OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence and other epidemiological characteristics of congenital heart diseases. METHODS: A retrospective population based study of children who were born in Londrina, from January '89 to December '98 (80,262 live births). Diagnoses were confirmed through autopsy, surgery, catheterization, or echocardiography. RESULTS: A total of 441 patients was as certained what corresponds to a prevalence of 5.494:1,000 live births. Ventricular septal defect was the commonest lesion. A small number of transpositions of the great vessels and of left ventricular hypoplasia was observed. A high propation of ventricular septal defect (28.3%) and atrioventricular septal defects (8.1%) occurred. Fifty-one (11.35%) affected children had syndromic diseases and 52 (12.01%) children had nonsyndromic anomalies. CONCLUSION: The prevalence of congenital heart diseases in Londrina is in accordance with that of other regions of the globe. This prevalence also may reflect the reality in the southern region of Brazil, because population characteristics are very similar in the 3 southernmost Brazilian states.
OBJECTIVE: To describe echocardiographic measurements and left ventricular mass in a population sample of healthy adults inhabitants of the urban region of Porto Alegre. METHODS: An analytical, observational, population-based, cross-sectional study was done. Through a multi-stage probability sample, 114 individuals were selected to be submitted to a M-mode and two-dimensional echocardiogram with color Doppler. The analyses were restricted to healthy participants. Echocardiographic measurements were described by mean, standard deviation, 95 percentile and 95% confidence limits. RESULTS: A total of 100 healthy participants, with several characteristics similar to those from the original population, had a complete and reliable echocardiographic examination. The measurements of aorta, left atrium, interventricular septum, left ventricle in systole and diastole, left posterior wall and left ventricular mass, adjusted or not for body surface area or height, were significantly higher in males. The right ventricle size was similar among the genders. Several echocardiographic measurements were within standard normal limits. Interventricular septum, left posterior wall and left ventricular mass, adjusted or not for anthropometric measurements, and aortic dimensions had lower mean and range than the reference limits. CONCLUSION: The means and estimates of distribution for the measurements of interventricular septum, left posterior wall and left ventricular mass found in this survey were lower than those indicated by the international literature and accepted as normal limits.
OBJECTIVE: To assess by Doppler echocardiography the structural and functional alterations of rat heart with surgical induced extensive myocardial infarction. METHODS: Five weeks after surgical ligature of the left coronary artery, 38 Wistar-EPM rats of both sexes, 10 of them with extensive infarction, undergone anatomical and functional evaluation by Doppler echocardiography and then euthanized for anatomopathological analysis. RESULTS: Echocardiography was 100% sensible and specific to anatomopathological confirmed extensive miocardial infarction. Extensive infarction lead to dilatation of left ventricle (diastolic diameter: 0.89cm vs.0.64cm; systolic: 0.72cm vs. 0.33cm) and left atrium (0.55cm vs. 0.33cm); thinning of left ventricular anterior wall (systolic: 0.14cm vs. 0.23cm, diastolic: 0.11cm vs. 0.14cm); increased mitral E/ A wave relation (6.45 vs. 1.95). Signals of increased end diastolic ventricle pressure, B point in mitral valve tracing in 62.5% and signs of pulmonary hypertension straightening of pulmonary valve (90%) and notching of pulmonary systolic flow (60%) were observed in animals with extensive infarction. CONCLUSION: Doppler echocardiography has a high sensitivity and specificity for detection of chronic extensive infarction. Extensive infarction caused dilatation of left cardiac chambers and showed in Doppler signals of increased end diastolic left ventricular pressure and pulmonary artery pressure.
