919 resultados para Melania, Saint, the younger, fl. 388-439.
La definición de educación inclusiva durante años ha sufrido importantes cambios, los cuales finalmente llevaron a visualizar que la educación es un derecho para todos. El presente estudio analizó actitudes de los profesores hacia la educación inclusiva en escuelas primarias públicas y privadas de la ciudad de Cuenca. La metodología fue de tipo transversal cuantitativa, utilizando una adaptación del cuestionario de Tárraga et al. (2013). Esta versión modificada fue aplicada para estudiar una población de 650 docentes, seleccionados en base al método probabilístico estratificado. Después de un análisis preliminar de la confiabilidad y dimensionalidad del cuestionario, la escala se redujo de veinte y cinco a quince ítems, y de cuatro a tres componentes. Los resultados revelaron que los profesores en general tienen una actitud indiferente tendiendo a favorable hacia la educación inclusiva. Se encontró que actitudes más positivas están asociadas a docentes jóvenes con pocos años de servicio. No se encontró una relación significativa entre actitud y sexo, pero se encontró una asociación con la capacitación, su nivel de educación y experiencia previa con niños de educación inclusiva y el apoyo institucional (público o privado). Sin embargo, los grupos de comparación fueron desiguales en tamaño, posiblemente los resultados no podrían ser generalizados.
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada no Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Clínica
A ideia de escola inclusiva é uma realidade com a qual todos se confrontam nos dias de hoje. Esta ajuda a promover o desenvolvimento das pessoas com e sem necessidades educativas especiais, tendo demonstrado ser um grande benefício para todos. Este estudo tem como objetivo compreender qual a satisfação dos docentes face à inclusão dos alunos com necessidades educativas especiais, na Região Autónoma da Madeira, bem como compreender a atitude e perspetiva dos educadores de infância e professores dos ensinos básico e secundário em relação a esta problemática. Na realização deste estudo, utilizou-se um inquérito por questionário para a recolha de dados, recorrendo a uma metodologia de cariz quantitativo. Os resultados desta investigação concluem que os docentes apresentam valores baixos a médios, no que se refere à sua satisfação profissional face à inclusão. Observou-se que os docentes mais novos demonstraram uma maior satisfação. Verifica-se também que os docentes do sexo masculino revelaram estar mais satisfeitos do que os do sexo feminino. Finalmente, constatou-se que os docentes com menos tempo de serviço estão mais satisfeitos do que os que possuem mais tempo de serviço. No que diz respeito às atitudes, verificamos que os professores concordaram que os docentes mais jovens, os que têm menos tempo de serviço e os do sexo feminino possuem atitudes mais favoráveis face à inclusão das crianças com NEE.
Purpose: The aim with this study is to compare perceived productivity and job satisfaction between activity based offices and traditional offices. The goal is to investigate, through a quantitative comparison, productivity and job satisfaction between the office types, and if generations perceive this differently. Method: The method used in this study is a quantitative method, in form of a questionnaire. The questionnaire used was taken from a study made by Sahlström and Severin (2015) at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. The same questionnaire was taken because it had already been quality assured and had good content for the survey. Four IT companies were included in the study. Two of them had activity based offices and two of them had traditional office type. Literature review has also been a method in order to get a deeper understanding of the subject. Findings: The results of the study show that there are differences between the two office types in perceived productivity and job satisfaction. The traditional office type showed the best results. However, this result can be discussed since the two traditional offices differed widely in their responses. The results also show that there are differences between the generations experiencing productivity and job satisfaction of the various offices. The elder generation, Baby boomers, shows better results on the traditional office type and the younger generation, Generation Y, shows better results on the activity based offices. Implications: One conclusion to be drawn from this is that employees at traditional offices are more satisfied with their working place and experience increased productivity than employees on activity based offices. However, these results may be due to other factors than how the office environment affects the employees. Therefore, these results will not be recommended. Another conclusion is that the Baby boomers are experiencing higher productivity and job satisfaction of traditional office and Generation Y experiences higher productivity and job satisfaction on activity based office. These results can be recommended. Limitations: The limitations of this study are to examine only IT companies in Sweden with a maximal amount of employees of 150 persons. The results are, apart from the scattered results in the first issue, generally valid and can be applied to other IT companies. To succeed fully applicable results, a survey with more companies involved had been better. Then, detections of anomaly would easier have been discovered and possible disregards of certain results could have been done. Keywords: Perceived productivity - Self-rated assessment of employees on their own productivity. Traditional offices - In this work traditional offices includes cell offices and shared rooms. Activity based offices - Office where employees have no fixed work place and there are often zones to support different types of working.