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Lecture 4: Ontological Hypertext and the Semantic Web Contains Powerpoint Lecture slides and Hypertext Research Papers: Conceptual linking: Ontology-based Open Hypermedia (Carr et al. 2001); CS AKTiveSpace: Building a Semantic Web Application (Glaser et al., 2004); The Semantic Web Revisited (Shadbolt, Hall and Berners-Lee, 2006); Mind the Semantic Gap (Millard et al., 2005).
Lecture 5: Web 2.0 and Social Hypertext Contains Powerpoint Lecture slides and Hypertext Research Papers: What Is Web 2.0 Design Patterns and Business Models for the Next Generation of Software . Tim O'Reilly (2005); Web 2.0: Hypertext by Any Other Name? (Millard & Ross, 2006)
Lecture 6: Where are all the links taking us: Web Science Contains Powerpoint Lecture slides and Hypertext Research Papers: The Literati (The Cyberspace and critical theory website) (Eastgate website); Pervasive Hypertext at Southampton and at Aarhus; Adaptive Hypertext - The Next Big Thing: (De Bra & Chepegin, 2004); Web Science: Creating a Science of the Web (Berners-Lee, Hall, Hendler, Shadbolt & Weitzner, 2006).
The Introductory Lecture is a discussion about "What is the Web". It involves lots of calling out TLAs and writing them on the blackboard, dividing things into servers, clients, protocols, formats, and the punchline is that the one unique and novel thing about the web is the hypertext link. This follows naturally into the Web architecture - the answer to the question "what is the web".
Lecture 1: Basic XML & HTML5 Lecture slides and exercises for reading and writing basic XML (without DTDs).
Lecture 1: DTDs and XML Structure Verification Lecture slides and exercises for validating XML with DTDs.
Lecture 3: DOM and XPath Lecture slides and exercises for using DOM and XPath to access material within an XML database or document.
Lecture 5: XLink and XPointer Lecture slides and exercises for using XLink and XPointer to link to and control material within an XML database or document.
Lecture 6: RDF and Metadata Lecture slides and exercises for using RDF to describe Web resources
Lecture 2: Personal Privacy and State Interference Lecture slides and video by Danny Weitzner.
Lecture 1: Introduction to Web Science Lecture slides and video by Directors of Web Science Research Initiative (Wendy Hall and Tim Berners-Lee)
La poesia és un genère literari que es veu sotmès a una paradoxa: per un costat, és ben valorat ocialment, ja que es considera que només la poden escriure uns "escollits" i també la poden llegir només els "iniciats". Però aquesta concepció genera una actitud en contra del mateix gènere: que ls que no es consideren "escollits" ni "iniciats" fàcilment se n'allunyen, de vegades de forma definitiva. Alguns del tòpics que des de sempre acompanyen la poesia poden ajudar a entendre questa actitud
Social Networks on the World Wide Web - lecture by Dr. Jennifer Golbeck
Slides on URIs and the HTTP protocol
Notes on Web Crawling