972 resultados para Malpighi, Marcello, 1628-1694
Utilizou-se o modelo experimental de paracoccidioidomicose, em camundongos, induzida pela inoculação endovenosa de suspensão de formas cerebriformes do P. brasiliensis (cepa Bt2; 1x10(6) formas viáveis/animal), para avaliar, após 2, 4, 8, 16 e 20 semanas: 1. A presença de imunoglobulinas e C3 nos granulomas pulmonares, por imunofluorescência direta; 2. A resposta imune humoral (imunodifusão) e celular (teste do coxim plantar), e 3. A histopatologia das lesões. Os camundongos apresentaram resposta imunocelular positiva desde a 2a. semana, com depressão transitória na 16a. semana, e anticorpos desde a 4a. semana, com pico na 16a. semana. Os granulomas pulmonares foram epitelióides, com numerosos fungos e microabscesses; a extensão das lesões foi progressiva até a 16a. semana, com regressão discreta na 20a. semana. Desde a 2a. semana, houve deposição de IgG e C3 na parede dos fungos no interior dos granulomas e a presença de células IgG positivas no halo linfomononuclear periférico; estes achados foram máximos entre a 4a. e 16a. semanas. Não se detectou depósito de IgG e C3 no interstício dos granulomas. IgG e C3 parecem exercer papel precoce e importante na defesa do hospedeiro contra o P. brasiliensis, contribuindo possivelmente para a destruição dos fungos e bloqueando a difusão de antígenos para fora dos granulomas.
Utilizou-se técnica de microimunodifusão dupla em gel de ágar para a medida quali e quantitativa de anticorpos circulantes anti - P. brasiliensis, comparando-se os resultados com o macrométodo. Todos os 103 soros de pacientes portadores de paracoccidioidomicose foram positivos no micrométodo contra 87% de positividade no macrométodo. Os 83 soros de pacientes sem paracoccidioidomicose foram negativos em ambas as reações. Os títulos dos soros positivos tenderam a ser mais elevados no micrométodo, que forneceu bandas de precipitação mais nítidas e fáceis de serem lidas. O micrométodo é de realização simples, utiliza pequena quantidade de material e possibilita o teste simultâneo de 102 soros. Acreditamos que ele poderá substituir o macrométodo, especialmente em laboratórios de grande rotina sorológica.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver protocolo eficiente e reprodutível de imunização em cobaias com antígenos de P. brasiliensis, visando a obtenção de modelo experimental para futuros estudos de mecanismos de proteção imunológica. Testaram-se três diferentes antígenos (particulado, solúvel e composto) e seis protocolos nos quais foram avaliadas as influências dos seguintes fatores: presença ou ausência de adjuvante completo de Freund, número de doses imunizantes e intervalo de tempo entre a última dose imunizante e o desafio. A eficiência do protocolo de imunização foi estudada pela avaliação da resposta imune celular e humoral anti-P. brasiliensis, utilizando teste cutâneo e teste de inibição da migração do macrófago, e imunodifusão, respectivamente. Observou-se que: 1. Três doses imunizantes de antígeno induziram melhor resposta do que duas doses; 2. Maior resposta imune foi conseguida com a utilização de adjuvante completo de Freund; 3. Animais desafiados depois de longo tempo (6 semanas) da última dose imunizante mostraram melhor resposta imune anti-P. brasiliensis; 4. Os antígenos solúvel e composto foram igualmente eficientes induzindo maior resposta imune humoral e celular anti-P. brasiliensis enquanto que o antígeno particulado provocou menor reatividade
Detecção de formas amastigotas do Trypanosoma cruziem enxerto renalA doença de Chagas é zoonose transmitida pelo Trypanosoma cruzi, o qual apresenta duas formas distintas no hospedeiro vertebrado, a tripomastigota circulante e a amastigota tecidual. Esta última parasita freqüentemente os tecidos musculares cardíaco, liso e estriado, e o tecido nervoso. Até o presente momento nunca foram detectados formas amastigotas em parênquima renal. O presente relato descreve, pela primeira vez, a detecção de formas amastigotas do T. cruzi em parênquima renal em receptor de enxerto de rim, com testes sorológicos negativos para a doença de Chagas e ausência de transfusões prévias, observado 1 mês após o transplante renal com doador cadáver proveniente de região endêmica. O paciente desenvolveu doença de Chagas aguda com detecção de formas tripomastigotas circulantes. Como a única forma de transmissão desta zoonose pelo enxerto é através de órgão parasitado com formas amastigotas, sugere-se fortemente que o rim transplantado foi o responsável pela transmissão da doença de Chagas, no presente caso. Esta é a via de infecção que deve ser levada em consideração em transplantes nas áreas endêmicas
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Dolostones of the upper Piaui Formation, Parnaiba Basin, northern Brazil, preserve a rich and diversified invertebrate fauna of Morrowan to Desmoinesian age. Among bivalves, Heteroconchia (15 species) is the most diversified, followed by Pteriomorphia (11 species), and rare endobenthic species of the Palaeotaxodonta. (three species). Eleven species of Pteriomorphia are described, including representatives of the genera Parallelodon?, Myalina?, Septimyalina, Caneyella?, Leptodesma (Leptodesma), L. (Leiopteria), Meekopinna?, Aviculopinna?, and Aviculopecten. A new combination, Etheripecten trichotomus, and the oldest member of the Anomiidae recorded, Pindorama nordestina n. gen. and sp., also are described. Details of muscle scars and hinge characters have been recovered for several taxa, thereby refining the knowledge for species diagnoses. Fossil beds in the Esperanca and Mucambo dolostones reveal episodic burial of bivalves in life position. These are internally complex, multistory fossil concentrations recording background and episodic processes. Hence, those fossil concentrations show high degrees of time-averaging and poor palcoecological resolution (except for the bivalves preserved in situ).
