966 resultados para Man in the Iron Mask
Our conception of education is that it is the responsible action whereby man becomes human, trains and faces the challenges that life and the world present, as man enters a larger, shared cultural tradition and thus joins the world. However such sharing implies that we must not just rely on tradition, but remain open to new ideas. It is essential for schooling to preserve a field where the art of living intersects with the world for which future generations are being prepared. It is in this field of intersection that this essay seeks to discuss Michel Foucault's thought, care of the self and the role played by others in the acquisition of ethical attitudes pertaining to one's conduct in life. Through reconstructing Foucault's ideas, we elaborate on the hypothesis that, before morally shaping students, teaching them values, or aiding in their skill acquisition in the sense prevailing in schooling today, it is important to understand the notion of care of the self (and how the notion implies interaction with others for effective care of the self). Care of the self is vital for thoroughly understanding the relationships between ethics and education in school. We particularly examine how Foucault's ideas and his analysis of the teacher's role in shaping the student's life conduct can help educators rethink pedagogical action in an ethical sense and find within it a certain openness to the formation of attitudes in educators and students
Introduction: The oxidative process plays a fundamental role in the pathophysiology of sickle cell anemia (SCA), and population and environmental characteristics may influence redox balance. The aim of this study was to evaluate lipid peroxidation and antioxidant capacity in Brazilian Hb S carriers undergoing different therapies.MethodsBlood samples from 270 individuals were analyzed (Hb SS, n=68; Hb AS, n=53, and Hb AA, n=149). Hemoglobin genotypes were assessed through cytological, electrophoretic, chromatographic, and molecular methods. Plasma lipid peroxidation and antioxidant capacity were measured by spectrophotometric methods.ResultsPatients with SCA who used iron-chelating drugs combined with hydroxyurea, associated with regular transfusions, showed lower levels of TBARS (P <= 0.05), higher levels of TEAC (P <= 0.01), and lower TBARS/TEAC ratio (R=255.8). The redox profile of Hb AS subjects was not statistically different (P>0.05) from that of Hb AA subjects.ConclusionThe data suggest that oxidative stress is lower in the patients with SCA who received regular blood transfusions associated with the combined use of HU and iron chelators than the group received only HU. The redox system of the Hb AS carriers is compatible with the control group.
BackgroundThe success of epidural anaesthesia depends on correct identification of the epidural space. For several decades, the decision of whether to use air or physiological saline during the loss of resistance technique for identification of the epidural space has been governed by the personal experience of the anaesthesiologist. Epidural block remains one of the main regional anaesthesia techniques. It is used for surgical anaesthesia, obstetrical analgesia, postoperative analgesia and treatment of chronic pain and as a complement to general anaesthesia. The sensation felt by the anaesthesiologist from the syringe plunger with loss of resistance is different when air is compared with saline (fluid). Frequently fluid allows a rapid change from resistance to non-resistance and increased movement of the plunger. However, the ideal technique for identification of the epidural space remains unclear.ObjectivesTo evaluate the efficacy and safety of both air and saline in the loss of resistance technique for identification of the epidural space.To evaluate complications related to the air or saline injected.Search methodsWe searched the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) (2013, Issue 9), MEDLINE, EMBASE and the Latin American and Caribbean Health Science Information Database (LILACS) (from inception to September 2013). We applied no language restrictions. The date of the most recent search was 7 September 2013.Selection criteriaWe included randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and quasi-randomized controlled trials (quasi-RCTs) on air and saline in the loss of resistance technique for identification of the epidural space.Data collection and analysisTwo review authors independently assessed trial quality and extracted data.Main resultsWe included in the review seven studies with a total of 852 participants. The methodological quality of the included studies was generally ranked as showing low risk of bias inmost domains, with the exception of one study, which did not mask participants. We were able to include data from 838 participants in the meta-analysis. We found no statistically significant differences between participants receiving air and those given saline in any of the outcomes evaluated: inability to locate the epidural space (three trials, 619 participants) (risk ratio (RR) 0.88, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.33 to 2.31, low-quality evidence); accidental intravascular catheter placement (two trials, 223 participants) (RR 0.90, 95% CI 0.33 to 2.45, low-quality