953 resultados para Military education - Psychological aspects


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Utilizing a great part of the works by Japanese educator Tsunesaburo Makiguchi and the register of fragments of his life, this thesis affirms that knowledge emerges from peoples` experience as they go about their daily lives. Facts, events, genetic inheritance, cultural patrimony, family history, the place where one was born and lived, and psychological predispositions nurture and form a vision of the world and of life in general. In Makiguchi s case, this multi-causal constellation led him to conceive the system of the value-creating pedagogy of good, gain and beauty; discussing the importance of cognition and evaluation in the experience of the human being. His life is exemplary in demonstrating that these aspects are inter-connected and, in a recursive movement between knowledge and self-knowledge, they can generate creative systems for understanding the world and introducing, essentially, the author into the epistemological problematic of complexity. The Makiguchian system and Edgar Morin s complexity approach suggest a pragmatic, paradigmatic reform of education and a thought reformation in the direction of the complex pedagogy, and that it creates a web that connects master-disciple, subject-object, human-world, local-global and singular-universal


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Analyzes the factors that unleash violence by banalization of the problems and health questions of workers in a federal public institution, in Natal/RN. It analyzes transformations in the world of the work, with its politic, social and economic determinatives and its relation to the worker health. Boarding the violence in the work enviroment and its implications to the worker health, focusing on the banalization of problems faced by the workers as a kind of violence in and with the work. It was chosen an analitic methodology with qualitative approach, through the collection tecnic and information analyzes according to the thematic oral history, with recorders of authorized personal narratives, through individual interview with a semi-structured guide. In the analyzis of results it were made empiric cathegories: the daily work enviroment and its influence to the worker profession and life; the violence presents in the work enviroment and its consequences to the worker life and health; the banalization of the social injustice, due to violence against the worker that broked their dreams concerned to the nursing contribution. The results revealed the ordinary work of these workers showing enviromental and organizational unhealthy conditions, caracterized by physical and tecnical insecurity; absence and disqualification of instrumental and human supplies; overload and complexity service; bad distribution of the duties and pressure to the deadline and productivity, producing tension, conflict and anxiety related to the users, colleagues, superiors and to the duties. In the work enviroment, it were identified a external violence, caracterized by physical and verbal aggresion, psychic suffering, worker depreciation; and internal, caracterized by: moral and psychological molestations and accupational structural violence. These kinds of violence bring consequences to the life, that is, professional, economic and moral order of factors and to the health by biological, mental and emocional factors. The banalization of social injustice during the daily work was discussed in the aspects of banalization of problems and work conditions, the health, qualification banalizations and professional valorization. The workers expectatives pointed out to the necessity of: secure conditions of work; trainning and tecnical assistance; politics of attention to the physical, mental and social health to the workers and their family. We conclude the enviromental and organizational conditions of the workers interviewed do not offer physical and tecnical security that they need to the execution of their activities, neither offer comfort or physical and psychological satisfactions. The politic the instituition has used points out to the depreciation and inhumanization of them producing feelings as unsatisfaction, frustation and indignation related to the institution and the work, bringing suffering and physical and mental sicking. We noticed the most terrible violence found in the work enviroment is the banalization of social injustice related do the problems and health of these workers, producing a slowly debility and simbolic death of their lifes. Therefore, it is necessary the implementation of a politic that promotes assurance, health and integral education, valorization and humanization of these workers