OBJECTIVE: To describe a surgical procedure utilizing a malleable bovine pericardium ring in mitral valve repair and clinical and echodopplercadiographic results. METHODS: Thirty-two (25 female and 7 male) patients, aged between 9 and 66 (M=36.4±17.2) years, were studied over a 16-month period, with 100% follow-up. In 23 (72%) of the patients, the mitral approach was the only one applied; 9 patients underwent associated operations. The technique applied consisted of measuring the perimeter of the anterior leaflet and implanting, according to this measurement, a flexible bovine pericardium prosthesis for reinforcement and conformation of the posterior mitral annulus, reducing it to the perimeter of the anterior leaflet with adjustment of the valve apparatus. RESULTS: The patient survival ratio was 93.8%, with 2 (6.2%) fatal outcomes, one from unknown causes, the other due to left ventricular failure. Only one reoperation was performed. On echodopplercardiography, 88% of the patients had functional recovery of the mitral valve (50% without and 38% with mild insufficiency and no hemodynamic repercussions). Of four (12%) of the remaining patients, 6% had moderate and 6% had seigre insufficiency. Twenty-eight percent of class II patients and 72% of class III patients passed into classes I (65%), II (32%), and III (3%), according to NYHA classification criteria. CONCLUSION: Being flexible, the bovine pericardium ring fit perfectly into the valve annulus, taking into account its geometry and contractility. Valve repair was shown to be reproducible, demonstrating significant advantages during patient evolution, which did not require anticoagulation measures.
PURPOSE: To evaluate 2 left ventricular mass index (LVMI) normality criteria for the prevalence of left ventricular geometric patterns in a hypertensive population ( HT ) . METHODS: 544 essential hypertensive patients, were evaluated by echocardiography, and different left ventricular hypertrophy criteria were applied: 1 - classic : men - 134 g/m² and women - 110 g/m² ; 2- obtained from the 95th percentil of LVMI from a normotensive population (NT). RESULTS: The prevalence of 4 left ventricular geometric patterns, respectively for criteria 1 and 2, were: normal geometry - 47.7% and 39.3%; concentric remodelying - 25.4% and 14.3%; concentric hypertrophy - 18.4% and 27.7% and excentric hypertrophy - 8.8% and 16.7%, which confered abnormal geometry to 52.6% and 60.7% of hypertensive. The comparative analysis between NT and normal geometry hypertensive group according to criteria 1, detected significative stuctural differences,"( *p < 0.05):LVMI- 78.4 ± 1.50 vs 85.9 ±0.95 g/m² *; posterior wall thickness -8.5 ± 0.1 vs 8.9 ± 0.05 mm*; left atrium - 33.3 ± 0.41 vs 34.7 ± 0.30 mm *. With criteria 2, significative structural differences between the 2 groups were not observed. CONCLUSION: The use of a reference population based criteria, increased the abnormal left ventricular geometry prevalence in hypertensive patients and seemed more appropriate for left ventricular hypertrophy detection and risk stratification.
OBJECTIVE: To verify whether the guidelines for the treatment of heart failure have been adopted at a university hospital. The guidelines recommend the following: use of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors for all patients with systolic ventricular dysfunction, use of digitalis and diuretics for symptomatic patients, use of beta-blockers for patients in functional classes II or III, use of spironolactone for patients in functional classes III or IV. METHODS: We analyzed the prescriptions of 199 patients. All these patients had ejection fraction (EF) <=0.50, their ages ranged from 25 to 86 years, and 142 were males. Cardiomyopathy was the most frequent diagnosis: 67 (33.6%) patients had dilated cardiomyopathy, 65 (32.6%) had ischemic cardiomyopathy. RESULTS: Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors were prescribed for 93% of the patients. 71.8% also had a prescription for digitalis, 86.9% for diuretics, 27.6% for spironolactone, 12% for beta-blockers, 37.2% for acetylsalicylic acid, 6.5% for calcium channel antagonists, and 12.5% for anticoagulants. In regard to vasodilators, 71% of the patients were using captopril (85.2mg/day), 20% enalapril (21.4mg/day), 3% hydralazine and nitrates. In 71.8% of the cases, the dosages prescribed were in accordance with those recommended in the large studies. CONCLUSION: Most patients were prescribed the same doses as those recommended in the large studies. Brazilian patients tolerate well the doses recommended in the studies, and that not using these doses may be a consequence of the physician's fear of prescribing them and not of the patient's intolerance.
