956 resultados para Ordered mesoporous silicas


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Archaeological research has addressed imperial frontiers for more than a century. Romanists, in particular, have engaged in exploring frontiers from economic, militaristic, political, and (more recently) social vantages. This article suggests that we also consider the dialogue between space and social perception to understand imperial borderland developments. In addition to formulating new theoretical approaches to frontiers, this contribution represents the first comprehensive overview of both the documentary sources and the archaeological material found in Egypt's Great Oasis during the Roman period (ca. 30 B.C.E. to the sixth century C.E.). A holistic analysis of these sources reveals that Egypt's Great Oasis, which consisted of two separate but linked oases, served as a conceptual, physical, and human buffer zone for the Roman empire. This buffer zone protected the "ordered" Nile Valley inhabitants from the "chaotic" desert nomads, who lived just beyond the oases. This conclusion suggests that nomads required specific imperial frontier policies and that these policies may have been ideological as well as economic and militaristic.


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A particulate microemulsion is generated in a simple two-component system comprising an amphiphilic copolymer (Pluronic P123) in mixtures with tannic acid. This is correlated to complexation between the poly(ethylene oxide) in the Pluronic copolymer and the multiple hydrogen bonding units in tannic acid which leads to the breakup of the ordered structure formed in gels of Pluronic copolymers, and the formation of dispersed nanospheres containing a bicontinuous internal structure. These novel nanoparticles termed ‘‘emulsomes’’ are self-stabilized by a coating layer of Pluronic copolymer. The microemulsion exhibits a pearlescent appearance due to selective light scattering from the emulsion droplets. This simple formulation based on a commercial copolymer and a biofunctional and biodegradable additive is expected to find applications in the fast moving consumer goods sector.


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Extending previous studies, a full-circle investigation of the ring current has been made using Cluster 4-spacecraft observations near perigee, at times when the Cluster array had relatively small separations and nearly regular tetrahedral configurations, and when the Dst index was greater than −30 nT (non-storm conditions). These observations result in direct estimations of the near equatorial current density at all magnetic local times (MLT) for the first time and with sufficient accuracy, for the following observations. The results confirm that the ring current flows westward and show that the in situ average measured current density (sampled in the radial range accessed by Cluster 4–4.5RE) is asymmetric in MLT, ranging from 9 to 27 nAm−2. The direction of current is shown to be very well ordered for the whole range of MLT. Both of these results are in line with previous studies on partial ring extent. The magnitude of the current density, however, reveals a distinct asymmetry: growing from 10 to 27 nAm−2 as azimuth reduces from about 12:00MLT to 03:00 and falling from 20 to 10 nAm−2 less steadily as azimuth reduces from 24:00 to 12:00MLT. This result has not been reported before and we suggest it could reflect a number of effects. Firstly, we argue it is consistent with the operation of region-2 field aligned-currents (FACs), which are expected to flow upward into the ring current around 09:00MLT and downward out of the ring current around 14:00MLT. Secondly, we note that it is also consistent with a possible asymmetry in the radial distribution profile of current density (resulting in higher peak at 4– 4.5RE). We note that part of the enhanced current could reflect an increase in the mean AE activity (during the periods in which Cluster samples those MLT).


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The phase behavior of grafted d-polystyrene-block-poly(methyl methacrylate) diblock copolymer films is examined, with particular focus on the effect of solvent and annealing time. It was observed that the films undergo a two-step transformation from an initially disordered state, through an ordered metastable state, to the final equilibrium configuration. It was also found that altering the solvent used to wash the films, or complete removal of the solvent prior to thermal annealing using supercritical CO2, could influence the structure of the films in the metastable state, though the final equilibrium state was unaffected. To aid in the understanding to these experimental results, a series of self-consistent field theory calculations were done on a model diblock copolymer brush containing solvent. Of the different models examined, those which contained a solvent selective for the grafted polymer block most accurately matched the observed experimental behavior. We hypothesize that the structure of the films in the metastable state results from solvent enrichment of the film near the film/substrate interface in the case of films washed with solvent or faster relaxation of the nongrafted block for supercritical CO2 treated (solvent free) films. The persistence of the metastable structures was attributed to the slow reorganization of the polymer chains in the absence of solvent.


