937 resultados para Loneliness and isolation


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(E)-β-Farnesene is a sesquiterpene semiochemical that is used extensively by both plants and insects for communication. This acyclic olefin is found in the essential oil of peppermint (Mentha x piperita) and can be synthesized from farnesyl diphosphate by a cell-free extract of peppermint secretory gland cells. A cDNA from peppermint encoding (E)-β-farnesene synthase was cloned by random sequencing of an oil gland library and was expressed in Escherichia coli. The corresponding synthase has a deduced size of 63.8 kDa and requires a divalent cation for catalysis (Km for Mg2+ ≈ 150 μM; Km for Mn2+ ≈ 7 μM). The sesquiterpenoids produced by the recombinant enzyme, as determined by radio-GC and GC-MS, are (E)-β-farnesene (85%), (Z)-β-farnesene (8%), and δ-cadinene (5%) with the native C15 substrate farnesyl diphosphate (Km ≈ 0.6 μM; Vrel = 100) and Mg2+ as cofactor, and (E)-β-farnesene (98%) and (Z)-β-farnesene (2%) with Mn2+ as cofactor (Vrel = 80). With the C10 analog, GDP, as substrate (Km = 1.5 μM; Vrel = 3 with Mg2+ as cofactor), the monoterpenes limonene (48%), terpinolene (15%), and myrcene (15%) are produced.


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Age-related macular degeneration, a major cause of blindness for which no satisfactory treatments exist, leads to a gradual decrease in central high acuity vision. The accumulation of fluorescent materials, called lipofuscin, in retinal pigment epithelial cells of the aging retina is most pronounced in the macula. One of the fluorophores of retinal pigment epithelial lipofuscin has been characterized as A2E, a pyridinium bis-retinoid, which is derived from two molecules of vitamin A aldehyde and one molecule of ethanolamine. An investigation aimed at optimizing the in vitro synthesis of A2E has resulted in the one-step biomimetic preparation of this pigment in 49% yield, readily producing more than 50 mg in one step. These results have allowed for the optimization of HPLC conditions so that nanogram quantities of A2E can be detected from extracts of tissue samples. By using 5% of the extract from individual aged human eyes, this protocol has led to the quantification of A2E and the characterization of iso-A2E, a new A2E double bond isomer; all-trans-retinol and 13-cis-retinol also have been identified in these HPLC chromatograms. Exposure of either A2E or iso-A2E to light gives rise to 4:1 A2E:iso-A2E equilibrium mixtures, similar to the composition of these two pigments in eye extracts. A2E and iso-A2E may exhibit surfactant properties arising from their unique wedge-shaped structures.


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It is well known that the functional activity of the diphtheria toxin repressor DtxR is controlled by iron, which serves as an essential cofactor necessary for activation of target DNA binding by this regulatory element. In this communication, we describe the isolation and characterization of a unique series of DtxR mutants that are constitutively active and repress the expression of β-galactosidase from a diphtheria tox promoter/operator–lacZ transcriptional fusion, even in the absence of iron. These self-activating mutants of DtxR (SAD) were isolated through the use of a positive selection system for the cloning of functional dtxR alleles and target DNA operator sites. Of the four independently isolated SAD mutants that were characterized, two (SAD2 and SAD11) were found to carry a single missense mutation (E175K) in their respective C-terminal SH3-like domains. In contrast, the mutant allele encoding SAD3 was found to carry a total of six missense mutations distributed throughout the N- and C-terminal domains of the repressor. Partial diploid analysis of strains carrying both native dtxR and alleles encoding either SAD2 or SAD3 demonstrate that these iron-independent mutants possess a positive dominant phenotype in the regulation of β-galactosidase expression from a diphtheria tox promoter/operator–lacZ transcriptional fusion.


