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The problem of estimating the three-dimensional rotational parameters of a rigid body from its monocular image data has been considered using the method of moment invariants. Second- and third-order moment invariants are used to construct the feature vector for the scale and orientation independent identification of the camera view axis direction in the body-fixed reference frame. The camera rotation angle about the view axis is derived from second-order central moments. The relative attitude of the rigid body is then expressed in terms of quaternion parameters to model the outputs of a video sensor in attitude control simulations. Experimental results and simulation outputs are presented using the mathematical model of a spacecraft.
This study addresses the challenge of analyzing interruption in spoken interaction. It begins with my observation of eight hours of academic group work among speakers of English as a lingua franca (ELF) in a university course. Unlike the common findings of ELF research which underscore the cooperative orientation of ELF users, this particular group gave strong impressions of interruption and uncooperativeness as they prepared a scientific group presentation. In the effort to investigate these impressions, I found that no satisfactory method exists for systematically identifying and analyzing interruptions. A useful tool was found in Linear Unit Grammar or LUG (Sinclair & Mauranen 2006), which analyzes spoken interaction prospectively as linear text. In the course of transcribing one of the early group work meetings, I developed a model of LUG-based criteria for identifying individual instances of interruption. With this system in place, I was then able to evaluate the aggregate occurrences of interruption in the group work and identify co-occurring interactive features which further influenced the perception of uncooperativeness. Finally, these aggregate statistics directed a return to the data and a contextually sensitive, qualitative analysis. This research cycle illuminates the interactive features which contributed to my own impressions of uncooperativeness, as well as the group members orientations to their own interruptive practice.
Non-linear resistors having current-limiting capabilities at lower field strengths, and voltage-limiting characteristics (varistors) at higher field strengths, were prepared from sintered polycrystalline ceramics of (Ba0.6Sr0.4)(Ti0.97Zr0.03)O3+0.3 at % La, and reannealed after painting with low-melting mixtures of Bi2O3 + PbO +B2O3. These types of non-linear characteristics were found to depend upon the non-uniform diffusion of lead and the consequent distribution of Curie points (T c) in these perovskites, resulting in diffuse phase transitions. Tunnelling of electrons across the asymmetric barrier at tetragonak-cubic interfaces changes to tunnelling across the symmetric barrier as the cubic phase is fully stabilized through Joule heating at high field strengths. Therefore the current-limiting characteristics switch over to voltage-limiting behaviour because tunnelling to acceptor-type mid-bandgap states gives way to band-to-band tunnelling.
The aim of the present study was to examine the effect of hemiorchidectomy (HO) on serum FSH, LH, testosterone (T), and inhibin (INH) concentrations as well as on the testicular volume (TV) and on changes in the kinetics of germ cell turnovers in the remaining testis of adult male bonnet monkeys. Blood samples collected at 2200 h at various times before and after HO and testicular biopsies obtained at different periods were subjected to hormone analysis and DNA flow cytometry. Though serum T levels were lowered (p < 0.05) at 12 h after HO, T levels rapidly returned to intact control concentrations by Day 5. While serum LH remained unaltered, serum FSH increased markedly within 2 days of HO and remained significantly (p < 0.05) elevated over the next 90 days. Though serum INH showed a significant decrease (p < 0.05) by 15 min of HO, it returned to approximately 80% of intact levels within one week. The TV of the remaining testis showed maximal increment by Day 30 (p < 0.05) of HO. DNA flow cytometric analysis 24 days after HO showed increases (p < 0.05) in spermatogonia (2C) and primary spermatocytes (4C). These cell types by Day 45 had transformed to round (1C) and elongate (HC) (by 38%, p < 0.001) spermatids. Overall spermatogenesis (conversion of 2C to 1C and HC) showed significant enhancement at Days 110 and 175, suggesting that the spurt in spermatogenic activity is not confined to a single spermatogenic cycle.