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Cultures of cortical neurons grown on multielectrode arrays exhibit spontaneous, robust and recurrent patterns of highly synchronous activity called bursts. These bursts play a crucial role in the development and topological selforganization of neuronal networks. Thus, understanding the evolution of synchrony within these bursts could give insight into network growth and the functional processes involved in learning and memory. Functional connectivity networks can be constructed by observing patterns of synchrony that evolve during bursts. To capture this evolution, a modelling approach is adopted using a framework of emergent evolving complex networks and, through taking advantage of the multiple time scales of the system, aims to show the importance of sequential and ordered synchronization in network function.


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Background:  Poor diet quality is a major public health concern that has prompted governments to introduce a range of measures to promote healthy eating. For these measures to be effective, they should target segments of the population with messages relevant to their needs, aspirations and circumstances. The present study investigates the extent to which attitudes and constraints influence healthy eating, as well as how these vary by demographic characteristics of the UK population. It further considers how such information may be used in segmented diet and health policy messages. Methods:  A survey of 250 UK adults elicited information on conformity to dietary guidelines, attitudes towards healthy eating, constraints to healthy eating and demographic characteristics. Ordered logit regressions were estimated to determine the importance of attitudes and constraints in determining how closely respondents follow healthy eating guidelines. Further regressions explored the demographic characteristics associated with the attitudinal and constraint variables. Results:  People who attach high importance to their own health and appearance eat more healthily than those who do not. Risk-averse people and those able to resist temptation also eat more healthily. Shortage of time is considered an important barrier to healthy eating, although the cost of a healthy diet is not. These variables are associated with a number of demographic characteristics of the population; for example, young adults are more motivated to eat healthily by concerns over their appearance than their health. Conclusions:  The approach employed in the present study could be used to inform future healthy eating campaigns. For example, messages to encourage the young to eat more healthily could focus on the impact of diets on their appearance rather than health.


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The adsorption of carbon monoxide on the Pt{110} surface at coverages of 0.5 ML and 1.0 ML was investigated using quantitative low-energy electron diffraction (LEED IV) and density-functional theory (DFT). At 0.5 ML CO lifts the reconstruction of the clean surface but does not form an ordered overlayer. At the saturation coverage, 1.0 ML, a well-ordered p(2×1) superstructure with glide line symmetry is formed. It was confirmed that the CO molecules adsorb on top of the Pt atoms in the top-most substrate layer with the molecular axes tilted by ±22° with respect to the surface normal in alternating directions away from the close packed rows of Pt atoms. This is accompanied by significant lateral shifts of 0.55 Å away from the atop sites in the same direction as the tilt. The top-most substrate layer relaxes inwards by −4% with respect to the bulk-terminated atom positions, while the consecutive layers only show minor relaxations. Despite the lack of long-range order in the 0.5 ML CO layer it was possible to determine key structural parameters by LEED IV using only the intensities of the integer-order spots. At this coverage CO also adsorbs on atop sites with the molecular axis closer to the surface normal (b10°). The average substrate relaxations in each layer are similar for both coverages and consistent with DFT calculations performed for a variety of ordered structures with coverages of 1.0 ML and 0.5 ML.


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Sol-gel derived inorganic materials are of interest as hosts for non-linear optically active guest molecules and they offer particular advantages in the field of non-linear optics. Orientationally ordered glasses have been prepared using a sol-gel system based on tetramethoxysilane, methyltrimethoxysilane and a non-linear optical chromophore Disperse Red 1. The novel technique of photo-induced poling was used to generate enhanced levels of polar order. The level of enhancement is strongly dependent on the extent of gelation and an optimum preparation time of ∼100 h led to an enhancement factor of ∼5. Films prepared in this manner exhibited a high stability of the polar order.


