956 resultados para Microneedle electrodes
Simultaneous recording from multiple single neurones presents many technical difficulties. However, obtaining such data has many advantages, which make it highly worthwhile to overcome the technical problems. This report describes methods which we have developed to permit recordings in awake behaving monkeys using the 'Eckhorn' 16 electrode microdrive. Structural magnetic resonance images are collected to guide electrode placement. Head fixation is achieved using a specially designed headpiece, modified for the multiple electrode approach, and access to the cortex is provided via a novel recording chamber. Growth of scar tissue over the exposed dura mater is reduced using an anti-mitotic compound. Control of the microdrive is achieved by a computerised system which permits several experimenters to move different electrodes simultaneously, considerably reducing the load on an individual operator. Neurones are identified as pyramidal tract neurones by antidromic stimulation through chronically implanted electrodes; stimulus control is integrated into the computerised system. Finally, analysis of multiple single unit recordings requires accurate methods to correct for non-stationarity in unit firing. A novel technique for such correction is discussed.
The carbon nanotube-liquid-crystal (CNT-LC) nanophotonic device is a class of device based on the hybrid combination of a sparse array of multiwall carbon nanotube electrodes grown on a silicon surface in a liquid-crystal cell. The multiwall carbon nanotubes act as individual electrode sites that spawn an electric-field profile, dictating the refractive index profile within the liquid crystal and hence creating a series of graded index profiles, which form various optical elements such as a simple microlens array. We present the refractive index and therefore phase modulation capabilities of a CNT-LC nanophotonic device with experimental results as well as computer modeling and potential applications.
Ferrocene-terminated self-assembled monolayers (Fc-SAMs) are one of the most studied molecular aggregates on metal electrodes. They are easy to fabricate and provide a stable and reproducible system to investigate the effect of the microenvironment on the electron transfer parameters. We propose a novel application for Fc-SAMs, the detection of molecular interactions, based on the modification of the SAM with target-specific receptors. Mixed SAMs were fabricated by coimmobilization on Au electrodes of thiolated alkane chains with three different head groups: hydroxy terminating head group, ferrocene head group, and a functional head group such as biotin. Upon binding, the intrinsic electric charge of the target (e.g., streptavidin) modifies the electrostatic potential at the plane of electron transfer, causing a shift in the formal potential E degrees '. The SAMs were characterized by AC voltammetry. The detection mechanism is confirmed by measurements of formal potential as a function of electrolyte pH.
We present electro-optic characteristics of a transparent nanophotonic device fabricated on quartz substrate based on multiwall carbon nanotubes and nematic liquid crystals (LCs). The nanotube electrodes spawn a Gaussian electric field to three dimensionally address the LC molecules. The electro-optic characteristics of the device were investigated to optimize the device performance and it was found that lower driving voltages were suitable for microlens array and phase modulation applications, while higher driving voltages with a holding voltage can be used for display-related applications.
Fishing using electricity is a new technique and is still in the experimental stages in many of the advanced countries. While no published records are available in India, considerable work has been done in Germany, United States, Canada, and United Kingdom. These papers mainly deal with the behavior of the fish in the electrical field, the physiological effects of electrical current on fishes, methods of electrofishing, electric fencing etc. The following experiments on electrical fishing were conducted with a view to studying the distribution of electrical field when an alternating current is passed through two fixed electrodes in fresh water and to study the reaction of different fresh water fishes to the field.
In order to evolve suitable electrical fishing gear for inland waters, preliminary experiments have been conducted to observe effect of a. c. currents on Catla catla at voltages of 30, 90 and 120, pH 7.3 and 8.4, temperature 48°F, 78°F and 105°F, distance between electrodes 25 cm, 50 cm and 75 cm, size range of fish 100 mm, to 235 mm. Apparatus used was a 5 kw; a. c. 60 cycles generator with resistance control. Larger sizes of fish were more prone to electric shock. Higher temperature increases the intensity of the shock, while variation of pH between 7.3 to 8.4 did not materially affect the intensity of the shock. Fishing with a mixed population of Catla catla and Ophicephalus punctatus gave a greater percentage of mortality for the latter.
