952 resultados para Low-resistance contacts
The biomechanics of the sacroiliac joint makes the pelvic segment responsible for proper weight distribution between lower extremities; however, it is known to be susceptible to altered mobility. The objective of this study was to analyze baropodometric responses following thrust manipulation on subjects with sacroiliac joint restrictions. Twenty asymptomatic subjects were submitted to computerized baropodometric analysis before, after, and seven days following sacroiliac manipulation. The variables peak pressure and contact area were obtained at each of these periods as the average of absolute values of the difference between the right and left foot based on three trials. Data revealed significant reduction only in peak pressure immediately after manipulation and at follow-up when compared to pre-manipulative values (p < 0.05). Strong correlation was found between the dominant foot and the foot with greater contact area (r - 0.978), as well as between the side of joint restriction and the foot with greater contact area (r = 0.884). Weak correlation was observed between the dominant foot and the foot with greater peak pressure (r = 0.501), as well as between the side of joint restriction and the foot with greater peak pressure (r = 0.694). The results suggest that sacroiliac joint manipulation can influence peak pressure distribution between feet, but contact area does not seem to be related to the biomechanical aspects addressed in this study. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objective: To introduce a new coupling system between screw driver and interference screw, and biomechanical tests that validate the safety of its application. Methods: The new system was submitted to biomechanical torsion assays. Two types of analysis were performed: maximum torque of manual insertion of the screws into bovine bone; destructive assays of torsion of the system using an INSTRON 55MT machine. The same tests were also performed on a control group, using a commercially available interference screw coupling system (Acufex (R)). Results: In the tests on manual insertion of screws in bovine femurs, the average values found with a digital torque meter were 1.958 N/m for Acufex (R) and 2.563 N/m for FMRP. Considering p>0.05, there were no statistical differences between the two groups (p=0.02) in the values for maximum torque of insertion, in the two systems studied. The average values for maximum torque of torsion resisted by the screw were 15N/m for the Acufex (R) screw and 13N/m for the FMRP screw, again with no statistical differences between the two groups (p>0.05). In the evaluation of angular deformation, there was also no significant difference between the two screw types (p=0.15). Conclusion: The new coupling system for interference screws developed at FMRP-USP revealed a torsion resistance that is comparable with the system already available on the market and regulated for international use.
Peripheral nerves are structures that, when damaged, can result in significant motor and sensory disabilities. Several studies have used therapeutic resources with the aim of promoting early nerve regeneration, such as the use of low-power laser. However, this laser therapy does not represent a consensus regarding the methodology, thus yielding controversial conclusions. The objective of our study was to investigate, by functional evaluation, the comparative effects of low-power laser (660 nm and 830 nm) on sciatic nerve regeneration following crushing injuries. Twenty-seven Wistar rats subjected to sciatic nerve injury were divided into three groups: group sham, consisting of rats undergoing simulated irradiation; a group consisting of rats subjected to gallium-aluminum-arsenide (GaAlAs) laser at 660 nm (10 J/cm(2), 30 mW and 0.06 cm(2) beam), and another one consisting of rats subjected to GaAlAs laser at 830 nm (10 J/cm(2), 30 mW and 0.116 cm(2)). Laser was applied to the lesion for 21 days. A sciatic functional index (SFI) was used for functional evaluation prior to surgery and on days 7, 14, and 21 after surgery. Differences in SFI were found between group 660 nm and the other ones at the 14th day. One can observe that laser application at 660 nm with the parameters and methods utilised was effective in promoting early functional recovery, as indicated by the SFI, over the period evaluated.
