999 resultados para Mol, Annemarie
Recognition by the T-cell receptor (TCR) of immunogenic peptides presented by class I major histocompatibility complexes (MHCs) is the determining event in the specific cellular immune response against virus-infected cells or tumor cells. It is of great interest, therefore, to elucidate the molecular principles upon which the selectivity of a TCR is based. These principles can in turn be used to design therapeutic approaches, such as peptide-based immunotherapies of cancer. In this study, free energy simulation methods are used to analyze the binding free energy difference of a particular TCR (A6) for a wild-type peptide (Tax) and a mutant peptide (Tax P6A), both presented in HLA A2. The computed free energy difference is 2.9 kcal/mol, in good agreement with the experimental value. This makes possible the use of the simulation results for obtaining an understanding of the origin of the free energy difference which was not available from the experimental results. A free energy component analysis makes possible the decomposition of the free energy difference between the binding of the wild-type and mutant peptide into its components. Of particular interest is the fact that better solvation of the mutant peptide when bound to the MHC molecule is an important contribution to the greater affinity of the TCR for the latter. The results make possible identification of the residues of the TCR which are important for the selectivity. This provides an understanding of the molecular principles that govern the recognition. The possibility of using free energy simulations in designing peptide derivatives for cancer immunotherapy is briefly discussed.
With the aim of understanding the mechanisms that control the metamorphic transition from the CH4- to the H2O-(CO2)-dominated fluid zone in the Helvetic domain of the Central Alps of Switzerland, fluid inclusions in quartz, illite ``crystallinity'' index, vitrinite reflectance, and the stable isotope compositions of vein and whole rock minerals and fluids trapped in quartz were investigated along four cross-sections. Increasing temperature during prograde metamorphism led to the formation of dry gas by hydrocarbon cracking in the CH4-zone. Fluid immiscibility in the H2O-CH4-(CO2)-NaCl system resulted in cogenetic, CH4- and H2O-dominated fluid inclusions. In the CH4-zone, fluids were trapped at temperatures <= 270 +/- 5 degrees C. The end of the CH4-zone is markedby a sudden increase of CO2 content in the gas phase of fluid inclusions. At temperatures > 270 +/- 5 degrees C, in the H2O-zone, the total amount of volatiles within the fluid decreased below 1 mol% with no immiscibility. This resulted m total homogenization temperatures of H2O-(CO2-CH4)-NaCl inclusions below 180 degrees C. Hydrogen isotope compositions of methane in fluid inclusion have delta D values of less than -100 parts per thousand in the CH4-zone, typical for an origin through cracking of higher hydrocarbons, but where the methane has not equilibrated with the pore water. delta D values of fluid inclusion water are around -40 parts per thousand., in isotopic equilibrium with phyllosilicates of the whole rocks. Within the CH4 to H2O(CO2) transition zone, delta D(H2O) values in fluid inclusions decrease to -130 parts per thousand interpreted to reflect the contribution of deuterium depleted water from methane oxidation. In the H2O-zone, delta D(H2O) values increase again towards an average of -30 parts per thousand which is again consistent with isotopic equilibrium with host-rock phyllosilicates. delta C-13 values of methane in fluid inclusions from the CH4-zone are around -27 parts per thousand in isotopic equilibrium with calcite in veins and whole rocks. The delta C-13(CH4) values decrease to less than -35 parts per thousand at the transition to the H2O-zone and are no longer in equilibrium with the carbonates in the whole rocks. delta C-13 values of CO, are variable but too low to be in equilibrium with the wall rock fluids, compatible with a contribution of CO2 from closed system oxidation of methane. Differences in isotopic composition between host-rock and Alpine fissure carbonate are generally small, suggesting that the amount of CO2 produced by oxidation of methane was small compared to the C-budget in the rocks and local pore fluids were buffered by the wall rocks during precipitation of calcite within the fissures. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a estabilidade dos agregados, o conteúdo de matéria orgânica leve do solo (MOL), a distribuição dos teores de carbono orgânico total (COT) e nitrogênio (N) e a abundância natural de 13C e 15N dos agregados de um Latossolo Vermelho argiloso sob sistema plantio direto (SPD) com integração lavoura-pecuária (ILP), em comparação à uma área em SPD sem ILP e uma área de Cerrado natural em Montividiu, GO. Foram coletadas amostras de solo nas camadas de 0-5 e 5-10 cm, em delineamento inteiramente casualizado. Foram avaliados distribuição da massa dos agregados, diâmetro médio ponderado (DMP), diâmetro médio geométrico (DMG) e MOL, e foram quantificados os teores de COT, N, δ13C e δ15N dos agregados. A área de Cerrado apresentou os maiores valores de DMP, DMG e MOL. O SPD-ILP apresentou valores maiores de DMP, DMG, COT, N e MOL na camada 5-10 cm do que o SPD, sem braquiária. O SPD-ILP promoveu aumentos nos índices de agregação do solo (0-5 e 5-10 cm), nos teores de MOL (5-10 cm), COT e N (0-5 cm) e na formação de agregados estáveis em água (5-10 cm), em comparação ao SPD, sem braquiária.