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Venous ulcer (VU) is a lower limbs injury resulting from inadequate return of venous blood in feet or legs. Although it is not a deadly disease, it causes chronic wounds, which seriously undermine patients´ quality of life (QOL) and sometimes leads to drastic family, social, economic and psychological changes. In this sense, there are several aspects that may influence the venous ulcers patients´ QOL. The study´s objective aimed on the association of socio-demographic and health, health care and clinical injury on UV patients‟ QOL. Analytical studies, which consider the complexity of factors involved in changes in UV patients‟ QOL has a cross-sectional and quantitative approach. The HUOL Ethics Committee approved this project (n.279/09). The collection of data lasted a period of 3 months in 2010 and it took place at the clinic of Angiology at Hospital Universitário Onofre Lopes (HUOL). The data sample consisted of 60 patients treated by UV angiologists in the HUOL Surgical Clinic. The results were analyzed with SPSS 15.0 by descriptive and inferential statistics. The study was based on UV patients that were predominantly female, average age of 61.4 years, that had low education level and low family income, with occupations requiring long periods of standing or sitting, but mostly retired, unemployed or laid off due to the disease and/or due to chronic diseases associated with the UV. The study took also into consideration patients that used inappropriate products, that were improperly treated by a professional caregiver, that lacked of adequate guidance and compression therapy, that performed no lifting of the lower limbs and regular exercise, that the time of injury were greater than or equal to six months, that were missing specific laboratory tests. The study‟s reference were on recurrent lesions, medium to large lesions area, bed of the lesion (injuries) with fibrin and/or necrosis, with amount of exudate with medium to large, odorless and no signs of infection, with tissue loss between 1st and 2nd degree, without collecting swab or biopsy and with pain. In general, QOL of researched individuals were considered low, the maximum score was 69 points, which the areas that were mostly influenced were the total scores of QOL functional capacity (0.021), emotional (0.000) and social functioning (0.080). Of the 60 individuals, 53.3% had scores between 40 and 69 points in SF-36, and they had the best scores in sociodemographic and health variables (ρ = 0.049). In respect to the assistance and injury characteristics, patients who scored between 40 and 69 points in SF-36 had better scores on these characteristics. By combining the socio-demographic variables, health, and handling characteristics of the injury, we observed a significant difference (ρ = 0.032) when linking them with the QOL total scores. When analyzing separately the domains of the SF-36 scores on the quality of life, we find that the areas that showed statistical significance were functional ability (ρ = 0.035), appearance (ρ = 0.019), emotional (ρ = 0.000), and mental health (ρ = 0.050). Among the socio-demographic characteristics studied, gender and marital status contributed more to the reduction of QOL and among the variables of assistance and the injury, orientation, reference and area of UV contributed the most. By analyzing these five variables all together in accordance with the overall score obtained in the quality of life, we found a significant correlation (ρ = 0.002); with 6.23 times more chances of patients have better QOL in the presence of these five positive factors. By conducting the Mann Whitney U test between all the five demographic variables, health, and clinical care, we found that this combination also proved to be significant (ρ = 0.006). Therefore, patients with these five variables positive tend to have a better QOL. Based on these results, we reject the null hypothesis (H0) and accept the alternative hypothesis (H1) proposed in this study because we noted that the QOL of patients with UV is associated with sociodemographic and health, health care and clinical aspects of the injury


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The pregnancy as a process in woman's life requires several biological, psychological, relational and socio-cultural changes for the preparation for motherhood. By modifying its capacity and, at the expense of these factors, it is observed that the physical, social and emotional problems experienced by women during pregnancy can affect their quality of life, especially related to health. It had as objectives of this research verifying the quality of life of women in the context of the Family Health Strategy in a municipality in Paraíba, in order to characterize the sociodemographic aspects, lifestyle habits, and obstetric care of pregnant women and to characterize the fields of quality of life of pregnant women according to the WHOQOL-bref. This is a descriptive exploratory study with cross-sectional and quantitative approach. The population consisted of 120 pregnant women in primary care in the municipality of Sousa-PB. Data collection occurred over a period of two months by the own master's degree student and two nursing students in applying a standard form about sociodemographic characteristics, and obstetric care and the WHOQOL-bref instrument. The data collected were organized into an electronic database of the Microsoft Excel application, coded, tabulated and presented in tables, charts and figures with their respective percentage distributions. Of the surveyed, the predominant were age group of 20 to 25 years, Catholic religion, with a steady partner, low education, no employment, wage income of 01 minimum wage. As for the data and obstetric care, almost all had never aborted and reported to the care received as excellent. The most frequent complaints were back pain and in lower abdomen. Regarding quality of life according to the WHOQOL-bref, dissatisfactions that predominated in the areas were in the physical pain and discomfort, sleep, rest, energy and fatigue. In the psychological domain, body image and appearance, memory, concentration and negative feelings. In the field of social relationships, sexual activity and the environment domain, the greatest dissatisfaction with facets scored: financial resources, leisure opportunities and transport. It is concluded that the quality of life of the users interviewed were deemed unsatisfactory for these facets, indicating that assistance to this target audience should be done comprehensively and holistically, in order to accommodate the affected facets to improve the quality of life pregnant women attended in primary care