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Pax proteins are a family of transcription factors with a highly conserved paired domain; many members also contain a paired-type homeodomain and/or an octapeptide. Nine mammalian Pax genes are known and classified into four subgroups: Pax-1/9, Pax-2/5/8, Pax-3/7, and Pax-4/6. Most of these genes are involved in nervous system development. In particular, Pax-6 is a key regulator that controls eye development in vertebrates and Drosophila. Although the Pax-4/6 subgroup seems to be more closely related to Pax-2/5/8 than to Pax-3/7 or Pax-1/9, its evolutionary origin is unknown. We therefore searched for a Pax-6 homolog and related genes in Cnidaria, which is the lowest phylum of animals that possess a nervous system and eyes. A sea nettle (a jellyfish) genomic library was constructed and two pax genes (Pax-A and -B) were isolated and partially sequenced. Surprisingly, unlike most known Pax genes, the paired box in these two genes contains no intron. In addition, the complete cDNA sequences of hydra Pax-A and -B were obtained. Hydra Pax-B contains both the homeodomain and the octapeptide, whereas hydra Pax-A contains neither. DNA binding assays showed that sea nettle Pax-A and -B and hydra Pax-A paired domains bound to a Pax-5/6 site and a Pax-5 site, although hydra Pax-B paired domain bound neither. An alignment of all available paired domain sequences revealed two highly conserved regions, which cover the DNA binding contact positions. Phylogenetic analysis showed that Pax-A and especially Pax-B were more closely related to Pax-2/5/8 and Pax-4/6 than to Pax-1/9 or Pax-3/7 and that the Pax genes can be classified into two supergroups: Pax-A/Pax-B/Pax-2/5/8/4/6 and Pax-1/9/3/7. From this analysis and the gene structure, we propose that modern Pax-4/6 and Pax-2/5/8 genes evolved from an ancestral gene similar to cnidarian Pax-B, having both the homeodomain and the octapeptide.


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The monolayer tapetum cells of the maturing flowers of Brassica napus contain abundant subcellular globuli-filled plastids and special lipid particles, both enriched with lipids that are supposed to be discharged and deposited onto the surface of adjacent maturing pollen. We separated the two organelles by flotation density gradient centrifugation and identified them by electron microscopy. The globuli-filled plastids had a morphology similar to those described in other plant species and tissues. They had an equilibrium density of 1.02 g/cm3 and contained neutral esters and unique polypeptides. The lipid particles contained patches of osmiophilic materials situated among densely packed vesicles and did not have an enclosing membrane. They exhibited osmotic properties, presumably exerted by the individual vesicles. They had an equilibrium density of 1.05 g/cm3 and possessed triacylglycerols and unique polypeptides. Several of these polypeptides were identified, by their N-terminal sequences or antibody cross-reactivity, as oleosins, proteins known to be associated with seed storage oil bodies. The morphological and biochemical characteristics of the lipid particles indicate that they are novel organelles in eukaryotes that have not been previously isolated and studied. After lysis of the tapetum cells at a late stage of floral development, only the major plastid neutral ester was recovered, whereas the other abundant lipids and proteins of the two tapetum organelles were present in fragmented forms or absent on the pollen surface.


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Stress fibers were isolated from cultured human foreskin fibroblasts and bovine endothelial cells, and their contraction was demonstrated in vitro. Cells in culture dishes were first treated with a low-ionic-strength extraction solution and then further extracted using detergents. With gentle washes by pipetting, the nucleus and the apical part of cells were removed. The material on the culture dish was scraped, and the freed material was forced through a hypodermic needle and fractionated by sucrose gradient centrifugation. Isolated, free-floating stress fibers stained brightly with fluorescently labeled phalloidin. When stained with anti-α-actinin or anti-myosin, isolated stress fibers showed banded staining patterns. By electron microscopy, they consisted of bundles of microfilaments, and electron-dense areas were associated with them in a semiperiodic manner. By negative staining, isolated stress fibers often exhibited gentle twisting of microfilament bundles. Focal adhesion–associated proteins were also detected in the isolated stress fiber by both immunocytochemical and biochemical means. In the presence of Mg-ATP, isolated stress fibers shortened, on the average, to 23% of the initial length. The maximum velocity of shortening was several micrometers per second. Polystyrene beads on shortening isolated stress fibers rotated, indicating spiral contraction of stress fibers. Myosin regulatory light chain phosphorylation was detected in contracting stress fibers, and a myosin light chain kinase inhibitor, KT5926, inhibited isolated stress fiber contraction. Our study demonstrates that stress fibers can be isolated with no apparent loss of morphological features and that they are truly contractile organelle.


