943 resultados para National Eye Institute.
The Hubble Deep Field South (HDF-S) Hubble Space Telescope (HST) observations are expected to begin in 1998 October. We present a composite spectrum of the QSO in the HDF-S held covering UV/optical/near-IR wavelengths, obtained by combining data from the Australian National University 2.3 m telescope with STIS on the HST.(1) This intermediate-resolution spectrum covers the range 1600-10000 Angstrom and allows us to derive some basic information on the intervening absorption systems which will be important in planning future higher resolution studies of this QSO. The QSO J2233 - 606 coordinates are alpha = 22(h)33(m)37(s).6, delta = -60 degrees 33'29 (J2000), the magnitude is B = 17.5, and its redshift is z(em) = 2.238, derived by simultaneously fitting several emission lines. The spectral index is alpha = -0.7 +/- 0.1, measured between the Ly alpha and Mg II emission lines. Many absorption systems are present, including systems with metal lines redward of the Ly alpha emission line at z(abs) 2.204, 1.942, 1.870, 1.787 and a few very strong Ly alpha features at z(abs) = 2.077, 1.928, without similarly strong metal lines. There is a conspicuous Lyman limit (LL) absorption system that is most likely associated with the z(abs) = 1.942 system with a neutral hydrogen column density of N-HI = (3.1 +/- 1.0) x 10(17) cm(-2). There is some evidence for the presence of a second LL absorber just to the blue of the conspicuous system at z = 1.870. We have employed a new technique, based on an analysis of the shape of the observed spectrum in the region of the LL absorption, to explore the properties of the gas. We tentatively conclude that this system might have suitable characteristics for measuring the deuterium-to-hydrogen (D/H) ratio.
The Women's Health Australia (WHA) project is a longitudinal study of several cohorts of Australian women, which aims to examine the relationships between biological, psychological, social and lifestyle factors and women's physical health, emotional well-being, and their use of and satisfaction with health care. Using the Medicare database as a sampling frame (with oversampling of women from rural and remote areas), 106,000 women in the three age groups 18-23, 45-50 and 70-75 were sent an invitation to participate and a 24-page self-complete questionnaire. Reminder letters, a nation-wide publicity campaign, information brochures, a freecall number for inquiries, and the option of completing the questionnaire by telephone in English or in the respondent's own language, were used to encourage participation. Statutory regulations precluded telephone follow-up of non-respondents. Response rates were 41% (N = 14,792), 54% (N = 14,200) and 36% (N = 12,614) for the three age groups. Comparison with Australian census data indicated that the samples are reasonably representative of Australian women in these age groups, except fur a somewhat higher representation of women who are married or in a defacto relationship, and of women with post-school education. The most common reason for non-participation was lack of interest or time. Personal circumstances, objections to the questionnaire or specific items in it, and concerns about confidentiality were the other main reasons. Recruitment of three representative age-group cohorts of women, and the maintenance of these cohorts over a number of years, will provide a valuable opportunity to examine associations over time between aspects of women's lives and their physical and emotional health and well-being.
Matthiessen's ratio (distance from centre of lens to retina: lens radius) was measured in developing black bream, Acanthopagrus butcheri (Sparidae, Teleostei). The value decreased over the first 10 days post-hatch from 3.6 to 2.3 along the nasal and from four to 2.6 along temporal axis. Coincidentally, there was a decrease in the focal ratio of the lens (focal length:lens radius). Morphologically, the accommodatory retractor lentis muscle appeared to become functional between 10-12 days post-hatch. The results suggest that a higher focal ratio compensates for the relatively high Matthiessen's ratio brought about by constraints of small eye size during early development. Combined with differences in axial length, this provides a means for larval fish to focus images from different distances prior to the ability to accommodate. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of injury death for international tourists. This makes road safety an important issue for tourism authorities. Unfortunately, as it is in other areas of tourist health, the common response from the travel and tourism industry is to remain silent about this problem and to leave any mishaps in the hands of insurers. At the same time, but for different reasons, international tourists are not usually targeted for road safety initiatives by transport authorities. Given that there are considerable 'hidden' costs associated with international tourists and motor vehicle crashes, the topic should be of concern to both tourism and transport groups. This paper examines issues concerned with driving in unfamiliar surroundings for international visitors in Australia, and proposes a national research and management programme to guide policy and planning in the area. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The eye lenses of Parma microlepis from the rocky barrens of Sydney (New South Wales, Australia) were found to contain Ba, Hg, Rb, and Sr at concentrations above the quantitative detection limits of solution-based inductively-coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Lenses were separated into the hard central nucleus and the softer surrounding cortex. Nuclei contained lower (equal for Ba) concentrations of these metals. Biochemical analysis of the protein composition of these lenses revealed differences in the ratio of gamma-crystallin to beta-crystallin in the lens nucleus and cortex. These changes were shown to be attributable both to protein degradation and changes in protein synthesis as fish age. Such changes may lead to the loss of sequestered metals from older cell layers, or change the affinity of new layers for particular trace metals. Differential binding affinities of these crystallins may, therefore, partially account for trace-metal differences observed in the lens nucleus and cortex.