Aiempien tutkimusten mukaan keskustayrittäjien kielteinen asenne on olennaisesti vaikeuttanut kävelykatujen toteuttamista kaupunkikeskustoissa. Yrittäjät pelkäävät ostokykyisten asiakkaiden kaikkoavan ja liikevaihtonsa pienenevän kävelykeskustauudistusten myötä. Yrittäjien kielteiset asenteet ovat usein myös painottuneet suuriin kaupunkeihin. Etenkin ydinkeskustassa sijaitsevat kadunvarsiliikeyrittäjät ovat kokeneet kävelykadut ongelmiksi. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää, mikä on ydinkeskustan kadunvarsiliikeyrittäjien näkemys Helsingin kävelykeskustan suunnittelusta, millaisena ydinkeskustan kadunvarsiliikeyrittäjät näkevät sijaintikatunsa kävelykeskustan suunnittelupäämäärien kautta tarkasteltuna, ja onko kävelykatuyrittäjien ja kävelykatujen ulkopuolella sijaitsevien yrittäjien näkemysten välillä eroja. Taustana tälle tarkastellaan Helsingin kävelykeskustaa pohjoismaisessa kontekstissa, ja käydään läpi Helsingin kävelykeskustan suunnittelun ja rakentumisen historiaa ja päämääriä. Tutkimuksen aineisto koostuu Helsingin ydinkeskustan kadunvarsiliikeyrittäjille tehdystä kyselystä, kävelykeskustoihin liittyvistä tutkimuksista ja selvityksistä, kaupunkisuunnitteluun ja -tutkimukseen liittyvästä tutkimuskirjallisuudesta, sanomalehtiartikkeleista, ydinkeskustassa tehdystä empiirisestä havainnoinnista ja kahdesta asiantuntijahaastattelusta. Kyselyaineistoa analysoidaan tutkimuksessa tilastollisten menetelmien avulla. Helsingin kävelykeskustan suunnittelu ja rakentuminen on ollut pitkällinen prosessi. Vuoden 1 989 kävelykeskustan periaatesuunnitelmasta on konkretisoitunut Kluuvikatu ja Mikonkatu. Keskustatunnelihanke on vaakalaudalla, minkä vuoksi kävelykeskustan uuden periaatesuunnitelman toteutuminen on epävarmaa. Kävelykeskustan rakentuminen kuitenkin etenee. Keskuskatu ja Kalevankadun itäpää muutetaan kävelykaduiksi ja ydinkeskustan jalankulkuympäristöä parannetaan ja kehitetään jatkuvasti. Tällä hetkellä kävelykeskustan suunnittelun painopiste on Aleksanterinkadun kortteleiden ympäristössä, ja suunnittelun tärkeimpiä päämääriä ovat viihtyisyyden, turvallisuuden, kaupallisen vetovoimaisuuden ja saavutettavuuden parantaminen. Kyselyyn vastanneiden yrittäjien mielestä kävelykeskustaa tulisi laajentaa, sillä laajemman kävelykeskustan nähdään kasvattavan liikevaihtoa ja lisäävän yleisesti ydinkeskustan vetovoimaa. Kävelykatuyrittäjien näkemykset kävelykeskustan suunnittelusta ja kehittämisestä olivat kävelykatujen ulkopuolisia yrittäjiä kielteisempiä. Em. yrittäjien asenteisiin vaikuttavat oletettavasti tutkituilla kävelykaduilla ilmenneet ongelmat. Kyse voi myös olla siitä, että uusien kävelykatujen rakentaminen haittaa kävelykatujen saavutettavuutta. Kadunvarsiliikeyrittäjien yleinen suhtautuminen kävelykeskustan kehittämiseen ja suunnittelupäämääriin on kuitenkin pääosin positiivista. Jatkotutkimuksen kannalta olisi kiinnostavaa selvittää, onko muiden ydinkeskustassa toimivien yritysten, kuten esimerkiksi tavaratalojen ja kauppakeskusten johdon ja kiinteistösijoittajien ja -omistajien suhtautuminen kävelykeskustan kehittämiseen myös positiivista. Tämän lisäksi olisi mielenkiintoista selvittää keskustan käyttäjien ja keskustassa asuvien asenteita kävelykeskustan suunnitteluun, ja verrata tuloksia tässä tutkimuksessa selvitettyihin kadunvarsiliikeyrittäjien näkemyksiin.
