995 resultados para Nonlinear Fredholm Alternative
The problem of calculating the minimum lap or maneuver time of a nonlinear vehicle, which is linearized at each time step, is formulated as a convex optimization problem. The formulation provides an alternative to previously used quasi-steady-state analysis or nonlinear optimization. Key steps are: the use of model predictive control; expressing the minimum time problem as one of maximizing distance traveled along the track centerline; and linearizing the track and vehicle trajectories by expressing them as small displacements from a fixed reference. A consequence of linearizing the vehicle dynamics is that nonoptimal steering control action can be generated, but attention to the constraints and the cost function minimizes the effect. Optimal control actions and vehicle responses for a 90 deg bend are presented and compared to the nonconvex nonlinear programming solution. Copyright © 2013 by ASME.
Reprocessing of Light Water Reactor (LWR) spent fuel to recover plutonium or transuranics for use in Sodium cooled Fast Reactors (SFRs) is a distant prospect in the U.S.A. This has motivated our evaluation of potentially cost-effective operation of uranium startup fast reactors (USFRs) in a once-through mode. This review goes beyond findings reported earlier based on a UC fueled MgO reflected SFR to describe a broader parametric study of options. Cores were evaluated for a variety of fuel/coolant/reflector combinations: UC/UZr/UO 2/UN;Na/Pb; MgO/SS/Zr. The challenge is achieving high burnup while minimizing enrichment and respecting both cladding fluence/dpa and reactivity lifetime limits. These parametric studies show that while UC fuel is still the leading contender, UO 2 fuel and ZrH 1.7 moderated metallic fuel are also attractive if UC proves to be otherwise inadequate. Overall, these findings support the conclusion that a competitive fuel cycle cost and uranium utilization compared to LWRs is possible for SFRs operated on a once-through uranium fueled fuel cycle. In addition, eventual transition to TRU recycle mode is studied, as is a small test reactor to demonstrate key features.
In this book several streams of nonlinear control theory are merged and di- rected towards a constructive solution of the feedback stabilization problem. Analytic, geometric and asymptotic concepts are assembled as design tools for a wide variety of nonlinear phenomena and structures. Di®erential-geometric concepts reveal important structural properties of nonlinear systems, but al- low no margin for modeling errors. To overcome this de¯ciency, we combine them with analytic concepts of passivity, optimality and Lyapunov stability. In this way geometry serves as a guide for construction of design procedures, while analysis provides robustness tools which geometry lacks.