OBJECTIVE: To identify and associate potential electrocardiographic and echocardiographic changes in patients with the indeterminate form of Chagas' disease during long-term follow-up. METHODS: One hundred sixty patients underwent standard electrocardiography and two-dimensional guided M-mode echocardiography for left ventricular ejection fraction determination. Patients were followed up for 98.6±30.4 months, undergoing repeat electrocardiographic studies at 6-month intervals and echocardiographic studies at 12-month intervals. RESULTS: Based on the electrocardiographic findings, the patients were divided into group I, 125 patients (78.6%) with normal electrocardiograms throughout follow-up, and group II, 34 patients (21.3%) who developed electrocardiographic changes. Group II was further divided into group IIA (9 patients, 5.6%) with permanent electrocardiographic changes, group IIB (14 patients, 8.8%) with transitory electrocardiographic changes, and group IIC (11 patients, 6.9%) with changes appearing only on the final electrocardiogram. Left ventricular ejection fractions remained normal in the entire population studied and did not differ among groups. CONCLUSION: The indeterminate form of Chagas' disease clearly represents a benign condition with a favorable long-term prognosis. Although some patients develop electrocardiographic changes, left ventricular systolic function is well preserved.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the immediate results of percutaneous mechanical mitral commissurotomy. METHODS: Thirty patients underwent percutaneous mechanical mitral commissurotomy performed with a Cribier's metallic valvulotome from 8/11/99 to 2/4/00. Mean age was 30.7 years, and 73.3% were women. With regards to functional class, 63.3% were class III, and 36.7% were class IV. The echocardiographic score had a mean value of 7.5± 1.8. RESULTS: The mitral valve area increased from 0.97±0.15cm² to 2.16±0.50cm² (p>0.0001). The mean diastolic gradient decreased from 17.9±5.0mmHg to 3.2±1.4mmHg. The mean left atrial pressure decreased from 23.6±5.4mmHg to 8.6±3.1mmHg, (p>0.0001). Systolic pressure in the pulmonary artery decreased from 52.7±18.3mmHg to 32.2±7.4mmHg. Twenty-nine cases were successful. One patient developed severe mitral regurgitation. Interatrial septal defect was observed and one patient. One patient had cardiac tamponade due to left ventricular perforation. No deaths occurred. CONCLUSION: This method has proven to be safe and efficient in the treatment of rheumatic mitral stenosis. The potential advantage is that it can be used multiple times after sterilization, which decreases procedural costs significantly.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate elastic properties of conduit arteries in asymptomatic patients who have severe chronic aortic regurgitation. METHODS: Twelve healthy volunteers aged 30±1 years (control group) and 14 asymptomatic patients with severe aortic regurgitation aged 29±2 years and left ventricular ejection fraction of 0.61±0.02 (radioisotope ventriculography) were studied. High-resolution ultrasonography was performed to measure the systolic and diastolic diameters of the common carotid artery. Simultaneous measurement of blood pressure enabled the calculation of arterial compliance and distensibility. RESULTS: No differences were observed between patients with aortic regurgitation and the control group concerning age, sex, body surface, and mean blood pressure. Pulse pressure was significantly higher in the aortic regurgitation group compared with that in the control group (78±3 versus 48±1mmHg, P<0.01). Arterial compliance and distensibility were significantly greater in the aortic regurgitation group compared with that in the control group (11.0±0.8 versus 8.1±0.7 10-10 N-1 m4, P=0.01 e and 39.3±2.6 versus 31.1±2.0 10-6 N-1 m², P=0.02, respectively). CONCLUSION: Patients with chronic aortic regurgitation have increased arterial distensibility. Greater vascular compliance, to lessen the impact of systolic volume ejected into conduit arteries, represents a compensatory mechanism in left ventricular and arterial system coupling.