977 resultados para Metodos do gradiente conjugado
This paper deals with topology optimization in plane elastic-linear problems considering the influence of the self weight in efforts in structural elements. For this purpose it is used a numerical technique called SESO (Smooth ESO), which is based on the procedure for progressive decrease of the inefficient stiffness element contribution at lower stresses until he has no more influence. The SESO is applied with the finite element method and is utilized a triangular finite element and high order. This paper extends the technique SESO for application its self weight where the program, in computing the volume and specific weight, automatically generates a concentrated equivalent force to each node of the element. The evaluation is finalized with the definition of a model of strut-and-tie resulting in regions of stress concentration. Examples are presented with optimum topology structures obtaining optimal settings. (C) 2012 CIMNE (Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya). Published by Elsevier Espana, S.L.U. All rights reserved.
In recent years it was possible to see a considerable growth of distance education, while the classroom teaching had a more modest growth. Thus, maintained this scenario, it will not take long for the quantitative indicators of distance education outweigh the classroom education. The distance education is evolving rapidly and changing traditional methods of acquiring knowledge and reduce inequalities caused by isolation and distance from large urban centers. This work aims to develop a videolesson and analyze its application in the teaching of statistics to a class of students of FEG, using modern techniques of distance education. To that end, was record a videolesson and developed two assessment tools, one practical and the other qualitative. The results showed that students prefer to follow the resolution of examples, with high degree of difficulty, and the audio recording is a key to the proper understanding of the same. In addition, students consider important mainstay of distance education, the fact that you can attend a class several times, whenever you need it, anywhere
Apesar da reconhecida importância e utilização de inúmeros grupos de insetos como indicadores de qualidade de habitat, e da importância das análises das estruturas da paisagem para auxiliar a explicar os padrões de distribuição e biodiversidade de espécies, poucos estudos exploram os efeitos das matrizes sobre a vegetação nativa na distribuição das espécies de maneira gradual. O presente estudo tem por objetivo avaliar como a comunidade dos besouros da subfamília Scarabaeinae responde à transição e mudança de ambiente de fragmentos de cerrado à matriz. Foram amostradas 15 paisagens com vegetação de cerrado no interior paulista, sendo a riqueza e abundância registrada para cada região. A diferença de riqueza encontrada entre a matriz e o cerrado foi marginalmente significativa (p=0,0767), enquanto que diferença na abundância foi significativa (p=0,0024) e em ambos os casos, foram maiores para os fragmentos de cerrado em relação às matrizes. Foi analisado se um modelo de gradiente matriz-borda-interior do fragmento (M-B-I) explicaria melhor a abundância de besouros do que um modelo de quebra entre fragmento e matriz (Fragmento- Matriz). Apesar dos resultados mostrarem que o segundo modelo explicou um maior número de paisagens, o fato do modelo M-B-I explicar parte delas sugere a importância deste tipo de abordagem em forma de gradiente. Este estudo, além de levantar informações importantes sobre a distribuição espacial de escarabeíneos em paisagens fragmentadas, traz luz a como este grupo pode responder positivamente ao gradiente matriz-borda-interior; tais informações seguramente podem auxiliar significativamente em ações de cunho conservacionista e ainda orientar estratégias de restauração em paisagens fragmentadas de cerrado do interior paulista
A taurina (ácido 2-etanoaminossulfônico) apresenta diversas funções fisiológicas, como atuação no neurodesenvolvimento, ação no coração contra arritimias, ação nos músculos esqueléticos contra atrofia, faz parte da bile na forma de um composto conjugado, constutuindo um dos sais biliares, e anti-inflamatória, inibindo mediadores pró-inflamatórios. Neste projeto a ênfase foi voltada para a ação anti-oxidante da taurina, que forma um complexo com espécies como o ácido hipocloroso (HOCl) e ânions clorito (OCl-) que potencialmente possuem ações danosas à célula. Esse complexo, a taurina cloramina (Tau-Cl), possui também ações contra mediadores inflamatórios, como o fator de necrose tumoral alfa (TNF-α) e o óxido nítrico (NO). Por ser uma molécula com alta polaridade e hidrossolubilidade, a taurina não consegue penetrar na pele pelo extrato córneo intacto, a camada mais externa da pele, que constitui sua barreira contra perda ou absorção de água e eletrólitos. Foi feita então a síntese de um pró-fármaco derivado da taurina, formado por seu acoplamento com uma cadeia carbônica longa, aumentando significativamente a lipossolubilidade em relação a taurina pura, e podendo assim, essa molécula, transpor o extrato córneo intacto e exercer sua ação anti-oxidante, podendo ser, portanto, caracterizado como um pró-ativo. Este pró-fármaco, o ácido 2-palmitamidoetanossulfônico, foi sintetizado por meio de uma reação entre um cloreto de acila (cloreto de palmitoíla) e taurina, utilizando trietilamina como base, por meio de um método conhecido por Schotten-Baumann. O produto formado foi analisado por cromatografia em camada delgada (CCD), faixa de fusão, espectroscopia de absorção no infravermelho (IV) e espectometria de massa (EM), sendo que todas as análises confirmaram que a síntese foi bem sucedida
