956 resultados para Medical findings


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A cinetose tem elevada prevalência mundial, sendo mais frequente na infância e no sexo feminino, mas também pode acometer adultos. Resulta de um conflito vestíbulo-visual que incide durante a locomoção em diversos meios de transporte, como carro, ônibus, avião e barco. A forma mais dramática ocorre no transporte marítimo. Ocasiona náusea, vômito, sudorese, aumento da salivação, redução do apetite, hipotensão e mal-estar. Geralmente é produzida por estímulo vestibular, mas também pode ser induzida por estímulo visual. Tanto as acelerações lineares quanto angulares geram cinetose se persistirem por longo período em indivíduos susceptíveis. Recentemente ocorre maior interesse nessa afecção devido ao crescente uso de tecnologia de simulação de vôo e direção automobilística. O objetivo do estudo foi analisar as alterações vestibulares nos indivíduos adultos com cinetose. Trata-se de um estudo prospectivo, tipo série de casos. Os pacientes do ambulatório do Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto-UERJ foram avaliados através de anamnese geral e dirigida e exame fisico geral e otorrinolaringológico. Aqueles com histórico de doença otológica foram excluídos. Posteriormente realizaram audiometria e testes vestibulares com o registro gráfico dos nistagmos através da vectoeletronistagmografia. Nos resultados das provas calóricas encontramos 3,33% de pacientes com alteração de predomínio direcional, 6,67% com alteração de predomínio labiríntico, 3,33% com hiperreflexia esquerda, 3,33% com hiporreflexia direita e 3,33% com hiporreflexia esquerda. Encontrados algumas variações na análise dos movimentos sacádicos, nistagmo optocinético e rastreio pendular. Os resultados foram de encontro aos achados da literatura. Diante dos achados, foi observado que o exame otoneurológico com registro gráfico da cinetose mostrou-se muito importante para a avaliação dos pacientes com essa afecção. O estudo traz benefícios por contribuir para o melhor entendimento da cinetose e estimular novas pesquisas na área.


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Because fish bioaccumulate* certain chemicals, levels of chemical contaminants in their edible portion must be closely monitored. In recent years, FDA has conducted several surveys designed to determine the occurrence and levels of selected chemicals or groups of chemicals in fish. Previous fish surveillance programs included the Mercury in Wholesale Fish Survey (FY 71), the FY 73 and 74 Comprehensive Fish Surveys, the Canned Tuna Program (FY 75), the Kepone and Mirex Contamination Program (FY 77), and the FY 77 Mercury in Swordfish Program. In addition, recent Compliance Programs for Pesticides and Metals in Foods and Pesticides, Metals, and Industrial Chemicals in Animal Feed have specified coverage of fish and fish products. Because of previous findings and the sustained high level of fish imported into the United States, a separate compliance program dealing solely with chemical contaminants in fish was initiated by the FDA Bureau of Foods in FY 78. The program includes all domestic and imported fish coverage except that directed by the Bureau of Veterinary Medicine for animal feed components derived from fishery products. The earlier surveys indicated that "bottom feeder" species such as catfish generally had the highest levels of pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). For this reason, coverage at these species has been emphasized. Similarly, tuna has received special attention because it is the most prevalent fish in the U.S. diet and because of potential problems with mercury. Halibut, swordfish, and snapper also were emphasized in the sampling because of potential problems with mercury levels determined in previous years. The findings in this program were used in detecting emerging problems in fish and directing FDA efforts to deal with them. Care must be exercised in drawing conclusions about trends from the data because this Compliance Program was not statistically designed. Sampling objectives and sources may vary from year to year; thus the results are not directly comparable.


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The 1997 reauthorization of the Atlantic Striped Bass Conservation Act (Striped Bass Act) mandated biennial reports to Congress and to the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (Commission) from the secretaries of the Department of Commerce and the Department of the Interior concerning the progress and findings of studies of Atlantic striped bass (Morone saxatilis). The Striped Bass Act specifically requests updates on studies that include, but are not limited to: annual stock assessments, investigations on the causes of fluctuations in Atlantic striped bass populations, the effects of environmental factors on the recruitment, spawning potential, mortality, and abundance of Atlantic striped bass populations, and investigations of interactions between Atlantic striped bass and other fish. This document is the fifth such report to Congress and includes data available through 2007 with emphasis on the 2005 and 2006 calendar years.


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Offshore and onshore buried pipelines under high operating temperature and pressures may lead to upheaval buckling (UHB) if sufficient soil cover is not present to prevent the upward movement of the pipeline. In regions where seasonal changes involve ground soil undergoing freezing-thawing cycles, the uplift resistance from soil cover may be minimum when the soil is undergoing thawing. This paper presents the results from 2 directly-comparable minidrum centrifuge tests conducted at the Schofield Centre, University of Cambridge, to investigate the difference in uplift resistance responses between fully-saturated and thawed sandy backfill conditions. Both tests were conducted drained at 30g using an 8.6 mm diameter aluminium model pipe, corresponding to a prototype pipe diameter of 258 mm. The soil cover/pipe diameter ratio, H/D, was kept at 1. Fraction E fine silica sand was used as the backfill. Preliminary experimental results indicated that the ultimate uplift resistance of a thawing sand backfill to be lower than that of a fully saturated sand backfill. This suggests that in regions where backfill soil undergoes freeze-thaw cycles, the thawing backfill may be more critical than fully saturated backfill for uplift resistance. The 2-dimensional displacement field during the experiment was accurately measured and analysed using the Particle Image Velocimetry technique. Copyright © 2011 by the International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers (ISOPE).