961 resultados para Oral History and Ethics -symposiumi 3.-4.12.2008 Helsingissä


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Context: The purpose of this article is to review the history of robotic surgery, its impact on teaching as well as a description of historical and current robots used in the medical arena. Summary of evidence: Although the history of robots dates back to 2000 years or more, the last two decades have seen an outstanding revolution in medicine, due to all the changes that robotic surgery has made in the way of performing, teaching and practicing surgery. Conclusions: Robotic surgery has evolved into a complete and self-contained field, with enormous potential for future development. The results to date have shown that this technology is capable of providing good outcomes and quality care for patients. (C) 2011 AEU. Published by Elsevier Espana, S.L. All rights reserved.


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Bisegmentectomy 7-8 is feasible even in the absence of a large inferior right hepatic vein. To our knowledge, this operation has never been performed by laparoscopy. This study was designed to present video of pure laparoscopic bisegmentectomy 7-8 and bisegmentectomy 2-3 in one-stage operation for bilateral liver metastasis. A 67-year-old man with metachronous bilobar colorectal liver metastasis was referred for surgical treatment after neoadjuvant chemotherapy. CT scan disclosed two liver metastases: one located between segments 7 and 8 and another one in segment 2. At liver examination, another metastasis was found on segment 3. We decided to perform a bisegmentectomy 7-8 along with bisegmentectomy 2-3 in a single procedure. The operation began with mobilization of the right liver with complete dissection of retrohepatic vena cava. Inferior right hepatic vein was absent. Right hepatic vein was dissected and encircled. Upper part of right liver, containing segment 7 and 8, was marked with cautery. Selective hemi-Pringle maneuver was performed and right hepatic vein was divided with stapler. At this point, liver rotation to the left allowed direct view and access to the superior aspect of the right liver. Liver transection was accomplished with harmonic scalpel and endoscopic stapling device. Bisegmentectomy 2-3 was performed using the intrahepatic Glissonian approach. The specimens were extracted through a suprapubic incision. Liver raw surfaces were reviewed for bleeding and bile leaks. Operative time was 240 minutes with no need for transfusion. Recovery was uneventful. Patient was discharged on the fifth postoperative day. Patient is well with no evidence of disease 14 months after liver resection. Tumor markers are within normal range. Bisegmentectomy 7-8 may increase resectability rate in patients with bilateral lesions. This operation can be performed safely by laparoscopy. Preservation of segments 5 and 6 permitted simultaneous resection of segments 2 and 3 with adequate liver remnant.


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Objective: To determine whether opportunistic oral infections associated to HIV infection (OOI-HIV) are found in HIV+/AIDS patients with immune reconstitution related to highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART). Methods. From among 1100 HIV+/AIDS patients (Service of Internal Medicine, Carlos Haya Hospital, Malaga, Spain) subjected to review of the oral cavity between January 1996 and May 2007, we identified those examined in 1996 and which were again examined between 1997 and 2007, and were moreover receiving HAART. The following data were collected: age, gender, form of contagion, antiretroviral therapy at the time of review, number of CD4+ lymphocytes/ml, and viral load (from 1997 onwards). We identified those subjects with an increase in CD4+ lymphocytes/ ml associated to HAART, and classified them as subjects with quantitative evidence of immune reconstitution (QEIR). Among these individuals with QEIR we moreover identified those with undetectable viral loads (QEIR+VL), and differentiated those patients with an increase in CD4+ lymphocytes > 500/ml (QEIRm+VL). In each group we determined the prevalence of OOI-HIV, following the diagnostic recommendations of the EC-Clearinghouse (CDC-Atlanta, USA - WHO). In addition, we analyzed the prevalence of OOI-HIV in the different groups in relation to the duration of HAART. Results. A total of 86 subjects were included (44 females and 42 males; 19 heterosexuals, 34 male homosexuals, and 33 intravenous drug abusers). Forty-two patients showed QEIR: 21 belonged to the QEIR+VL group, and 17 conformed the QEIRm+VL group. The prevalence of OOI-HIV per group was as follows: QEIR = 54.8%; QEIR+VL = 33%; QEIRm+VL = 35%. The most prevalent lesion in all groups was erythematous candidiasis. OOI-HIV increased with the duration of HAART (p=0.008), and were seen to be dependent upon late appearance of the mycotic lesions ( after 24 months under HAART). Conclusions: It is suggested that opportunistic oral infections associated to HIV infection form part of the clinical picture of immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome, though such infections are of late onset.


