939 resultados para Oils and fats.


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Current evidence-based guidelines recommend that 2% (w/v) chlorhexidine digluconate (CHG), preferentially in 70% (v/v) isopropyl alcohol (IIPA), is used for skin antisepsis prior to incision of the skin. In this current study, the antimicrobial efficacy of CHG, six essential oils [tea tree oil (TTO), thymol, eucalyptus oil (EO), juniper oil, lavender oil and citronella] and novel benzylidenecarboxamidrazone and thiosemicarbazone compounds were determined against a panel of microorganisms commonly associated with skin infection (Staphylococcus epidermidis, S. aureus, meticillin-resistant S. aureus, Propionibacterium acnes, Acinetobacter spp., Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Candida albicans) The results demonstrated synergistic activity of CHG in combination with EO against biofilm cultures of S. epidermidis, with significantly reduced concentrations of CHG and EO required to inhibit biofilm growth compared to CHG or EO alone. Skin permeation of CHG was subsequently investigated using an in vitro human skin model (Franz cell) and the penetration profile was determined by serial sectioning of the full thickness human skin. Two percent (w/v) CHG in aqueous solution and in 70% (v/v) IPA demonstrated poor skin permeation; however, the skin permeation was significantly enhanced in combination with 5% - 50% (v/v) EO. Detectable levels of CHG did not permeate through full thickness skin in 24 h. Skin permeation of 2% (w/v) CHG in 70% (v/v) IPA in the presence of 10% (v/v) EO was subsequently studied. The results demonstrated a significantly enhanced skin penetration of CHG after a 2 min application, with CHG detected at significant levels to a depth of 600 m with CHG in combination with EO and IPA compared to 100 m with IPA alone. Combination antisepsis comprising CHG and EO may be beneficial for skin antisepsis prior to invasive procedures to reduce the number of microorganisms on and within the skin due to enhanced skin penetration of CHG and improved efficacy against S. epidermidis in a biofilm mode of growth.


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This paper studies the characteristics of intermediate pyrolysis oils derived from sewage sludge and de-inking sludge (a paper industry residue), with a view to their use as fuels in a diesel engine. The feedstocks were dried and pelletised, then pyrolysed in the Pyroformer intermediate pyrolysis system. The organic fraction of the oils was separated from the aqueous phase and characterised. This included elemental and compositional analysis, heating value, cetane index, density, viscosity, surface tension, flash point, total acid number, lubricity, copper corrosion, water, carbon residue and ash content. Most of these results are compared with commercial diesel and biodiesel. Both pyrolysis oils have high carbon and hydrogen contents and their higher heating values compare well with biodiesel. The water content of the pyrolysis oils is reasonable and the flash point is found to be high. Both pyrolysis oils have good lubricity, but show some corrosiveness. Cetane index is reduced, which may influence ignition. Also viscosity is increased, which may influence atomisation quality. Carbon residue and ash content are both high, indicating potential deposition problems. Compared with de-inking sludge pyrolysis oil (DSPO), sewage sludge pyrolysis oil (SSPO) has a higher heating value, but higher corrosiveness and viscosity. The conclusions are that both intermediate pyrolysis oils will be able to provide sufficient heat when used in diesel engine; however poor combustion and carbon deposition may be encountered. Blending of these pyrolysis oils with diesel or biodiesel could overcome these problems and is recommended for further investigation.


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We describe a polygeneration system that can run on neat plant oils, such as Jatropha and Pongamia, or standard diesel fuel. A prototype has been constructed using a compression ignition engine of 9.9 kW shaft output. It consumes 3 L/h of fuel and will produce 40 kg/h of ice by means of an adsorption refrigerator powered from the engine jacket heat. Steaming of rice, deep and shallow frying, and other types of food preparation heated by the exhaust gas have been demonstrated. In addition, the feasibility of producing distilled water by means of multiple-effect distillation powered by the engine waste heat is shown. Overall plant efficiency and potential savings in greenhouse gas emissions are discussed. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.


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Biodiesel is a promising non-toxic and biodegradable renewable fuel, synthesized by the homogeneous base-catalyzed transesterification of vegetable oils or animal fats with methanol or ethanol. Removal of the base, typically Na or K alkoxide, after reaction is a major problem since aqueous quenching results in stable emulsions and saponification. The use of a solid base catalyst offers several process advantages including the elimination of a quenching step (and associated basic water waste) to isolate the products, and the opportunity to operate in a continuous process. The synthesis and characterization of a series of Li-doped CaO and Mg-Al hydrotalcite solid base catalysts were presented and their physicochemical properties were correlated with their activity in biodiesel synthesis. Both catalysts were effective solid bases for the transesterification of triglycerides to the methyl ester, with catalyst activity related to the electronic properties of Li and Mg dopants. This is an abstract of a paper presented at the 230th ACS National Meeting (Washington, DC 8/28/2005-9/1/2005).