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the relationship between 24-hour ambulatory arterial blood pressure monitoring and the prognosis of patients with advanced congestive heart failure. METHODS: We studied 38 patients with NYHA functional class IV congestive heart failure, and analyzed left ventricular ejection fraction, diastolic diameter, and ambulatory blood pressure monitoring data. RESULTS: Twelve deaths occurred. Left ventricular ejection fraction (35.2±7.3%) and diastolic diameter (72.2±7.8mm) were not correlated with the survival. The mean 24-hour (SBP24), waking (SBPw), and sleeping (SBPs) systolic pressures of the living patients were higher than those of the deceased patients and were significant for predicting survival. Patients with mean SBP24, SBPv, and SBPs > or = 105mmHg had longer survival (p=0.002, p=0.01 and p=0.0007, respectively). Patients with diastolic blood pressure sleep decrements (dip) and patients with mean blood pressure dip <=6mmHg had longer survival (p=0.04 and p=0.01, respectively). In the multivariate analysis, SBPs was the only variable with an odds ratio of 7.61 (CI: 1.56; 3704) (p=0.01). Patients with mean SBP<105mmHg were 7.6 times more likely to die than those with SBP > or = 105 mmHg CONCLUSION: Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring appears to be a useful method for evaluating patients with congestive heart failure.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the effects of weight reduction with 10mg of sibutramine or placebo on blood pressure during 24 hours (ambulatory blood pressure monitoring), on left ventricular mass, and on antihypertensive therapy in 86 obese and hypertensive patients for 6 months. METHODS: The patients underwent echocardiography, ambulatory blood pressure monitoring, and measurement of the levels of hepatic enzymes prior to and after treatment with sibutramine or placebo. RESULTS: The group using sibutramine had a greater weight loss than that using placebo (6.7% versus 2.5%; p<0.001), an increase in heart rate (78.3±7.3 to 82±7.9 bpm; p=0.02), and a reduction in the left ventricular mass/height index (105±29.3 versus 96.6±28.58 g/m; p=0.002). Both groups showed similar increases in the levels of alkaline phosphatase and comparable adjustments in antihypertensive therapy; blood pressure, however, did not change. CONCLUSION: The use of sibutramine caused weight loss and a reduction in left ventricular mass in obese and hypertensive patients with no interference with blood pressure or with antihypertensive therapy.
OBJECTIVE: To analyze the heart rate variability in patients with mild to moderate systemic arterial hypertension. METHODS: Thirty-two healthy (group I) and 70 systemic arterial hypertensive (group II) individuals, divided according to age (40 to 59 and 60 to 80 years old, respectively) and with a similar distribution by sex were studied. Thirty-one had left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH), 22 were overweight, and 16 had Type II diabetes mellitus. Smoking, alcohol ingestion, and sedentary habits were the same between groups. Variability in heart rate was analyzed in the time domain, using standard deviations of normal RR intervals (SDNN) and the differences between maximal brady- and tachycardia (D-BTmax) during sustained inspiration. Analysis of the frequency band of the power spectrum between 0.05 and 0.40 Hz at rest and during controlled respiration was chosen for analysis of the frequency domain. RESULTS: In both time and frequency domains, variables were lower in group II than in group I. Within groups, statistically significant variables were only found for individuals in the 40 to 59 year old group. The presence of LVH, overweight, or diabetes mellitus did not influence the variability in heart rate to a significant extent. CONCLUSION: Variability in heart rate was a valuable instrument for analyzing autonomic modulation of the heart in arterial hypertension. The autonomic system undergoes significant losses in cardio-modulatory capacity, more evident in subjects between 40 and 59 years old. In those over 60 years old, reduced variability in heart rate imposed by aging was not significantly influenced by the presence of systemic arterial hypertension.