996 resultados para Manutenção de fungos


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O objetivo deste trabalho é propor um plano de intervenção para melhorar o indicador de saúde bucal infantil, índice ceo(dentes cariados, extraídos e obturados na dentição decídua) aos cinco anos de idade, para ser utilizado na Estratégia de Saúde da Família. Através do estudo de literatura científica foram levantadas as possíveis causas do problema cárie infantil, assim como algumas possibilidades de intervenção. O resultado do estudo foi uma proposta de dois projetos visando o trabalho da saúde bucal com foco na integralidade da saúde da criança, o primeiro com enfoque no nível de informação, hábitos e estilos de vida da família, o segundo com enfoque na estrutura e processos de trabalho dos serviços de saúde. Concluímos que, a interdisciplinaridade e co-responsabilização dos membros da Equipe de Saúde da Família com o problema cárie infantil visando promoção de saúde e prevenção através da abordagem da gestante durante o pré-natal e seguindo com a odontologia do bebê após o parto, possivelmente são parte do caminho na resolução do problema. Por outro lado, a educação continuada pela Equipe de Saúde da Família através da utilização das ferramentas propostas pela Secretaria de Saúde do Estado de Minas Gerais (Linhas Guias de Saúde Bucal e Atenção ao pré-natal, parto e puerpério), assim como a elaboração e implementação de protocolo municipal de cuidados em Saúde Bucal, podem além de padronizar e sistematizar o cuidado, potencializar o processo de trabalho através dos dispositivos vínculo, acolhimento, autonomia, responsabilização e resolubilidade.


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Este plano de intervenção tem como abordagem a Educação Física no contexto da Estratégia de Saúde da Família. A natureza deste estudo tem caráter exploratório e bibliográfico, uma vez que foram levantados dados pelo diagnóstico situacional onde ficou clara a necessidade de ações efetivas de atividade física no acompanhamento de pacientes que utilizam a Estratégia Saúde da Família Jardim Primavera da cidade de Governador Valadares - MG. O sedentarismo tem sido uma atitude frequente no contexto atual, devido às mudanças culturais, e a popularização de meios de transportes mais velozes. Este problema se agrava devido à falta de atividades físicas mais frequentes, causando consequências graves à saúde das pessoas. Conclui-se que este plano de intervenção deverá focar temas como atividade física e combate do sedentarismo, dando oportunidades para que as pessoas possam ser acompanhadas por profissionais de Educação Física da Unidade Jardim Primavera.


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A população pertencente a terceira idade está em uma expansão exponencial. Avanços tecnológicos nos permitiram descobrir patologias precocemente e intervir de maneira eficaz interrompendo ou reduzindo o dano das mesmas, nesse contexto está nítido o aumento da expectativa de vida. Entretanto empenha-se pouco para que esta longevidade deste público crescente seja apreciável de fato. Limitações relativas a senescência e senilidade, preconceito, desfavorecimento socioeconômico, políticas públicas ineficazes, entre outros, são desafios a serem superados. O presente estudo tem como objetivo realizar um projeto de intervenção através de uma sondagem qualitativa descritiva com pessoas idosas que vivem essa realidade desacompanhados e usufruem, principalmente, do cuidado exercido pela Unidade Básica de Saúde (UBS) de Raposo, Itaperuna - Rio de Janeiro. Além de verificar sua vinculação com o meio onde residem, acessibilidade a serviços básicos, moléstias e júbilos, contrapondo com a Política Nacional de Humanização (PNH) do Ministério da Saúde e seu caderno de Envelhecimento e saúde da pessoa idosa, a literatura e artigos científicos encontrados na Scielo. Embasados com essas informações, elaborou-se críticas construtivas a respeito da coordenação de políticas sociais afim de aprimora-las e propostas resolutivas para otimização do acolhimento, acompanhamento, integralidade e longevidade. Almejando ampliar a discussão sobre o processo do envelhecer humanizado dos idosos desacompanhados, assistidos pela Unidade Básica de Saúde do distrito de Raposo, e estratégias vitais à manutenção da qualidade de vida.


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Brain death results in the breakdown of effective central regulatory mechanisms of cardiocirculatory stability, even in patients with artificial mechanical ventilation, correction of electrolytic and acid-basic disorders and maximal conventional pharmacological support of the circulation. Recent evidences have shown that the fall of vasopressin levels in the blood circulation significantly influences the cardiocirculatory stability of patients with brain death, and its exogenous administration is defended by many authors for the management of multiorgan donor patients. In this brief review we analyse and discuss some experimental and clinical relevant studies about the role of vasopressin in the control of cardiocirculatory stability in brain death, and its potential usefulness in the management of multiorgan donor. We conclude that the role of vasopressin in the pathophysiology of brain death and its usefulness as a pharmacological agent in the management of multiorgan donor are not well elucidated, deserving further investigations.