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A series of chain liquid crystalline copolymers of 4-cyanophenyl 4′-(6-methacryloyloxyhexyloxy)benzoate and 2-methacryloyloxyethyl β-(1-naphthyl)-propenoate were prepared by free radical polymerization. The corresponding polyacrylates could not be prepared in the same way and an alternative method was used for their preparation involving the synthesis of copolymers of the mesogenic monomer and 2-hydroxyethyl acrylate followed by treatment of the resulting polymers with β-(1-naphthyl)propenoyl chloride. The materials are of interest as photoactive liquid crystalline polymers. The effect of introducing a bulky nonmesogenic group into a liquid crystalline copolymer generally lowers the clearing temperature and raises Tg but also gives rise to contrasting phase behaviour in these two series of polymers. Polymethacrylates which show mesomorphism have sharp transitions and continue to exhibit a highly ordered smectic phase over the bulk of their liquid crystal range. Polyacrylates, on the other hand, exhibit a weakening and broadening-out of their thermal transitions consistent with a lowering of order. These results emphasize the effect of the polymer backbone on phase behaviour.


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We present a quantitative low energy electron diffraction (LEED) surface-crystallograpic study of the complete adsorption geometry of glycine adsorbed on Cu{110} in the ordered p(3×2) phase. The glycine molecules form bonds to the surface through the N atoms of the amino group and the two O atoms of the de-protonated carboxylate group, each with separate Cu atoms such that every Cu atom in the first layer is involved in a bond. Laterally, N atoms are nearest to the atop site (displacement 0.41 Å). The O atoms are asymmetrically displaced from the atop site by 0.54 Å and 1.18 Å with two very different O-Cu bond lengths of 1.93 Å and 2.18 Å. The atom positions of the upper-most Cu layers show small relaxations within 0.07 Å of the bulk-truncated surface geometry. The unit cell of the adsorbate layer consists of two glycine molecules, which are related by a glide-line symmetry operation. This study clearly shows that a significant coverage of adsorbate structures without this glide-line symmetry must be rejected, both on the grounds of the energy dependence of the spot intensities (LEED-IV curves) and of systematic absences in the LEED pattern.


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Policy makers in the European Union are envisioning the introduction of a community farm animal welfare label which would allow consumers to align their consumption habits with their farm animal welfare preferences. For welfare labelling to be viable the market for livestock products produced to higher welfare standards has to be sufficiently segmented with consumers having sufficiently distinct and behaviourally consistent preferences. The present study investigates consumers’ preferences for meat produced to different welfare standards using a hypothetical welfare score. Data is obtained from a contingent valuation study carried out in Britain. The ordered probit model was estimated using Bayesian inference to obtain mean willingness to pay. We find decreasing marginal WTP as animal welfare levels increase and that people’s preferences for different levels of farm animal welfare are sufficiently differentiated making the introduction of a labelling scheme in the form of a certified rating system appear feasible.


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We report a clear transition through a reconnection layer at the low-latitude magnetopause which shows a complete traversal across all reconnected field lines during northwestward interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) conditions. The associated plasma populations confirm details of the electron and ion mixing and the time history and acceleration through the current layer. This case has low magnetic shear with a strong guide field and the reconnection layer contains a single density depletion layer on the magnetosheath side which we suggest results from nearly field-aligned magnetosheath flows. Within the reconnection boundary layer, there are two plasma boundaries, close to the inferred separatrices on the magnetosphere and magnetosheath sides (Ssp and Ssh) and two boundaries associated with the Alfvén waves (or Rotational Discontinuities, RDsp and RDsh). The data are consistent with these being launched from the reconnection site and the plasma distributions are well ordered and suggestive of the time elapsed since reconnection of the field lines observed. In each sub-layer between the boundaries the plasma distribution is different and is centered around the current sheet, responsible for magnetosheath acceleration. We show evidence for a velocity dispersion effect in the electron anisotropy that is consistent with the time elapsed since reconnection. In addition, new evidence is presented for the occurrence of partial reflection of magnetosheath electrons at the magnetopause current layer.


