925 resultados para OXYGEN SPECIES LEVELS


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The mitochondrial permeability transition (MPT) pore is a calcium-sensitive channel in the mitochondrial inner membrane that plays a crucial role in cell death. Here we show that cytochrome bc1 regulates the MPT in isolated rat liver mitochondria and in CEM and HL60 cells by two independent pathways. Glutathione depletion activated the MPT via increased production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) generated by cytochrome bc1. The ROS producing mechanism in cytochrome bc1 involves movement of the "Rieske" iron-sulfur protein subunit of the enzyme complex, because inhibition of cytochrome bc1 by pharmacologically blocking iron-sulfur protein movement completely abolished ROS production, MPT activation, and cell death. The classical inhibitor of the MPT, cyclosporine A, had no protective effect against MPT activation. In contrast, the calcium-activated, cyclosporine A-regulated MPT in rat liver mitochondria was also blocked with inhibitors of cytochrome bc1. These results indicate that electron flux through cytochrome bc1 regulates two distinct pathways to the MPT, one unregulated and involving mitochondrial ROS and the other regulated and activated by calcium.


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Nitric oxide (NO) is known to mediate a multitude of biological effects including inhibition of respiration at cytochrome c oxidase (COX), formation of peroxynitrite (ONOO) by reaction with mitochondrial superoxide (O2• −), and S-nitrosylation of proteins. In this study, we investigated pathways of NO metabolism in lymphoblastic leukemic CEM cells in response to glutathione (GSH) depletion. We found that NO blocked mitochondrial protein thiol oxidation, membrane permeabilization, and cell death. The effects of NO were: (1) independent of respiratory chain inhibition since protection was also observed in CEM cells lacking mitochondrial DNA (ρ0) which do not possess a functional respiratory chain and (2) independent of ONOO formation since nitrotyrosine (a marker for ONOOformation) was not detected in extracts from cells treated with NO after GSH depletion. However, NO increased the level of mitochondrial protein S-nitrosylation (SNO) determined by the Biotin Switch assay and by the release of NO from mitochondrial fractions treated with mercuric chloride (which cleaves SNO bonds to release NO). In conclusion, these results indicate that NO blocks cell death after GSH depletion by preserving the redox status of mitochondrial protein thiols probably by a mechanism that involves S-nitrosylation of mitochondrial protein thiols.


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This paper describes the effect on the fading of dyed polyester fabrics in artificial sunlight, when the Ultra Violet (UV) component of the radiation was blocked by coating the fabric with zinc oxide nanoparticles, dispersed in an acrylic polymer. Zinc oxide is photoactive and generates superoxide and hydroxyl radicals (Reactive Oxygen Species; ROS) when irradiated with UV in the presence of oxygen and water. The results for the four dyes studied show that different dye chromophores interact differently with ROS. Selection of dyes with anti oxidant properties or addition of other anti oxidants may reduce the adverse effects of ROS


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Exercise increases Na+–K+ pump isoform gene expression and elevates muscle reactive oxygen species (ROS). We investigated whether enhanced ROS scavenging induced with the antioxidant N-acetylcysteine (NAC) blunted the increase in Na+–K+ pump mRNA during repeated contractions in human and rat muscle. In experiment 1, well-trained subjects received saline or NAC intravenously prior to and during 45 min cycling. Vastus lateralis muscle biopsies were taken pre-infusion and following exercise. In experiment 2, isolated rat extensor digitorum longus muscles were pre-incubated without or with 10 mm NAC and then rested or stimulated electrically at 60 Hz for 90 s. After 3 h recovery, muscles were frozen. In both experiments, the muscles were analysed for Na+–K+ pump α1, α2, α3, β1, β2 and β3 mRNA. In experiment 1, exercise increased α2 mRNA by 1.0-fold (P = 0.03), but α2 mRNA was reduced by 0.40-fold with NAC (P = 0.03). Exercise increased α3, β1 and β2 mRNA by 2.0- to 3.4-fold (P < 0.05), but these were not affected by NAC (P > 0.32). Neither exercise nor NAC altered α1 or β3 mRNA (P > 0.31). In experiment 2, electrical stimulation increased α1, α2 and α3 mRNA by 2.3- to 17.4-fold (P < 0.05), but these changes were abolished by NAC (P > 0.07). Electrical stimulation almost completely reduced β1 mRNA but only in the presence of NAC (P < 0.01). Neither electrical stimulation nor NAC altered β2 or β3 mRNA (P > 0.09). In conclusion, NAC attenuated the increase in Na+–K+ pump α2 mRNA with exercise in human muscle and all α isoforms with electrical stimulation in rat muscle. This indicates a regulatory role for ROS in Na+–K+ pump α isoform mRNA in mammalian muscle during repeated contractions.


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• 1. The present review discusses the potential role of nitric oxide (NO) in the: (i) regulation of skeletal muscle glucose uptake during exercise; and (ii) activation of mitochondrial biogenesis after exercise.
• 2. We have shown in humans that local infusion of an NO synthase inhibitor during exercise attenuates increases in skeletal muscle glucose uptake without affecting blood flow. Recent studies from our laboratory in rodents support these findings in humans, although rodent studies from other laboratories have yielded conflicting results.
• 3. There is clear evidence that NO increases mitochondrial biogenesis in non-contracting cells and that NO influences basal skeletal muscle mitochondrial biogenesis. However, there have been few studies examining the potential role of NO in the activation of mitochondrial biogenesis following an acute bout of exercise or in response to exercise training. Early indications are that NO is not involved in regulating the increase in mitochondrial biogenesis that occurs in response to exercise.
• 4. Exercise is considered the best prevention and treatment option for diabetes, but unfortunately many people with diabetes do not or cannot exercise regularly. Alternative therapies are therefore critical to effectively manage diabetes. If skeletal muscle NO is found to play an important role in regulating glucose uptake and/or mitochondrial biogenesis, pharmaceutical agents designed to mimic these effects of exercise may improve glycaemic control.