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Oligodendrocytes and Schwann cells are engaged in myelin production, maintenance and repairing respectively in the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS). Whereas oligodendrocytes act only within the CNS, Schwann cells are able to invade the CNS in order to make new myelin sheaths around demyelinated axons. Both cells have some limitations in their activities, i.e. oligodendrocytes are post-mitotic cells and Schwann cells only get into the CNS in the absence of astrocytes. Ethidium bromide (EB) is a gliotoxic chemical that when injected locally within the CNS, induce demyelination. In the EB model of demyelination, glial cells are destroyed early after intoxication and Schwann cells are free to approach the naked central axons. In normal Wistar rats, regeneration of lost myelin sheaths can be achieved as early as thirteen days after intoxication; in Wistar rats immunosuppressed with cyclophosphamide the process is delayed and in rats administered cyclosporine it may be accelerated. Aiming the enlightening of those complex processes, all events concerning the myelinating cells in an experimental model are herein presented and discussed.


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One of the main referring subjects to the solar energy is how to compare it economically with other sources of energy, as much alternatives as with conventionals (like the electric grid). The purpose of this work was to develop a software which congregates the technical and economic main data to identify, through methods of microeconomic analysis, the commercial viability in the sizing of photovoltaic systems, besides considering the benefits proceeding from the proper energy generation. Considering the period of useful life of the components of the generation system of photovoltaic electricity, the costs of the energy proceeding from the conventional grid had been identified. For the comparison of the conventional sources, electric grid and diesel generation, three scenes of costs of photovoltaic panels and two for the factor of availability of diesel generation had been used. The results have shown that if the cost of the panels is low and the place of installation is more distant of the electric grid, the photovoltaic system becomes the best option.


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The application of sand filters in localized irrigation systems is recommended in the presence of organic and algae contamination. The proper design and maintenance of these equipments are essential to assure an effective water quality control, in order to reduce the emitters clogging, to keep its water application uniformity, and to prevent increasing in the system operation costs. Despite the existence of some references about design, operation and maintenance of these filters, they are dispersed, with not enough details to guarantee the optimization of its hydraulics structure design and the proper selection of porous media to be used. Therefore, the objective of this work was to report a current literature review, relating practical information with scientific knowledge. The content of this review would help to induce and intensify the research on this subject and to contribute so the operational functions for the equipment are reached. It is also expected to assist the improvement of the filtration and flushing processes in the agricultural irrigation and the development of original design procedures and the rational use of these devices.


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Among the important changes in the production processes, it is necessary to guarantee the sustainability of the human enterprises, what makes us to foresee changes in the managerial administration to adapt to a new model, with the insert of the concepts of Clean Production, Cleaner, Lean and Total Productive Maintenance (TPM). The main focus of this work was to elaborate a methodology that made it possible to guarantee the reliability in the waterworks of the sugarcane harvester, identifying and analyzing the manners of flaws, in order to result in the improvement of the environmental and socioeconomic quality in the atmosphere of an industry of sugarcane through the significant decrease of hydraulic oil spill. Through the existent report in ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), used in a Sugarcane Industry Plant, it was possible to accompany of the operational acting of the sugarcane harvester used during 03 crops, regarding the manners of flaws in the waterworks of the same ones, and, in one of the crops it was elaborated the total control of the waterworks of 5 harvesters. Based on the obtained data and the developed methodology it was possible to develop a software that specifies the electric outlet of decisions.


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This paper aims to identify and analyze the reasons pointed by mothers to prolong breastfeeding beyond the first year of the child s life. The study involved 40 mothers whose children were treated in the Preventive Program of Research and Dental Treatment Center for Special Patients - Dental School of Piracicaba - UNICAMP. The group consisted of mothers who prolonged the breastfeeding beyond the baby s first year of life. All mothers were surveyed by a researcher using a specific questionnaire. In order to avoid information loss, the interviews were taped, then transcripted. Results showed that the main cause of the extended breastfeeding was maternal pleasure. It was also observed that the mother and infant attachment favors prolonged breastfeeding occurrence. Further studies should be carried out for more accurate functional analyses of variable that lead to extend breastfeeding or to wean.


