984 resultados para Marino, Giambattista, 1569-1625


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OBJETIVO: caracterizar a inserção de egressos do Curso de Fonoaudiologia da Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) - Marília, em Programas de Pós-Graduação (PPG) Stricto Sensu brasileiros. MÉTODO: foram utilizadas listas de graduados e Curriculum Vitae do egresso e do orientador. RESULTADOS: dos 537 formados, 16,57% cursaram/estavam cursando PPG e destes, 98,88% em mestrado e 37,08% também em doutorado. Na grande área de conhecimento, 50% dos egressos de mestrado vincularam-se predominantemente a programas em Ciências da Saúde, 31,80% em Ciências Humanas e 13,64% em Linguística, Letras e Artes. No doutorado, 33, 33% em Ciências Humanas, 30,30% em Ciências da Saúde e em Linguística, Letras e Artes. Quanto à área de conhecimento, predominou a vinculação, no mestrado, de 30,68% em Fonoaudiologia, 28,41% em Educação, 13,64% em Linguística e 9,09% em Medicina I; e, no doutorado, de 33,33% em Educação, 30,30% em Linguística e 9,09% em Fonoaudiologia; 55,68% dissertações e 51,52% teses focalizaram a linguagem. A UNESP predominou com 39,77% no mestrado e 48,48% no doutorado. Predominou a vinculação a Programas com conceito 4 para 52,27% dos egressos do mestrado e 45,45% do doutorado. Quando constou a informação (55,68%), todos receberam fomento. O Teste de Razão de Verossimilhança não indicou diferenças significativas dos percentuais obtidos entre o mestrado e o doutorado. CONCLUSÃO: os resultados superaram os apresentados para o mesmo Estado, mostraram a característica interdisciplinar da Ciência Fonoaudiológica e o predomínio de temática em linguagem.


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A disfonia espasmódica (DE) é um distúrbio vocal caracterizado por voz tensa-estrangulada, com quebras de sonoridade e que compromete a comunicação do indivíduo. O objetivo deste estudo é apresentar uma revisão bibliográfica dos tratamentos médico e fonoaudiológico proposto para a DE no período entre 2006 e 2010. Os tratamentos descritos foram: injeção de toxina botulínica (TB), miectomia, neurectomia, denervação e reinervação laríngea seletiva adutora, tireoplastia, miotermia tiroaritenóidea com radiofrequência, injeção de lidocaína, homeopatia e tratamento fonoaudiológico (fonoterapia). O uso de injeção de TB mostrou resultados que indicaram a satisfação dos pacientes tratados, embora alguns dos artigos apontassem a necessidade de reaplicação da toxina frequentemente, como desvantagem. Os procedimentos cirúrgicos foram considerados duradouros e indicados para os pacientes que não quiseram se submeter às aplicações de TB. Tais estudos, no entanto, apresentaram contingência de pacientes restrita e os resultados foram baseados, na maioria das investigações, no julgamento dos próprios pacientes sobre a sua qualidade vocal. Os tratamentos, com uso de lidocaína e homeopatia, mostraram resultados positivos em relação à qualidade vocal dos pacientes e foram sugeridos como uma opção, também, para aqueles que não gostariam de ser submetidos ao tratamento cirúrgico ou à aplicação de TB. Os poucos estudos que reportam fonoterapia assinalaram bons resultados quando a mesma foi associada à injeção de TB, mostrando a escassez de informações nesta área. Futuras pesquisas envolvendo a fonoterapia no tratamento da DE são necessárias.