This study aimed the geological characterization at scale 1:50.000 of an area belonging to the southern sector of the Brasilia Belt, located in the western portion of the Passos Nappe, near the town of Cássia, MG. In this region, outcrops rock types belonging to Araxá Group, composed of metasediments associated with metavolcanics which form a tectonometamorphic terrain of great importance for understanding the geological evolution of southeast and midwest regions of Brazil. With the development of work was possible to group the rocks in 10 lithostratigraphic units and had been identified 3 different zones of metamorphism generated during the peak metamorphism. The structural pattern of the area shows that the main foliation has average dip 30 ° NW and mineral lineation parallel to the stretching direction with 290 °. Still, we can conf irm that this inverse gradient metamorphic rocks of the Passos Nappe, described by several authors. Also, were seen lithotypes of economic interest, some already in exploitation, such as clay and sand, and other mineral commodities, which are occurring and can be used: quartz, quartzite, garnet, kyanite, rutile and zircon.
This paper aims to survey data to analyze the productive capacity of a machining process of rolling bearings by methods-time measurement, in order to identify its bottlenecks and propose improvements in the system. The production times at the company are not known, the method of separation of operations and identification of its activities and the timing of production times and setup become points of departure for this paper. The results from this method of analysis provide clarity in identifying system weaknesses and by them it was possible to carry out the proposals for improvement in some process steps. The implementation of the improvements was not performed, but with the goals of this work was made possible to raise relevant information of the analyzed system
This work aims to examine, the behavior of a combustion chamber in pilot scale, coupled to a regenerative burner. The objective is to obtain a computational domain capable of supporting a simulation of conventional combustion and flameless combustion regimes. The objective is to obtain independence of mesh, analysis of the velocity fields of the fluid within the chamber, temperature and concentration profiles of the species emitted during the combustion process
One of the reasons that influences the efficience of a port terminal that is especialized in movement of containers is in the process of their loading and unloading. The fundamental idea is to determine a plan, to each port in order to decrease the number of total movement of loading and unloading that are necessary during the ship route to every port so that they save time and consequently reduce costs. The goal of this research was to present improvement in the program, written in language C, used to solve to problem of loading and unloading of ships, a NP-complete problem, through the meta-heuristics Simulated Annealing. With the improvement made, an average of 50% reduction of necessary time was gotten to solve the problem in 45 analised instances and in a specific group of these instances the average reduction reached 77 and in 10 instances there was even an improvement in the solution
The São Paulo State has as one of its main rivers the Tietê, which is an extremely important source because of its biodiversity, use in navigation and mainly as direct supplier of water for thousands of people in the region. Currently, the biodiversity of marine and freshwater ecosystems has been threatened, primarily by environmental problems resulting from the degradation of ecosystems, an example is the stretch of the Middle Tietê River, where the Barra Bonita dam (SP) focused virtually the whole load organic effluents from the metropolitan region of São Paulo, leading to eutrophication with the loss of water quality. This basin is located in the Peixe’s River, a tributary of the Barra Bonita whose sources are on the slopes of the Cuesta de Botucatu, presenting an altitudinal gradient in a good state of conservation and water quality. From another perspective, the studies related to parasites and other pathogens of aquatic organisms have considerably increased the relevance, especially those hosts with potential for growing and marketing, given the significant increase these activities in Brazil and worldwide. Among the agents responsible for diseases in fish are the myxosporean, which can cause major economic damage, with high mortality ratios. Based on the above, this study evaluated the biodiversity of myxosporean parasites of two species of fish Acestrorhynchus lacustris and Steindachnerina insculpta. During the period January to November 2012, 40 specimens of Acestrorhynchus lacustris and 33 specimens of Steindachnerina insculpta were collected from the Peoxe’s river at four different points. The necropsies were performed and all organs were analyzed looking for myxosporean. Only the species Steindachnerina insculpta had their gills parasitized by two species of the genus Henneguya
