957 resultados para NARANJO COTO, CARMEN,


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FUNDAMENTO: Apesar de o limiar anaeróbio (LAn) ser utilizado na avaliação funcional de diferentes populações, estudos comparando métodos para sua identificação em diabéticos tipo-2 tem sido pouco realizados. OBJETIVO: Comparar protocolos de identificação do LAn em indivíduos diabéticos tipo 2 e em não-diabéticos, e analisar respostas relacionadas ao equilíbrio ácido-básico em intensidades relativas ao LAn. MÉTODOS: Diabéticos tipo 2 (n=10; 54,5±9,5 anos; 30,1±5,0 kg/m²) e jovens não-diabéticos (n=10; 36,6±12,8 anos; 23,9±5,0 kg/m²) realizaram teste incremental (TI) em ciclo ergômetro. O aumento desproporcional no equivalente ventilatório de oxigênio (VE/VO2) e lactatemia ([lac]) identificaram intensidades (Watts-W) correspondentes aos limiares ventilatório (LV) e de lactato (LL), respectivamente. A intensidade correspondente à menor glicemia ([glic]) foi considerada limiar glicêmico individual (LGI). O LAn também foi determinado por ajuste polinomial das razões VE/Watts (LV VE/W) e [lac]/Watts (LL[lac]/W), as quais identificaram intensidades acima das quais um aumento desproporcional na VE e [lac] ocorreram. RESULTADOS: Não foram observadas diferenças entre LL, LV, LG, LL[lac]/W e LV VE/W em diabéticos (85,0±32,1; 88,0±31,7; 86,0±33,8; 82,0±20,9 e 90,2±22,2W) e não-diabéticos (139,0±39,0; 133,0±42,7; 140,8±36,4; 122,7±44,3 e 133,0±39,1W). Contudo os valores de LAn diferiram significativamente entre grupos (p<0.001). A técnica de Bland-Altman confirmou concordância entre os protocolos. Reduções significativas no pH e pCO2 em paralelo a um aumento na [lac], pO2 e VE foram observadas em intensidades supra limiares. CONCLUSÃO: Os protocolos apresentaram, para ambos os grupos estudados, concordância na identificação do LAn, que se mostrou como uma intensidade de exercício acima da qual ocorre perda de equilíbrio ácido-básico.


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FUNDAMENTO: O exercício resistido tem sido atualmente recomendado como componente adjunto do exercício aeróbico no programa de treinamento físico direcionado ao tratamento e controle da hipertensão arterial sistêmica (HAS). Entretanto, o mesmo ainda não tem sido amplamente incorporado na prática clínica, possivelmente pela escassez de evidências disponíveis sobre os limites seguros da resposta pressórica aguda nessa modalidade. OBJETIVO: Investigar o efeito agudo do exercício resistido progressivo, de diferentes segmentos corporais, na resposta pressórica de pacientes com hipertensão arterial sistêmica (HAS) controlada. MÉTODOS: Vinte e cinco pacientes (14 mulheres) com HAS controlada com medicamentos (64,5 ± 10,8 anos de idade) e sedentários, realizaram três visitas para uma sessão de exercício resistido progressivo aleatória, nos seguintes grupos musculares: quadríceps femoral, grande dorsal e bíceps braquial. Medidas de pressão arterial foram obtidas em todas as visitas no repouso, imediatamente após cada série de exercício e após 5 minutos de recuperação. RESULTADOS: Imediatamente após o exercício resistido agudo, houve significante aumento das pressões sistólicas, sem modificações significantes das pressões diastólicas, quando comparadas aos níveis pressóricos de repouso, para todos os grupos musculares e para todas as intensidades avaliadas. Adicionalmente, observou-se maior tendência à elevação da pressão sistólica quando o quadríceps femoral foi exercitado em alta intensidade. CONCLUSÃO: O exercício resistido de diferentes segmentos corporais promoveu aumentos similares e seguros dos níveis de pressão arterial sistólica, embora com tendência a maior resposta desta quando exercitados grandes grupos musculares em cargas elevadas.


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FUNDAMENTO: Não há dados relativos à epidemiologia da hiperuricemia em estudos brasileiros de base populacional. OBJETIVO: Investigar a distribuição de ácido úrico sérico e sua relação com variáveis demográficas e cardiovasculares. MÉTODOS: Estudamos 1.346 indivíduos. A hiperuricemia foi definida como > 6,8 e > 5,4 mg/dL para homens e mulheres, respectivamente. A síndrome metabólica (SM) foi definida utilizando-se os critérios NCEP ATP III. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de hiperuricemia foi de 13,2%. A associação de ácido úrico sérico (AUS) com fatores de risco cardiovasculares foi específica para o gênero: em mulheres, maiores níveis de AUS estiveram associados com IMC elevado, mesmo após ajustes da pressão arterial sistólica para idade (PAS). Em homens, a relação do AUS com o colesterol HDL esteve mediada pelo IMC, enquanto em mulheres, o AUS mostrou-se semelhante e dependente do IMC, independentemente dos níveis glicose e presença de hipertensão. Nos homens, os triglicerídeos, a circunferência abdominal (CA) e a PAS explicaram 11%, 4% e 1% da variabilidade do AUS, respectivamente. Nas mulheres, a circunferência abdominal e os triglicerídeos explicaram 9% e 1% da variabilidade de AUS, respectivamente. Em comparação com o primeiro quartil, homens e mulheres no quarto quartil apresentavam 3,29 e 4,18 vezes mais de aumento de risco de SM, respectivamente. As mulheres apresentaram uma prevalência quase três vezes maior de diabetes melito. Homens normotensos com MS apresentaram maiores níveis de AUS, independente do IMC. CONCLUSÃO: Nossos resultados parecem justificar a necessidade de uma avaliação baseada no gênero em relação à associação do AUS com fatores de risco cardiovasculares, que se mostraram mais acentuados em mulheres. A SM esteve positivamente associada com AUS elevado, independentemente do gênero. A obesidade abdominal e a hipertrigliceridemia foram os principais fatores associados com a hiperuricemia mesmo em indivíduos normotensos, o que pode adicionar maior risco para a hipertensão.


