996 resultados para NUCLEAR TEMPERATURE


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The oscillating flow and temperature field in an open tube subjected to cryogenic temperature at the cold end and ambient temperature at the hot end is studied numerically. The flow is driven by a time-wise sinusoidally varying pressure at the cold end. The conjugate problem takes into account the interaction of oscillatory flow with the heat conduction in the tube wall. The full set of compressible flow equations with axisymmetry assumption are solved with a pressure correction algorithm. Parametric studies are conducted with frequencies of 5-15 Hz, with one end maintained at 100 K and other end at 300 K. The flow and temperature distributions and the cooldown characteristics are obtained. The frequency and pressure amplitude have negligible effect on the time averaged Nusselt number. Pressure amplitude is an important factor determining the enthalpy flow through the solid wall. The frequency of operation has considerable effect on penetration of temperature into the tube. The density variation has strong influence on property profiles during cooldown. The present study is expected to be of interest in applications such as pulse tube refrigerators and other cryocoolers, where oscillatory flows occur in open tubes. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Use of dipolar and quadrupolar couplings for quantum information processing (QIP) by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) is described. In these cases, instead of the individual spins being qubits, the 2(n) energy levels of the spin-system can be treated as an n-qubit system. It is demonstrated that QIP in such systems can be carried out using transition-selective pulses, in (CHCN)-C-3, (CH3CN)-C-13, Li-7 (I = 3/2) and Cs-133 (I = 7/2), oriented in liquid crystals yielding 2 and 3 qubit systems. Creation of pseudopure states, implementation of logic gates and arithmetic operations (half-adder and subtractor) have been carried out in these systems using transition-selective pulses.


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Embrittlement of a bulk La-based metallic glass due to isothermal and isochronal annealing below the T-g was investigated. Results show that the impact toughness decreases with increasing annealing time or temperature, accompanied by a change in fracture morphology. Reasons for this are discussed in terms of structural relaxation. (C) 2002 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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An isothermal section of the phase diagram for the system Eu - Pd - O at 1223 K has been established by equilibration of samples representing 20 different compositions, and phase identification after quenching by optical and scanning electron microscopy, X-ray powder diffraction, and energy dispersive spectroscopy. Three ternary oxides, Eu4PdO7, Eu2PdO4, and Eu2Pd2O5, were identified. Liquid alloys and the intermetallic compounds EuPd2 and EuPd3 were found to be in equilibrium with EuO. The compound EuPd3 was also found to coexist separately with Eu3O4 and Eu2O3. The oxide phase in equilibrium with EuPd5 and Pd rich solid solution was Eu2O3. Based on the phase relations, four solid state cells were designed to measure the Gibbs energies of formation of the three ternary oxides in the temperature range from 925 to 1350 K. Although three cells are sufficient to obtain the properties of the three compounds, the fourth cell was deployed to crosscheck the data. An advanced version of the solid state cell incorporating a buffer electrode with yttria stabilised zirconia solid electrolyte and pure oxygen gas at a pressure of 0.1 MPa as the reference electrode was used for high temperature thermodynamic measurements. Equations for the standard Gibbs energy of formation of the interoxide compounds from their component binary oxides Eu2O3 with C type structure and PdO have been established. Based on the thermodynamic information, isothermal chemical potential diagrams and isobaric phase diagrams for the system Eu - Pd - O have been developed.


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We report an extended x-ray absorption fine-structure investigation on the Mn K absorption edge in La1-xCaxMnO3 as a function of temperature and magnetic field. The results provide microscopic evidence that the modifications in the local structure around Mn atomic sites, as a function of temperature and applied magnetic field, are directly related to the magneto-transport properties of these materials.