evidence); accidental subarachnoid catheter placement (four trials, 682 participants) (RR 2.95, 95% CI 0.12 to 71.90, low-quality evidence); combined spinal epidural failure (two trials, 400 participants) (RR 0.98, 95% CI 0.44 to 2.18, low-quality evidence); unblocked segments (five studies, 423 participants) (RR 1.66, 95% CI 0.72 to 3.85); and pain measured by VAS (two studies, 395 participants) (mean difference (MD) -0.09, 95% CI -0.37 to 0.18). With regard to adverse effects, we found no statistically significant differences between participants receiving air and those given saline in the occurrence of paraesthesias (three trials, 572 participants) (RR 0.89, 95% CI 0.69 to 1.15); difficulty in advancing the catheter (two trials, 227 participants) (RR 0.91, 95% CI 0.32 to 2.56); catheter replacement (two trials, 501 participants) (RR 0.69, 95% CI 0.26 to 1.83); and postdural puncture headache (one trial, 110 participants) (RR 0.83, 95% CI 0.12 to 5.71).Authors' conclusionsLow-quality evidence shows that results do not differ between air and saline in terms of the loss of resistance technique for identification of the epidural space and reduction of complications. Applicability might be compromised, as most of the results described in this review were obtained from parturient patients. This review underlines the need to conduct well-designed trials in this field.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The Polymeric Precursor Method has proved suitable for synthesizing reactive powders using low temperatures of calcination, especially when compared with conventional methods. However, during the thermal decomposition of the polymeric precursor the combustion event can be releases an additional heat that raises the temperature of the sample in several tens of degrees Celsius above the set temperature of the oven. This event may be detrimental to some material types, such as the titanium dioxide semiconductor. This ceramic material has a phase transition at around 600 ° C, which involves the irreversible structural rearrangement, characterized by the phase transition from anatase to rutile TiO2 phase. The control of the calcination step then becomes very important because the efficiency of the photocatalyst is dependent on the amount of anatase phase in the material. Furthermore, use of dopant in the material aims to improve various properties, such as increasing the absorption of radiation and in the time of the excited state, shifting of the absorption edge to the visible region, and increasing of the thermal stability of anatase. In this work, samples of titanium dioxide were synthesized by the Polymeric Precursor Method in order to investigate the effect of Fe (III) doping on the calcination stages. Thermal analysis has demonstrated that the Fe (III) insertion at 1 mol% anticipates the organic decomposition, reducing the combustion event in the final calcination. Furthermore, FTIR-PAS, XRD and SEM results showed that organic matter amount was reduced in the Fe (III)-doped TiO2 sample, which reduced the rutile phase amount and increased the reactivity and crystallinity of the powder samples.
The plasma cell neoplasms may present in soft tissue as extramedullary plasmacytoma (EMP), in bone as a solitary plasmacytoma of bone (SPB), or as part of the multifocal disseminated disease multiple myeloma (MM). The EMP is rare, comprising around 3% of all plasma cell neoplasm. The majority (80%) occurs in the head and neck region. In this study we report a case of a man, 70 years old, melanoderm, with a lesion of the oral cavity. Upon physical examination, a lesion was found that extended throughout the posterior upper alveolar ridge, as far as the maxillary tuber on the left side, extending towards the palate. Radiographic examination, complementary laboratory exams were performed. Based on the conclusive symptoms of plasmacytoma, the patient was referred to the hematology service for treatment with local radiotherapy. The patient responded satisfactorily to the treatment, and after 15 months, all clinical symptoms of the lesion in the oral cavity had disappeared.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Three Paracoccidioides brasiliensis antigens, namely a culture filtrate preparation, a somatic antigen and a mixture of equal parts of the two, were tested by two serological techniques against sera from patients with paracoccidioidomycosis, and in an in vivo delayed hypersensitivity model in mice. The antigen mixture was more sensitive than the two individual antigens for the evaluation of humoral and cellular immune response to P. brasiliensis, both in man and in experimental animals.
Spindle cell lipoma is a benign lipomatous neoplasm, which rarely occurs in the oral cavity. The aims of this paper are to report a case of spindle cell lipoma located in buccal mucosa and discuss the main clinical, histological, and immunohistochemical findings of this entity. Thus, we report a 4-year history of an asymptomatic smooth surface nodule in an elderly Caucasian man with clinical hypothesis of fibroma. The histopathological examination showed spindle cells, mature adipose tissue, and many mast cells in a stroma of connective tissue presenting ropey collagen fibers bundles. After immunohistochemical analysis, the final diagnosis was spindle cell lipoma.