Objective: To study the influence of low power GaAsAl laser irradiation on the regeneration of a peripheral nerve, following a controlled crush injury. Material and methods: The right common fibular nerve of 30 Wistar rats was submitted to a crush injury with an adjustable load forceps (5 000 g, 10 minutes of application). The animals were divided into three groups (n=10), according to the postoperative procedure (no irradiation; sham irradiation; effective irradiation). Laser irradiation (830 nm wave-length; 100 mW emission power; continuous mode; 140 J/cm(2)) was started on the first postoperative day and continued over 21 consecutive days. Body mass, time spent on the walking track and functional peroneal index (PFI) were analyzed based on the hind footprints, both preoperatively and on the 21st postoperative day. Results: Walking time and PFI significantly improved in the group that received effective laser irradiation, despite the significant gain in body mass between the pre- and post-operative periods. Conclusion: Low Power GaAsAl laser irradiation, with the parameters used in our study, accelerated and improved fibular nerve regeneration in rats.
Background: Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) is an effective adjunctive therapy for postoperative pain; however, effects of different frequencies Of stimulation have not been systematically investigated. Laparoscopic sterilization (LS) causes significant pain in the early postoperative period and requires substantial postoperative medication. Therefore, we studied the effects of TENS on postoperative pain after LS through placement of Yoon fallopian rings in a prospective, randomized, double-blinded, and placebo-controlled study. Methods: Sixty-four patients undergoing LS for uterine tube ligation were randomly allocated to receive either active TENS or placebo TENS. Postoperative pain was evaluated using a standard I I-point numeric rating scale and the McGill Pain Questionnaire (MPQ)-pain rating index and number of words chosen. Both high frequency (100 Hz) and low frequency (4 Hz) TENS, at strong, but comfortable sensory intensity, were applied for 20 minutes through 4 electrodes placed around the surgical incision immediately after Surgery. Pain was assessed before and after application of TENS when patients were at postanesthesia care unit (PACU). Results: Both high and low frequency TENS significantly decreased postoperative pain intensity when compared with before administration of TENS using the numeric rating scale (P = 0.001), pain rating index (P = 0.001), and number of words chosen (P 0.001) compared with placebo TENS (P = 0.001). TENS in combination with standard pharmacologic analgesic treatment was efficacious for postoperative pain relief after LS. Conclusions: We recommend regular use of multimodal therapy with TENS and analgesic drugs after LS with placement of Yoon rings.
Background: The goal of this study was to determine if increasing strength in primary knee extensors and flexors would directly affect net knee joint moments during a common functional task in persons with knee osteoarthritis. Methods: An exploratory single sample clinical trial with pre-post treatment measures was used to study volunteers with clinical diagnosis of mild knee osteoarthritis (OA) in one knee. Subjects participated in an individually supervised training program 3 times a week for eight weeks consisting of progressive resistive exercises for knee extensors and knee flexors. Pre and post training outcome assessments included: 1. Net internal knee joint moments, 2. Electromyography of primary knee extensors and flexors, and 3. Self-report measures of knee pain and function. The distribution of lower extremity joint moments as a percent of the total support moment was also investigated. Findings: Pain, symptoms, activities of daily life, quality of life, stiffness, and function scores showed significant improvement following strength training. Knee internal valgus and hip internal rotation moments showed increasing but non-statistically significant changes post-training. There were no significant differences in muscle co-contraction activation of the Quadriceps and Hamstrings. Interpretation: While exercise continues to be an important element of OA management, the results of this study suggest improvements in function, pain, and other symptoms, as a result of strength training may not be causally related to specific biomechanical changes in net joint moments. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