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The use of prosthetic devices for correction of velopharyngeal insufficiency (VPI) is an alternative treatment for patients with conditions that preclude surgery and for those individuals with a hypofunctional velopharynx (HV) with a poor prognosis for the surgical repair of VPI. Understanding the role and measuring the outcome of prosthetic treatment of velopharyngeal dysfunction requires the use of tools that allow for documenting pre- and post-treatment outcomes. Experimental openings in speech bulbs have been used for simulating VPI in studies documenting changes in aerodynamic, acoustic and kinematics aspects of speech associated with the use of palatal prosthetic devices. The use of nasometry to document changes in speech associated with experimental openings in speech bulbs, however, has not been described in the literature. Objective: This single-subject study investigated nasalance and nasality at the presence of experimental openings drilled through the speech bulb of a patient with HV. Material and Methods: Nasometric recordings of the word "pato" were obtained under 4 velopharyngeal conditions: no-opening (control condition), no speech bulb, speech bulb with a 20 mm(2) opening, and speech bulb with 30 mm(2) opening. Five speech-language pathologists performed auditory-perceptual ratings while the subject read an oral passage under all conditions. Results: Kruskal-Wallis test showed significant difference among conditions (p=0.0002), with Scheffe post hoc test indicating difference from the no-opening condition. Conclusion: The changes in nasalance observed after drilling holes of known sizes in a speech bulb suggest that nasometry reflect changes in transfer of sound energy related to different sizes of velopharyngeal opening.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Nasoendoscopy is an important tool for assessing velopharyngeal function. The purpose of this study was to analyze velar and pharyngeal wall movement and velopharyngeal gap during nasoendoscopic evaluation of the velopharynx before and during diagnostic therapy. Nasoendoscopic recordings of 10 children with operated cleft lip and palate were analyzed according to the International Working Group Guidelines. Ratings of movement of velum and pharyngeal walls, and size, location and shape of gaps were analyzed by 3 speech-language pathologists (SLPs). Imaging was obtained during repetitions of the syllable /pa/ during a single nasoendoscopic evaluation: (a) before diagnostic therapy, and (b) after the children were instructed to impound and increase intraoral air pressure (diagnostic therapy). Once the patients impounded and directed air pressure orally, the displacement of the velum, right, left and posterior pharyngeal walls increased 40, 70, 80, and 10%, respectively. Statistical significance for displacement was found only for right and left lateral pharyngeal walls. Reduction in gap size was observed for 30% of the patients and other 40% of the gaps disappeared. Changes in gap size were found to be statistically significant between the two conditions. In nasoendoscopic assessment, the full potential of velopharyngeal displacement may not be completely elicited when the patient is asked only to repeat a speech stimulus. Optimization of information can be done with the use of diagnostic therapy's strategies to manipulate VP function. Assuring the participation of the SLP to conduct diagnostic therapy is essential for management of velopharyngeal dysfunction.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Several indexes of myocardial contractility have been proposed to assess ventricular function in the isovolumetrically beating isolated heart. However, the conclusions reached on the basis of these indexes may be influenced by ventricular geometry rather than contractility itself. The objective of the present study was to assess the performance of widely used contractility indexes in the isovolumetrically beating isolated heart in two experimental models of hypertrophy, the spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR) and infrarenal aortocava fistula. Compared to normotensive controls (N = 8), SHRs with concentric hypertrophy (N = 10) presented increased maximum rate of ventricular pressure rise (3875 ± 526 vs 2555 ± 359 mmHg/s, P < 0.05) and peak of isovolumetric pressure (187 ± 11 vs 152 ± 11 mmHg, P < 0.05), and decreased developed stress (123 ± 20 vs 152 ± 26 g/cm², P < 0.05) and slope of stress-strain relationship (4.9 ± 0.42 vs 6.6 ± 0.77 g/cm²/%). Compared with controls (N = 11), rats with volume overload-induced eccentric hypertrophy (N = 16) presented increased developed stress (157 ± 38 vs 124 ± 22 g/cm², P < 0.05) and slope of stress-strain relationship (9 ± 2 vs 7 ± 1 g/cm²/%, P < 0.05), and decreased maximum rate of ventricular pressure rise(2746 ± 382 vs 3319 ± 352 mmHg, P < 0.05) and peak of isovolumetric pressure (115 ± 14 vs 165 ± 13 mmHg/s, P < 0.05). The results suggested that indexes of myocardial contractility used in experimental studies may present opposite results in the same heart and may be influenced by ventricular geometry. We concluded that several indexes should be taken into account for proper evaluation of contractile state, in the isovolumetrically beating isolated heart.