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Objective: To determine the oral status, salivary flow rate, Candida carriage in saliva, and prevalence of Candida albicans colonization in several areas of the mouth in patients with primary and secondary Sjogren`s syndrome as opposed to those of healthy subjects. Study design: Thirty-seven patients with Sjogren`s syndrome (SS), [14 patients with primary SS (SS-1) and 23 patients with secondary SS (SS-2)], along with 37 healthy controls were examined in regard to number of teeth, pro-bing pocket depth (PPD), approximal plaque index (API), bleeding on probing (BOP), presence of prosthetic appliances and smoking habits. Salivary flow rate (SFR), Candida carriage in saliva, presence of Candida albicans colonization on buccal, angular, palatal and sulcular areas, on dentures and on the tongue`s dorsal surface were determined. Statistical analyses were performed using the 2-tailed Fisher exact and Kruskal-Wallis test. Results: No statistically significant difference was found between SS-1 and SS-2 groups based on the parameters analysed. Statistically significant differences were observed between patients with SS and healthy subjects in terms of SFR, oral signs and symptoms, API, BOP, C. albicans colonization on tongue and buccal area, and Candida carriage in saliva. In the gingival crevicular fluid positive C. albicans colonization was found in only one subject of SS subgroup. Conclusions: SS patients carry a higher risk of having periodontitis and are more predisposed to develop candidiasis. C. albicans is scarcely detected in gingival crevicular fluid despite high scores on C. albicans colonization in different areas of the oral cavity in SS patients.


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c-Jun, one of the components of the transcription factor activating protein-1 (AP-1), is suggested as a factor in malignant progression of oral lesions. c-Jun and other AP-1 components relationships with human papillomavirus (HPV) infection have been investigated, but not yet focusing on oral carcinogenesis. The aim of this study was to verify whether c-Jun immunohistochemical expression is related to HPV DNA detection in oral premalignant and malignant lesions. Fifty cases diagnosed as oral leukoplakias, with different degrees of epithelial dysplasia, and as oral squamous cell carcinomas (OSCC) were submitted to immunohistochemistry to detect c-Jun and to in situ hybridization with signal amplification to assess HPV DNA. It was verified that c-Jun nuclear expression increased according to the degree of dysplasia within the lesion, with the greatest expression in OSCC. The same did not happen concerning HPV infection - a discrete proportional relation was observed in indexes found in leukoplakia with no dysplasia, leukoplakia with dysplasia and OSCC, but statistically insignificant. When separating the group of leukoplakia by degrees of dysplasia, this relation of proportion was not observed. Nevertheless, the overall prevalence of HPV infection was 24% and the high-risk HPV types were the most frequently identified, which does not allow excluding HPV as a risk factor in oral carcinogenesis. When relating c-Jun expression and HPV infection, no statistically significant relationship is observed. Results suggest then that malignant progression mediated by c-Jun is independent of the presence of HPV in oral carcinogenesis. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The most recent account of Bueckeburgichnus maximus Kuhn 1958, a distinctive theropod dinosaur track from the Lower Cretaceous of Germany, is shown to be based on a referred specimen mistakenly identified as the holotype and the correct name of this taxon is deemed to be Megalosauripus maximus (Kuhn 1958). This minor revision has important consequences for nomenclature of the many European, Asian, North American and Australian dinosaur tracks attributed to megalosaurian theropods. Many of those tracks were named Megalosauripus, but that name has a confusing multiplicity of meanings and it should be restricted to the highly characteristic dinosaur track formerly identified as Bueckeburgichnus. Other tracks named "Megalosauripus”; (in its several other senses) will require new nomenclature, despite their extensive and repeated revision since 1996. It is recommended that future revision should adopt conventions of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. Although previous revisions expressed an intention to adhere to those conventions, these were not put into practice, with the unfortunate result of multiplying the problems that surround the nomenclature of megalosaur tracks. Introduction of the name Megalosauripus maximus (Kuhn 1958) eliminates those burgeoning problems and permits the introduction of new and objective nomenclature for presumed megalosaur tracks.