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The application of forecast ensembles to probabilistic weather prediction has spurred considerable interest in their evaluation. Such ensembles are commonly interpreted as Monte Carlo ensembles meaning that the ensemble members are perceived as random draws from a distribution. Under this interpretation, a reasonable property to ask for is statistical consistency, which demands that the ensemble members and the verification behave like draws from the same distribution. A widely used technique to assess statistical consistency of a historical dataset is the rank histogram, which uses as a criterion the number of times that the verification falls between pairs of members of the ordered ensemble. Ensemble evaluation is rendered more specific by stratification, which means that ensembles that satisfy a certain condition (e.g., a certain meteorological regime) are evaluated separately. Fundamental relationships between Monte Carlo ensembles, their rank histograms, and random sampling from the probability simplex according to the Dirichlet distribution are pointed out. Furthermore, the possible benefits and complications of ensemble stratification are discussed. The main conclusion is that a stratified Monte Carlo ensemble might appear inconsistent with the verification even though the original (unstratified) ensemble is consistent. The apparent inconsistency is merely a result of stratification. Stratified rank histograms are thus not necessarily flat. This result is demonstrated by perfect ensemble simulations and supplemented by mathematical arguments. Possible methods to avoid or remove artifacts that stratification induces in the rank histogram are suggested.


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Two new Mn(III) complexes of formulas [MnL1(N-3)(OMe)](2) (1) and [MnL2(N-3)(2)](n) (2) have been synthesized by using two tridentate NNO-donor Schiff base ligands HL1{(2-[(3-methylaminoethylimino)-methyl]-phenol)} and HL2 {(2-[1-(2-dimethylaminoethylimino)methyl]-phenol)}, respectively. Substitution of the H atom on the secondary amine group of the N-methyldiamine fragment of the Schiff base by a methyl group leads to a drastic structural change from a methoxido-bridged dimer (1) to a single mu(1,3)-azido-bridged 1D helical polymer (2). Both complexes were characterized by single-crystal X-ray structural analyses and variable-temperature magnetic susceptibility measurements. The magnetic properties of compound I show the presence of weak ferromagnetic exchange interactions mediated by double methoiddo bridges (J = 0.95 cm(-1)). Compound 2 shows the existence of a weak antiferromangetic coupling along the chain (J = -8.5 cm(-1)) through the single mu(1,3)-N-3 bridge with a spin canting that leads to a long-range antiferromagnetic order at T-c approximate to 9.3 K and a canting leading to a weak ferromagnetic long-range order at T-c approximate to 8.5 K. It also exibits metamagnetic behavior at low temperatures with a critical field of ca.1.2 T due to the weak antiferromagnetic interchain interactions that appear in the canted ordered phase.


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Single crystals of four erbium-chromium sulfides have been grown by chemical vapor transport using iodine as the transporting agent. Single-crystal X-ray diffraction reveals that in Er(3)CrS(6) octahedral sites are occupied exclusively by Cr(3+) cations, leading to one-dimensional CrS(4)(5-) chains of edge-sharing octahedra, while in Er(2)CrS(4), Er(3+), and Cr(2+) cations occupy the available octahedral sites in an ordered manner. By contrast, in Er(6)Cr(2)S(11) and Er(4)CrS(7), Er(3+) and Cr(2+) ions are disordered over the octahedral sites. In Er(2)CrS(4), Er(6)Cr(2)S(11), and Er(4)CrS(7), the network of octahedra generates an anionic framework constructed from M(2)S(5) slabs of varying thickness, linked by one-dimensional octahedral chains. This suggests that these three phases belong to a series in which the anionic framework may be described by the general formula [M(2n+1)S(4n+3)](x-), with charge balancing provided by Er(3+) cations located in sites of high-coordination number within one-dimensional channels defined by the framework. Er(4)CrS(7), Er(6)Cr(2)S(11), and Er(2)CrS(4) may thus be considered as the n = 1, 2, and infinity members of this series. While Er(4)CrS(7) is paramagnetic, successive magnetic transitions associated with ordering of the chromium and erbium sub-lattices are observed on cooling Er(3)CrS(6) (T(C)(Cr) = 30 K; T(C)(Er) = 11 K) and Er(2)CrS(4) (T(N)(Cr) = 42 K, T(N)(Er) = 10 K) whereas Er(6)Cr(2)S(11) exhibits ordering of the chromium sub-lattice only (T(N) = 11.4 K).