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We have isolated the promoter region and determined the start sites of transcription for the gene encoding the chicken m2 (cm2) muscarinic acetylcholine receptor. Transfection experiments, using cm2-luciferase reporter gene constructs, demonstrated that a 789-bp genomic fragment was sufficient to drive high level expression in chicken heart primary cultures, while an additional 1.2-kb region was required for maximal expression in mouse septal/neuroblastoma (SN56) cells. Treatment of SN56 cells with the cytokines ciliary neurotrophic factor and leukemia inhibitory factor increases expression of endogenous muscarinic acetylcholine receptors and results in a 4- to 6-fold induction of cm2 promoter driven luciferase expression. We have mapped a region of the cm2 promoter that is necessary for induction by cytokines.


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Salicylic acid (SA) plays an important role in signaling the activation of plant defense responses against pathogen attack including induction of pathogenesis-related (PR) proteins. To gain further insight into the SA-mediated signal transduction pathway, we have isolated and characterized a tobacco mosaic virus (TMV)-inducible myb oncogene homolog (myb1) from tobacco. The myb1 gene was induced upon TMV infection during both the hypersensitive response and development of systemic acquired resistance in the resistant tobacco cultivar following the rise of endogenous SA, but was not activated in the susceptible cultivar that fails to accumulate SA. The myb1 gene was also induced by incompatible bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae during the hypersensitive response. Exogenous SA treatment rapidly (within 15 min) activated the expression of myb1 in both resistant and susceptible tobacco cultivars with the subsequent induction of PR genes occurring several hours later. Biologically active analogs of SA and 2,6-dichloroisonicotinic acid (a synthetic functional analog of SA), which induce PR genes and enhanced resistance, also activated the myb1 gene. In contrast, biologically inactive analogs were poor inducers of myb1 gene expression. Furthermore, the recombinant Myb1 protein was shown to specifically bind to a Myb-binding consensus sequence found in the promoter of the PR-1a gene. Taken together, these results suggest that the tobacco myb1 gene encodes a signaling component downstream of SA that may participate in transcriptional activation of PR genes and plant disease resistance.


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A compatible interaction between a plant and a pathogen is the result of a complex interplay between many factors of both plant and pathogen origin. Our objective was to identify host factors involved in this interaction. These factors may include susceptibility factors required for pathogen growth, factors manipulated by the pathogen to inactivate or avoid host defenses, or negative regulators of defense responses. To this end, we identified 20 recessive Arabidopsis mutants that do not support normal growth of the powdery mildew pathogen, Erysiphe cichoracearum. Complementation analyses indicated that four loci, designated powdery mildew resistant 1–4 (pmr1–4), are defined by this collection. These mutants do not constitutively accumulate elevated levels of PR1 or PDF1.2 mRNA, indicating that resistance is not simply due to constitutive activation of the salicylic acid- or ethylene- and jasmonic acid-dependent defense pathways. Further Northern blot analyses revealed that some mutants accumulate higher levels of PR1 mRNA than wild type in response to infection by powdery mildew. To test the specificity of the resistance, the pmr mutants were challenged with other pathogens including Pseudomonas syringae, Peronospora parasitica, and Erysiphe orontii. Surprisingly, one mutant, pmr1, was susceptible to E. orontii, a very closely related powdery mildew, suggesting that a very specific resistance mechanism is operating in this case. Another mutant, pmr4, was resistant to P. parasitica, indicating that this resistance is more generalized. Thus, we have identified a novel collection of mutants affecting genes required for a compatible interaction between a plant and a biotrophic pathogen.