This paper reports the results of a comparative study of the development of the larval Echinococcus multilocularis Leuckart, 1863), and associated tissue reaction in naturally and experimentally infected mammals representing 31 species. The histogenesis of the larval cestode was traced in detail in arvicoline rodents of several species, and interspecific differences were defined. In arvicoline rodents, the developing larva exhibited host-specific characteristics within about a month after infection was established. The tissue reaction in Microtus oeconomus was characterized by the production of a large quantity of detritus around the larva, and by the formation of a thick epithelioid zone. In one subspecies, M. oeconomus innuitus, development of the larva was retarded, and the detrital mass was often calcified; in another, M. oeconomus operarius, the detritus rarely became calcified and the larva proliferated more rapidly. In M. pennsylvanicus, the tissue reaction was minimal, and little detritus was present. The characteristics of the tissue reaction in M. montebelli placed it in an intermediate position between the aforementioned species. In Clethrionomys rutilus, a thin epithelioid zone and an outer zone of loose collagenous fibers composed the adventitial layer; exogenous budding was retarded in this vole. A minimal tissue reaction occurred in Lagurus curtatus. In Lemmus spp., larger cysts were characteristic, but areas of small-cystic proliferation were always present. Similar differences in species or subspecies of Citellus and Dicrostonyx were described. Lesions of alveolar bydatid disease in man also were studied. The invasive growth of the larval cestode in the human liver involves a process comparable to small-cystic proliferation in the natural intermediate hosts. Although the later stages of development of the larval cestode are inhibited in man, exogenous proliferation of vesicles continues for the life of the host. The lesion in man was compared with a morphologically similar formation produced by anomalous development of the larval E. granulosus in the bovine liver. The latter is distinguished by the absence of areas of small-cystic proliferation. Non-echinococcal lesions found in the tissues studied, some of which resembled foci caused by the larval E. multilocularis, were briefly discussed.
Compatible with the biotic uniformity of northern regions, the occurrence of certain organisms which cause zoonotic diseases is general throughout the Arctic. In the past, most frequently affected by such diseases have been aboriginal peoples whose way of life involved encroachment upon naturally occurring parasite-host assemblages. Now, as changes take place in socioeconomic conditions in the Arctic, the importance of zoonotic diseases as a cause of morbidity may lessen among such peoples, but on the other hand, more nonaborigines may be affected. Although my remarks relate mainly to Alaska, again the biotic uniformity of the North seems to have its effect even with regard to man's activity, for similar changes are occurring throughout the arctic zone. Thus far, the natural environment has not been extensively disrupted at higher latitudes, and the arctic regions remain important for basic research in the natural history of zoonotic diseases. Because of the biotic peculiarities of these regions, conditions there especially favor the investigation of parasite-host relationships and the transmission of disease among the inhabitants. Significant benefit to the human population, in the temperate zone as well, can be expected to accrue from future studies in an undisturbed arctic wilderness.
Not more than four species of cestodes of the genus Echinococcus Rudolphi, 1801, are recognized as valid. The larval stage of at least three of them is able to develop in man, causing respective types of hydatid disease. Accurate characterization of these cestodes, including both larval and adult stages, is essential for identification, upon which depends development of methods for preventing infection of man and domestic animals. Because morphological characteristics of the larval cestodes may be modified according to the species of host in which they develop, identification should be based upon taxonomic characters of specimens from the respective natural hosts, which can be identified by means of ecological investigations in endemic areas in combination with controlled infection of experimental animals. The morphological and biological characteristics of the known species are discussed, and the two species most important to public health and economically--E. granulosus (Batsch, 1786) and E. multilocularis Leuckart, 1863--are distinguished. French résumé: Trois espèces de cestodes du genre Echinococcus Rudolphi, 1801 ont été identifiées: E. granulosus (Batsch, 1786); E. multilocularis Leuckart, 1863; et E. oligarthrus (Diesing, 1863). On n'a pas encore déterminé avec certitude s'il fallait leur adjoindre E. patagonicus Szidat, 1960. Ce dernier mis à part, tous ces ténias sont connus pour provoquer chez l'homme des formes spécifiques d'échinococcose hydatique; l'infestation par les larves de E. granulosus est également fréquente chez les ongulés domestiques et la répartition de ce cestode est presque cosmopolite. E. multilocularis est très largement répandu dans l'hémisphère nord, tandis que E. oligarthrus ne se trouve que dans le centre et le sud de I'Amérique. Pour définir des critères morphologiques qui permettent de distinguer avec précision les différentes espèces d'Echinococcus, il convient de prendre les spécimens sur leurs hôtes naturels, sinon l'évolution du stade strobilaire se trouve habituellement retardée et le stade larvaire présente une gamme étendue de variations morphologiques. Pour identifier les hôtes naturels, il faut étudier l'écologie dans les zones d'éndemicité, ainsi que les manifestations de l'infection contrôlée chez des animaux d'expérience. Le stade strobilaire des ténias peut présenter plusieurs caractères spécifiques importants qui concernent notamment la taille, le nombre et la répartition des testicules, la position du pore génital dans les segments gravides, la forme de l'utérus gravide et, dans certains cas, la taille et la forme des crochets du rostre. La structure de la larve normalement développée est caractéristique de chacune des trois espèces relativement bien connues. Les caractéristiques biologiques jouent également un rôle important dans la différenciation de ces cestodes. Au stade larvaire, le laps de temps nécessaire au développement des scolex infectants est directement fonction de la durée de vie de l'hôte intermédiaire. La larve de E. multilocularis présente des scolex infectants dès le deuxième ou le troisième mois, alors qu'ils n'apparaissent qu'au bout d'un ou deux ans chez la larve de E. granulosus. Un tableau donne la liste comparative des caractéristiques taxonomiques qui permettent de faire la distinction entre ces deux espèces.