The use of multimodal neuroimaging techniques has been helpful in the investigation of epileptogenic zone in patients with refractory epilepsies. This work aims to describe an ictal event during EEG-fMRI performed simultaneously in a 39-year-old man with refractory epilepsy. The EEG data were recorded at a sampling rate of 5 kHz, using a BrainAmp (BrainProducts, München, Germany) amplifier, with 64 MR (magnetic resonance) compatible Ag/AgCl electrodes. MR images were acquired using a 3T scanner in 3 sequences of 6 minutes of echo-planar images (EPIs), with TR = 2s, being the last sequence stopped after the ictal event. The EEG was corrected for gradient and pulse artifacts using the Brain Vision Analyzer2 software (BrainProducts), and the functional images were realigned, slice-timing corrected, normalized and smoothed. The start of the ictal changes was used for the evaluation of the BOLD response in MR images, using a t-test with a minimum cluster of 5 voxels, p <0.005 (T>2.5). The patient had a partial complex seizure, as noted by neurologist. The fMRI data showed positive BOLD responses (activation) in dysplastic areas, but showed the most significant activation outside the lesion, in areas compatible with secondary spread of the epileptic focus, probably caused by motor reaction also observed during the seizure. As a conclusion, we note that the technique of EEG-fMRI can detect the epileptogenic zone in patients with refractory epilepsy, but areas of dissemination of primary epileptogenic focus may show significant activation, introducing additional difficulties to the interpretation of the results
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This study was developed to evaluate the performance of different coagulant and pH dosages by applying the use of Dissolved Air Flotation (FAD) to enable its use in effluent treatment of the extraction process of palm oil. The study was developed in the laboratory, where studies about emulsions stability were made for the production of a synthetic effluent which best suit the characteristics of raw effluent. The synthetic water that would be used in the tests of FAD was produced, once the stability and characterization which best approached the raw wastewater was obtained. Trials tested three coagulant doses, combined with various pH ranges and five upward velocities (Va), finding an optimal range of this combination. Some operating parameters such as time and gradient of rapid mixing (20 s / 1000 s-1), time and gradient flotation (15 min / 60 s-1), chamber pressure saturation (450 kPa) and recirculation rate (20%) were set. In this way, samples were collected for analysis of the removal of turbidity parameters, suspended solids and oils and greases. This one is obtained by a correlation turbidity x oils and greases, referring to the previous analysis. The degree of removal obtained were 73,97% for turbidity, 51,4% for total suspended solids and 86,2% for oils and greases. Removal rates may be increased in later studies, by ranging the velocity gradient and flocculation parameters and the recirculation ratio, and by using lower flotation speeds to these effluent characteristics.
A great competition between companies happens nowadays, due to, among other factors, the globalized economic system, the growing consumer demand and the technological advances. This fact implies the need for fast and efficient tools in decision making. A validated simulation model is able to perform this task. Thus, it was parameterized a simulation model of a fuel distribution terminal. It is a complex system because of its great variability. The model´s data input were collected, however the model was not statistically validated, in other word, does not adequately represent the real system. A search was made for the possible causes of this fact: dividing the compartments of tanker trucks, data collection may have been insufficient, inefficient model for unloading of biofuels
In our experiments, we studied the classical dynamic of a particle in vertical motion subject to a constant gravitational field and the partial shock with an elastic wall with oscillatory motion located below the particle. The motion of the particle was confined to the vertical direction by a glass guide tube, which was initially evacuated, allowing viscous drag forces to be disregarded. The time between impacts, as well as the time between the reference phase of the movement of the base and the moment of impact and the period of oscillation of the base will be acquired by a hardware and software to obtain the phases space to be compared later with the description of the system through mapping discrete variables via the 'particle velocity immediately after shock 'and' phase of the movement of the base at the instant of shock 'obtained by computer simulation. This requires developing an electronic analog system followed by Digital implemented in reconfigurable logic, more specifically a sequential machine able to discriminate the impact with the metal base from the impacts of the glass guide tube, based on the frequency spectrum of the response of the microphone to these different impacts
This work presents a study of the absorption refrigeration system and the modeling and evaluation of two cycles using the binary solutions water-lithium bromide and ammonia-water for an equipment to be used in small size plants like residences. The study and evaluation aims the complete understanding of all parts of the system and the influence of each one of them as well as the spread of the knowledge to raise the use of this type of equipment in all sizes in order to decrease the energetic consumption of plants of all scales and making viable the alternative sources. The study is done in each element of the cycle separately and in some auxiliary equipments required in the operation such as the main power source, the solar collector. The software used for modeling, with emphasis on thermal part, was the EES (Engineering Equation Solver), that permitted the thermal balance calculus and acquisition of the used fluids properties. The results obtained for the equipment shows the system is more complex than the widely used in business, however, it can be viable and represents an alternative to increase the energetic efficiency