962 resultados para Malalts-Pastoral


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The different aspects of magic became an essential ingredient of bucolic universe since the origin of pastoral genre. Within an idealized and utopic frame, magic built a bridge towards transcendence, and balanced the disharmony created by human love emotions within Arcadian microcosm. This concept of magic became infused to Sixteenth century pastoral novel through Neoplatonism and Hermetic tradition. From a narratological point of view, magic episodes became indispensable to complete the philosophical meaning of the works. Lope de Vega, in La Arcadia, published in 1598, fully participated from this tradition, though he will approach the convention from a particular dramatic-like perspective. And it was precisely in pastoral comedias where the Fénix ends up deconstructing bucolic code to remodel it as a mere vestige of the tradition and treat magic as a humorous ingredient.


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Wie kann Missbräuchen in Seelsorge, Beratung und Kirchen vorgebeugt werden? Vor dem Hintergrund der erschütternden Missbrauchsfälle auch in der Schweiz befassen sich Expertinnen und Experten aus Theologie, Sozialarbeit, Psychologie und Medizin mit dieser drängenden Frage. Die gesammelten Beiträge sind im Rahmen einer Kooperationsveranstaltung zwischen der Abteilung Seelsorge, Religionspsychologie und Religionspädagogik und der nationalen verbandsübergreifenden Arbeitsgruppe Prävention an der Universität Bern entstanden. Sie vermitteln nicht nur interdisziplinäre Erkenntnisse zur effektiven Prävention von Grenzverletzungen aller Art, sondern zeugen auch vom engagierten gemeinsamen Bemühen über alle Disziplinen hinweg, hinzuschauen und Leiden zu verhindern.


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Lebensverlängernde Massnahmen auf der einen, begleiteter Suizid auf der anderen Seite: Mensch und Medizin greifen zunehmend in den Sterbeprozess ein. Wie beeinflussen Glaube und Jenseitsvorstellungen die Haltung zum Lebensende? Amira Hafner-Al Jabaji spricht mit Gästen aus drei Religionen. Die Frage, ob aktive Hilfe zum Suizid erlaubt sein soll, ist ein sensibles Thema. Bisher haben sich von religiöser Seite vor allem christliche Kirchen dazu kritisch vernehmen lassen. Doch wie sieht die Sicht auf den Tod und auf das Sterben in anderen Religionen aus? Was hat den Vorrang im Spannungsfeld von Selbstbestimmung und Schicksal, zwischen Patientenwillen und Gotteswillen, zwischen Möglichem und Wünschbarem am Ende des Lebens? Es diskutieren der muslimische Arzt und Philosoph Ilhan Ilkiliç, die evangelische Theologin und Religionspsychologin Isabelle Noth und der Sozialpädagoge und Zen-Buddhist Marco Röss.


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In many parts of the eastern African region wood-based fuels will remain dominant sources of energy in coming decades. Pressure on forests, especially in semi-arid areas will therefore continue increasing. In this context, the role of liquid biofuels as substitutes for firewood and charcoal, to help reducing pressure on woody biomass and contributing to a better energy security of rural communities, has remained controversial among researchers and practitioners. At household level, the economic and technical feasibility of straight vegetable oil (SVO) was assessed mainly on Jatropha curcas, with unpersuasive results. So far nothing is known about the suitability as an energy carrier of Jatropha mahafalensis Jum. & H. Perrier, the only endemic representative of the Jatropha genus in Madagascar. This paper explores the potential of this plant as a biofuel feedstock in the agro-pastoral area of Soalara, in the semi-arid south-western part of Madagascar. Only hedge-based production was considered to rule out competition over land with food crops. Yield data, the length of currently existing hedges and energy consumption patterns of households were used to assess the quantitative potential and economic viability of J. mahafalensis SVO for lighting and cooking. Tests were conducted with cooking and lighting devices to assess their technical suitability at household level. The paper concludes that J. mahafalensis hedges have some potential to replace paraffin for lighting (though without much economic benefit for the concerned households), but not to replace charcoal or firewood for cooking. The paper recommends that rural energy strategies in similar contexts do not focus only on substituting current fuels with SVO, but should also take into consideration other alternatives. In the case of cooking, there seems to be substantially more potential in increasing the efficiency of current fuel production and consumption technologies (kilns and stoves); and in the case of lighting, solutions based on SVO need to be compared against other options such as portable solar devices.