The extent of racemization of aspartic acid (Asp) has been used to estimate the ages of 9 shells of the epifaunal calcitic brachiopod Bouchardia rosea and 9 shells of the infaunal aragonitic bivalve Semele casali. Both taxa were collected concurrently from the same sites at depths of 10 m and 30 m off the coast of Brazil. Asp D/L values show an excellent correlation with radiocarbon age at both sites and for both taxa (r(Site)(2) (9) (B. rosea) = 0.97 r(Site)(2) (1) (B.) (rosea) = 0.997, r(Site)(2) (9) (S.) (casali) = 0.9998, r(2) (Site) (1) (S.casali) = 0.93). The Asp ratios plotted against reservoir-corrected AMS radiocarbon ages over the time span of multiple millennia can thus be used to develop reliable and precise geochronologies not only for aragonitic mollusks (widely used for dating previously), but also for calcitic brachiopods. At each collection site, Bouchardia specimens display consistently higher D/L values than specimens of Semele. Thermal differences between sites are also notable and in agreement with theoretical expectations, as extents of racemization for both taxa are greater at the warmer, shallower site than at the cooler, deeper one. In late Holocene marine settings, concurrent time series of aragonitic and calcitic shells can be assembled using Asp racemization dating, and parallel multi-centennial to multi-millennial records can be developed simultaneously for multiple biomineral systems. (c) 2006 University of Washington. All rights reserved.
Over 14,000 specimens-5,204 brachiopods, 9,137 bivalves, and 178 gastropods-acquired from 30 collecting stations (0 to 45 m depth) in the Ubatuba and Picinguaba bays, southern Brazil, were compared for drilling frequencies. Beveled (countersunk) circular-to-subcircular borings (Oichnus-like drill holes) were found in diverse bivalves but also in the rhynchonelliform brachiopod Bouchardia rosea-a small, semi-infaunal to epifaunal, free-lying species that dominates the brachiopod fauna of the southern Brazilian shelf. Drill holes in bivalve mollusks and brachiopods are comparable in their morphology, average diameter, and diameter range, indicating attacks by a single type of drilling organism. Drill holes in brachiopods were rare (0.4%) and found only at five sampling sites. Drillings in bivalves were over 10 times as frequent as in brachiopods, but the average drilling frequency was still low (5.6%) compared to typical boring frequencies of Cenozoic mollusks. Some common bivalve species, however, were drilled at frequencies up to 50 times higher than those observed for shells of B. rosea from the same samples. Due to scarcity of drilled brachiopods, it is not possible to evaluate if the driller displayed a nonrandom (stereotyped) site, size, or valve preference. Drilled brachiopods may record (1) naticid or muricid predation, (2) predation by other drillers, (3) parasitic drillings, and (4) mistaken or opportunistic attacks. Low drilling frequency in brachiopods is consistent with recent reports on ancient and modern examples. The scarcity of drilling in brachiopods, coupled with much higher drilling frequencies observed in sympatric bivalves, suggests that drilling in brachiopods may have been due to facultative or erroneous attacks. The drilling frequencies observed here for the brachiopod-bivalve assemblages are remarkably similar to those reported for Permian brachiopod-bivalves associations. This report adds to the growing evidence for an intriguing macroecological stasis: multiple meta-analytical surveys of present-day and fossil rhynchonelliform brachiopods conducted in recent years also point to persistent scarcity and low intensity of biotic interactions between brachiopods and drilling organisms throughout their evolutionary history.
