the region. Principal Component Analysis of the (13)C NMR spectra clearly differentiates sediment samples closer to the Subae estuary, which have high contents of terrestrial organic matter, from those closer to a local oil refinery. The results presented in this article illustrate several important aspects of environmental impact of human activity on this bay. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A new scheme of nomenclature for the pyrochlore supergroup, approved by the CNMNC-IMA, is based on the ions at the A, B and Y sites. What has been referred to until now as the pyrochlore group should be referred to as the pyrochlore supergroup, and the subgroups should be changed to groups. Five groups are recommended, based on the atomic proportions of the B atoms Nb, Ta, Sb, Ti, and W. The recommended groups are pyrochlore, microlite, romite, betafite, and elsmoreite, respectively. The new names are composed of two prefixes and one root name (identical to the name of the group). The first prefix refers to the dominant anion (or cation) of the dominant valence [or H(2)O or rectangle] at the Y site. The second prefix refers to the dominant cation of the dominant valence [or H(2)O or rectangle] at the A site. The prefix "" keno-"" represents "" vacancy"". Where the first and second prefixes are equal, then only one prefix is applied. Complete descriptions are missing for the majority of the pyrochlore-supergroup species. Only seven names refer to valid species on the grounds of their complete descriptions: oxycalciopyrochlore, hydropyrochlore, hydroxykenomicrolite, oxystannomicrolite, oxystibiomicrolite, hydroxycalcioromite, and hydrokenoelsmoreite. Fluornatromicrolite is an IMA-approved mineral, but the complete description has not yet been published. The following 20 names refer to minerals that need to be completely described in order to be approved as valid species: hydroxycalciopyrochlore, fluornatropyrochlore, fluorcalciopyrochlore, fluorstrontiopyrochlore, fluorkenopyrochlore, oxynatropyrochlore, oxyplumbopyrochlore, oxyyttropyrochlore-(Y), kenoplumbopyrochlore, fluorcalciomicrolite, oxycalciomicrolite, kenoplumbomicrolite, hydromicrolite, hydrokenomicrolite, oxycalciobetafite, oxyuranobetafite, fluornatroromite, fluorcalcioromte, oxycalcioromite, and oxyplumboromite. For these, there are only chemical or crystalstructure data. Type specimens need to be defined. Potential candidates for several other species exist, but are not sufficiently well characterized to grant them any official status. Ancient chemical data refer to wet-chemical analyses and commonly represent a mixture of minerals. These data were not used here. All data used represent results of electron-microprobe analyses or were obtained by crystal-structure refinement. We also verified the scarcity of crystal-chemical data in the literature. There are crystalstructure determinations published for only nine pyrochlore-supergroup minerals: hydropyrochlore, hydroxykenomicrolite, hydroxycalcioromite, hydrokenoelsmoreite, hydroxycalciopyrochlore, fluorcalciopyrochlore, kenoplumbomicrolite, oxycalciobetafite, and fluornatroromite. The following mineral names are now discarded: alumotungstite, bariomicrolite, bariopyrochlore, bindheimite, bismutomicrolite, bismutopyrochlore, bismutostibiconite, calciobetafite, ceriopyrochlore-(Ce), cesstibtantite, ferritungstite, jixianite, kalipyrochlore, monimolite, natrobistantite, partzite, plumbobetafite, plumbomicrolite, plumbopyrochlore, stannomicrolite, stetefeldtite, stibiconite, stibiobetafite, stibiomicrolite, strontiopyrochlore, uranmicrolite, uranpyrochlore, yttrobetafite-(Y), and yttropyrochlore-(Y).