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The durability and postharvest quality of cut flowers are fundamental attributes in value along the production chain and in consumer satisfaction. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of chemical inhibitors of ethylene action on maintaining the postharvest quality of chrysanthemum stems (Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat cv. Dragon). The experiment tested maintenance solutions with silver thiosulfate (STS) under five levels (distilled water, a 0.2 mM STS, the STS 0.2 mM + sucrose at 50 g L-1, STS at 0.4 mM; STS at 0.4 mM + sucrose at 50 g L-1), and date of sampling, for three levels (0, 3, 6 days). Three replications with two flower stems in each treatment were used in the experiment. Physical assessments were made: color, fresh mass and relative water content; chemical evaluations: reducing sugars and pigments, and qualitative assessments: turgidity, flower color, and number of buds, open flowers and partially open flowers. Treatment with 0.2 mM STS resulted in better maintenance of fresh mass of stems. The concentration of pigments and reducing sugar was higher in those treatments in which sucrose was associated. The color and relative water content were favored in treatments STS 0.2 mM and 0.4 mM. The concentration of 0.2 mM STS obtained the best results, prolonging the vase life the stems. The quality of these stems was higher, with the best assessments of water content, color and turgidity.


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One of the main objectives of applying edible coatings on fruits surface is to create a protective film to reduce weight loss due to evaporation and transpiration and also to decrease the risk of fruit rot caused by environmental contamination, in order to improve the visual aspect. Therefore, it is possible to increase shelf life, and decrease post harvest losses. Persimmon is a much appreciated fruit, with high potential for export, but sensitive to handling and storage. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of applying the edible coating Megh Wax ECF-124 (18% of active composts, consisting of emulsion of carnauba wax, anionic surfactant, preservative and water) produced by Megh Industry and Commerce Ltda in three different concentrations (25, 50 and 100%) on post harvest quality of 'Fuyu' persimmon stored for 14 days. The attributes evaluated for quality were: firmness, pH, acidity, soluble solids, weight loss and color. The results showed that application of carnauba wax in different concentrations was effective on decreasing weight loss of persimmon cv. Fuyu and maintenance of color aspects. Treatment at lower concentration, 25%, showed lower rate of discharge, but high concentrations showed lower values of mass loss. Carnauba wax application showed a high potential for use on postharvest conservation, and can be applied together with other technologies, helping to maintain quality for export.


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A vast literature review on the insomnia epidemiology, the most common sleep disorder, using MEDLINE and LILACS last 30 years of data, was performed from January 2002 to November 2003. The key-words were: sleep initiation disorders, sleep maintenance disorders, early awakening disorder, insomnia, sleep disorders, insomnia prevalence, insomnia consequences. Several insomnia definition criteria and epidemiology researches methods, with data comparison difficulties, were noticed. In the future it will be necessary similar insomnia definition and epidemiology studies criteria.


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A case of brain abscess and meningitis due to pigmented fungi is reported. The patient was a 59-year-old white male, who had enjoyed excellent health until October 1977, when he developed headache, later accompanied by paresthesias and weakness in the left-sided extremities. These symptoms worsened progressively and in November of that year he had to quit his job. From February 1978 on he became inactive and anorexic. Intense continuous headache was associated with frequent episodes of vomiting. He gradually became tor-porous, and according to his relatives, suffered from visual and possibly auditory deficiency. On examination, he was malnourished and dehydrated, with decubitus ulcers. Temperature was 38,5°C. A left-sided spastic hemiplegia and prominent meningorradicular signs were noted. The CSF was examined six times between May 17th and June 1st and showed variable hypercytosis (143 to 4,437 leucocytes/ cu mm) with predominance of neutrophils (up tp 95%), low glucose and high protein concentrations. No microorganisms were identified. Electroencephalographic study disclosed a low background activity especially in left temporal areas. Despite supportive care and antibiotic therapy he lapsed into coma. Carotid angiography was normal on June 1st. He remained in deep coma until his death on June 6th, 1978. Necropsy was limited to the brain, which weighed 1,550 g after fixation and showed diffuse intense edema and hyperemia. On coronal sectioning an encapsulated abscess was found in the right basal ganglia, which also involved the internal capsule, and measured 1.5 cm in diameter. Microscopical examination disclosed large numbers of brownish fungi, appearing both as oval yeasts and as septate hyphae in the thick fibrous capsule and in the necrotic content of the abscess. The same organisms were demonstrated in moderate numbers in the leptomeninges of the medulla oblongata and , less frequently, of the hippo-campal region and cerebellum.


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física