959 resultados para Moving Pole-to-Vehicle Impact Tests.
En este artículo se analizan siete blogs escritos por mujeres con cáncer de mama. En primer lugar, se indaga sobre su forma de concebir el cuerpo en relación, por un lado, al impacto del cáncer en los órganos y procesos corporales ligados a la feminidad y, por el otro, a su carácter mortal. En segundo lugar, se analiza su atribución de agencia en relación a la enfermedad y su curación. Se observa que la responsabilidad en la curación se atribuye principalmente a los médicos, pero aparece con fuerza la idea que la mujer se puede sanar mediante cambios en su estilo de vida y a través del pensamiento positivo. Este establece un marco en el que las afectadas de cáncer encuentran dificultades para reconocer y expresar aspectos considerados negativos del proceso como la rabia, la desesperación o el miedo a la muerte, al mismo tiempo que marca una distinción entre pacientes con trayectorias de éxito en su curación y los que no lo consiguen, que son culpabilizados.
The paper analyses the link between human capital and regional economic growth in the European Union. Using different indicat The importance of effective and efficient mobility in large cities is becoming essential for planners and citizens due to its impact in terms of social, economic and geographic development. The aim of this research is to determine factors explaining urban transport systems by estimating aggregate supply and demand equations for 45 large European cities. Supply and Demand equations are separately and jointly determined using OLS and SUR estimation models. On one hand, our findings suggest the importance of economic variables on the supply of public transport. On the other, we highlight the role of those factors influencing the generalized cost of transport as main drivers of demand for public transit. Additionally, regional variables are introduced to capture institutional heterogeneity in this service, and we find that regional patterns are powerful explanatory determinants of urban transportation systems in Europe.
This paper is designed to divulge some tests found in books, articles and international technical standards, by means of which it is possible to evaluate the performance of reference electrode widely used in potentiometric and voltammetric methods. The reference potential (Eref), junction resistance (Rj), the ability of keeping up the potential when current is flowing (polarizability), and of generating junction potentials (Ej) are applied to some commercial electrodes. The results obtained are amply discussed and some corrective procedures are suggested when the electrode fails.
The identification and characterization of the hydrochemistry of the groundwaters has been done for seven wells. The sampling occurred during three bimonthly campaigns. The results classified the waters as of the calcium bicarbonated type for the majority of the samples, except for one well, whose composition is of the sodium bicarbonated type. The major ions found and how they determine the quality parameters are consistent with the reactions of mineral dissolution of the majority of volcanic rocks and the reactions with intrusion of alkaline rock in only one well. Anomalous values of nitrate in some wells alert to the impact of especially polluting sources at the time the reservoirs of the hydroeletric plant were formed.
In this paper, we report a preliminary analysis of the impact of Global Navigation Satellite System Reflections (GNSS-R) data on ionospheric monitoring over the oceans. The focus will be on a single polar Low Earth Orbiter (LEO) mission exploiting GNSS-R as well as Navigation (GNSS-N) and Occultation (GNSS-O) total electron content (TEC) measurements. In order to assess impact of the data, we have simulated GNSS-R/O/N TEC data as would be measured from the LEO and from International Geodesic Service (IGS) ground stations, with an electron density (ED) field generated using a climatic ionospheric model. We have also developed a new tomographic approach inspired by the physics of the hydrogen atom and used it to effectively retrieve the ED field from the simulated TEC data near the orbital plane. The tomographic inversion results demonstrate the significant impact of GNSS-R: three-dimensional ionospheric ED fields are retrieved over the oceans quite accurately, even as, in the spirit of this initial study, the simulation and inversion approaches avoided intensive computation and sophisticated algorithmic elements (such as spatio-temporal smoothing). We conclude that GNSS-R data over the oceans can contribute significantly to a Global/GNSS Ionospheric Observation System (GIOS). Index Terms Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), Global Navigation Satellite System Reflections (GNSS-R), ionosphere, Low Earth Orbiter (LEO), tomography.