The large Cerro de Pasco Cordilleran base metal deposit in central Peru is located on the eastern margin of a middle Miocene diatreme-dome complex and comprises two mineralization stages. The first stage consists of a large pyrite-quartz body replacing Lower Mesozoic Pucara carbonate rocks and, to a lesser extent, diatreme breccia. This body is composed of pyrite with pyrrhotite inclusions, quartz, and black and red chalcedony (containing hypogene hematite). At the contact with the pyrite-quartz body, the diatreme breccia is altered to pyrite-quartz-sericite-pyrite. This body was, in part, replaced by pipelike pyrrhotite bodies zoned outward to carbonate-replacement Zn-Pb ores hearing Fe-rich sphalerite (up to 24 mol % Fes). The second mineralization stage is partly superimposed on the first and consists of zoned east-west-trending Cu-Ag-(Au-Zn-Pb) enargite-pyrite veins hosted in the diatreme breccia in the western part of the deposit and well-zoned Zn-Pb-(Bi-Ag-Cu) carbonate-replacement orebodies; in both cases, sphalerite is Fe poor and the inner parts of the orebodies show typically advanced argillic alteration assemblages, including aluminum phosphate Sulfate (APS) minerals. The zoned enargite-pyrite veins display mineral zoning, from a core of enargite-pyrite +/- alunite with traces of Au, through an intermediate zone of tennantite, chalcopyrite, and Bi minerals to a poorly developed Outer zone hearing sphalerite-galena +/- kaolinite. The carbonate-hosted replacement ores are controlled along N 35 degrees E, N 90 degrees E, N 120 degrees E, and N 170 degrees E faults. They form well-zoned upward-flaring pipelike orebodies with a core of famatinite-pyrite and alunite, an intermediate zone with tetrahedrite-pyrite, chalcopyrite, matildite, cuprobismutite, emplectite, and other Bi minerals accompanied by APS minerals, kaolinite, and dickite, and an outer zone composed of Fe-poor sphalerite (in the range of 0.05-3.5 mol % Fes) and galena. The outermost zone consists of hematite, magnetite, and Fe-Mn-Zn-Ca-Mg carbonates. Most of the second-stage carbonate-replacement orebodies plunge between 25 degrees and 60 degrees to the west, suggesting that the hydrothermal fluids ascended from deeper levels and that no lateral feeding from the veins to the carbonate-replacement orebodies took place. In the Venencocha and Santa Rosa areas, located 2.5 km northwest of the Cerro de Pasco open pit and in the southern part of the deposit, respectively, advanced argillic altered dacitic domes and oxidized veins with advanced argillic alteration halos occur. The latter veins are possibly the oxidized equivalent of the second-stage enargite-pyrite veins located in the western part of the deposit. The alteration assemblage quartz-muscovite-pyrite associated with the pyrite-quartz body suggests that the first stage precipitated at slightly, acidic fin. The sulfide mineral assemblages define an evolutionary path close to the pyrite-pyrrhotite boundary and are characteristic of low-sulfidation states; they suggest that the oxidizing slightly acidic hydrothermal fluid was buffered by phyllite, shale, and carbonate host rock. However, the presence in the pyrite-quartz body of hematite within quartz suggests that, locally, the fluids were less buffered by the host rock. The mineral assemblages of the second mineralization stage are characteristic of high- to intermediate-sulfidation states. High-sulfidation states and oxidizing conditions were achieved and maintained in the cores of the second-stage orebodies, even in those replacing carbonate rocks. The observation that, in