Forty-six experiments were done with the electric seine in 24 tanks with a.c. and interrupted a.c. The source of electrical energy was a 3 Kw a.c. generator of water-cooled diesel engine. A control seining without applying electricity was conducted for every experiment with electric "seine" to have a comparison for the efficiency of electric "seine" over control ones. Electric seine was found to have an increased catch over control seining both in numbers and in weight. Electric seine with two electrodes was found to have better effect over three electrodes. Benthic fishes like Cirrhina mrigala, Notopterus notopterus, Cyprinus carpio, Glassogobius giuris, Ophicephalus sp. and Mystus sp. were found to be more sensitive in electric "seine". Increased catch of small fishes like C. mrigala, N, notopterus and Ophicephalus sp. has been observed in electrical "seine" in addition to larger ones.
A method to fabricate polymer field-effect transistors with submicron channel lengths is described. A thin polymer film is spin coated on a prepatterned resist with a low resolution to create a thickness contrast in the overcoated polymer layer. After plasma and solvent etching, a submicron-sized line structure, which templates the contour of the prepattern, is obtained. A further lift-off process is applied to define source-drain electrodes of transistors. With a combination of ink-jet printing, transistors with channel length down to 400 nm have been fabricated by this method. We show that drive current density increases as expected, while the on/off current ratio 106 is achieved. © 2005 American Institute of Physics.
随着我国工业的快速发展,环境污染日益严重,其中重金属已经成为最主要的污染物 之一。重金属具有分布广泛、半衰期长等特点,因而对人们的生产生活危害巨大。镉作为 一种常见的重金属污染物,它能够引发废用性萎缩、肾功能衰竭和感染等疾病,因此对环 境中存在的痕量镉的进行检测显得极为重要。传统的痕量分析方法包括光谱分析法和色谱 分析法,但这两方法所使用的仪器比较笨重,操作过程复杂,因而不适于在线分析。电化 学分析方法因其快速、便携、价格低廉、灵敏度高等特点而受到了人们的广泛关注,其中 较为常用的阳极溶出伏安法已经在镉离子等重金属离子的现场快速高灵敏检测中发挥了 重要作用。然而传统阳极溶出法中使用的汞电极因具有毒性而被许多国家禁止使用,所以 寻找汞电极的替代电极成为近年来的阳极溶出技术的研究热点。铋膜电极因具有类似汞电 极的分析性能且环境友好而受到了广泛重视,特别是各种化学修饰方法使得铋膜电极的性 能得到了显著提高。但是目前铋膜电极仍存在稳定性低、抗干扰能力差等问题,这些不足 严重制约了该类电极在重金属的阳极溶出分析中的应用。本文旨在通过新的化学修饰方法 解决铋膜电极应用中的瓶颈问题,发展具有优异分析性能的化学修饰铋膜电极应用于镉离 子等重金属离子的阳极溶出分析。本文的主要研究内容包括: l)以阳极溶出法测定镉离子为例,研究了化学修饰铋膜电极的响应特性,考察了富 集时间、富集电位、铋离子浓度、离子载体浓度和Nafion 浓度等实验条件对检测灵敏度的 影响。 2)将离子载体引入铋膜电极与Nafion 结合使用,研究了镉离子在该电极上的阳极溶 出响应,并探讨了铜、铅、铟三种金属离子对镉离子检测选择性的影响。将这种改良后的 化学修饰铋膜电极用于实际海水样品的检测,所得结果与ICP-MS 的测量结果基本一致。 3)将四氟硼酸钠引入铋膜电极与离子载体、碳纳米管结合使用,研究了镉离子在该 电极上的阳极溶出响应,考察了铜、铅、铟离子对镉离子测定的影响。 4)考察了电解富集和开路电位富集两种富集方式对电极灵敏度和选择性的影响。 实验表明:通过预富集,在未除氧的溶液中即可得到显著的镉离子溶出电流峰,且背 景噪音低;加入离子载体后,电极对目标金属有良好的选择性,可以在复杂基体条件下测 定重金属离子镉;电解富集条件下电极的的灵敏度较高,而开路电位富集条件下电极的选 择性较好。这种环保的无汞化学修饰电极为海水中重金属污染物的检测提供了新的手段。