The habitat of the mycelial saprobic form of Paracoccidio ides brasiliensis, which produces the infectious propagula, has not been determined and has proven difficult for mycologists to describe. The fungus has been rarely isolated from the environment, the disease has a prolonged latency period and no outbreaks have been reported. These facts have precluded the adoption of preventive measures to avoid infection. The confirmation of natural infections in nine-banded armadillos (Dasypus novemcinctus) with P. brasiliensis, in high frequency and wide geographic distribution, has opened new avenues for the study and understanding of its ecology. Armadillos belong to the order Xenarthra, which has existed in South America ever since the Paleocene Era (65 million years ago), when the South American subcontinent was still a detached land, before the consolidation of what is now known as the American continent. on the other hand, strong molecular evidence suggests that P. brasiliensis and other dimorphic pathogenic fungi - such as Blastomyces dermatitidis, Coccidioides immitis and Histoplasma capsulatum - belong to the family Onygenaceae sensu Into (order Onygenales, Ascomycota), which appeared around 150 million years ago.P. brasiliensis ecology and relation to its human host are probably linked to the fungal evolutionary past, especially its long coexistence with and adaptation to animal hosts other than Homo sapiens, of earlier origin. Instead of being a blind alley, the meaning of parasitism for dimorphic pathogenic fungi should be considered as an open two-way avenue, in which the fungus may return to the environment, therefore contributing to preserve its teleomorphic (sexual) and anamorphic (asexual) forms in a defined and protected natural habitat. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In this study, the occurrence of Othonella araguaiana Mendes, a rare bivalve species is reported for the first time in the Pinzonella illusa biozone, Middle Permian Corumbatai Formation, in the State of São Paulo. This species was originally described in coeval rocks of the Estrada Nova Formation (= Corumbatai) from the Alto Araguaia and Alto Garcas regions, State of Mato Grosso. The specimens of O. araguaiana were found in the base of a bioclastic sandstone bed, a proximal tempestite, in the middle of the Corumbatai Formation, in the city of Rio Claro, São Paulo State. The silicified shells and internal molds are well preserved, showing impressions of muscle scars and other internal anatomic characters (e.g., hinge), never illustrated by previous authors. In his original description, Mendes (1963) called attention to the similarity between O. araguaiana and Terraia aequilateralis, a common veneroid of the Corumbatai Formation. Conversely, Runnegar and Newell (1971) suggested that O. araguaiana belongs to Megadesmidae, being a junior synonym of Plesiocyprinella carinata (the commonest megadesmid of the Passa Dois Group). Our study indicates that O. araguaiana is indeed a megadesmid, but is distinct from the P. carinata. The new occurrence of O. araguaiana demonstrates that a) the paleobiogeographic distribution of this species is wider than previously thought (that it was restricted to the northern part of Parana Basin, Mato Grosso State); b) the molluscan fauna of the Corumbatai Formation (P. illusa biozone) in the State of São Paulo is more diverse and dominated by megadesmids; and c) the composition of the molluscan fauna of the Corumbatai Formation in Alto GarYas, State of Mato Grosso, is essentially the same as that of the P. illusa biozone of the eastern margin of the Parana Basin.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Late Cambrian (Furongian) shell beds in the Salta Province of NW Argentina are unique because of the presence of abundant hyolith skeletal remains within them. Hyolith shell beds are located in the mid-upper part of the Lampazar Formation at the Angosto de La Quesera locality, and are the first recorded accumulations of this type in the lower Palaeozoic of the South American Andean Basin. The shell beds are of the order of several mm thick, and are laterally persistent within outcrop scale, with a few metres of lateral development. Two types of hyolith shell beds are recognised: Type 1 is a storm-dominated, event concentration, represented by dispersed to densely packed accumulations of well preserved hyolith and gastropod shells (Strepsodiscus austrinus). Hyolith conchs are current oriented with the long axes parallel to unidirectional flow on the sandstones surfaces. Type 2 shell beds are background, composite concentrations, of poorly preserved, comminuted debris of hyolith shells with associated gastropod and trilobite sclerites (dominated by Parabolina, Beltella and Leiostegium). The genesis of both shell beds was controlled primarily by physical processes, such as storms and current and/or wave agitation. The thickness, simple internal fabric and geometry shown by both accumulations are typical of Cambrian-style shell-beds.