985 resultados para Lane, Benjamin Ingersol, 1797-1875.
From the Englightenment to the middle of the 19th century, geological time and the antiquity of human beings received ever growing attention. This was caused by a series of events, such as: *the beginnings of experimentation in Geology (Buffon, 1778) *the development of the transformism (Lamarck, 1809) *the recognition and description of extinct animals (Cuvier, 1812) *as well as the studies made in alluvial deposits, caves and gravel beds, with brought to light artefacts, human rest and bone of extinguished animals (from John Frere, 1797, to Albert Gaudry, 1859). The development towards evolutionism (Darwin, 1859) came gradually. In Spain, all these currents found their echo: Spain, e.g. was the third country where the Palaeolithic remains were discovered (Verneuil and Lartet, 1863). Also the Darwin ideas were introduced forcefully, right from the beginning. But the change in worldview, which was prerequisite to these ideas, lead to polemic controversies in the political and religious realm. The most significant evidence was the official prohibition of the teaching Darwinism in public educational centres (1875). At theological level, thanks to the advance of the geologic knowledge, went leaving the literal interpretations of Biblical texts was eventually discontinued and replaced by more liberal interpretation. In some case, the process was difficult because some political, religious and scientific authors and researchers didn’t understand the new scientific ideas.
Speed enforcement on public roadways is an important issue in order to guarantee road security and to reduce the number and seriousness of traffic accidents. Traditionally, this task has been partially solved using radar and/or laser technologies and, more recently, using video-camera based systems. All these systems have significant shortcomings that have yet to be overcome. The main drawback of classical Doppler radar technology is that the velocity measurement fails when several vehicles are in the radars beam. Modern radar systems are able to measure speed and range between vehicle and radar. However, this is not enough to discriminate the lane where the vehicle is driving on. The limitation of several vehicles in the beam is overcome using laser technology. However, laser systems have another important limitation: They cannot measure the speed of several vehicles simultaneously. Novel video-camera systems, based on license plate identification, solve the previous drawbacks, but they have the problem that they can only measure average speed but never top-speed. This paper studies the feasibility of using an interferometric linear frequency modulated continuous wave radar to improve top-speed enforcement on roadways. Two different systems based on down-the-road and across-the-road radar configurations are presented. The main advantage of the proposed solutions is they can simultaneously measure speed, range, and lane of several vehicles, allowing the univocal identification of the offenders. A detailed analysis about the operation and accuracy of these solutions is reported. In addition, the feasibility of the proposed techniques has been demonstrated with simulations and real experiments using a Ka-band interferometric radar developed by our research group.
A research has been carried out in two-lanehighways in the Madrid Region to propose an alternativemodel for the speed-flowrelationship using regular loop data. The model is different in shape and, in some cases, slopes with respect to the contents of Highway Capacity Manual (HCM). A model is proposed for a mountainous area road, something for which the HCM does not provide explicitly a solution. The problem of a mountain road with high flows to access a popular recreational area is discussed, and some solutions are proposed. Up to 7 one-way sections of two-lanehighways have been selected, aiming at covering a significant number of different characteristics, to verify the proposed method the different classes of highways on which the Manual classifies them. In order to enunciate the model and to verify the basic variables of these types of roads a high number of data have been used. The counts were collected in the same way that the Madrid Region Highway Agency performs their counts. A total of 1.471 hours have been collected, in periods of 5 minutes. The models have been verified by means of specific statistical test (R2, T-Student, Durbin-Watson, ANOVA, etc.) and with the diagnostics of the contrast of assumptions (normality, linearity, homoscedasticity and independence). The model proposed for this type of highways with base conditions, can explain the different behaviors as traffic volumes increase, and follows a polynomial multiple regression model of order 3, S shaped. As secondary results of this research, the levels of service and the capacities of this road have been measured with the 2000 HCM methodology, and the results discussed. © 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Hay un ejemplar encuadernado con: El Mejor Padre del Mundo (NP24-25/340).
Sign. : []4, A-G4
Hay un ejemplar encuadernado con: Sermon en la Solemne fiesta que en honra de la canonización de S. Josef de Calasanz, fundador de las Escuelas Pias celebró la ... Parroquia de los Santos Juanes (NP08/35).
Descripción basada en: Almud. Revista de Estudios de Castilla-La Mancha. Núm. 3 (1980), pp. 121-133
Sumario: Homilia manuscrita basada en ese versículo de san Lucas: "Señor, que vea ... Jesus, Hijo de David, ten compasión de mí"
Esc. real en port.
Sign.: []4
El pie de imp. consta en colofón
Fecha y lugar de imp. constan en tít