We propose a family of 3D versions of a smooth finite element method (Sunilkumar and Roy 2010), wherein the globally smooth shape functions are derivable through the condition of polynomial reproduction with the tetrahedral B-splines (DMS-splines) or tensor-product forms of triangular B-splines and ID NURBS bases acting as the kernel functions. While the domain decomposition is accomplished through tetrahedral or triangular prism elements, an additional requirement here is an appropriate generation of knotclouds around the element vertices or corners. The possibility of sensitive dependence of numerical solutions to the placements of knotclouds is largely arrested by enforcing the condition of polynomial reproduction whilst deriving the shape functions. Nevertheless, given the higher complexity in forming the knotclouds for tetrahedral elements especially when higher demand is placed on the order of continuity of the shape functions across inter-element boundaries, we presently emphasize an exploration of the triangular prism based formulation in the context of several benchmark problems of interest in linear solid mechanics. In the absence of a more rigorous study on the convergence analyses, the numerical exercise, reported herein, helps establish the method as one of remarkable accuracy and robust performance against numerical ill-conditioning (such as locking of different kinds) vis-a-vis the conventional FEM.
Functional Analysis of an Acid Adaptive DNA Adenine Methyltransferase from Helicobacter pylori 26695
HP0593 DNA-(N-6-adenine)-methyltransferase (HP0593 MTase) is a member of a Type III restriction-modification system in Helicobacter pylori strain 26695. HP0593 MTase has been cloned, overexpressed and purified heterologously in Escherichia coli. The recognition sequence of the purified MTase was determined as 5'-GCAG-3' and the site of methylation was found to be adenine. The activity of HP0593 MTase was found to be optimal at pH 5.5. This is a unique property in context of natural adaptation of H. pylori in its acidic niche. Dot-blot assay using antibodies that react specifically with DNA containing m6A modification confirmed that HP0593 MTase is an adenine-specific MTase. HP0593 MTase occurred as both monomer and dimer in solution as determined by gel-filtration chromatography and chemical-crosslinking studies. The nonlinear dependence of methylation activity on enzyme concentration indicated that more than one molecule of enzyme was required for its activity. Analysis of initial velocity with AdoMet as a substrate showed that two molecules of AdoMet bind to HP0593 MTase, which is the first example in case of Type III MTases. Interestingly, metal ion cofactors such as Co2+, Mn2+, and also Mg2+ stimulated the HP0593 MTase activity. Preincubation and isotope partitioning analyses clearly indicated that HP0593 MTase-DNA complex is catalytically competent, and suggested that DNA binds to the MTase first followed by AdoMet. HP0593 MTase shows a distributive mechanism of methylation on DNA having more than one recognition site. Considering the occurrence of GCAG sequence in the potential promoter regions of physiologically important genes in H. pylori, our results provide impetus for exploring the role of this DNA MTase in the cellular processes of H. pylori.
One of the fundamental questions concerning homologous recombination is how RecA or its homologues recognize several DNA sequences with high affinity and catalyze all the diverse biological activities. In this study, we show that the extent of single-stranded DNA binding and strand exchange (SE) promoted by mycobacterial RecA proteins with DNA substrates having various degrees of GC content was comparable with that observed for Escherichia coli RecA. However, the rate and extent of SE promoted by these recombinases showed a strong negative correlation with increasing amounts of sequence divergence embedded at random across the length of the donor strand. Conversely, a positive correlation was seen between SE efficiency and the degree of sequence divergence in the recipient duplex DNA. The extent of heteroduplex formation was not significantly affected when both the pairing partners contained various degrees of sequence divergence, although there was a moderate decrease in the case of mycobacterial RecA proteins with substrates containing larger amounts of sequence divergence. Whereas a high GC content had no discernible effect on E. coli RecA coprotease activity, a negative correlation was apparent between mycobacterial RecA proteins and GC content. We further show clear differences in the extent of SE promoted by E. coli and mycobacterial RecA proteins in the presence of a wide range of ATP:ADP ratios. Taken together, our findings disclose the existence of functional diversity among E. coli and mycobacterial RecA nucleoprotein filaments, and the milieu of sequence divergence (i.e., in the donor or recipient) exerts differential effects on heteroduplex formation, which has implications for the emergence of new genetic variants.