places, second-stage mineral assemblages are found in the inner and outer zones is explained in terms of the hydrothermal fluid advancing and waning. Microthermometric data from fluid inclusions in quartz indicate that the different ores of the first mineralization stage formed at similar temperatures and moderate salinities (200 degrees-275 degrees C and 0.2-6.8 wt % NaCl equiv in the pyrite-quartz body; 192 degrees-250 degrees C and 1.1-4.3 wt % NaCl equiv in the pyrrhotite bodies; and 183 degrees-212 degrees C and 3.2-4.0 wt % NaCl equiv in the Zn-Pb ores). These values are similar to those obtained for fluid inclusions in quartz and sphalerite from the second-stage ores (187 degrees-293 degrees C and 0.2-5.2 wt % NaCl equiv in the enargite-pyrite veins: 178 degrees-265 degrees C and 0.2-7.5 wt % NaCl equiv in quartz of carbonate-replacement orebodies; 168 degrees-999 degrees C and 3-11.8 wt % NaCl equiv in sphalerite of carbonate-replacement orebodies; and 245 degrees-261 degrees C and 3.2-7.7 wt % NaCl equiv in quartz from Venencocha). Oxygen and hydrogen isotope compositions oil kaolinite from carbonate-replacement orebodies (delta(18)O = 5.3-11.5%o, delta D = -82 to -114%o) and on alunite from the Venencocha and Santa Rosa areas (delta(18)O = 1.9-6.9%o, delta D = -56 to -73%o). Oxygen isotope compositions of quartz from the first and second stages have 6180 values from 9.1 to 1.7.8 per mil. Calculated fluids in equilibrium with kaolinite have delta(18)O values of 2.0 to 8.2 and delta D values of -69 to -97 per mil; values in equilibrium with alunite are -1.4 to -6.4 and -62 to -79 per mil. Sulfur isotope compositions of sulfides from both stages have a narrow range of delta(34)S values, between -3.7 and +4.2 per mil; values for sulfates from the second stage are between 4.2 and 31.2 per mil. These results define two mixing trends for the ore-forming fluids. The first trend reflects mixing between a moderately saline (similar to 10 wt % NaCl equiv) magmatic end member that had degassed (as indicated by the low delta D values) and meteoric water. The second mixing indicates condensation of magmatic vapor with HCl and SO(2) into meteoric water, which formed alunite. The hydrothermal system at Cerro de Pasco was emplaced at a shallow depth (similar to 500 m) in the epithermal and upper part of a porphyry environment. The similar temperatures and salinities obtained for the first stage and second stages, together with the stable isotope data, indicate that both stages are linked and represent successive stages of epithermal polymetallic mineralization in the upper part of a porphyry system.
The objective of this work was to adapt the application of electrolytic conductivity and potassium leaching tests to assess the viability of cryopreserved embryos of 'Anão Verde do Brasil de Jiqui' (AVeJBr) coconut. The zygotic embryos were excised, sterilized and subjected to four cryoprotectant treatments combined with three incubation times (12, 16 and 20 hours), totaling 12 treatments. The pre-treatment of mature zygotic embryos of AVeJBr coconut using a cryoprotectant with 1.75 mol L-1 of sucrose + 15% glycerol for 12 and 16 hours promoted lower embryo humidity and increased viability in electrolytic conductivity and potassium leaching tests. Samples with ten embryos are sufficient for electrolytic conductivity analysis in cryopreserved or non-cryopreserved AVeJBr coconut zygotic embryos. The 4 to 8 hour imbibition period of the embryos is promising for the electrolytic conductivity analysis of non-cryopreserved mature zygotic embryos of AVeJBr coconut.