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The three nymphal instars of Abrocomophaga hellenthali Price & Timm, 2000 are described and compared with both sexes of the adult stage. The most remarkable quali and quantitative body features of all instars are cathegorized and its progression along the development stated.


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A new species Hoplopleura massoiai is described, based on specimens collected on three species of Bibimys Massoia, 1979: B. torresi Massoia, 1979, B. chacoensis (Shamel, 1931) and B. labiosus (Winge, 1887), from Chaco, Misiones and Buenos Aires provinces, Argentina. Male, female, first nymphal instar, external architecture of eggs and sites of oviposition are described, providing differences with its close relative Hoplopleura scapteromydis Ronderos, 1965; comments on distribution of the new species on its hosts are done.


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A survey of simulid larval parasites was carried out in different localities of the states of Mato Grosso, Minas Gerais, São Paulo, Paraná, Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, from February 1996 to May 1998. Prevalences for the microsporidian Polydispyrenia simulii Lutz & Splendore, 1908 were found in Morungaba and Leme, São Paulo, ranging from around 0.7 to 66.7%, depending mainly on the host simulid species. Microsporidiosis was registered in localities of São Paulo, Paraná, Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul. Parasitism by Isomermis sp. (Nematoda, Mermithidae) was found in Simulium larvae from Serra do Japi, ranging from 0.8 to 45.8%, depending on the simulid species and the larval microhabitat in the stream, whether a cemented ramp in a lake outlet or the natural stream bed. Parasitism by mermithids was also found in ten localities. Mycoses caused by Coelomycidium sp. were for the first time recorded for larvae of Simulium (Chirostilbia) pertinax Kollar, 1832.


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Morphometric variability among shrimp populations of the genus Palaemonetes Heller, 1869 from seven lakes (Huanayo and Urcococha, in Peru; Amanã, Mamirauá, Camaleão, Cristalino e Iruçanga, in Brasil) in the Amazon Basin, presumably belonging to Palaemonetes carteri Gordon, 1935 and Palaemonetes ivonicus Holthuis, 1950, were studied. The morphometric studies were carried out from the ratios obtained from the morphometric characters. Multivariated analysis (Principal Components Analysis-PCA, Discriminant Function Analysis and Cluster Analysis) were applied over the ratios. Intra- and interpopulation variations of the rostrum teeth, and the number of spines in the male appendix, were analyzed through descriptive statistics and bivariate analysis (Spearman Rank Correlation test). Results indicated a wide plasticity and overlapping in the studied ratios between populations. The Principal Components Analysis was not able to separate different populations, revealing a large intrapopulation plasticity and strong interpopulation similarity in the studied ratios. Although the Discriminant Functions Analysis was not able to fully discriminate populations, they could be allocated in three subgroups: 1) Cristalino and Iruçanga; 2) Huanayo, Urcococha and Camaleão and 3) Mamirauá and Amanã. The first two groups were morphometrically separated from each other, whereas the third one presented a strong overlap with the former two. The Cluster Analysis confirmed the first two subgroups separation, and indicated that the first and third groups were closely related. Rostrum teeth and number of spines in the appendix masculina showed a large intrapopulation variation and a strong overlapping among the studied populations, regardless of the species.


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The population of the hermit crab Pagurus criniticornis (Dana, 1852) was studied based on seasonal abundance, size frequency distribution, sex ratio, reproductive period, fecundity and shell relationship. Specimens were collected monthly by SCUBA diving in the infralittoral area of Anchieta Island, Ubatuba. A total of 1,017 individuals was analyzed. Animal size (minimum and maximum shield length, respectively) was 0.7 and 2.9 mm for males, 0.6 and 2.8 mm for non-ovigerous females, and 1.0 and 2.5 mm for ovigerous females. The sex ratio was 1:1.29. Sexual dimorphism was recorded by the presence of males in the largest size classes. Ovigerous females were captured during all months along the year, with percentages varying from 8% (July) to 84.3% (February) in relation to the total females collected. Mean ± SD fecundity was 168 ± 125 eggs and tended to increase with increasing hermit size. Shells of four gastropod species [Cerithium atratum (Born, 1778), Morula nodulosa (Adams, 1845), Anachis lyrata (Sowerby, 1832) and Modulus modulus (Linnaeus, 1758)] were occupied by ovigerous females of P. criniticornis but fecundity was not significantly different in relation to the different shell types. The profile showed continuous and intense reproduction of P. criniticornis probably related to strategies developed to compensate for interspecific competition in the studied insular area.