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Zirconium- and Ba-rich minerals are found in gabbroic rocks from the Ponte Nova alkaline mafic-ultramafic massif in southeastern Brazil. The unusual mineralogical assemblage includes zirconolite, baddeleyite, Ba-rich alkali feldspar, and Ba- and Ti-rich biotite. Zirconolite of the Ponte Nova massif has higher levels of Zr (up to 1.172 apfu) than those registered in other terrestrial rocks and a prominent enrichment in the light rare-earth elements. Baddeleyite contains small quantities of Hf, Ti, and Fe. The Ba-rich alkali feldspar and Ba- and Ti-rich biotite contain up to 9.25 and 7.35 wt% BaO, respectively, and the biotite contains up to 12.01 wt% TiO(2). In the different intrusions of the Ponte Nova massif, such an unusual assemblage typifies the residual magma after the crystallization of clinopyroxene and olivine from previously enriched basanitic parental magma. The different trends of enrichments in REE and Th + U found for zirconolite of the intrusions of the Ponte Nova massif provide a better understanding of the variable degrees of enrichment of incompatible elements of the distinct gabbroic bodies. A lithospheric mantle source enriched in incompatible elements by the metasomatic action of volatile-rich fluids and with the presence of phlogopite or amphibole (or both) and other minor accessory phases could explain the presence of the Zr- and Ba-rich minerals in this gabbroic massif.


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Footemineite, ideally Ca2Mn2+square Mn22+Be4(PO4)(6)(OH)(4)-6H(2)O, triclinic, is a new member of the roscherite group. It occurs on thin fractures crossing quartz-microcline-spodumene pegmatite at the Foote mine, Kings Mountain, Cleveland County, North Carolina, U.S.A. Associated minerals are albite, analcime, eosphorite, siderite/rhodochrosite, fairfieldite, fluorapatite, quartz, milarite, and pyrite. Footemineite forms prismatic to bladed generally rough to barrel-shaped crystals up to about 1.5 mm long and I mm in diameter. Its color is yellow, the streak is white, and the luster is vitreous to slightly pearly. Footemineite is transparent and non-fluorescent. Twinning is simple, by reflection, with twin boundaries across the length of the crystals. Cleavage is good on {0 (1) over bar1}) and {100}. Density (calc.) is 2.873 g/cm(3). Footemineite is biaxial (-), n(alpha) = 1.620(2), n(beta) = 1.627(2), n(gamma) = 1.634(2) (white light). 2V(obs) = 80 degrees, 2V(calc) = 89.6 degrees. Orientation: X boolean AND b similar to 12 degrees, Y boolean AND c similar to 15 degrees, Z boolean AND a similar to 15 degrees. Elongation direction is c, dispersion: r > v or r < v, weak. Pleochroism: beta (brownish yellow) > alpha = gamma (yellow). Mossbauer and IR spectra are given. The chemical composition is (EDS mode electron microprobe, Li and Be by ICP-OES, Fe3+:Fe2+ y Mossbauer, H2O by TG data, wt%): Li2O 0.23, BeO 9.54, CaO 9.43, SrO 0.23, BaO 0.24, MgO 0.18, MnO 26.16, FeO 2.77, Fe2O3 0.62, Al2O3 0.14, P2O5 36.58, SiO2 0.42, H2O 13.1, total 99.64. The empirical formula is (Ca1.89Sr0.03Ba0.02)Sigma(1.94)(Mn-0.90(2+)square(0.10))Sigma(1.00)(square 0.78Li0.17Mg0.05) Sigma(1.00)(Mn3.252+Fe0.432+ Fe0.093+Al0.03)Sigma(3.80) Be-4.30(P5.81Si0.08O24)[(OH)3.64(H2O)0.36]Sigma(4.00)center dot 6.00H(2)O . The strongest reflection peaks of the powder diffraction pattern [d, angstrom (1, %) (hkl)] are 9.575 (53) (010), 5.998 (100) (0 (1) over bar1), 4.848 (26) (021), 3.192 (44) (210), 3.003 (14) (0 (2) over bar2), 2.803 (38) ((1) over bar 03), 2.650 (29) ((2) over bar 02), 2.424 (14) (231). Single-crystal unit-cell parameters are a = 6.788(2), b = 9.972(3), c = 10.014(2) A, (x = 73.84(2), beta = 85.34(2), gamma = 87.44(2)degrees,V = 648.74 angstrom(3), Z = 1. The space group is P (1) over bar. Crystal structure was refined to R = 0.0347 with 1273 independent reflections (F > 2(5). Footemineite is dimorphous with roscherite, and isostructural with atencioite. It is identical with the mineral from Foote mine described as ""triclinic roscherite."" The name is for the Foote mine, type locality for this and several other minerals.