Introduction: Recent data have suggested that a population of CD4+ CD25high T cells, phenotypically characterized by the expression of CD45RO and CD127, is significantly expanded in stable liver and kidney transplant recipients and represents alloreactive T cells. Induction therapies may have an impact on this alloreactive T cell population. In this study, we prospectively analyzed CD4+ CD25high CD45RO+ CD127high T cells after induction with either thymoglobulin or basiliximab. Patients & methods: A total of twenty-seven kidney transplant recipients were prospectively enrolled; 14 received thymoglobulin induction followed by a 4-day course of steroids with tacrolimus and mycophenolate mofetil ("thymo group"), and 13 received basiliximab induction followed by standard triple immunosuppression (tacrolimus, mycophenolate mofetil and prednisone) ("BSX group"). Phenotypical analysis by flow cytometry of the expression of CD25, CD45RO and CD127 on peripheral CD4+ T cells was performed at 0, 3 and 6 months after transplantation. Twenty-four healthy subjects (HS) were studied as controls. Results: There were no differences in baseline characteristics between the groups; at 6 months, patient survival (100%), graft survival (100%), serum creatinine (thymo versus BSX group: 129 versus 125 μmol/l) and acute rejection (2/14 versus 2/13) were not significantly different. Thymo induction produced a strong CD4 T cell depletion. As compared to pre-transplantation values, an expansion of the alloreactive T cell population was observed at 3 months in both thymo (mean: from 6.38% to 14.72%) and BSX (from 8.01% to 18.42%) groups. At 6 months, the alloreactive T cell population remained significantly expanded in the thymo group (16.92 ± 2.87%) whereas it tended to decrease in the BSX group (10.22 ± 1.38%). Conclusion: Overall, our results indicate that the expansion of alloreactive T cells occurs rapidly after transplantation in patients receiving either thymo or BSX induction. Whether differences at later timepoints or whether different IS regimens may modify this alloreactive population remains to be studied.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the large-scale propagation of grapevine genotypes after short-term storage in vitro. Microshoots from ten grapevine genotypes were used. The following storage temperatures were evaluated: 10, 20, and 25°C. After short-term storage, the shoots were propagated in up to five successive subcultures, to assess the large-scale propagation of the germplasm maintained under conditions of minimal growth. The propagated shoots were rooted in different concentrations of indolbutiric acid (IBA) and acclimatized in greenhouse. The best temperature for short-term storage in vitro and survival of the genotypes was 20°C. In the propagation phase, the highest number of shoots per explant was found in the subcultures 4 and 5, with averages of 4.9 and 4.8 shoots per explant, respectively. In the rooting phase, the best results for number of roots were obtained using a culture medium supplemented with 0.4 µmol L-1 of IBA, with an average of three roots per shoot. During the acclimation phase, a survival rate higher than 95% was achieved after 30 days in the greenhouse. Grapevine genotypes maintained for six months in vitro, at 20ºC, can be micropropagated in large scale.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar as características da secagem de bagaço de uva fermentado em secador com ar aquecido, avaliar a capacidade descritiva de conhecidos modelos matemáticos de secagem em camada delgada, e obter os valores de difusividade efetiva e a energia de ativação. Os experimentos de secagem foram conduzidos a 50, 60, 70, 80 e 90ºC, com a velocidade do ar de secagem de 1,0 m s-1. Foram comparados dez diferentes modelos matemáticos de secagem em camada delgada, de acordo com os valores do coeficiente de determinação (R²), qui-quadrado (χ²), raiz do quadrado médio residual (RQMR) e erro médio relativo (P), estimados pelas curvas de secagem. Os efeitos da temperatura de secagem nos coeficientes e nas constantes foram preditos pelos modelos de regressão. O modelo de Page modificado foi selecionado para representar o comportamento da secagem em camada delgada de bagaço de uva. Os valores médios da difusividade efetiva variaram de 1,0091 x 10-9 m² s-1 a 3,0421 x 10-9 m² s-1 nas temperaturas avaliadas. A dependência da difusividade efetiva pela temperatura foi descrita pela equação de Arrhenius, com o valor de energia de ativação de 24,512 kJ mol-1.