Breast cancer is the most prevalent neoplasm among women in the majority of countries worldwide. Breast cancer treatment include mastectomy which is associated to strong impact in women. Breast reconstruction is an option for many women to re-establish their body image and also to decrease psychological impact. However, breast reconstruction rates are low and many factors are involved in not undergoing breast reconstruction. Patient involvement in the decision-making process increases breast reconstruction rates and is associated to higher satisfaction and less anxiety and depression symptoms. More physician-patient relation and more education in terms of breast reconstruction are needed to achieve our objective. A new approach of medical care, called Patson Approach, is created in order to meet our goal with more patient involvement, as well as, physician and psychological counsellingObjective: to increase breast reconstruction rates in women who are candidates for breast reconstruction after mastectomy and are included in the Patson Approach compared to women included in the Standard ApproachMethods: the study design will be a randomized, controlled, open-label clinical trial. 62 patients will be recruited during two years and randomly divided in two groups, 31 will be included in the Standard Approach and 31 will be included in the Patson Approach. Preoperative and postoperative appointments are established in order to do a follow-up of the patients and collect all the data
Planet transformations caused by human intervention in the last 200 years are largely due to chemical impact. Therefore, this study aimed to identify and analyze the environmental perception of undergraduate students and lecturers in the Chemistry course of the Federal University of Lavras, accounting for the topics "Environmental Definition" and "Relationship between Chemistry and Environment". Two thematic axes for discussion were proposed using theories of Social Representation and Environmental Complexity, with the aim of stimulating the conservationist reasoning and actions. Such axes were proposed to give support to the education of chemists at the undergraduate level.
This review aims at to the presentation and discussion of the principal aspects of the C-H activation by transition metals. Representative examples were selected from the recent literature to illustrate these principles beginning with somewhat simple examples and moving up to more complex ones. The synthetic potential of the C-H activation, as well as the potential advantages and disadvantages of the methodology are highlighted with relevant recent examples, along with brief insights on the mechanism aspects of these reactions.
Eristettyjen muoviputkien kuljetus- tai asennusvaiheessa on mahdollista, että putken suojakuori rikkoutuu mekaanisen iskun vaikutuksesta ja putken sisään pääsee vettä. Huonoimmassa tapauksessa vesi pääsee etenemään suojakuoren ja eristekerroksen välissä talon sisälle ja aiheuttaa mittavat kosteusvahingot. Tämän diplomityön tarkoituksena oli selvittää, onko eristetylle muoviputkelle mahdollista toteuttaa tuotantotaloudellisesti tuplakuori-rakenne. Tuplakuoren tarkoituksena oli tässä työssä estää putken sisärakenteisiin päässeen veden eteneminen putken pitkittäissuunnassa. Diplomityössä käsiteltiin muutamia vaihtoehtoisia ratkaisuja toteuttaa tuplakuori-rakenne joista lopulta päädyttiin keskittymään muovikalvon käyttöön. Muovikalvon käytöllä oli lähinnä kaksi tarkoitusta. Tärkeimpänä oli saada muovikalvo sulamaan eristekerroksen ja suojakuoren väliin. Tällöin sulanut muovikalvo toimisi liiman tavoin ja hitsaisi eristekerroksen ja suojakuoren toisiinsa kiinni. Näin veden eteneminen eristekerroksen ja suojakuoren välissä saataisiin estetyksi. Muovikalvo oli myös tarkoitus kiristää eristepaketin päälle niin kireälle, että eristepaketin halkaisijaa saataisiin pienennettyä. Muovikalvon käyttöön perehdyttiin suorittamalla tuotantolinjalla koeajoja. Koeajoissa kokeiltiin erilaisia ja erikokoisia putkituotteita erilaisilla tuotantoparametreilla. Näin pyrittiin löytämään parhaat parametrit ja arvot, joilla muovikalvoa pystyttäisiin tulevaisuudessa käyttämään jatkuvassa tuotannossa. Koeajojen tuloksista voitiin havaita, että kalvoitetut putkituotteet käyttäytyivät tuotannossa hyvin eri tavoin.