STUDY DESIGN: Controlled laboratory study. OBJECTIVE: To assess the activation of 7 shoulder muscles under 2 closed kinetic chain (CKC) tasks for the upper extremity using submaximal isometric effort, thus providing relative quantification of muscular isometric effort for these muscles across the CKC exercises, which may be applied to rehabilitation protocols for individuals with shoulder weakness. BACKGROUND: CKC exercises favor joint congruence, reduce shear load, and promote joint dynamic stability. Additionally, knowledge about glenohumeral and periscapular muscle activity elicited during CKC exercises may help clinicians to design protocols for shoulder rehabilitation. METHODS: Using surface electromyography, activation level was measured across 7 shoulder muscles in 20 healthy males, during the performance of a submaximal isometric wall press and bench press. Signals were normalized to the maximal voluntary isometric contraction, and, using paired t tests, data were analyzed between the exercises for each muscle. RESULTS: Compared to the wall press, the bench press elicited higher activity for most muscles, except for the upper trapezius. Levels of activity were usually low but were above 20% maximal voluntary isometric contraction for the serratus anterior on both tasks, and for the long head triceps brachii on the bench press. CONCLUSIONS: Both the bench press and wall press, as performed in this study, led to relatively low EMG activation levels for the muscles measured and may be considered for use in the early phases of rehabilitation. J Ort hop Sports Phys Ther 2011;41(7):520-525, Epub 2 February 2011. doi:10.2519/jospt.2011.3418
Le taux de triacylglycerol (TAG) qui s`accumule dans le tissu adipeux depend de 2 mecanismes opposes : la lipogenese et la lipolyse. Nous avons montre anterieurement que le poids des lipides du tissu adipeux de l`epididyme (EPI) de meme que leur taux augmentent chez les rats en croissance soumis a une diete hypoproteique hyperglucidique (HPHG) pendant 15 jours. La presente etude a eu pour but d`examiner les voies impliquees dans la lipogenese et la lipolyse qui regulent l`accumulation des lipides dans le tissu. On a evalue in vivo la synthese de novo des acides gras, qui s`est revelee similaire chez les rats soumis a la diete HPHG ou a une diete temoin; toutefois, chez les rats soumis a la diete HPHG, une diminution de l`activite de la lipoproteine lipase dans le tissus adipeux de l`EPI a ete observee, ce qui laisse croire a une diminution de la capture des acides gras des lipoproteines circulantes. La diete HPHG n`a eu aucun effet sur la synthese du glycerol-3-phosphate (G3P) par la glycolyse ou la glyceroneogenese. L`activite de la glycerokinase, c.-a-d. la phosphorylation du glycerol issu de l`hydrolyse du TAG endogene pour former le GP3, n`a pas ete modifiee non plus par la diete HPHG. A l`oppose, les adipocytes des rats HPHG stimules par la norepinephrine ont eu une plus faible reponse lipolytique, meme si le taux lipolytique basal des adipocytes a ete similaire chez les 2 groupes. Ainsi, les resultats donnent a penser que la diminution de l`activite lipolytique stimulee par la norepinephrine joue un role essentiel dans l`augmentation du TAG observee dans le tissu adipeux de l`EPI des animaux HPHG, probablement en perturbant le processus d`activation de la lipolyse.
Quartz Crystal Microbalance (QCM) was used to monitor the mass changes on a quartz crystal surface containing immobilized lectins that interacted with carbohydrates. The strategy for lectin immobilization was developed on the basis of a multilayer system composed of Au-cystamine-glutaraldehyde-lectin. Each step of the immobilization procedure was confirmed by FTIR analysis. The system was used to study the interactions of Concanavalin A (ConA) with maltose and Jacalin with Fetuin. The real-time binding of different concentrations of carbohydrate to the immobilized lectin was monitored by means of QCM measurements and the data obtained allowed for the construction of Langmuir isotherm curves. The association constants determined for the specific interactions analyzed here were (6.4 +/- 0.2) X 10(4) M-1 for Jacalin-Fetuin and (4.5 +/- 0.1) x 10(2) M-1 for ConA-maltose. These results indicate that the QCM constitutes a suitable method for the analysis of lectin-carbohydrate interactions, even when assaying low molecular mass ligands such as disaccharides. Published by Elsevier B.V.