Urinary lithogenic and inhibitory factors were studied in 27 preterm infants; 16 had total parenteral nutrition (TPN) and 11 had breastmilk with an additional glucose-sodium chloride infusion. Urines were collected for 24 hours on day 2 (period A), day 3 (B), and once between days 4 and 10 (C). Urinary calcium oxalate saturation was calculated by the computer program EQUIL 2. Renal ultrasonography was performed every second week until discharge. The calcium/creatinine ratio increased in infants on TPN (A 0.91; C 1.68 mol/mol) and was significantly higher at period C than that in infants on breastmilk/infusion (A 0.52; C 0.36). The oxalate/creatinine ratio was persistently higher with TPN (203 mmol/mol) than with breastmilk/infusion (98; 137). The citrate/creatinine remained constant with TPN (0.44 mol/mol), whereas it increased significantly with breastmilk/infusion (0.26; 0.49). Calcium/citrate rose considerably with TPN, but decreased with breastmilk/infusion to a significantly lower level than with TPN. The urinary calcium oxalate saturation increased with TPN (2.4; 4.5) and decreased with breastmilk/infusion (2.1; 1.5) to a significantly lower value than with TPN. Nephrocalcinosis developed in two infants on TPN. Mean daily calcium intake was similar in both groups, whereas protein, sodium, and phosphorus intake were significantly higher on TPN. It is concluded that the increase in urinary calcium oxalate saturation observed with TPN is due to the combined effect of an increased urinary calcium excretion and higher urinary oxalate/creatinine and calcium/citrate ratios. The changes observed are likely to be caused by TPN itself, which differs in several respects from breastmilk feeding.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os impactos do ciclo pousio‑cultivo sobre as frações leves da matéria orgânica do solo (MOS), em sistema agroflorestal sequencial de corte e trituração, com diferentes manejos de capoeira, na Amazônia Oriental. A amostragem foi realizada nas fases de pré‑pousio, pós‑pousio e pós‑cultivo de milho. Foram determinados os estoques de matéria orgânica leve livre (MOL‑L) e matéria orgânica leve oclusa (MOL‑O), carbono orgânico total (COT), nitrogênio total (NT) e estoques de C e N na MOL‑L e na MOL‑O. Não houve efeito do manejo da capoeira nas variáveis estudadas, exceto quanto ao NT a 30-50 cm e à MOL‑O a 10-20 cm de profundidade do solo. As frações da matéria orgânica leve foram afetadas pelas fases do sistema agroflorestal sequencial de corte e trituração. Os maiores estoques de C e N foram observados na MOL‑L, nos períodos pós‑pousio e pós‑cultivo. Embora os estoques de C e N totais do solo não tenham aumentado, o aumento da MOL‑L e de seus estoques de C e N indica melhoria e manutenção da qualidade do solo no sistema de corte e trituração da biomassa acumulada em 23 meses de pousio, mesmo após período de cultivo.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as respostas das células de Haematococcus pluvialis ao processo de indução à carotenogênese, sob estresse luminoso e nutricional. As células foram aclimatadas durante 15 dias em meio WC, com aeração com ar atmosférico sintético filtrado e fluxo de 100 mL min-1, intensidade luminosa de 50 µmol fótons m-2 s-1, fotoperíodo de 12 horas e temperatura de 23ºC. Foram comparados dois tratamentos: cultivo nas condições descritas, mas com aumento da intensidade luminosa para 350 µmol fótons m-2 s-1 ; e cultivo nas mesmas condições do tratamento anterior, mas com aeração contendo 4% de CO2. Os tratamentos foram conduzidos em triplicata, durante dez dias. Com a adição de CO2 e o incremento da iluminação, observou-se aumento da razão carotenoides/clorofila e da biomassa celular. As células cessaram a divisão no segundo dia de estresse, quando o nitrato se tornou limitante, e aumentaram significativamente seu biovolume. A excreção de carbono orgânico e a concentração de astaxantina aumentam em resposta à adição de CO2. O estresse por intensidade luminosa, aliado à adição de CO2, otimiza a carotenogênese em H. pluvialis e aumenta a produção de astaxantina.