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Over the last 50 years a new research area, science education research, has arisen and undergone singular development worldwide. In the specific case of Brazil, research in science education first appeared systematically 40 years ago, as a consequence of an overall renovation in the field of science education. This evolution was also related to the political events taking place in the country. We will use the theoretical work of Rene Kaes on the development of groups and institutions as a basis for our discussion of the most important aspects that have helped the area of science education research develop into an institution and kept it operating as such. The growth of this area of research can be divided into three phases: The first was related to its beginning and early configurations; the second consisted of a process of consolidation of this institution; and the third consists of more recent developments, characterised by a multiplicity of research lines and corresponding challenges to be faced. In particular, we will analyse the special contributions to this study gleaned from the field known as the history and philosophy of science.


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The purpose of this research was to evaluate educational strategies applied to a tele-education leprosy course. The curriculum was for members of the Brazilian Family Health Team and was made available through the São Paulo Telehealth Portal. The course educational strategy was based on a constructivist learning model where interactivity was emphasized. Authors assessed motivational aspects of the course using the WebMAC Professional tool. Forty-eight healthcare professionals answered the evaluation questionnaire. Adequate internal consistency was achieved (Cronbach's alpha = 0.79). More than 95% of queried items received good evaluations. Multidimensional analysis according to motivational groups of questions (STIMULATING, MEANINGFUL, ORGANIZED, EASY-TO-USE) showed high agreement. According to WebMAC's criteria, it was considered an awesome course. The tele-educational strategies implemented for leprosy disclosed high motivational scores.


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O autor faz um estudo sobre os aspectos mais importantes da história da educação escolar no Brasil, desde o período colonial até o final do regime militar, buscando estabelecer uma ligação entre cada período histórico e a legislação educacional em vigor.


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O artigo discute a constituição da identidade do médico tendo como pontos de partida sua escolha e formação profissionais. A partir da experiência das autoras no ensino médico, em especial na disciplina de Psicologia Médica, e da literatura na área são enfocadas: a idealização do papel do médico, as motivações conscientes e inconscientes na opção profissional, as dificuldades dos primeiros anos na escola médica, o início das atividades didáticas no hospital e os mecanismos psicológicos defensivos acionados no contato com pacientes. É muito importante que as Escolas Médicas e seus professores tenham conhecimento desses aspectos, devendo preocupar-se não apenas com questões curriculares e pedagógicas, mas também com o modelo de relação professor-aluno, considerando o seu papel fundamental na formação da identidade médica.


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Estimou-se a prevalência e a incidência de parasitas intestinais em crianças e funcionários de 5 creches municipais em Botucatu/SP. Foram realizados dois estudos seccionais em 2002 (N=379) e 2003 (N=397) e um estudo longitudinal observacional, onde as crianças de 2002 e 2003 foram seguidas por um ano. Foram aplicados questionários nos funcionários e nos pais das crianças, onde foram coletadas as seguintes variáveis: nível sócio-econômico, hábitos sanitários, moradia, idade, sexo e presença de animais domésticos. Foram realizados exames coproparasitológicos nas crianças das creches. A prevalência de enteroparasitas em 2002 foi de 76,74% e 34% em 2003. As variáveis associadas à presença de enteroparasitas no ano de 2002 foram: localização das creches (OR=0,27 IC=0,15-0,47), renda familiar (OR=4,38 IC=1,91-10,04), sexo (OR=0,52 IC=0,32-0,85), faixa etária (OR=2,08 IC=1,06-4,08) e presença de animais domésticos na casa (OR=1,85 IC=1,10-3,11); em 2003, as variáveis foram: creche localizada em bairro periférico (OR=0,49 IC=0,31-0,78), renda familiar (OR=3,69 IC=2,19-6,24), nível educacional da mãe (OR=6,19 IC=1,81-21,21), sexo (OR=0,36 IC=0,36-0,93) e presença de animais domésticos (OR=1,68 IC=1,01-2,79). A coorte foi integrada por 253 crianças apresentando incidência de 23,22%. Os dados deste estudo evidenciam situações de risco em populações específicas (creches) e poderiam ser utilizados por Instituições que promovem o cuidado com as crianças.