We propose a novel formulation of the points-to analysis as a system of linear equations. With this, the efficiency of the points-to analysis can be significantly improved by leveraging the advances in solution procedures for solving the systems of linear equations. However, such a formulation is non-trivial and becomes challenging due to various facts, namely, multiple pointer indirections, address-of operators and multiple assignments to the same variable. Further, the problem is exacerbated by the need to keep the transformed equations linear. Despite this, we successfully model all the pointer operations. We propose a novel inclusion-based context-sensitive points-to analysis algorithm based on prime factorization, which can model all the pointer operations. Experimental evaluation on SPEC 2000 benchmarks and two large open source programs reveals that our approach is competitive to the state-of-the-art algorithms. With an average memory requirement of mere 21MB, our context-sensitive points-to analysis algorithm analyzes each benchmark in 55 seconds on an average.
Backlund transformations relating the solutions of linear PDE with variable coefficients to those of PDE with constant coefficients are found, generalizing the study of Varley and Seymour [2]. Auto-Backlund transformations are also determined. To facilitate the generation of new solutions via Backlund transformation, explicit solutions of both classes of the PDE just mentioned are found using invariance properties of these equations and other methods. Some of these solutions are new.
A mean-field description of the glass transition in the hard-sphere system is obtained by numerically locating "glassy" minima of a model free-energy functional. These minima, characterized by inhomogeneous but aperiodic density distributions, appear as the average density is increased above the value at which equilibrium crystallization takes place. Investigations of the density distribution and local bond-orientational order at these minima yield results similar to those obtained from simulations.
The cell envelope of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tuberculosis) is composed of a variety of lipids including mycolic acids, sulpholipids, lipoarabinomannans, etc., which impart rigidity crucial for its survival and pathogenesis. Acyl CoA carboxylase (ACC) provides malonyl-CoA and methylmalonyl-CoA, committed precursors for fatty acid and essential for mycolic acid synthesis respectively. Biotin Protein Ligase (BPL/BirA) activates apo-biotin carboxyl carrier protein (BCCP) by biotinylating it to an active holo-BCCP. A minimal peptide (Schatz), an efficient substrate for Escherichia coli BirA, failed to serve as substrate for M. tuberculosis Biotin Protein Ligase (MtBPL). MtBPL specifically biotinylates homologous BCCP domain, MtBCCP87, but not EcBCCP87. This is a unique feature of MtBPL as EcBirA lacks such a stringent substrate specificity. This feature is also reflected in the lack of self/promiscuous biotinylation by MtBPL. The N-terminus/HTH domain of EcBirA has the selfbiotinable lysine residue that is inhibited in the presence of Schatz peptide, a peptide designed to act as a universal acceptor for EcBirA. This suggests that when biotin is limiting, EcBirA preferentially catalyzes, biotinylation of BCCP over selfbiotinylation. R118G mutant of EcBirA showed enhanced self and promiscuous biotinylation but its homologue, R69A MtBPL did not exhibit these properties. The catalytic domain of MtBPL was characterized further by limited proteolysis. Holo-MtBPL is protected from proteolysis by biotinyl-59 AMP, an intermediate of MtBPL catalyzed reaction. In contrast, apo-MtBPL is completely digested by trypsin within 20 min of co-incubation. Substrate selectivity and inability to promote self biotinylation are exquisite features of MtBPL and are a consequence of the unique molecular mechanism of an enzyme adapted for the high turnover of fatty acid biosynthesis.