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the clinical meaning of ascites and the main features of patients with ascites and endomyocardial fibrosis. METHODS: We studied 166 patients with endomyocardial fibrosis (mean age 37 years, 114 women) treated over the last 20 years. Ventriculography findings, surgery or necropsy confirmed the diagnosis in all patients. Most patients belonged to New York Heart Association Functional Class III/IV (134, 83.7%). Eighty-one (50.6%) had biventricular, 28 (17.5%) had right ventricular, and 51 (31.8%) had left ventricular involvement. During follow-up, 56 patients died. RESULTS: Ascites was present in 67 (41.8%) patients, and right ventricular involvement was present in 59 (88%). In the comparison between patients with or without ascites, those with ascites had higher mortality (49.2% and 24.7%, respectively). Patients with ascites had a higher incidence of edema (95% vs. 43%), hepatomegaly (5.8cm vs. 4.1cm), mean right atrium pressure (19.3 vs. 12mmHg), and final right ventricle diastolic pressure (18.7 vs. 12.9mmHg). Also, patients with ascites had a longer history of illness (5.1 and 3.9 years, respectively) and had atrial fibrillation more frequently (44.7% vs. 30.1%). CONCLUSION: Ascites was observed in less than 50% of cases of endomyocardial fibrosis and was associated with greater involvement of the right ventricle and with a longer duration of the disease, thus being a characteristic of a worse prognosis.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the association between cardiovascular risk factors and acute myocardial infarction as the first manifestation of ischemic heart disease, correlating them with coronary angiographic findings. METHODS: We carried out a cross-sectional study of 104 patients with previous acute myocardial infarction, who were divided into 2 groups according to the presence or absence of angina prior to acute myocardial infarction. We assessed the presence of angina preceding acute myocardial infarction and risk factors, such as age >55 years, male sex, smoking, systemic arterial hypertension, lipid profile, diabetes mellitus, obesity, sedentary lifestyle, and familial history of ischemic heart disease. On coronary angiography, the severity of coronary heart disease and presence of left ventricular hypertrophy were assessed. RESULTS: Of the 104 patients studied, 72.1% were males, 90.4% were white, 73.1% were older than 55 years, and 53.8% were hypertensive. Acute myocardial infarction was the first manifestation of ischemic heart disease in 49% of the patients. The associated risk factors were systemic arterial hypertension (RR=0.19; 95% CI=0.06-0.59; P=0.04) and left ventricular hypertrophy (RR=0.27; 95% CI=0,.8-0.88; P=0.03). The remaining risk factors were not statistically significant. CONCLUSION: Prevalence of acute myocardial infarction as the first manifestation of ischemic heart disease is high, approximately 50%. Hypertensive individuals more frequently have symptoms preceding acute myocardial infarction, probably due to ventricular hypertrophy associated with high blood pressure levels.
OBJECTIVE - To evaluate the Coronary Flow Reserve in the Coronary Sinus through transesophageal Doppler echocardiography in normal subjects. METHODS - We obtained technically adequate flow samples for analysis in 10 healthy volunteers (37±8 years, 5 men) with no history of heart or systemic disease and with mean left ventricular mass index by transthoracic echocardiography of 87±18 g/m². Coronary sinus flow velocity was recorded within the coronary sinus with the patient in a resting condition and during intravenous adenosine infusion at a dose of 140 µg/kg/min for 4 minutes. Recording of coronary sinus blood flow was possible in all cases with measurement of peak systolic, diastolic, and retrograde velocities (PSV, PDV, and PRV, cm/sec), mean systolic and diastolic velocities (MSV and MDV, cm/sec), and systolic and diastolic velocity time integral (VTI S and VTI D, cm/sec). RESULTS - The coronary flow reserve was calculated as the ratio between the blood flow in the basal state and the maximum measured hyperemic blood flow with adenosine infusion. Results are shown as mean and standard deviations. (CFR = PSV + PDV -- PRV/basal PSV): 1st min = 2.2±0.21; 2nd min = 3±0.3; 3rd min = 3.4±0.37; 4th min = 3.6 ± 0.33. CONCLUSION - Although coronary sinus flow had significantly increased in the first minute, higher velocities were seen at third and fourth minutes, indicating that these should be the best times to study coronary sinus flow with intravenous adenosine in continuous infusion.