Siirtyminen sähköisen laskun käyttöön on vähentänyt yrityksien käsittelemien paperisten laskujen määrää huomattavasti. Useimmiten yritys lähettää asiakkailleen lähtevät laskut sähköisesti palveluntarjoajalle, joka välittää ne edelleen vastaanottajalle. Myös laskujen vastaanotto tapahtuu useimmiten palveluntarjoajan kautta, joka toimittaa ne yritykselle sähköisinä. Useimmiten asiakasta kiinnostaa tietää kuinka paljon heidän laskujaan palveluntarjoaja on käsitellyt. Tämän johdosta sähköiseen laskutukseen siirtyminen vaatii palveluntarjoajalta kykyä tuottaa asiakkaalle raportteja, esimerkiksi käsiteltyjen laskujen volyymista. Suurilla palveluntarjoajilla, joilla on useita kymmeniä asiakasyrityksiä, raportointi voi vaatia paljon aikaa ja resursseja, mikäli se joudutaan tekemään manuaalisesti. Tämän työn tarkoituksena on tutkia yrityksen raportoinnin nykytilannetta sekä miettiä mahdollisia keinoja sen parantamiseen. Tutkimusosuus on toteutettu haastattelemalla yrityksen asiantuntijoita ja kysymällä heidän näkemystään yrityksen raportoinnin nykytilasta sekä sen kehitystarpeesta. Työn tuloksena syntyi kuva nykyisen raportointikäytännön kustannustehokkuudesta, asiakasystävällisyydestä ja suunnitelma näiden asioiden kehittämisestä.
Crossroads, crucibles and refuges are three words that may describe natural coastal lagoon environments. The words refer to the complex mix of marine and terrestrial influences, prolonged dilution due to the semi-enclosed nature and the function of a habitat for highly diverse plant and animal communities, some of which are endangered. To attain a realistic picture of the present situation, high vulnerability to anthropogenic impact should be added to the description. As the sea floor in coastal lagoons is usually entirely photic, macrophyte primary production is accentuated compared with open sea environments. There is, however, a lack of proper knowledge on the importance of vegetation for the general functioning of coastal lagoon ecosystems. The aim of this thesis is to assess the role of macrophyte diversity, cover and species identity over temporal and spatial scales for lagoon functions, and to determine which steering factors primarily restrict the qualitative and quantitative composition of vegetation in coastal lagoons. The results are linked to patterns of related trophic levels and the indicative potential of vegetation for assessment of general conditions in coastal lagoons is evaluated. This thesis includes five field studies conducted in flads and glo-flads in the brackish water northern Baltic Sea. Flads and glo-flads are defined as a Baltic variety of coastal lagoons, which due to an inlet threshold and post-glacial landuplift slowly will be isolated from the open sea. This process shrinks inlet size, increases exposure and water retention, and is called habitat isolation. The studied coastal lagoons are situated in the archipelago areas of the eastern coast of Sweden, the Åland Islands and the south-west mainland of Finland, where land-uplift amounts to ca. 5 mm/ per year. Out of 400 evaluated sites, a total of 70 lagoons varying in inlet size, archipelago position and anthropogenic influence to cover for essential environmental variation were chosen for further inventory. Vegetation composition, cover and richness were measured together with several hydrographic and morphometric variables in the lagoons both seasonally and inter-annually to cover for general regional, local and temporal patterns influencing lagoon and vegetation development. On smaller species-level scale, the effects of macrophyte species identity and richness for the fish habitat function were studied by examining the influence of plant interaction on juvenile fish diversity. Thus, the active election of plant monoand polycultures by fish and the diversity of fish in the respective culture were examined and related to plant height and water depth. The lagoons and vegetation composition were found to experience a regime shift initiated by increased habitat isolation along with land-uplift. Vegetation composition altered, richness decreased and cover increased forming a less isolated and more isolated regime, named the vascular plant regime and charophyte regime, respectively according to the dominant vegetation. As total phosphorus in the water, turbidity and the impact of regional influences decreased in parallel, the dominance of charophytes and increasing cover seemed to buffer and stabilize conditions in the charophyte regime and indicated an increased functional role of vegetation for the lagoon ecosystem. The regime pattern was unaffected by geographical differences, while strong anthropogenic impact seemed to distort the pattern due to loss of especially Chara tomentosa L. in the charophyte regime. The regimes were further found unperturbed by short-time temporal fluctuations. In fact the seasonal and inter-annual dynamics reinforced the functional difference between the regimes by the increasing role of vegetation along habitat isolation and the resemblance to lake environments for the charophyte regime. For instance, greater total phosphorus and chlorophyll a concentrations in the water in the beginning of the season in the charophyte