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The proliferation of various tumors is inhibited by the antagonists of growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) in vitro and in vivo, but the receptors mediating the effects of GHRH antagonists have not been identified so far. Using an approach based on PCR, we detected two major splice variants (SVs) of mRNA for human GHRH receptor (GHRH-R) in human cancer cell lines, including LNCaP prostatic, MiaPaCa-2 pancreatic, MDA-MB-468 breast, OV-1063 ovarian, and H-69 small-cell lung carcinomas. In addition, high-affinity, low-capacity binding sites for GHRH antagonists were found on the membranes of cancer cell lines such as MiaPaCa-2 that are negative for the vasoactive intestinal peptide/pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide receptor (VPAC-R) or lines such as LNCaP that are positive for VPAC-R. Sequence analysis of cDNAs revealed that the first three exons in SV1 and SV2 are replaced by a fragment of retained intron 3 having a new putative in-frame start codon. The rest of the coding region of SV1 is identical to that of human pituitary GHRH-R, whereas in SV2 exon 7 is spliced out, resulting in a 1-nt upstream frameshift, which leads to a premature stop codon in exon 8. The intronic sequence may encode a distinct 25-aa fragment of the N-terminal extracellular domain, which could serve as a proposed signal peptide. The continuation of the deduced protein sequence coded by exons 4–13 in SV1 is identical to that of pituitary GHRH-R. SV2 may encode a GHRH-R isoform truncated after the second transmembrane domain. Thus SVs of GHRH-Rs have now been identified in human extrapituitary cells. The findings support the view that distinct receptors are expressed on human cancer cells, which may mediate the antiproliferative effect of GHRH antagonists.


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A bioactive macrophage factor, the polypeptide daintain/allograft inflammatory factor 1 (AIF1), has been isolated from porcine intestine. It was discovered when searching for intestinal peptides with effects on insulin release, and its purification was monitored by the influence of the peptide fractions on pancreatic glucose-induced insulin secretion. Daintain/AIF1 is a 146-aa residue polypeptide with a mass of 16,603 Da and an acetylated N terminus. An internal 44-residue segment with the sequence pattern –KR–KK–GKR– has a motif typical of peptide hormone precursors, i.e., dibasic sites for potential activation cleavages and at the sequentially last such site, the structure GKR. The latter is a signal for C-terminal amide formation in the processing of peptide hormones. Daintain/AIF1 is immunohistochemically localized to microglial cells in the central nervous system and to dendritic cells and macrophages in several organs. A particularly dense accumulation of daintain/AIF1-immunoreactive macrophages was observed in the insulitis affecting the pancreatic islets of prediabetic BB rats. When injected intravenously in mice, daintain/AIF1 at 75 pmol/kg inhibited glucose (1 g/kg)-stimulated insulin secretion, with a concomitant impairment of the glucose elimination, whereas at higher doses (7.5 and 75 nmol/kg), daintain/AIF1 potentiated glucose-stimulated insulin secretion and enhanced the glucose elimination. Its dual influence on insulin secretion in vivo at different peptide concentrations, and the abundance of macrophages expressing daintain/AIF1 in the pancreatic islets of prediabetic rats, suggest that daintain/AIF1 may have a role in connection with the pathogenesis of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.


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Allopregnanolone (ALLO), is a brain endogenous neurosteroid that binds with high affinity to γ-aminobutyric acid type A (GABAA) receptors and positively modulates the action of GABA at these receptors. Unlike ALLO, 5α-dihydroprogesterone (5α-DHP) binds with high affinity to intracellular progesterone receptors that regulate DNA transcription. To investigate the physiological roles of ALLO and 5α-DHP synthesized in brain, we have adopted a mouse model involving protracted social isolation. In the frontal cortex of mice, socially isolated for 6 weeks, both neurosteroids were decreased by approximately 50%. After administration of (17β)-17-(bis-1-methyl amino carbonyl) androstane-3,5-diene-3-carboxylic acid (SKF105,111), an inhibitor of the enzyme (5α-reductase Type I and II) that converts progesterone into 5α-DHP, the ALLO and 5α-DHP content of frontal cortex of both group-housed and socially isolated mice decreased exponentially to 10%–20% of control values in about 30 min. The fractional rate constants (k h−1) of ALLO and 5α-DHP decline multiplied by the ALLO and 5α-DHP concentrations at any given steady-state estimate the rate of synthesis required to maintain that steady state. After 6 weeks of social isolation, ALLO and 5α-DHP biosynthesis rates were decreased to 30% of the values calculated in group-housed mice. Moreover, in socially isolated mice, the expression of 5α-reductase Type I mRNA and protein was approximately 50% lower than in group-housed mice whereas 3α-hydroxysteroid oxidoreductase mRNA expression was equal in the two groups. Protracted social isolation in mice may provide a model to investigate whether 5α-DHP by a genomic action, and ALLO by a nongenomic mechanism down-regulate the action of drugs acting as agonists, partial agonists, or positive allosteric modulators of the benzodiazepine recognition sites expressed by GABAA receptors.