THESIS ABSTRACT Garnets are one of the key metamorphic minerals used to study peak metamorphic conditions or crystallization ages. Equilibrium is typically assumed between the garnet and the matrix. This thesis attempts to understand garnet growth in the Zermatt-Saas Fee (ZSF) eclogites, and discusses consequences for Sm/Nd and Lu/Hf dating and the equilibrium assumption. All studied garnets from the ZSF eclogites are strongly zoned in Mn, Fe, Mg, and Ca. Methods based on chemical zoning patterns and on 3D spatial statistics indicate different growth mechanisms depending on the sample studied. Garnets from the Pfulwe area are grown in a system where surface kinetics likely dominated over intergranular diffusion kinetics. Garnets fram two other localities, Nuarsax and Lago di Cignana, seem to have grown in a system where intergranular diffusion kinetics were dominating over surface kinetics, at least during initial growth. Garnets reveal strong prograde REE+Y zoning. They contain narrow central peaks for Lu + Yb + Tm ± Er and at least one additional small peak towards the rim. The REE Sm + Eu + Gd + Tb ± Dy are depleted in the cores but show one prominent peak close to the rim. It is shown that these patterns cam be explained using a transient matrix diffusion model where REE uptake is limited by diffusion in the matrix surrounding the porphyroblast. The secondary peaks in the garnet profiles are interpreted to reflect thermally activated diffusion due to a temperature increase during prograde metamorphism. The model predicts anomalously low 176Lu/177Hf and 147Sm/144Nd ratios in garnets where growth rates are fast compared to diffusion of the REE, which decreases garnet isochron precisions. The sharp Lu zoning was further used to constrain maximum Lu volume diffusion rates in garnet. The modeled minimum pre-exponential diffusion coefficient which fits the measured central peak is in the order of Do = 5.7* 106 m2/s, taking an activation energy of 270 kJ/mol. The latter was chosen in agreement with experimentally determined values. This can be used to estimate a minimum closure temperature of around 630°C for the ZSF zone. Zoning of REE was combined with published Lu/Hf and Sm/Nd age information to redefine the prograde crystallization interval for Lago di Cignana UHP eclogites. Modeling revealed that a prograde growth interval in the order of 25 m.y. is needed to produce the measured spread in ages. RÉSUMÉ Le grenat est un minéral métamorphique clé pour déterminer les conditions du pic de métamorphisme ainsi que l'âge de cristallisation. L'équilibre entre le grenat et la matrice est requis. Cette étude a pour but de comprendre la croissance du grenat dans les éclogites de la zone de Zermatt-Saas Fee (ZSF) et d'examiner quelques conséquences sur les datations Sm/Nd et Lu/Hf. Tous les grenats des éclogites de ZSF étudiés sont fortement zonés en Mn, Fe, Mg et partiellement en Ca. Les différentes méthodes basées sur le modèle de zonation chimique ainsi que sur les statistiques de répartition spatiale en 3D indiquent un mécanisme de croissance différent en fonction de la localité d'échantillonnage. Les grenats provenant de la zone de Pfulwe ont probablement crû dans un système principalement dominé par la cinétique de surface au détriment de 1a cinétique de diffusion intergranulaire. Les grenats provenant de deux autres localités, Nuarsax et Lago di Cignana, semblent avoir cristallisé dans un système dominé par la diffusion intergranulaire, au moins durant les premiers stades de croissance. Les grenats montrent une forte zonation prograde en Terres Rares (REE) ainsi qu'en Y. Les profils présentent au coeur un pic étroit en Lu + Yb+ Tm ± Er et au moins un petit pic supplémentaire vers le bord. Les coeurs des grenats sont appauvris en Sm + Eu + Gd + Tb ± Dy, mais les bords sont marqués par un pic important de ces REE. Ces profils s'expliquent par un modèle de diffusion matricielle dans lequel l'apport en REE est limité par la diffusion dans la matrice environnant les