Recent El Nino events have stimulated interest in the development of modeling techniques to forecast extremes of climate and related health events. Previous studies have documented associations between specific climate variables (particularly temperature and rainfall) and outbreaks of arboviral disease. In some countries, such diseases are sensitive to Fl Nino. Here we describe a climate-based model for the prediction of Ross River virus epidemics in Australia. From a literature search and data on case notifications, we determined in which years there were epidemics of Ross River virus in southern Australia between 1928 and 1998. Predictor variables were monthly Southern Oscillation index values for the year of an epidemic or lagged by 1 year. We found that in southeastern states, epidemic years were well predicted by monthly Southern Oscillation index values in January and September in the previous year. The model forecasts that there is a high probability of epidemic Ross River virus in the southern states of Australia in 1999. We conclude that epidemics of arboviral disease can, at least in principle, be predicted on the basis of climate relationships.
Objective: This study reports the prevalence and correlates of ICD-10 alcohol- and drug-use disorders in the National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing (NSMHWB) and discusses their implications for treatment. Method: The NSMHWB was a nationally representative household survey of 10 641 Australian adults that assessed participants for symptoms of the most prevalent ICD-10 and DSM-IV mental disorders, including alcohol- and drug-use disorders. Results: In the past 12 months 6.5% of Australian adults met criteria for an ICD-10 alcohol-use disorder and 2.2% had another ICD-10 drug-use disorder. Men were at higher risk than women of developing alcohol- and drug-use disorders and the prevalence of both disorders decreased with increasing age. There were high rates of comorbidity between alcohol- and other drug-use disorders and mental disorders and low rates of treatment seeking. Conclusions: Alcohol-use disorders are a major mental health and public health issue in Australia. Drug-use disorders are less common than alcohol-use disorders, but still affect a substantial minority of Australian adults. Treatment seeking among persons with alcohol- and other drug-use disorders is low. A range of public health strategies (including improved specialist treatment services) are needed to reduce the prevalence of these disorders.
Background. The Australian National Survey of Mental Health and Well-being was designed to detect and describe psychiatric morbidity, associated disability, service use and perceived need for care. The survey employed a single-phase interview methodology, delivering a field questionnaire to a clustered probability sample of 10641 Australians. Perceived need was sampled with an instrument designed for this survey, the Perceived Need for Care Questionnaire (PNCQ). This questionnaire gathers information about five categories of perceived need, assigning each to one of four levels of perceived need. Reliability and validity studies showed satisfactory performance of the instrument. Methods. Perceived need for mental health care in the Australian population has been analysed using PNCQ data, relating this to diagnostic and service utilization data from the above survey. Results. The survey findings indicate that an estimated 13.8 % of the Australian population have perceived need for mental health care. Those who met interview criteria for a psychiatric diagnosis and also expressed perceived need make up 9.9 % of the population. An estimated 11.0% of the population are cases of untreated prevalence, a minority (3.6% of the population) of whom expressed perceived need for mental health care. Among persons using services, those without a psychiatric diagnosis based on interview criteria (4.4% of the population), showed high levels of perceived met need. Conclusions. The overall rate of perceived need found by this methodology lies between those found in the USA and Canada. The findings suggest that service use in the absence of diagnosis elicited by survey questionnaires may often represent successful intervention. In the survey, untreated prevalence was commonly not accompanied by perceived need for mental health care.