随着工农业生产的迅速发展,重金属污染问题越来越严重。由于重金属能 够在土壤、水体等环境中不断积累,并且通过食物链而进入人体内蓄积,因此对 人类健康构成潜在的危害。当人体内重金属含量过量时,会导致各种疾病的发生。 所以对痕量重金属污染物进行监测和分析,在食品安全、临床诊断和环境监测等 方面具有重要的现实意义。因此,研究快速、准确、灵敏、方便的检测重金属的 新方法十分必要。 近年来,化学修饰电极由于能够赋予电极新的、特定的功能,在提高电化 学选择性和灵敏度方面有着独特的优越性,因而成为电分析化学领域研究的热 点,并且被广泛应用于重金属元素的测定。但是,由于电极材料的限制,灵敏度 虽然有所改进,却始终很难达到一个新的高度。要提高化学修饰电极对重金属检 测的灵敏度,必须加入一些辅助的方法。 最近,纳米材料在很多分析方法中得到广泛应用,这些材料表现出很多它 们在常规尺度时所没有的独特的性质,如量子尺寸效应、表面效应、小尺寸效应、 量子隧道效应以及介电限域效应等。因此,作为一种新型的电极材料在电化学检 测和分析方面受到人们的日益关注。由于纳米材料本身具有大的比表面积和高的 表面自由能,这种纳米材料修饰电极的灵敏度得到大幅度提高。 离子载体是一类具有一个特定空腔的大环分子,能够从溶液中实现对某一 特定离子的萃取使之进入到有机相中。离子载体是电位型传感器敏感膜中的核心 成分,尽管它具有很高的选择性,但是除了电位分析外,在其它方面的用途却很 少被关注,可能是由于其本身的非导电性能所致。本论文采用纳米材料所特有的 对重金属离子强大的吸附性能和离子载体优良的选择性,制备了纳米材料及离子 载体修饰玻碳电极并用来对实际水样中痕量的重金属进行检测。主要内容包括以 下几个方面: 1.制备新型碳纳米管/铋膜复合修饰电极,研究了重金属钴在电极上的电化 学性能。结果表明,这种新型复合修饰电极的灵敏度得到显著提高,能实现最低 检测限为8´10-11 M的钴的吸附富集溶出。 2.利用羟基磷灰石的强吸附能力和碳纳米管的优异电化学性能,制备了新型 新型纳米材料及离子载体化学修饰电极的制备及其在痕量重金属污染物检测中的应用 II 的碳纳米管-纳米羟基磷灰石的双纳米复合材料,并将其用于金属镉的富集溶出。 结果表明,双纳米复合材料具有比单一材料更优异的性能,更有助于金属镉的富 集溶出。采用碳纳米管-纳米羟基磷灰石的双纳米复合材料修饰电极,能实现最 低检测限为4´10-9 M的镉的富集溶出,灵敏度得到明显提高。 3. 将导电性好、抗氧干扰能力强的铋膜与对重金属具有良好选择性的离子 载体相结合,制备了基于铋膜/离子载体的新型修饰电极,研究了金属铅在其表 面的富集溶出。结果表明,这种新型修饰电极的灵敏度和选择性都大为提高,具 有更高的溶出峰电流和更好的抗干扰能力,可以实现最低检测限为4.4´10-11 M 的铅的富集溶出。 4. 利用羟基磷灰石的强吸附能力和其三维多孔结构、离子载体对重金属离 子优异的选择性以及Nafion 膜良好的离子交换作用和化学稳定性,制备了基于 纳米材料和离子载体的新型化学修饰电极。这种方法不仅有助于提高对金属铅的 选择性和灵敏度,而且大大提高了富集效率。采用该新型化学修饰电极,能够实 现最低检测限为1´10-9 M的铅的富集溶出。
聚合物膜离子选择性电极具有选择性高、使用简便、价格低廉等优点,在环境监测中日益受到人们的关注。这类电极的响应特性主要取决于聚合物膜相中起分子识别作用的离子载体的选择性。本文设计合成了一系列对重金属离子具有高选择性的有机配体,并将其作为电中性离子载体应用于银、汞、锌、铬等离子选择性电极中,实现了对重金属离子的高选择性测定。此外,我们对海水中有机物质的紫外线消解进行了研究,优化了消解条件,采用离子选择性电极技术实现了对海水中重金属污染物的快速检测。具体内容如下: 1、以硫氮杂冠醚为离子载体的银离子选择性电极制备及性能研究。 合成了一系列硫氮杂冠醚配体,通过优化反应条件,提高了反应产率,简化了产物处理过程。将此类冠醚作为离子载体用于银离子选择性电极的制备,并讨论了冠醚环大小、冠醚环的韧性以及硫原子个数对电极选择性的影响。在此研究基础上,利用沉淀-溶解平衡法调节内充液主离子浓度,采用冠醚9,10,12,13,24,25-六氢-5H,15H,23H-二苯[b,q][1,7,10,13,19,4,16]五硫二氮二十三环-6,16 (7H,17H)-二酮环作为低检出限银离子选择性电极载体,通过优化电极的内充液和聚合物膜组份,测得最低检出限为2.2×10-10 M,电极电位响应斜率为54.5 mV/dec.,线性范围为1.0×10-9-1.0×10-5 M,电极使用寿命为一个月。采用标准加入法,成功实现了自来水中银离子浓度的测试,并以该电极作为指示电极,以硝酸银溶液为滴定剂,成功滴定了I-、Br-和Cl-离子的混合液。 2、以1,2,4-三唑衍生物为离子载体的汞离子选择性电极的制备及性能表征。 设计合成了一种基于1,2,4-三唑的希夫碱结构化合物,3,5-二(二硫代甲酸苄酯肼基-2-亚甲胺基苯氧甲基)-1-(四氢-2H-吡喃)-1H-1,2,4-三唑,并成功用作中性载体实现对汞离子的测定。在最佳膜组分条件下,以该化合物作为载体的汞离子选择性电极的检出限为2.6×10-7 M Hg2+,电极电位响应斜率为29.3±0.3 mV/dec.,线性范围为1.0×10-6-3.0×10-4 M。