988 resultados para Landwirthschaftlicher Central-Verein der Provinz Sachsen


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"St. Gallische Literatur aus dem Jahre 1888": p. [39]-44.


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"Mitteilungsblatt für deutsches Archivwesen."


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Includes section "Neue Literatur" (Earlier, "Literatur") which forms a separate vol., 1902-19.


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At head of title: Zur Feier der silbernen Hochzeit des allerhÃchsten Kaiserpaares.


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von Dr. M. Horovitz, Rabbiner ; herausgegeben vom Verein zur Pflege jüd. Wissens


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Xaverius, Hieronymus Friedrich von Stammer, Gottlob Benedict Lochmann


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The uniform triangulation of the whole glacierized area of the Eastern Cordillera of Bolivia provided the first comparable geometrie basis for an accurate photogrammetric height evaluation of glaciers in the mountain range from the far south up to the Peruvian border. A total of 1775 glaciers, larger than 0.1 ha, were recorded in 16 mountain ranges ofthe East- ern Cordillera. Snow lines in the outer tropics can now be analysed with an accuracy of European standards. In spite of the widemeshed network of meteorological stations this allows a more pre- eise climatic differentiation to be made, particularly at high altitude sites. The methods and results of the analysis are described. Because of these results it becomes necessary to revise and refine previous concepts of the spatial distribution of climatic phenomena. Characteristics of glaciers in the Bolivian Cordillera obviously depend on the NE to SW decline in precipitation. The snow lines which are found at an altitude of 4500 m on the north- eastern slope directed towards the Yungas climb up to 5200 m on the lee slope towards the Alti- plano. The N to S increase in snowline elevation is not as significant as expected. With some res- ervation a 100 m fall in the snowline elevation in the Bolivian Cordillera can be explained by an increase in precipitation of about 50 mm.


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Cuttings of Lower and Middle Keuper sediments of the INFLUINS-drilling in the central Thuringian Syncline were geochemically analysed. Indications about shifting depositional environments are interpreted from ratios of whole-rock element contents. For the middle part of sandstone cycle S 2 high heavy metal contents imply precipitation of sufidic ores during a short marine interval. Element contents are compared with potential source rocks in the southern part of the Baltic Shield, in the Lausitz Anticline Zone, in the Erzgebirge, in the moldanubian part, in the broad sense, of the Bohemian Massif, in the Münchberg Gneiss Massif and the Fichtelgebirge. The geochemical coincidence of investigated Keuper sediments is highest with grantioid and gabbroic rocks of southern Scandinavia. Granodiorite rocks of the Lausitz are also possible sources, whereas granites of the Fichtelgebirge and the Bohemian Massif are less probable.


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We performed bird predation experiments (dummy experiments), using artificial prey and bird community data to investigate the importance of predator diversity vs. predator identity in cacao agroforestry landscapes. All sample sites were situated at the northern tip of Napu Valley in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. After an initial mapping of the study area, we selected 15 smallholder cacao plantations as sites for our exclosure experiments in March 2010. For our predation experiment, we selected 10 (out of 15) study sites and 5 cacao trees per site for the application of artificial prey for birds (dummy caterpillars made of plasticine). Our study trees (numbered from 1 to 5 per site) were randomly chosen and we kept spacing of at least two unmanipulated cacao trees between two study trees to avoid clumped distribution. To quantify both daytime/diurnal predation and night-time/nocturnal predation (e.g. birds vs. bats), we applied 7 caterpillar dummies on all study trees and controlled them for predation marks in the early morning (05:00-06:00 am), in the evening (17:00-18:00 pm) and in the early morning on the next day (completing one survey round). In total, we performed four survey rounds per study site (in June and July 2011). The caterpillar dummies were always applied in the same order and on three different parts of each cacao study tree: One 'control dummy' (located on first branching of the cacao tree); 3 'branch dummies' (located on one main branch coming from first branching; 20-25 cm between single dummies) and 3 'leaf dummies' (3 medium aged cacao trees adjacent to main branch were selected and single dummies placed in the center of each cacao leaf). The different positions were chosen to control for different foraging modes of predators (e.g. branch gleaners versus leaf gleaners). During day- and nighttime surveys, we controlled if the dummy caterpillars were still present in their original position, if they were absent and could not be relocated on the ground or if they were fallen to the ground, but could still be recorded. Eaten dummies were counted as 1 mark usually, except for those dummies, where two or more different kind of arthropods had eaten parts of the dummy (2 marks or more). Other predation marks were added to this number. For each dummy, we counted the total number of different predation marks. We focused on predation marks that could be identified with certainty (based on preliminary observations and/or literature): marks of birds, rodents and snails. Finally, we analysed the relationship of bird predation marks and bird community parameters (abundance vs. diversity), as well as effects of local and landscape management on the avian predation success.


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This article intends to study the evolution of the European Union foreign policy in the Southern Caucasus and Central Area throughout the Post-Cold War era. The aim is to analyze Brusselsâ fundamental interests and limitations in the area, the strategies it has implemented in the last few years, and the extent to which the EU has been able to undermine the regional hegemonsâ traditional supremacy. As will be highlighted, the Communityâs chronic weaknesses, the local determination to preserve sovereignty and an increasing international geopolitical competition undermine any European aspiration to become a pre-eminent actor at the heart of the Eurasian continent in the near future.


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The detailed, rich and diverse Argaric funerary record offers an opportunity to explore social dimensions that usually remain elusive for prehistoric research, such us social rules on kinship rights and obligations, sexual tolerance and the role of funerary practices in preserving the economic and political organization. This paper addresses these topics through an analysis of the social meaning of Argaric double tombs by looking at body treatment and composition of grave goods assemblages according to gender and class affiliation. The Argaric seems to have been a conservative society, scarcely tolerant regarding homosexuality, and willing to celebrate ancestry associated to certain places as a means of asserting residence and property rights.


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Este artículo investiga algunos de los valores plásticos y estéticos que presidieron la selección y la preparación de las materias colorantes empleadas para iluminar los códices creados por los nahuas del México Central durante el Posclásico Tardío. Estos códices son interesantes porque análisis arqueométricos y exámenes codicológicos recientes han permitido conocer la materialidad de su capa pictórica, así como las características formales y el comportamiento de los colores en estas obras. Uno de los aportes trascendentales de estos estudios ha sido averiguar que la paleta cromática que sirvió para pintar los códices del México Central era principalmente de origen orgánico, lo que contrasta con la naturaleza de los pigmentos detectados en restos de pintura mural y en esculturas creadas por los nahuas que son sobre todo minerales. El objetivo de este artículo es reflexionar sobre las razones de esas diferencias y demostrar que el uso de los colorantes orgánicos en los códices respondía a un fin plástico específico que concordaba con el canon estético imperante en la sociedad náhuatl.