This study sought to examine the impact of the Cannabis Expiation Notice (CEN) scheme on the prevalence of lifetime and weekly cannabis use in South Australia. Data from five National Drug Strategy Household Surveys between 1985 and 1995 were examined to test for differences in trends in self-reported: (1) lifetime cannabis use; and (2) current weekly cannabis use, after controlling for age and gender, between South Australia and the other states and territories. Between 1985 and 1995, rates of lifetime cannabis use increased in SA from 26% to 36%. There were also significant increases in Victoria (from 26% to 32%), Tasmania (from 21% to 33%) and New South Wales (from 26% to 33%). The increase in South Australia was significantly greater than the average increase throughout the rest of Australia, but the other Australian states differed in their rates of change. Victoria and Tasmania had similar rates of increase to South Australia; New South Wales, Queensland and Western Australia showed lower rates of increase; and the Northern Territory and the Australian Capital Territory had high rates that did not change during the period. There was no statistically significant difference between SA and the rest of Australia in the rate of increase in weekly cannabis use. While there was a greater increase in self- reported lifetime cannabis use in South Australia between 1985 and 1995 than in the average of the other Australian jurisdictions it is unlikely that this increase is due to the CEN system, because similar increases occurred in Tasmania and Victoria (where there was no change in the legal status of cannabis use), and there was no increase in the rate of weekly cannabis use in South Australia over the same period.
Many species of stomatopod crustaceans have multiple spectral classes of photoreceptors in their retinas. Behavioral evidence also indicates that stomatopods are capable of discriminating objects by their spectral differences alone, Most animals use only two to four different types of photoreceptors in their color vision systems, typically with broad sensitivity functions, but the stomatopods apparently include eight or more narrowband photoreceptor classes for color recognition. It is also known that stomatopods use several colored body regions in social interactions. To examine why stomatopods may be so 'concerned' with color, we measured the absorption spectra of visual pigments and intrarhabdomal filters, and the reflectance spectra from different parts of the bodies of several individuals of the gonodactyloid stomatopod species, Gonodactylus smithii. We then applied a model of multiple dichromatic channels for color encoding to examine whether the finely tuned color vision was specifically co-evolved with their complex color signals. Although the eye design of stomatopods seems suitable for detecting color signals of their own, the detection of color signals from other animals, such as reef fishes, can be enhanced as well. Color vision in G. smithii is therefore not exclusively adapted to detect its own color signals, but the spectral tuning of some photoreceptors (e.g. midband Rows 2 and 3) enhances the contrast of certain color signals to a large enough degree to make co-evolution between color vision and these rather specific color signals likely. Copyright (C) 2000 S. Karger AG, Basel.
Background: The first set of aims of the present study was to determine the prevalence of personality disorders (PDs) in a nation, and gender differences in the types and numbers of PDs endorsed. The second set of aims was to establish the relationship of PD to other, non-PD disorders, physical conditions, and disability. Method: Data were obtained from the Australian National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing, conducted between May and August 1997. A stratified random sample of households was generated, from which all those aged 18 or over were considered potential interviewees. There were 10,641 respondents to the survey, and this represented a response rate of 78%. Each interviewee was asked 59 questions indexing specific ICD-10 PD criteria. Results: Of the total survey sample, 704 persons had at least one PD. Using weighted replicate weights, it was estimated that approximately 6.5% of the adult population of Australia have one or more PDs (lifetime prevalence). Persons with PD were more likely to be younger, male, and not married, and to have an anxiety disorder, an affective disorder, a substance use disorder, or a physical condition. They were also more likely to have greater disability than those without PD. Conclusion: The study is the first nationwide survey of mental disorders conducted within Australia. It provides an estimate of the prevalence of the various types of PD. The survey has considerable limitations, however, and these are discussed.