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Since the early days, clays have been used for therapeutic purposes. Nowadays, they are used as active ingredients or as excipient in formulations for a variety of purposes. Despite their wide use, little information is available in literature on their content of trace elements and radionuclides. The purpose of this study was to determine the elements (As, Ba, Br, Cs, Co, Cr, Eu, Fe, Hf, Hg, La, Lu, Rb, Sb, Sc, Sm, Ta, Tb, Yb, Zn, and Zr) and the radionuclides ((238)U, (232)Th, (226)Ra, (228)Ra, (210)Pb and (40)K) in Brazilian clays as well as the health and radiological implications of the use of these clays in pharmaceutical formulations. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Ilha Comprida is a regressive barrier island located in southeastern Brazil that was formed essentially by Quaternary sandy sediments. Ilha Comprida sediments were analyzed to assess heavy mineral indices and grain size variables. The spatial variation of heavy minerals and grain size was interpreted in terms of the present barrier dynamics and the barrier`s evolution since the Middle Holocene. These analyses allowed for the identification of the main factors and processes that control the variation of heavy minerals and grain size on the barrier. Rutile and zircon (RZi) and tourmaline and hornblende (THi) are significantly sensitive to provenance and exhibit the contributions of the Ribeira de Iguape River sediments, which reach the coast next to the northeastern end of Ilha Comprida. In addition to the influence of provenance, TZi responds mainly to hydraulic sorting processes. This agrees with a sediment transport pattern characterized by a divergence of two resultant net alongshore drifts southwest of the barrier. The sediments from the Ribeira de Iguape River reach the barrier directly through the river mouth and indirectly after temporary storage in the inner shelf. The combination of grain size and heavy mineral analyses is a reliable method for determining sediment transport patterns and provenance. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The stratigraphic subdivision and correlation of dune deposits is difficult, especially when age datings are not available. A better understanding of the controls on texture and composition of eolian sands is necessary to interpret ancient eolian sediments. The Imbituba-Jaguaruna coastal zone (Southern Brazil, 28 degrees-29 degrees S) stands out due to its four well-preserved Late Pleistocene (eolian generation 1) to Holocene eolian units (eolian generations 2, 3, and 4). In this study, we evaluate the grain-size and heavy-mineral characteristics of the Imbituba-Jaguartma eolian units through statistical analysis of hundreds of sediment samples. Grain-size parameters and heavy-mineral content allow us to distinguish the Pleistocene from the Holocene units. The grain size displays a pattern of fining and better sorting from generation 1 (older) to 4 (younger), whereas the content of mechanically stable (dense and hard) heavy minerals decreases from eolian generation 1 to 4. The variation in grain size and heavy-mineral content records shifts in the origin and balance (input versus output) of eolian sediment supply attributable mainly to relative sea-level changes. Dunefields submitted to relative sea-level lowstand conditions (eolian generation 1) are characterized by lower accumulation rates and intense post-depositional dissection by fluvial incision. Low accumulation rates favor deflation in the eolian system, which promotes concentration of denser and stable heavy minerals (increase of ZTR index) as well as coarsening of eolian sands. Dissection involves the selective removal of finer sediments and less dense heavy minerals to the coastal source area. Under a high rate of relative sea-level rise and transgression (eolian generation 2), coastal erosion prevents deflation through high input of sediments to the coastal eolian source. This condition favors dunefield growth. Coastal erosion feeds sand from local sources to the eolian system. including sands from previous dunefields (eolian generation 1) and from drowned incised valleys. Therefore, dunefields corresponding to transgressive phases inherit the grain-size and heavy-mineral characteristics of previous dunefields, leading to selective enrichment of finer sands and lighter minerals. Eolian generations 3 and 4 developed during a regressive-progradational phase (Holocene relative sea level highstand). The high rate of sediment supply during the highstand phase prevents deflation. The lack of coastal erosion favors sediment supply from distal sources (fluvial sediments rich in unstable heavy minerals). Thus, dunefields of transgressive and highstand systems tracts may be distinguished from dunefields of the lowstand systems tract through high rates of accumulation (low deflation) in the former. The sediment source of the transgressive