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La más compleja de las interacciones que plantas e insectos han desarrollado durante el transcurso de su evolución, son las agallas. Las especies de insectos galícolas se encuentran en la mayoría de las regiones biogeográficas, principalmente en ambientes xéricos, de los cuales un ejemplo lo constituye la ecorregión del Espinal, ubicada en la Provincia Biogeográfica de la Pampa, Subregión Chaqueña. Schinus fasciculata (Griseb.) I.M. Johnst. (Anacardiaceae) es una especie arbórea o arbustiva representativa de la ecorregión del Espinal que presenta diversas agallas entomógenas. Los objetivos del presente trabajo son identificar las especies de insectos que producen agallas en hojas y tallos de Schinus fasciculata en un relicto de Espinal de la provincia de Córdoba y caracterizar exomorfológicamente las agallas. Se seleccionaron 18 ejemplares de S. fasciculata distribuidos en cuatro transectas de 100 m2. Se caracterizaron cinco morfotipos de agallas, tres en hojas, inducidas por insectos del orden Hemiptera y dos en tallos, originadas por insectos del orden Lepidoptera. Los insectos productores de las mismas fueron identificados a nivel de especie y los distintos morfotipos de agallas fueron únicos para cada especie de insecto inductor.


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This paper analyses the theoretical relevance of the dynamical aspects of growth on the discussion about the observed positive correlation between per capita real income and real exchange rates. With this purpose, we develop a simple exogenous growth model where the internal, external and intertemporal equilibrium conditions of a typical macroeconomic model are imposed; this last one through the inclusion of a balanced growth path for the foreign assets accumulation. The main result under this consideration is that the relationship defended by the Balassa-Samuelson hypothesis is no more so straightforward. In our particular approach, the mentioned bilateral relationship depends on a parameter measuring thriftiness in the economy. Therefore, the probability of ending up with a positive relationship between growth and real exchange rates -as the classical economic theory predicts- will be higher when the economy is able to maintain a minimum saving ratio. Moreover, given that our model considers a simple Keynesian consumption function, some explosive paths can also be possible.


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Following a general macroeconomic approach, this paper sets a closed micro-founded structural model to determine the long run real exchange rate of a developed economy. In particular, the analysis follows the structure of a Natrex model. The main contribution of this research paper is the development of a solid theoretical framework that analyse in depth the basis of the real exchange rate and the details of the equilibrium dynamics after any shock influencing the steady state. In our case, the intertemporal factors derived from the stock-flow relationship will be particularly determinant. The main results of the paper can be summarised as follows. In first place, a complete well-integrated structural model for long-run real exchange rate determination is developed from first principles. Moreover, within the concrete dynamics of the model, it is found that some convergence restrictions will be necessary. On one hand, for the medium run convergence the sensitivity of the trade balance to changes in real exchange rate should be higher that the correspondent one to the investment decisions. On the other hand, and regarding long-run convergence, it is also necessary both that there exists a negative relationship between investment and capital stock accumulation and that the global saving of the economy depends positively on net foreign debt accumulation. In addition, there are also interesting conclusions about the effects that certain shocks over the exogenous variables of the model have on real exchange rates.


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In this paper we consider a model of cooperative production in which rational agents have the possibility to engage in sabotage activities that decrease output. It is shown that sabotage depends on the interplay between the degree of congestion, the technology of sabotage, the number of agents the degree of meritocracy and the form of the sharing rule. In particular it is shown that, ceteries paribus, meritocratic systems give more incentives to sabotage than egalitarian systems. We address two questions: The degree of meritocracy that is compatible with absence of sabotage and the existence of a Nash equilibrium with and without sabotage.


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We consider the following allocation problem: A fixed number of public facilities must be located on a line. Society is composed of $N$ agents, who must be allocated to one and only one of these facilities. Agents have single peaked preferences over the possible location of the facilities they are assigned to, and do not care about the location of the rest of facilities. There is no congestion. In this context, we observe that if a public decision is a Condorcet winner, then it satisfies nice properties of internal and external stability. Though in many contexts and for some preference profiles there may be no Condorcet winners, we study the extent to which stability can be made compatible with the requirement of choosing Condorcet winners whenever they exist.


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We study how market power affects investment and welfare when banks choose between restricting loan sizes and monitoring, in order to alleviate an underlying moral hazard problem. The impact of market power on aggregate welfare is the result of two countervailing effects. An increase in banks' market power results in: (i) higher lending rates, which worsens the borrower's incentive problem and reduces investment by unmonitored firms, (ii) higher monitoring effort, which reduces the proportion of credit-constrained firms. Whenever the second effect dominates, it is optimal to provide banks with some degree of market power.