Our chairman has wisely asked that we not spend all of our time here telling each other about our bird problems. In the Southeast, our difficulties with blackbirds are based upon the same bird habits that cause trouble elsewhere: they flock, they roost and they eat, generally taking advantage of the readily available handouts that today's agricul¬tural practices provide. Those of us on the receiving end of these de¬predations of course think that damage in our own particular area must be far the worst, anywhere. Because of the location of our meeting place today, perhaps it is worthwhile to point out that a report prepared by our Bureau's Washington office this year outlined the problem of blackbird damage to corn in the Middle Atlantic States, the Great Lakes Region and in Florida, and then followed with this statement--"An equally serious problem occurs in rice and grain sorghum fields of Arkansas, Mississippi, Texas and Louisiana." The report also men¬tions that the largest winter concentrations of blackbirds are found in the lower Mississippi Valley. Our 1963-64 blackbird-starling survey showed 43 principal roosts totaling approximately 100 million of these birds in Virginia, the Carolinas, Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee and Kentucky. We have our own birds during the summer plus the "tourist" birds from up here and elsewhere during the winter, and all of these birds must eat, so suffice it to say that we, too, have some bird problems in the Southeast. I'm sure you're more interested in what we're doing about them. To keep this in perspective also, please bear in mind that against the magnitude of these problems, our blackbird control research staff at Gainesville consists of 3 biologists, 1 biochemist and one technician. And unfortunately, none of us happens to be a miracle worker. I think, though, we have made great progress toward solving the bird problems in the Southeast for the man-hours that have been expended in this re¬search. My only suggestion to those who are impatient about not having more answers is that they examine the budget that has been set up for this work. Only then could we intelligently discuss what might be expected as a reasonable rate of research progress. When I think about what we have accomplished in a short span of time, with very small expenditure, I can assure you that I am very proud of our small research crew at Gainesville--and I say this quite sincerely. At the Gainesville station, we work under two general research approaches to the bird damage problem. These projects have been assigned to us. The first is research on management of birds, particularly blackbirds and starlings destructive to crops or in feedlots, and, secondly, the development and the adaptation of those chemical compounds found to be toxic to birds but relatively safe to mammals. These approaches both require laboratory and field work that is further subdivided into several specific research projects. Without describing the details of these now, I want to mention some of our recent results. From the results, I'm sure you will gather the general objectives and some of the procedures used.
In the present study Cathorops spixii, was evaluated as a bioindicator fish for trace metal pollution. Concentrations of cobalt (Co), iron (Fe), selenium (Se) and zinc (Zn) were determined by Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis in liver. Mercury (Hg) and methyl-mercury (MeHg) were analyzed by Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption Spectrometry in muscles and livers. High concentrations of Co, Fe, Se and Zn were observed in C. spixii from Santos Bay in comparison to fish collected in a non-polluted site in the same Brazilian coast. These trace metal concentrations were out of the permissible levels for human consumption. Although, Hg and MeHg levels were low, the C. spixii could still be used as an effective bioindicator to observe trace metal behaviors in the environment in function of the bioaccumulation process observed mainly by other analyzed trace metals. Thus, the use of this species is strongly recommended to monitor the effects and behavior of trace metal pollution in aquatic ecosystems in Brazil due to its bioaccumulation function.