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Chrysanthemyl diphosphate synthase (CPPase) catalyzes the condensation of two molecules of dimethylallyl diphosphate to produce chrysanthemyl diphosphate (CPP), a monoterpene with a non-head-to-tail or irregular c1′-2-3 linkage between isoprenoid units. Irregular monoterpenes are common in Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium and related members of the Asteraceae family. In C. cinerariaefolium, CPP is an intermediate in the biosynthesis of the pyrethrin ester insecticides. CPPase was purified from immature chrysanthemum flowers, and the N terminus of the protein was sequenced. A C. cinerariaefolium λ cDNA library was screened by using degenerate oligonucleotide probes based on the amino acid sequence to identify a CPPase clone that encoded a 45-kDa preprotein. The first 50 aa of the ORF constitute a putative plastidial targeting sequence. Recombinant CPPase bearing an N-terminal polyhistidine affinity tag in place of the targeting sequence was purified to homogeneity from an overproducing Escherichia coli strain by Ni2+ chromatography. Incubation of recombinant CPPase with dimethylallyl diphosphate produced CPP. The diphosphate ester was hydrolyzed by alkaline phosphatase, and the resulting monoterpene alcohol was analyzed by GC/MS to confirm its structure. The amino acid sequence of CPPase aligns closely with that of the chain elongation prenyltransferase farnesyl diphosphate synthase rather than squalene synthase or phytoene synthase, which catalyze c1′-2-3 cyclopropanation reactions similar to the CPPase reaction.


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Plants commonly respond to pathogen infection by increasing ethylene production, but it is not clear if this ethylene does more to promote disease susceptibility or disease resistance. Ethylene production and/or responsiveness can be altered by genetic manipulation. The present study used mutagenesis to identify soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.) lines with reduced sensitivity to ethylene. Two new genetic loci were identified, Etr1 and Etr2. Mutants were compared with isogenic wild-type parents for their response to different soybean pathogens. Plant lines with reduced ethylene sensitivity developed similar or less-severe disease symptoms in response to virulent Pseudomonas syringae pv glycinea and Phytophthora sojae, but some of the mutants developed similar or more-severe symptoms in response to Septoria glycines and Rhizoctonia solani. Gene-for-gene resistance against P. syringae expressing avrRpt2 remained effective, but Rps1-k-mediated resistance against P. sojae races 4 and 7 was disrupted in the strong ethylene-insensitive etr1-1 mutant. Rps1-k-mediated resistance against P. sojae race 1 remained effective, suggesting that the Rps1-k locus may encode more than one gene for disease resistance. Overall, our results suggest that reduced ethylene sensitivity can be beneficial against some pathogens but deleterious to resistance against other pathogens.


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To visualize and isolate live dopamine (DA)-producing neurons in the embryonic ventral mesencephalon, we generated transgenic mice expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP) under the control of the rat tyrosine hydroxylase gene promoter. In the transgenic mice, GFP expression was observed in the developing DA neurons containing tyrosine hydroxylase. The outgrowth and cue-dependent guidance of GFP-labeled axons was monitored in vitro with brain culture systems. To isolate DA neurons expressing GFP from brain tissue, cells with GFP fluorescence were sorted by fluorescence-activated cell sorting. More than 60% of the sorted GFP+ cells were positive for tyrosine hydroxylase, confirming that the population had been successfully enriched with DA neurons. The sorted GFP+ cells were transplanted into a rat model of Parkinson's disease. Some of these cells survived and innervated the host striatum, resulting in a recovery from Parkinsonian behavioral defects. This strategy for isolating an enriched population of DA neurons should be useful for cellular and molecular studies of these neurons and for clinical applications in the treatment of Parkinson's disease.