dunefields (high input of previously deposited coastal sands) differs from that of the highstand dunefields (high input of fluvial distal sands). Based on this case study, we propose a general framework for the relation between relative sea level, sediment supply and the texture and mineralogy of eolian sediments deposited in siliciclastic wet coastal zones similar to the Imbituba-Jaguaruna coast (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Caulobacter crescentus sigma(E) belongs to the ECF (extracytoplasmic function) subfamily of RNA polymerase sigma factors, whose members regulate gene expression in response to distinct environmental stresses. During physiological growth conditions, data indicate that sigma(E) is maintained in reduced levels due to the action of ChrR, a negative regulator of rpoE gene expression and function. However, once bacterial cells are exposed to cadmium, organic hydroperoxide, singlet oxygen or UV-A irradiation, transcription of rpoE is induced in a sigma(E)-dependent manner. Site-directed mutagenesis indicated that residue C188 in ChrR is critical for the cadmium response while residues H140 and H142 are required for the bacterial response to organic hydroperoxide, singlet oxygen and UV-A. Global transcriptional analysis showed that sigma(E) regulates genes involved in protecting cells against oxidative damages. A combination of transcriptional start site identification and promoter prediction revealed that some of these genes contain a putative sigma(E)-dependent motif in their upstream regions. Furthermore, deletion of rpoE and two sigma(E)-dependent genes (cfaS and hsp20) impairs Caulobacter survival when singlet oxygen is constantly generated in the cells.


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In the present work, a new approach for the determination of the partition coefficient in different interfaces based on the density function theory is proposed. Our results for log P(ow) considering a n-octanol/water interface for a large super cell for acetone -0.30 (-0.24) and methane 0.95 (0.78) are comparable with the experimental data given in parenthesis. We believe that these differences are mainly related to the absence of van der Walls interactions and the limited number of molecules considered in the super cell. The numerical deviations are smaller than that observed for interpolation based tools. As the proposed model is parameter free, it is not limited to the n-octanol/water interface.


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Ruthenium compounds have been actively studied as metallodrugs for cancer therapy. Representatives of ruthenium-based antitumor drugs are the classes of ruthenium(III)-chlorido-(N-ligand)complexes, including the drugs namely NAMI-A and KP1019 in clinical trials, and ruthenium(II)-arene organometallics, with some compounds currently undergoing advanced preclinical testing. An alternative approach for tumor-inhibiting metallodrugs is the coordination of metal ions to organic pharmaceuticals. The combination of antitumor-active ruthenium ion with biologically-active pro-ligands in single compounds can result in the enhancement of activity, for example through synergistic effects. In the present article, some developments in the ruthenium-based antitumor drugs field are briefly highlighted and recent studies on mixed diruthenium-organic drugs as metallopharmaceuticals in cancer therapy are described. Novel organic pharmaceuticals-containing diruthenium(II, III)complexes have shown promising antitumor activity for C6 rat glioma - a model for glioblastoma multiforme (GBA).


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This work deals with the covalent functionalization of single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) with phenosafranine (PS) and Nile Blue (NB) dyes. These dyes can act as photosensitizers in energy and electron transfer reactions, with a potential to be applied in photodynamic therapy. Several changes in the characteristic Raman vibrational features of the dyes suggest that a covalent modification of the nanotubes with the organic dyes occurs. Specifically, the vibrational modes assigned to the NH(2) moieties of the dyes are seen to disappear in the SWNT-dye nanocomposites, corroborating the bond formation between amine groups in the dyes and carboxyl groups in the oxidized nanotubes. The X-ray absorption (XANES) data also show, that the intense band at 398.6 eV attributed to 1s -> 2p pi* transition of the nitrogen of the aromatic PS ring, is shifted due to the bonding with the carbonic structure of the SWNTs. The cytotoxicity data of dyes-modified SWNT composites in the presence and absence of light shows that the SWNT-NB (4 mu g/mL) composite presents a good photodynamic effect, namely a low toxicity in the dark, higher toxicity in the presence of light and also a reduced dye photobleaching by auto-oxidation. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.