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Comments about education and medicine teaching were made. The learning and the curriculum in according with the priorities of the country's health had special emphasis.Students and teachers of Botucatu considered that the improvement of the 2nd year medical microbiological course was good with predominantly basic contents. The students prefer a balanced content or predominantly applied to medicine.Three phases of the teaching of microbiological contents are proposed: 1st - in the basic cycly (2nd year); 2nd - into the course of Clinical Laboratory (3rd or 4th year); 3rd - into the clinical cycle, following a program of integration.


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Our society is presently seeing a trend of continuous increase of risk with severe consequences, especially those linked to environmental aspects. It has obligated us to reflect on this production and its effects, either positive or negative, and, after a long reflection, to think about the adopted model of civilization and the possibilities of changing such a model. The educational institution is among the social departments responsible for this revision process, since it represents one possibility to promote a more critical vision from society, providing it with tools needed for a more responsible action. However, schools are dominated by a traditional work, which does not allow for enough and proper attention to these relevant and current questions, and which involve a critical analysis of the conceptions and values established by our civilization, resulting in the present patterns of science-technology-society relations and their influence on the environment and health. Several research works have indicated a diversity of barriers that obstruct this necessary change. Since formal education plays an important role in the education of society for this theme, in this paper the possibilities and difficulty dealing with this problem are discussed, focusing on the question of teacher education, based on investigations related to teacher education programs for environmental education. The data collected show the urgency for introducing this theme in teacher training programs, taking into account the fact that educators have their own conceptions, values and attitudes that should be considered in these programs.


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Currently the achievements of technology have not been enough to overcome the misery, in which are numerous human groups. Relegated to its background, the human being sees those scenarios, which brings out discussions about its formation, in which values are regarded as the scientific and technological aspects. The educational research inspired by this framework involving the theme of human development, update and re-frame concepts related to the linkage between interactivity and interaction, two important features presented in the process of Distance Education (DE). The research inquired about how these features have been articulated. It conducted a field study in which two professors were interviewed. The results showed that the integration between interactivity and interaction, involving aspects such as autonomy, critical awareness, relationships among students, the sharing of values and worldviews, is at the base of the educational processes of the DE. They also showed that, on these processes, there are shortcomings regarding the development of values and having to be thought the tutor training strategies from an interdisciplinary view.


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This paper deals with library professionals education in Mercosur - the Common Market of South America - established on 29 March, 1991 to expand the national markets of Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay, and promote free circulation of goods, services and production agents in that region. The paper presents, through a descriptive study, the undergraduate and graduate courses in Library Science, how many and what schools there are, and what programs are developed. It ends by identifying the directions in which they are moving and the challenges they are now facing.


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Objective. Evaluation of long-standing sleep bruxism (SB) patients. Study Design. Descriptive study. Results. One hundred subjects with SB (80 women and 20 men, mean age: 36.1±11.3 years) were evaluated according to the RDC/TMD and a pain questionnaire (EDOF-HC). The patients were divided into 2 groups: Group A-without (30.0%) and Group B-with orofacial pain (70.0%). AM stiffness: 36.4% in Group A and 88.6% in Group B; mean pain duration: 6.92 years; mean intensity of pain: 4.33 (VAS); quality of pain: tightness/pressure (84,3%); 95.7% of Group B had myofascial pain. Depression and somatization levels were different between the groups (p = 0.001). Higher frequency of depression was found with body pain or presence of comorbidities. Conclusion. The data presented in this study showed statistical differences between long-standing bruxism without and with chronic facial pain; the two questionnaires allowed interaction between the chief complaint and the clinical findings; depression levels increased with pain in several regions of the body. © 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Includes bibliography