该电极使用寿命为2个月,在pH 2.6-5.2范围内测试不受酸度影响。以该电极为指示电极,以EDTA为滴定剂,可准确滴定溶液中汞离子的浓度。 3、以希夫碱结构化合物为离子载体的锌离子选择性电极的制备及性能研究。 本文设计了一种含吡啶杂环的希夫碱结构化合物(E)-N'-(吡啶-2-亚甲胺基)-2-((E)-吡啶-2-亚甲胺基)苯甲酰肼,并成功用作离子载体实现对锌离子的测定。在最佳膜组分条件下,以该化合物为载体的锌离子选择性电极的检出限为7.4×10-7M Zn2+,电极电位响应斜率为25.9 mV/dec.,线性范围为1.0×10-6-1.0×10-3 M。该电极使用寿命为3个月,在pH 3.4-5.8范围内测试不受酸度影响。以该电极为指示电极,以EDTA为滴定剂,可准确滴定溶液中锌离子的浓度。 4、紫外光在线消解技术用于离子选择性电极测试海水中重金属离子的研究。 海水中重金属离子大多以络合物形式存在,而离子选择性电极只对游离态金属离子响应,因此要实现离子选择性电极测试海水中的重金属,首先必须使金属离子从络合物中游离出来。紫外光消解方法相对于其它海水预处理手段是一种清洁的样品预处理方法。我们以模拟海水为考察对象,考察了盐度、酸度、有机物浓度对消解效率的影响,并在优化消解条件的基础上对实际海水进行消解,利用离子选择性电极成功实现了海水中铜离子浓度的测试,测试值与ICP-MS数值一致。 5、合成希夫碱结构罗丹明B衍生物作为载体和分子探针用于Cr3+离子的检测。 设计合成了希夫碱结构罗丹明B衍生物2-亚甲胺基-8-乙酯基喹啉-罗丹明。荧光法显示,在化合物对铬离子(III)有较好的选择性,进而我们将该化合物作为分子探针进行了详细的研究。结果表明,分子探针与铬离子配位比为1:1,铬离子响应的线性范围是8.0×10-7-8.0×10-5 M,检测下限为1.9×10-7 M。电化学测试结果显示,基于该化合物为载体的离子选择性电极对铬离子(III)的选择性较差。
A simple and cheap procedure for flexible electronics fabrication was demonstrated by imprinting metallic nanoparticles (NPs) on flexible substrates. Silver NPs with an average diameter of 10 nm were prepared via an improved chemical approach and Ag Np ink was produced in α-terpineol with a concentration up to 15%. Silver micro/nanostructures with a dimension varying from nanometres to microns were produced on a flexible substrate (polyimide) by imprinting the as-prepared silver ink. The fine fluidic properties of an Ag NP/α-terpineol solution and low melting temperatures of silver nanoparticles render a low pressure and low temperature procedure, which is well suited for flexible electronics fabrication. The effects of sintering and mechanical bending on the conductivity of imprinted silver contacts were also investigated. Large area organic field effect transistors (OFET) on flexible substrates were fabricated using an imprinted silver electrode and semiconducting polymer. The OFET with silver electrodes imprinted from our prepared oleic acid stabilized Ag nanoparticle ink show an ideal ohmic contact; therefore, the OFET exhibit high performance (Ion/Ioff ratio: 1 × 103; mobility: 0.071 cm2 V-1 s-1). © 2010 IOP Publishing Ltd.