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Nickel substituted lithium-cobalt oxides, LiCo1-xNixO2 (0 < x < 0.4), have been synthesized in a very short time by a solution combustion method at 350 degreesC using diformyl hydrazine as a fuel. Pure phases with hexagonal lattice structure have been obtained. These compounds facilitate reversible insertion/extraction of Li+ ions with good discharge capacity between 3.0 and 4.4 V versus Li/Li+. Results of the studies by powder X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, cyclic voltammetry, galvanostatic charge-discharge cycling and ac impedance measurements are presented. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Temperature dependence of the intra-molecular vibrational modes Of C-60 in the quasi-1D polymeric RbC60, across the low temperature transition at similar to50 K, has been probed through infrared (IR) and Raman spectroscopies. With the lowering of temperature, the split IR modes of RbC60 are seen to harden but below 50 K a small but definitive signature of an anomalous softening is observed. In addition, the background IR transmission shows an increase below 50 K with the opening of a well defined gap in the electronic spectrum. The implications of these results, along with those of Raman measurements, are discussed in terms of the interaction of intra-molecular phonons with electrons and spin excitations in the system. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.


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In Neurospora crassa, multinucleate macroconidia are used for genetic transformation. The barrier for such a transformation can be either at the cell membrane level or at the nuclear membrane level. For assessment of these possibilities, a forced heterokaryon (containing two genetically marked nuclei and auxotrophic for histidine) of Neurospora crassa was transformed with a plasmid containing his-3(+) gene. The transformants, which could grow without histidine supplementation, were then resolved into component homokaryons to determine into which nucleus or nuclei the plasmid had entered. Our results suggest that the barrier for transformation in Neurospora crassa is at the nuclear level, not at the cell membrane level. In a heterokaryon containing two genetically distinct nuclei, plasmid DNA integrated into only one of the nuclear types at any instance, but never into both nuclear types. Thus, in Neurospora crassa, the competent nucleus is essential for the transformation event to take place, and at a given time only one type of nucleus is competent to take up the exogenous DNA. Genomic Southern analysis showed that the transformants harbor both ectopic and homologous integrations of the plasmid DNA. The type and number of integrations were reflected at the post-translational level, since the specific activity of histidinol dehydrogenase (the translation product of his-3+ gene) was variable among several transformants and always less than the level of the wild type.


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The deformation behavior of an FeAl alloy processed by hot extrusion of water atomized powder has been investigated. Compression tests are performed in the temperature range 1073–1423 K and in the strain rate range 0.001–100 s−1 up to a true plastic strain of 0.5. The flow stress has been found to be strongly dependent on temperature as well as strain rate. The stress exponent in the power law rate equation is estimated to be in the range 7.0–4.0, decreasing with temperature. The activation energy for plastic flow in the range 1073–1373 K varies from 430 kJ mol−1 at low stresses to 340 kJ mol−1 at high stresses. However, it is fairly independent of strain rate and strain. The activation area has similarly shown a stress dependence and lies in the range 160–45b2. At 1423 K and at strain rates lower than 0.1 s−1 a strain rate sensitivity of 0.3 is observed with an associated activation energy of 375 kJ mol−1. The plastic flow in the entire range of temperature and strain rate investigated appears to be controlled by a diffusion mechanism. The results have revealed that it is possible to process the alloy by superplastic forming in the range 1373–1423 K at strain rates lower than 0.1 s−1.


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Potassium doped lanthanum manganites have been synthesized from KCl, KBr and KI fluxes at 900, 850 and 750 °C respectively. While all the flux-grown oxides are ferromagnetic metals (Tc=290–330 K), the oxides grown from KCl and KBr fluxes crystallize in the rhombohedral structure and that synthesized from KI flux adopts the cubic structure. The enhancement in Tc correlates with the increasing tendency of the flux to get oxidized and decreasing melting points of the flux. Nearly stoichiometric (LaK)MnO3 with 33 % of Mn4+ concentration could be prepared at temperature as low as 750 °C. Composition of all the phases have been obtained from the chemical analysis of the elements present.


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Temperature- and density-dependent vibrational relaxation data for the v6 asymmetric stretch of W(CO)6 in supercritical fluoroform (trifluoromethane, CHF3) are presented and compared to a recent theory of solute vibrational relaxation. The theory, which uses thermodynamic and hydrodynamic conditions of the solvent as input parameters, shows very good agreement in reproducing the temperature- and density-dependent trends of the experimental data with a minimum of adjustable parameters. Once a small number of parameters are fixed by fitting the functional form of the density dependence, there are no adjustable parameters in the calculations of the temperature dependence. © 2001 American Institute of Physics.