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Background: Biodiesel is a clean-burning, renewable and biodegradable diesel fuel substitute derived from animal fats and plant oils, which may play an important role in replacing diminishing fossil fuel reserves and combating climate change. Conventional biodiesel production uses soluble base catalysts, such as Na or K alkoxides, to convert oils into fuel, and as a result requires energy intensive aqueous quench cycles to isolate the biodiesel product. Results: Cs-doping nanoparticulate MgO, prepared via a novel, supercritical sol-gel method, yields a solid base catalyst with improved activity for the transesterification of pure triacylglycerides (TAGs) and olive oil. Conclusion: Here, X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) is used to probe the local chemical environment of Cs atoms in order to identify the nature of the catalytically active species as CsMg(CO)(HO). © 2013 Society of Chemical Industry.


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Spark-ignited (SI) gas engines are for the use of fuel gas only and are limited to the flammable range of the gas; this means the range of a concentration of a gas or vapor that will burn after ignition. Fuel gas like syngas from gasification or biogas must meet high quality and chemical purity standards for combustion in SI gas engines. Considerable effort has been devoted to fast pyrolysis over the years and some of the product oils have been tested in diesel or dual-fuel engines since 1993. For biogas conversion, usually dual-fuel engines are used, while for synthesis gas the use of gas engines is more common. The trials using wood derived pyrolysis oil from fast pyrolysis have not yet been a success story and these approaches have usually failed due to the high corrosivity of the pyrolysis oils.


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This research investigates specific ash control methods to limit inorganic content within biomass prior to fast pyrolysis and effect of specific ash components on fast pyrolysis processing, mass balance yields and bio-oil quality and stability. Inorganic content in miscanthus was naturally reduced over the winter period from June (7.36 wt. %) to February (2.80 wt. %) due to a combination of senescence and natural leaching from rain water. September harvest produced similar mass balance yields, bio-oil quality and stability compared to February harvest (conventional harvest), but nitrogen content in above ground crop was to high (208 kg ha.-1) to maintain sustainable crop production. Deionised water, 1.00% HCl and 0.10% Triton X-100 washes were used to reduce inorganic content of miscanthus. Miscanthus washed with 0.10% Triton X-100 resulted in the highest total liquid yield (76.21 wt. %) and lowest char and reaction water yields (9.77 wt. % and 8.25 wt. % respectively). Concentrations of Triton X-100 were varied to study further effects on mass balance yields and bio-oil stability. All concentrations of Triton X-100 increased total liquid yield and decreased char and reaction water yields compared to untreated miscanthus. In terms of bio-oil stability 1.00% Triton X-100 produced the most stable bio-oil with lowest viscosity index (2.43) and lowest water content index (1.01). Beech wood was impregnated with potassium and phosphorus resulting in lower liquid yields and increased char and gas yields due to their catalytic effect on fast pyrolysis product distribution. Increased potassium and phosphorus concentrations produced less stable bio-oils with viscosity and water content indexes increasing. Fast pyrolysis processing of phosphorus impregnated beech wood was problematic as the reactor bed material agglomerated into large clumps due to char formation within the reactor, affecting fluidisation and heat transfer.


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Dwindling oil reserves and growing concerns over CO2 emissions and associated climate change are driving the utilisation of renewable feedstocks as alternative, sustainable fuel sources. While rising oil prices are improving the commercial feasibility of biodiesel production, many current processes still employ homogeneous acid and/or base catalysts to transform plant or algae oil into the fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) components of biodiesel. Fuel purification requires energy intensive aqueous quench and neutralization steps, thus the rational design of new high activity catalysts is required to deliver biodiesel as a major player in the 21st century sustainable energy portfolio. Advances in the development of heterogeneous catalysts for biodiesel synthesis require catalysts with pore architectures designed to improve the accessibility of bulky viscous reactants typical of plant oils. Here we discuss how improvements to active site accessibility and catalyst activity in transesterification or esterification reactions can be achieved either by designing hierarchical pore networks or by pore expansion and use of interconnected pore architectures.


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This work describes the use of intermediate pyrolysis system to produce liquid, gaseous and solid fuels from pelletised wood and barley straw feedstock. Experiments were conducted in a pilot-scale system and all products were collected and analysed. The liquid products were separated into an aqueous phase and an organic phase (pyrolysis oil) under gravity. The oil yields were 34.1 wt.% and 12.0 wt.% for wood and barley straw, respectively. Analysis found that both oils were rich in heterocyclic and phenolic compounds and have heating values over 24 MJ/kg. The yields of char for both feedstocks were found to be about 30 wt.%, with heating values similar to that of typical sub-bituminous class coal. Gas yields were calculated to be approximately 20 wt.%. Studies showed that both gases had heating values similar to that of downdraft gasification producer gas. Analysis on product energy yields indicated the process efficiency was about 75%. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In-fiber microchannels were fabricated directly in standard single mode fiber using the femtosecond laser inscribe and etch technique. This method of creating in-fiber microchannels offers great versatility since it allows complex three dimensional structures to be inscribed and then etched with hydrofluoric acid. Four in-fiber microchannel designs were experimentally investigated using this technique. Device characteristics were evaluated through monitoring the spectral change while inserting index matching oils into each microchannel - a R.I. sensitivity up to 1.55 dB/RIU was achieved. Furthermore, a simple Fabry-Pérot based refractometer with a R.I. sensitivity of 2.75 nm/RIU was also demonstrated. © 2014 SPIE.