A comparative study on the effect of A.C. field on Puntius ticto, Heteropneustis fossilis and Tilapta mossambica was carried out using a slowly rising field intensity. Well defined reactions appeared in the species of fish with slight specific variations, depending on their orientation in the electrical field, on reaching the field intensity to specific value. These reactions can be distinguished as first reaction, when the fish perceive the surrounding field, jerky swimming when parallel to the current lines (longitudinal oscillotaxis), the static position finally adopted by the fish sooner or latter depending on the potential gradient (transverse oscillotaxis), and a state of muscular rigidity (tetanus). After switching off the current, a hypnotic condition prevailed in the treated fishes before returning to their normal swimming condition. The orientation of fish body in the field had an important bearing on the behaviour reactions and current thresholds necessary for those reactions. Initial reaction, jerky swimming between electrodes and hypnosis after stoppage of current appeared in fishes earlier when the fish body was in parallel to the current lines, whereas fishes responded to transverse oscillotaxis quickly when perpendicular to current lines.
High voltage pulsed current produced on board a trawler is fed to electrodes distributed along the foot rope of a trawl net through two core TRS cable which builds up a homogeneous electrical field around the net mouth. By comparative fishing tests with the electrified and non-electrified 32 m long wing trawl net, the increase in total catch of shrimps and fishes was found to be 19.8 and 36%, respectively.
A number of alternative designs are presented for Penning ion traps suitable for quantum information processing (QIP) applications with atomic ions. The first trap design is a simple array of long straight wires, which allows easy optical access. A prototype of this trap has been built to trap Ca+ and a simple electronic detection scheme has been employed to demonstrate the operation of the trap. Another trap design consists of a conducting plate with a hole in it situated above a continuous conducting plane. The final trap design is based on an array of pad electrodes. Although this trap design lacks the open geometry of the other traps described above, the pad design may prove useful in a hybrid scheme in which information processing and qubit storage take place in different types of trap. The behaviour of the pad traps is simulated numerically and techniques for moving ions rapidly between traps are discussed. Future experiments with these various designs are discussed. All of the designs lend themselves to the construction of multiple trap arrays, as required for scalable ion trap QIP.