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We compute the temperature profiles of accretion discs around rapidly rotating strange stars, using constant gravitational mass equilibrium sequences of these objects, considering the full effect of general relativity. Beyond a certain critical value of stellar angular momentum (J), we observe the radius ( $r_{\rm orb}$) of the innermost stable circular orbit (ISCO) to increase with J (a property seen neither in rotating black holes nor in rotating neutron stars). The reason for this is traced to the crucial dependence of ${\rm d}r_{\rm orb}/{\rm d}J$ on the rate of change of the radial gradient of the Keplerian angular velocity at $r_{\rm orb}$ with respect to J. The structure parameters and temperature profiles obtained are compared with those of neutron stars, as an attempt to provide signatures for distinguishing between the two. We show that when the full gamut of strange star equation of state models, with varying degrees of stiffness are considered, there exists a substantial overlap in properties of both neutron stars and strange stars. However, applying accretion disc model constraints to rule out stiff strange star equation of state models, we notice that neutron stars and strange stars exclusively occupy certain parameter spaces. This result implies the possibility of distinguishing these objects from each other by sensitive observations through future X-ray detectors.


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The structure of a type I langbeinite, Rb2Cd2(SO4)(3), displays three different phases, cubic with a = 10.378(5) Angstrom (space group P2(1)3) at room temperature, monoclinic at 120 K with a = 10.328(3), b = 10.322(3), c = 10.325(3) Angstrom, beta = 89.975(1)degrees (space group P2(1)), and orthorhombic at 85 K with a = 10.319(2), b = 10.321(2), c = 10.320(2) Angstrom (space group P2(1)2(1)2(1)), respectively. Precise single-crystal analyses of these phases indicate that Rb2Cd2(SO4)(3) distorts initially from cubic to monoclinic upon cooling followed by a significant reorientation of the SO4 tetrahedra, resulting in an orthorhombic symmetry upon further cooling. The three structures have been established unequivocally using the same crystal. There is no indication of the formation of an intermediate triclinic phase or any lattice disorder as conjectured in several earlier reports on compounds belonging to the type I langbeinite. The bond valence sum analyses of the coordination around the Rb sites indicate asymmetry in the bond strengths which could be the driving force of the ferroelectric behavior in these materials.


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Nanoparticle synthesis in a microemulsion route is typically controlled by changing the water to surfactant ratio, concentration of precursors, and/or concentration of micelles. The experiments carried out in this work with chloroauric acid and hydrazine hydrate as precursors in water/AOT-Brij30/isooctane microemulsions show that the reagent addition rate can also be used to tune the size of stable spherical gold nanoparticles to some extent. The particle size goes through a minimum with variation in feed addition rate. The increase in particle size with an increase in reaction temperature is in agreement with an earlier report. A population balance model is used to interpret the experimental findings. The reduced extent of nucleation at low feed addition rates and suppression of nucleation due to the finite rate of mixing at higher addition rates produce a minimum in particle size. The increase in particle size at higher reaction temperatures is explained through an increase in fusion efficiency of micelles which dissipates supersaturation; increase in solubility is shown to play an insignificant role. The moderate polydispersity of the synthesized particles is due to the continued nucleation and growth of particles. The polydispersity of micelle sizes by itself plays a minor role.


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The variation of resistivity of the lithium fast-ion conductor Li3+y Ge1−yO4 (y = 0.25, 0.6, 0.72) has been studied with hydrostatic pressure up to 70 kbar and compared with that of Li16−2x Znx (GeO4)4(x = 1, 2). Both types showed pronounced resistivity maxima between 20–30 kbar and marked decrease thereafter. Measurements as a function of temperature between 120–300 K permitted the determination of activation energies and prefactors that also showed corresponding maxima. The activation volumes (ΔV) of the first type of compound varied between 4.34 to −4.90 cm3/mol at 300 K and decreased monotonically with increasing temperature. For the second type ΔV was much smaller, varied with pressure between 0.58 and −0.24 cm3/mol, and went through a maximum with increasing temperature. High-pressure studies were also conducted on aged samples, and the results are discussed in conjunction with results of impedance measurements and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) studies. The principal effect of pressure appears to be variations of the sum of interatomic potentials and hence barrier height, which also causes significant changes in entropy.