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Alzheimer's disease (AD) is characterised by the formation of amyloid deposits composed primarily of the amyloid β-peptide (Aβ). This peptide has been shown to bind redox active metals ions such as copper and iron, leading to the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and formation of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). The generation of H2O2 has been linked with Aβ neurotoxicity and neurodegeneration in AD. Because of the relative stability of a tyrosyl radical, the tyrosine residue (Tyr-10) is believed to be critical to the neurotoxicity of Aβ. This residue has also been shown to be important to Aβ aggregation and amyloid formation. It is possible that the formation of an Aβ tyrosyl radical leads to increased aggregation via the formation of dityrosine as an early aggregation step, which is supported by the identification of dityrosine in amyloid plaque. The role of dityrosine formation in Aβ aggregation and neurotoxicity is as yet undetermined, partly because there are no facile methods for the synthesis of Aβ dimers containing dityrosine. Here we report the use of horseradish peroxidase and H2O2 to dimerise N-acetyl-l-tyrosine ethyl ester and apply the optimised conditions for dityrosine formation to fully unprotected Aβ peptides. We also report a simple fluorescent plate reader method for monitoring Aβ dimerisation via dityrosine formation.


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This paper describes the effects of applying coatings of an acrylic polymer containing nanoparticles of zinc oxide (ZnO) on the fading rate in artificial sunlight of polyester fabrics dyed with disperse dyes containing anthraquinone and benzopyran chromophores. Factors affecting the transparency and UV absorbance of the coatings are discussed. Removing the UV component of sunlight with ZnO nanoparticles markedly decreased the fading rate of the dyes, provided the polymer/ZnO film was not in direct contact with the fabric. When the treatment was applied directly to the fabrics, however, the protection against colour fading was different for the two dyes studied. Whereas the rate of colour fading of a benzopyran dye, of relatively low lightfastness, was decreased by the polymer-ZnO film, the treatment increased the fading rate of the dye of higher lightfastness, based on anthraquinone. This effect has been attributed to the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) when ZnO is exposed to UV. The effect of decreasing the photoactivity of ZnO by doping with manganese has been examined. For the benzopyran dye, the UV protection was greatly increased, whereas a much smaller improvement was found for the anthraquinone-based dye.


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Metal-catalysed oxidation (MCO) reactions result in the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in biological systems. These ROS cause oxidative stress that contributes to a number of pathological processes leading to a variety of diseases. Tyrosine is one residue that is very susceptible to oxidative modification and the formation of dityrosine (DT) and 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA) have been widely reported in a number of diseases. However, the mechanisms of MCO of tyrosine in biological systems are poorly understood and require further investigation. In this study we investigated the mechanism of DT and DOPA formation by MCO using N-acetyl tyrosine ethyl ester as a model for tyrosine in proteins and peptides. The results showed that DT formation could be observed upon Cu2+/H2O2 oxidation at pH 7.4. Our results indicate that it is unlikely to be via Fenton chemistry since Cu+/H2O2 oxidative conditions did not lead to the formation of DT.


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The most common form of dementia in old age is Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The presence in the brain of senile plaque is the major pathological marker of AD. The plaques are primarily composed of aggregated amyloid-β peptide (Aβ). Aβ is a 40–42 amino acid peptide that is a proteolytic product derived from the β-amyloid precursor protein. The function of Aβ and the exact mechanism of Aβ aggregation and neurotoxicity are unclear. However, metal coordination by Aβ plays an important role in inducing aggregation and the generation of reactive oxygen species, which appears to be at least partially responsible for Aβ neurotoxicity. In this review we examine the role of copper and zinc ions in Aβ neurotoxicity, especially with regards to the generation of free radicals. We discuss the role of copper or zinc ions in oxidative damage and Aβ conformational changes and the relationship of these metals to AD.


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The useful life of many outdoor textile products is limited by degradation caused by exposure to sunlight, in particular by the ultra violet component (below 400 nm). The degradation results in fading of colours and also loss of physical properties, such as tear strength and abrasion resistance. Degradation can be decreased with UV absorbers, often used in conjunction with antioxidants or free radical quenchers. The protection afforded by these organic compounds is, however, limited as they are ultimately destroyed by the UV radiation they absorb.
An alternative approach is to coat fabrics with a polymer containing an inorganic UV absorber, such as zinc oxide. The inherent stability of zinc oxide would be expected to provide a protective effect over a much longer period than can be achieved with an organic UV absorber. A possible disadvantage of zinc oxide when applied in a polymer film is that absorption and scattering of visible light can produce hazy films and, hence, an unacceptable change in fabric appearance.
This poster paper examines the possibility of using nano particles of zinc oxide dispersed in acrylic polymers for protecting dyed polyester fabrics against sunlight fading. Factors affecting both UV absorbance and film clarity will be discussed. The possibility will also be examined that the protective effect may be reduced in some circumstances by reactive oxygen species, generated by the interaction of UV with zinc oxide in the presence of air and water.