porphyroblastes. Les pics secondaires en bordure de grain reflètent la diffusion activée par l'augmentation de la température lors du métamorphisme prograde. Ce modèle prédit des rapports 176Lu/177Hf et 147Sm/144Nd anormalement bas lorsque les taux de croissance sont plus rapides que la diffusion des REE, ce qui diminue la précision des isochrones impliquant le grenat. La zonation nette en Lu a permis de contraindre le maximum de diffusion volumique par une approche numérique. Le coefficient de diffusion minimum modélisé en adéquation avec les pics mesurés est de l'ordre de Do = 5.7*10-6 m2/s, en prenant une énergie d'activation ~270 kJ/mol déterminée expérimentalement. Ainsi, la température de clôture minimale est estimée aux alentours de 630°C pour la zone ZSF. Des nouvelles données de zonation de REE sont combinées aux âges obtenus avec les rapports Lu/Hf et Sm/Nd qui redéfissent l'intervalle de cristallisation prograde pour les éclogites UHP de Lago di Cignana. La modélisation permet d'attribuer au minimum un intervalle de croissance prograde de 25 Ma afin d'obtenir les âges préalablement mesurés. RESUME GRAND PUBLIC L'un des principaux buts du pétrologue .métamorphique est d'extraire des roches les informations sur l'évolution temporelle, thermique et barométrique qu'elles ont subi au cours de la formation d'une chaîne de montagne. Le grenat est l'un des minéraux clés dans une grande variété de roches métamorphiques. Il a fait l'objet de nombreuses études dans des terrains d'origines variées ou lors d'études expérimentales afin de comprendre ses domaines de stabilité, ses réactions et sa coexistence avec d'autres minéraux. Cela fait du grenat l'un des minéraux les plus attractifs pour la datation des roches. Cependant, lorsqu'on l'utilise pour la datation et/ou pour la géothermobarométrie, on suppose toujours que le grenat croît en équilibre avec les phases coexistantes de la matrice. Pourtant, la croissance d'un minéral est en général liée au processus de déséquilibre. Cette étude a pour but de comprendre comment croît le grenat dans les éclogites de Zermatt - Saas Fee et donc d'évaluer le degré de déséquilibre. Il s'agit aussi d'expliquer les différences d'âges obtenues grâce aux grenats dans les différentes localités de l'unité de Zermatt-Saas Fee. La principale question posée lors de l'étude des mécanismes de croissance du grenat est: Parmi les processus en jeu lors de la croissance du grenat (dissolution des anciens minéraux, transport des éléments vers le nouveau grenat, précipitation d'une nouvelle couche en surface du minéral), lequel est le plus lent et ainsi détermine le degré de déséquilibre? En effet, les grenats d'une des localités (Pfulwe) indiquent que le phénomène d'adhérence en surface est le plus lent, contrairement aux grenats des autres localités (Lago di Cignana, Nuarsax) dans lesquels ce sont les processus de transport qui sont les plus lents. Cela montre que les processus dominants sont variables, même dans des roches similaires de la même unité tectonique. Ceci implique que les processus doivent être déterminés individuellement pour chaque roche afin d'évaluer le degré de déséquilibre du grenat dans la roche. Tous les grenats analysés présentent au coeur une forte concentration de Terres Rares: Lu + Yb + Tm ± Er qui décroît vers le bord du grain. Inversement, les Terres Rares Sm + Eu + Gd + Tb ± Dy sont appauvries au coeur et se concentrent en bordure du grain. La modélisation révèle que ces profils sont-dus à des cinétiques lentes de transport des Terres Rares. De plus, les modèles prédisent des concentrations basses en éléments radiogéniques pères dans certaines roches, ce qui influence fortement sur la précision des âges obtenus par la méthode d'isochrone. Ceci signifie que les roches les plus adaptées pour les datations ne doivent contenir ni beaucoup de grenat ni de très gros cristaux, car dans ce cas, la compétition des éléments entre les cristaux limite à de faibles concentrations la quantité d'éléments pères dans chaque cristal.