regime compared with the vascular plant regime presented a steeper reduction to even lower values than in the vascular plant regime along the season. Despite a regional importance and positive relationship of macrophyte diversity in relation to trophic diversity, species identity was underlined in the results of this thesis, especially with decreasing spatial scale. This result was supported partly by the increased role of charophytes in the functioning of the charophyte regime, but even more explicitly by the species-specific preference of juvenile fish for tall macrophyte monocultures. On a smaller species-level scale, tall plant species in monoculture seemed to be able to increase their length, indicating that negative selection forms preferred habitat structures, which increase fish diversity. This negative relationship between plant and fish diversity suggest a shift in diversity patterns among trohic levels on smaller scale. Thus, as diversity patterns seem complex and diverge among spatial scales, it might be ambiguous to extend the understanding of diversity relationships from one trophic level to the other. All together, the regime shift described here presents similarities to the regime development in marine lagoon environments and shallow lakes subjected to nutrient enrichment. However, due to nutrient buffering by vegetation with increased isolation and water retention as a consequence of the inlet threshold, the development seems opposite to the course along an eutrophication gradient described in marine lagoons lacking an inlet threshold, where the role of vegetation decreases. Thus, the results imply devastating consequences of inlet dredging (decreasing isolation) in terms of vegetation loss and nutrient release, and call for increased conservational supervision. Especially the red listed charophytes would suffer negatively from such interference and the consequences are likely to also deteriorate juvenile fish production. The fact that a new species to Finland, Chara connivens Salzm. Ex. Braun 1835 was discovered during this study further indicates a potential of the lagoons serving as refuges for rare species.
The value and benefits of user experience (UX) are widely recognized in the modern world and UX is seen as an integral part of many fields. This dissertation integrates UX and understanding end users with the early phases of software development. The concept of UX is still unclear, as witnessed by more than twenty-five definitions and ongoing argument about its different aspects and attributes. This missing consensus forms a problem in creating a link between UX and software development: How to take the UX of end users into account when it is unclear for software developers what UX stands for the end users. Furthermore, currently known methods to estimate, evaluate and analyse UX during software development are biased in favor of the phases where something concrete and tangible already exists. It would be beneficial to further elaborate on UX in the beginning phases of software development. Theoretical knowledge from the fields of UX and software development is presented and linked with surveyed and analysed UX attribute information from end users and UX professionals. Composing the surveys around the identified 21 UX attributes is described and the results are analysed in conjunction with end user demographics. Finally the utilization of the gained results is explained with a proof of concept utility, the Wizard of UX, which demonstrates how UX can be integrated into early phases of software development. The process of designing, prototyping and testing this utility is an integral part of this dissertation. The analyses show statistically significant dependencies between appreciation towards UX attributes and surveyed end user demographics. In addition, tests conducted by software developers and industrial UX designer both indicate the benefits and necessity of the prototyped Wizard of UX utility. According to the conducted tests, this utility meets the requirements set for it: It provides a way for software developers to raise their know-how of UX and a possibility to consider the UX of end users with statistical user profiles during the early phases of software development. This dissertation produces new and relevant information for the UX and software development communities by demonstrating that it is possible to integrate UX as a part of the early phases of software development.
Understanding perioperative pathophysiology and implementing care regimes, through a multimodal approach, to reduce the organic response to stress after surgery and the related postoperative ileus, are major challenges. Multimodal surgical strategies such as pre-operative intake of a carbohydrate drink, instead of the usually recommended 2- to 6-hour period of nothing-bymouth, together with patient's education of the postoperative care plan, plus efficacious analgesia and early postoperative nutrition, among others, have been described to significantly impact on the previous variables. Therefore, these strategies accelerate rehabilitation and, as a consequence, decrease complications and hospital length of stay and, its related costs.