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Introduction: Perineural invasion is a well-recognized form of cancer dissemination. However, it has been reported only in few papers concerning cutaneous carcinomas ( basal cell, BCC, and squamous cell, SCC). Moreover, the incidence is considered to be very low. Niazi and Lambert [Br J Plast Surg 1993; 46: 156-157] reported only 0.18% of perineural invasion among 3,355 BCCs. It is associated with high-risk subtypes, as morphea-like, as well as with an increased risk of local recurrence. No paper was found in the literature looking for perineural invasion in very aggressive skin cancers with skull base extension, with immunohistochemical analysis. Methods: This is a retrospective review, including 35 very advanced skin carcinomas with skull base invasion (24 BCCs and 11 SCCs, operated on at a single institution from 1982 to 2000). Representative slides were immunohistochemically evaluated with antiprotein S-100, in order to enhance nerve fibers and to detect perineural invasion. The results were compared to 34 controls with tumors with a good outcome, treated in the same time frame at the same Institution. Results: Twelve (50.0%) of the BCCs with skull base invasion had proven perineural invasion, as opposed to only 1 (4.6%) of the controls, and this difference was statistically significant (p < 0.001). Regarding SCCs, 7 aggressive tumors (63.6%) showed perineural invasion compared to only 1 (10.0%) of the controls, but this difference did not reach significance (p=0.08), due to the small number of cases. Conclusions: In this series, it was demonstrated that immunohistochemically detected perineural invasion was very prevalent in advanced skin carcinomas. In addition, it was statistically associated with extremely aggressive BCCs with skull base invasion. Copyright (c) 2008 S. Karger AG, Basel


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Esta pesquisa foi realizada com o objetivo de avaliar a resposta hemática de tilápias-do-nilo (Oreochromis niloticus) arraçoadas com dietas suplementadas com colina e submetidas a estímulo por baixa temperatura. O período experimental foi realizado em duas etapas: a primeira, de 109 dias, e a segunda, de 7 dias. Durante a primeira etapa, foram utilizados 192 alevinos com peso médio inicial de 4 g, distribuídos em 32 tanques-rede de 200 L instalados em aquários de mil litros. As rações foram formuladas de modo a apresentar 28,0% de proteína digestível e 3.100,0 kcal ED/kg e mesma concentração de aminoácidos. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado com oito tratamentos e quatro repetições. As rações foram suplementadas com colina (cloreto de colina 60,0%), de modo a apresentar 100,0; 200,0; 400,0; 600,0; 800,0; 1.000,0 e 1.200,0 mg/kg de ração, e avaliadas em comparação a uma ração sem suplementação. Após o período de 109 dias, foram efetuadas as análises hematológicas dos peixes. Após as análises, os peixes foram transferidos para a sala de desafio e distribuídos em 24 aquários, onde foram mantidos a 17ºC durante sete dias. Após esse período, foram feitas as mesmas análises do período anterior ao desafio. A suplementação de colina não influenciou a eritropoiese ao estímulo pelo frio. A suplementação dietética de colina não interfere na síntese de eritrócitos e leucócitos e a temperatura de 17,0ºC determina linfopenia e neutrofilia.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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It was analyzed in this work the influence of photoperiod on time interval from ovulation induction period to extrusion of ovocits in female bullfrogs (Lithobates catesbeianus). It was used 54 females reared from metamorphosis to 9 months of age under three photoperiods: dark time (DL 0:24), 16 hours of daylight (DL 16:8) and 12 hours of daylight (DL 12:12). Ovulation was induced by intramuscular application of two doses of LHRHa with 12 hours of interval between the injections. After 10, 25, 28, 31, 34 and 37 hours from the first hormone injection, 10-gram samples (3,000 eggs) were extracted from each female at each time interval and fertilized. Egg hatching rate was checked in each sample 72 hours after fertilization. Analysis of variance showed a significant effect of extrusion delay and the interaction between photoperiod and this delay. Extrusion should be carried out 33, 24 and 26 hours after the first hormone dosage in females reared in environments without light, with 12 hours of daylight and with 16 hours of daylight, respectively, to obtain the maximum fertilization rate.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)