Background/Aims: Transmethylation reactions and antioxidant metabolism are linked by transsulfuration, where homocysteine (Hcy) is converted to cysteine and reduced glutathione (GSH). Low protein intake can modulate the balance of this metabolic reaction. The aim of the present investigation was to study the effect of a low-protein diet on Hcy metabolism by monitoring levels of the amino acids involved in these pathways, and relating these levels to GSH levels and lipid peroxidation in rats. Methods: Sixteen rats were divided into 2 groups: control (C; standard AIN-93 diet, 20% protein) and low-protein diet (LPD; 8% protein diet). Rats in both groups were placed on the diets for 28 days. Results: A significant reduction (p < 0.05) in plasma Hcy concentration was found in LPD rats (0.16 +/- 0.04 mu mol/mg protein) versus C rats (0.25 +/- 0.03 mu mol/mg protein). Methionine levels were not significantly different between the 2 groups (C: 1.24 +/- 0.22 mu mol/mg protein; LPD: 1.03 +/- 0.27 mu mol/mg protein). A significant reduction (p ! 0.05) in hepatic GSH concentrations (C: 44 8 10 mu mol/mg protein; LPD: 17.4 +/- 4.3 mu mol/mg protein) was accompanied by an increase in lipid peroxidation (C: 0.13 +/- 0.01 mu mol/mg protein; LPD: 0.17 +/- 0.02 mu mol/mg protein; r = -0.62, p < 0.01). Conclusion: Hcy levels were reduced under a low-protein diet, resulting in modulated methyl balance and reduced GSH formation leading to increased susceptibility of hepatic cells to oxidative events. Copyright (C) 2009 S. Karger AG, Basel
BACKGROUND There is evidence that the subgroup of patients with essential hypertension who are also insulin resistant is at increased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). We are unaware of the frequency of insulin resistance in patients with essential hypertension as well as the CVD risk in this subgroup of patients. This analysis was aimed at providing the prevalence of insulin resistance and associated CVD risk factors in treated and untreated patients with essential hypertension. METHODS The study population consisted of 126 patients with hypertension: 56 untreated and 70 in a stable treatment program. Body mass index (BMI), blood pressure, plasma glucose and insulin responses to an oral glucose challenge, lipid and lipoprotein concentrations, and steady-state plasma glucose (SSPG) concentration during the insulin suppression test were measured. Insulin resistance was defined operationally as a SSPG concentration >180 mg/dl. RESULTS Demographic characteristics and metabolic CVD risk factors were comparable in both groups, with 30-50% of both treated and untreated patients having abnormalities of all risk factors measured. Approximately 50% of patients met the criteria for insulin resistance in both groups, and the prevalence of abnormal CVD risk factors in this group was increased two to threefold as compared to the other half of the subjects. CONCLUSIONS Approximately 50% of patients with essential hypertension, both treated and untreated, appear to be insulin resistant, and CVD risk factors are greatly accentuated in this subset of patients.
Few studies are available about the evaluation of resistance training in patients with protein-energy malnutrition. To assess the effects of resistance training on the recovery of nutritional status of patients with short bowel syndrome, with a small bowel remnant of less than 100 cm, 9 patients of both sexes with protein-energy malnutrition after extensive resection of the small bowel were submitted to resistance training of progressive intensity consisting of concentric and eccentric work exercises for the upper limbs, trunk, and lower limbs, with the individuality and limitations of each patients being respected. Food consumption was monitored by 24-hour food recall performed during the initial phase of the study, before and 7 and 14 weeks after physical training, and by a dietary record for a period of 3 days of oral feeding. The nutrients administered by the enteral and parenteral route were recorded. A significant increase in total arm area (P <= .01) and fat-free mass (P <= .01) was observed as determined by computed tomography. An increase in total energy ingestion and carbohydrate consumption (P <= .01) was also observed. In addition, the activity of the enzyme carnosinase was increased after resistance training (P <= .01). The present results show that resistance training in patients with short bowel syndrome and protein-energy malnutrition can be considered to be a part of the nonmedicamentous treatment of these patients, leading to better nutrient use and to a gain of lean mass. (c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.