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The development of an innovative technology for the pyrolytic conversion of brominated phenols in a reductive medium aimed at product recovery for commercial use is discussed in this paper. Brominated phenols are toxic products, which contaminate pyrolysis oil of wastes from electronic and electrical equipment (WEEE). The pyrolysis experiments were carried out with 2,6-dibromophenol, tetrabromobisphenol A, WEEE pyrolysis oil and polypropylene or polyethylene in encapsulated ampoules under inert atmosphere in quasi-isothermal conditions (300-400 °C) with a different residence time (10-30 min). Optimal conditions were found to be the use of polypropylene at 350 °C with a residence time of 20 min. The main pyrolysis products were identified as HBr and phenol. A radical debromination mechanism for the pyrolytic destruction of brominated phenols is suggested. © 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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In-fiber microchannels were fabricated directly in standard single mode fiber using the femtosecond laser inscribe and etch technique. This method of creating in-fiber microchannels offers great versatility, since it allows complex three-dimensional structures to be inscribed and then preferentially etched with hydrofluoric acid. In addition, inscription does not require a photosensitive fiber; the modification is induced through nonlinear processes triggered by an ultrashort laser pulse. Four in-fiber microchannel designs were experimentally investigated using this technique - microhole, microslot channel along the core, microslot channel perpendicular to the core and helical channel around the core. Each device design was evaluated through monitoring the optical spectral change while inserting a range of index matching oils into each microchannel; an R.I. sensitivity up to 1.55 dB/RIU was achieved in these initial tests. Furthermore, an all femtosecond laser inscribed Fabry-Pérot-based refractometer with an R.I. sensitivity of 2.75 nm/RIU was also demonstrated. The Fabry-Pérot refractometer was formed by positioning a microchannel between two femtosecond laser inscribed point-by-point fiber Bragg gratings.


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Waste cooking oils can be converted into fuels to provide economical and environmental benefits. One option is to use such fuels in stationary engines for electricity generation, co-generation or tri-generation application. In this study, biodiesel derived from waste cooking oil was tested in an indirect injection type 3-cylinder Lister Petter biodiesel engine. We compared the combustion and emission characteristics with that of fossil diesel operation. The physical and chemical properties of pure biodiesel (B100) and its blends (20% and 60% vol.) were measured and compared with those of diesel. With pure biodiesel fuel, full engine power was achieved and the cylinder gas pressure diagram showed stable operation. At full load, peak cylinder pressure of B100 operation was almost similar to diesel and peak burn rate of combustion was about 13% higher than diesel. For biodiesel operation, occurrences of peak burn rates were delayed compared to diesel. Fuel line injection pressure was increased by 8.5-14.5% at all loads. In comparison to diesel, the start of combustion was delayed and 90% combustion occurred earlier. At full load, the total combustion duration of B100 operation was almost 16% lower than diesel. Biodiesel exhaust gas emissions contained 3% higher CO2 and 4% lower NOx, as compared to diesel. CO emissions were similar at low load condition, but were decreased by 15 times at full load. Oxygen emission decreased by around 1.5%. Exhaust gas temperatures were almost similar for both biodiesel and diesel operation. At full engine load, the brake specific fuel consumption (on a volume basis) and brake thermal efficiency were respectively about 2.5% and 5% higher compared to diesel. Full engine power was achieved with both blends, and little difference in engine performance and emission results were observed between 20% and 60% blends. The study concludes that biodiesel derived from waste cooking oil gave better efficiency and lower NOx emissions than standard diesel. Copyright © 2012 SAE International.


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In our study the application of mint species (spearmint, peppermint ‘Mitcham’ and peppermint ‘Mexian’) and cinnamon was investigated against Fusarium head blight of winter wheat in vitro and in vivo. The effect of crude drugs and the aqueous extract of mint, and the effect of essential oils of mint and cinnamon on mycelial growth were evaluated in lab. On artificial media the crude drug showed higher inhibition than aqueous plant extracts. Cinnamon and spearmint oils e.ectively inhibited mycelia growth. In field trial artificially inoculated winter wheat was treated with the in vitro effective oils under small-plot conditions. The disease incidence was most inhibited by cinnamon oil, applied curative. According to our results the essential oil of cinnamon can be an appropriate candidate for the research of alternative disease control.


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This study examines the effect of edible coatings, type of oil used, and cooking method on the fat content of commercially available French fries. In contrast to earlier studies that examined laboratory prepared French fries, this study assesses commercially available French fries and cooking oils. This study also measured the fat content in oven baked French fries, comparing the two cooking methods in addition to the comparisons of different coatings’ oil uptake. The findings of this study were that the type of oil used did have a significant impact on the final oil content of the uncoated and seasoned fries. The fries coated in modified food starch and fried in peanut and soy oils had what appeared to be significantly higher oil content than those fried in corn oil or baked, but the difference was not statistically significant. Additionally, fat content in French fries with hydrocollidial coatings that were prepared in corn oil were not significantly different than French fries with the same coating that were baked.