This thesis focuses on integration in project business, i.e. how projectbased companies organize their product and process structures when they deliver industrial solutions to their customers. The customers that invest in these solutions run their businesses in different geographical, political and economical environments, which should be acknowledged by the supplier when providing solutions comprising of larger and more complex scopes than previously supplied to these customers. This means that the suppliers are increasing their supply range by taking over some of the activities in the value chain that have traditionally been handled by the customer. In order to be able to provide the functioning solutions, including more engineering hours, technical equipment and a wider project network, a change is needed in the mindset in order to be able to carry out and take the required responsibility that these new approaches bring. For the supplier it is important to be able to integrate technical products, systems and services, but the supplier also needs to have the capabilities to integrate the cross-functional organizations and departments in the project network, the knowledge and information between and within these organizations and departments, along with inputs from the customer into the product and process structures during the lifecycle of the project under development. Hence, the main objective of this thesis is to explore the challenges of integration that industrial projects meet, and based on that, to suggest a concept of how to manage integration in project business by making use of integration mechanisms. Integration is considered the essential process for accomplishing an industrial project, whereas the accomplishment of the industrial project is considered to be the result of the integration. The thesis consists of an extended summary and four papers, that are based on three studies in which integration mechanisms for value creation in industrial project networks and the management of integration in project business have been explored. The research is based on an inductive approach where in particular the design, commissioning and operations functions of industrial projects have been studied, addressing entire project life-cycles. The studies have been conducted in the shipbuilding and power generation industries where the scopes of supply consist of stand-alone equipment, equipment and engineering, and turnkey solutions. These industrial solutions include demanding efforts in engineering and organization. Addressing the calls for more studies on the evolving value chains of integrated solutions, mechanisms for inter- and intra-organizational integration and subsequent value creation in project networks have been explored. The research results in thirteen integration mechanisms and a typology for integration is proposed. Managing integration consists of integrating the project network (the supplier and the sub-suppliers) and the customer (the customer’s business purpose, operations environment and the end-user) into the project by making use of integration mechanisms. The findings bring new insight into research on industrial project business by proposing integration of technology and engineering related elements with elements related to customer oriented business performance in contemporary project environments. Thirteen mechanisms for combining products and the processes needed to deliver projects are described and categorized according to the impact that they have on the management of knowledge and information. These mechanisms directly relate to the performance of the supplier, and consequently to the functioning of the solution that the project provides. This thesis offers ways to promote integration of knowledge and information during the lifecycle of industrial projects, enhancing the development towards innovative solutions in project business.
Paremmin lastuttavia M-käsiteltyjä teräksiä on käytetty yrityksissä jo yli 20 vuoden ajan. Ominaisuuksiensa ansiosta M-teräksillä on pystytty pienentämään koneistuskustannuksia ja parantamaan kilpailukykyä. Viime vuosien aikana lastuavat terät ja työstökoneet ovat kuitenkin kehittyneet ja ero M-terästen ja tavanomaisten terästen välillä on voinut kaventua. Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena oli tutkia, saavutetaanko M-teräksen käytöllä taloudellisia etuja nykyaikaisissa konepajaolosuhteissa. Tutkimuksessa vertailtiin M-käsitellyn ja tavanomaisen 42CrMo4 – teräksen koneistusta. Valmistuskokeissa tarkasteltiin terien kulumista, lastun muotoa ja pinnanlaatua. Koekappaleena toimi olakkeellinen kuusiomutteri M64 kierteellä. Tuotteita valmistettiin yli 500 kappaletta ja materiaalia poistettiin noin 2000 kg. Koetulosten perusteella tuotteille laskettiin koneistuskustannukset kuvitteellisessa yrityksessä. Ero materiaalien välillä oli suurin työvaiheissa, joissa lastuaminen oli jatkuvaa. Sisä- ja ulkosorvauksessa M-käsiteltyä terästä lastunneiden terien kestoikä oli noin kaksinkertainen ja kierteen sorvauksessa noin nelinkertainen tavalliseen teräkseen verrattuna. Hakkaavassa työstössä terien kestoikä oli molemmilla materiaaleilla sama. Työssä suoritettujen kokeiden ja kustannuslaskelmien perusteella, käyttämällä M-käsiteltyä terästä voidaan pienentää valmistuskustannuksia. Materiaalien välinen ero korostuu, kun hakkaavaa työstöä on vähän, sarjat ovat suuria ja tuotanto on miehittämätöntä.