It has not been well established whether the mechanisms participating in pH regulation in the anoxic-reoxygenated developing myocardium resemble those operating in the adult. We have specially examined the importance of Na+/H+ exchange (NHE) and HCO3-dependent transports in cardiac activity after changes in extracellular pH (pHo). Spontaneously contracting hearts isolated from 4-day-old chick embryos were submitted to single or repeated anoxia (1 min) followed by reoxygenation (10 min). The chronotropic, dromotropic and inotropic responses of the hearts were determined in standard HCO3- buffer at pHo 7.4 and at pHo 6.5 (hypercapnic acidosis). In distinct experiments, acidotic anoxia preceded reoxygenation at pHo 7.4. NHE was blocked with amiloride derivative HMA (1 micro mol/l) and HCO3-dependent transports were inactivated by replacement of HCO3 or blockade with stilbene derivative DIDS (100 micro mol/l). Anoxia caused transient tachycardia, depressed mechanical function and induced contracture. Reoxygenation temporarily provoked cardiac arrest, atrio-ventricular (AV) block, arrhythmias and depression of contractility. Addition of DIDS or substitution of HCO3 at pHo 7.4 had the same effects as acidosis per se, i.e. shortened contractile activity and increased incidence of arrhythmias during anoxia, prolonged cardioplegia and provoked arrhythmias at reoxygenation. Under anoxia at pHo 6.5/reoxygenation at pHo 7.4, cardioplegia, AV block and arrhythmias were all markedly prolonged. Interestingly, in the latter protocol, DIDS suppressed AV block and arrhythmias during reoxygenation, whereas HMA had no effect. Thus, intracellular pH regulation in the anoxic-reoxygenated embryonic heart appears to depend predominantly on HCO3 availability and transport. Furthermore, pharmacological inhibition of anion transport can protect against reoxygenation-induced dysfunction.
The objective of this work was to assess the regulatory effects of auxin-priming on gas exchange and hormonal homeostasis in spring wheat subjected to saline conditions. Seeds of MH-97 (salt-intolerant) and Inqlab-91 (salt-tolerant) cultivars were subjected to 11 priming treatments (three hormones x three concentrations + two controls) and evaluated under saline (15 dS m-1) and nonsaline (2.84 dS m-1) conditions. The priming treatments consisted of: 5.71, 8.56, and 11.42 × 10-4 mol L-1 indoleacetic acid; 4.92, 7.38, and 9.84 × 10-4 mol L-1 indolebutyric acid; 4.89, 7.34, and 9.79 × 10-4 mol L-1 tryptophan; and a control with hydroprimed seeds. A negative control with nonprimed seeds was also evaluated. All priming agents diminished the effects of salinity on endogenous abscisic acid concentration in the salt-intolerant cultivar. Grain yield was positively correlated with net CO2 assimilation rate and endogenous indoleacetic acid concentration, and it was negatively correlated with abscisic acid and free polyamine concentrations. In general, the priming treatment with tryptophan at 4.89 × 10-4 mol L-1 was the most effective in minimizing yield losses and reductions in net CO2 assimilation rate, under salt stress conditions. Hormonal homeostasis increases net CO2 assimilation rate and confers tolerance to salinity on spring wheat.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the phytotoxicity of a plant vitrification solution (PVS2), and the survival of shoot tips of the sugarcane variety SP716949, after cryopreservation by droplet-vitrification. Shoot tips were precultured for 24 hours in MS medium containing 0.3 mol L-1 sucrose, and exposed to PVS2 for 0, 20 or 30 min. Shoot tips were then immersed in liquid nitrogen. Thawing was fast in concentrated sucrose solution (1.2 mol L-1). PVS2 is a nontoxic to shoot tips, which in turn are sensitive to liquid nitrogen. The best results occurred when shoot tips were maintained for up to 20 min in PVS2 solution, before freezing, with 20% survival.