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Distribution of zooplankton along two transects at Karwar and Ratnagiri, west coast of India, was studied. The standing stock of zooplankton was relatively high in the neritic zone with the highest value [358 ml/100 m super(3)] in the area off Ratnagiri due to the aggregation of fish larvae and hydromedusae. Maximum zooplankton production in these areas was noticed with the low temperature and low dissolved oxygen during postmonsoon season. At Karwar the highest biomass [188 ml/100 m super(3)] was observed from the nearshore station due to swarms of the cladoceran Penilia avirostris and the pteropod Cresis acicula when the salinity was low. The fluctuations in numerical abundance and percentage composition of all the major planktonic groups are discussed. The fishery of these areas is compared with the zooplankton standing stock.


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Distribution and seasonal variation of decapod larvae were studied from 8 stations off Versova and Mahim during Nov. 1979 to Dec. 1980. Decapod larvae were encountered throughout the year contributing 7.27% of total zooplankton. Numerically, they were more to Versova (av. 1766/100 m super(3)) than Mahim (av. 970/100 m super(3)). Acetes) spp. were common along both the transects. They were represented by Acetes indicus, A. siibogae and A. erythraeus. The effect of physico-chemical parameters in the occurrence of decapod larvae is discussed.


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Live food organisms play a vital role in the artificial propagation of penaeid prawn seeds. The methods practiced for the culture of phyto and zooplankton for rearing prawn larvae through their various developmental stages are reviewed. Selection of a suitable species depends mainly on the culture characteristics, local environmental factors and the food requirements of the species of prawns cultured. Suitability of a few species isolated from Karwar waters is discussed.


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Unknown larval stages of Tylosurus strongylurus and Sphyraena jello have been traced from Vellar Estuary, Porto Novo (lat. 11 degree 29'N; long. 79 degree 46' E). Descriptions of different stages (7-17.5 mm T. strongylurus, and 18 and 22.5 mm S. jello) are given. A thorough ichthyoplankton survey for 2 years (Nov. 1977-Oct. 1979) in the estuary revealed that these larvae were very rare in the estuary and were caught on the occasion (Nov. 1978) only.


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The early embryonic and larval stages of Opisthopterus tardoore are described and discussed. The developing 3 eggs of stages up to 21hrs after collection and larvae up to 118hrs after hatching were reared in the laboratory. Seasonal occurrence of the eggs in the Vellar estuary, Porto Novo (lat. 11 29'N; 79 degree 46'E) was recorded for a period of 2 years (Nov. 1977 to Oct. 1979). Variation in myotomic counts in the larvae is critically reviewed with earlier works.


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The treatment of sodium bicarbonate at the dosage of 100 to 1000 mg/litre has been tested experimentally on the hatching and postembryonic growth of Brachydanio rerio, Cyprinus carpio, Labeo rohita, Cirrhinus mrigala and Catla catla. Lower dosages of 100 to 200 mg have been found to reduce the hatching period, yolk absorption period and improve the survival and growth of the post embryonic larvae. The higher dosages of 500 to 1000 mg has been found to reduce the hatching percentage and post embryonic growth of the larvae. The findings indicate that application of sodium bicarbonate in the hatchery and nursery management of carps in the lower dosages of 100 to 200 mg/L to improve hatching and postembryonic growth.


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Microalgae play an important role in conditioning water quality for penaeid larval culture. Recently it has been demonstrated that a modification of the green water larval culture system (Ling, 1969) for Macrobrachium allows the production of post larvae without any water change, despite extensive use of artificial feeds (Ang and Cheah, 1986). Increase of toxic metabolites such as ammonia and nitride are also common in penaeid larval culture, especially where excessive amounts of artifial feeds are employed. Present work examines the use of six marine microalgae at four cell concentrations as a "biological filter" system, to control and detoxify levels of ammonia and nitrite in P. monodon larval culture water whilst using artificial diet. Preliminary results indicate that amongst the six algal species tested, C. japonica at 1000 cell μlˉ¹ was most effective in reducing accumulated toxic metabolites from an unchanged culture water environment.


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Seasonal variations in the occurrence and abundance of penaeid prawn larvae in the Mandovi and Zuari estuaries of Goa were studied. Larvae and post-larvae of commercially important species viz. Metapenaeus dobsoni (Miers), M.affinis (H. Milne Edwards). M. Monoceros (Fabricius), Penaeus merguiensis de Man and Parapenaeopsis stylifera (H. Milne Edwards) were recorded in that order of abundance. Protozoea and mysis stages were dominant in surface zooplankton collections while the post-larvae were more in the bottom samples. Based on larval density, M. dobsoni appeared to be a continuous breeder. The active spawning periods in other species were during the late post-monsoon and pre-monsoon seasons varying with the species. Peak recruitment of post-larvae in the estuaries was observed mostly during southwest monsoon months (June to September). Penaeid prawn larval ingression was more in the Zuari estuary compared to the Mandovi estuary. Their numerical abundance gradually decreased towards the upstream areas. The feasibility of large scale collection of penaeid prawn larvae for aquaculture is indicated.


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Relative abundance and diurnal variations of zooplankton from six anchor stations along Kerala coast were investigated. Samples were collected during April-May 1988 at three hour intervals from depths varying between 15 and 40 m from the traditional fishing grounds of Kerala coast. Average biomass values ranged from 45-95 ml 100/mˉ³. Increase in zooplankton at night was discernible at most of the stations and the highest biomass noticed was 131 ml 100/mˉ³. Copepods formed the most abundant group, of which calanoids predominated. A swarm of the hydromedusan species, Aequorea conica, (181/mˉ³) was seen at night. Quantitative and qualitative variations of various zooplankton groups from six stations in relation to selected physicochemical factors are discussed. Maximum fish larvae were observed in the night samples. Relatively high abundance of sardines, carangids and flat fish larvae in the collections is in agreement with the predominance of fish catch from the area of study.


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The larval ontogeny of a developmental series (1.2-8.3mm body length, BL) of Synagrops philippinensis from Kagoshima Bay, southern Japan is described and illustrated. The yolk was completely absorbed in larva of ≥1.5 mm BL. Notochord flexion commenced at about 3.5mm BL and was completed by about 4.0-4.5mm BL. S. philippinensis larvae were distinguished from their congeners based on melanophore patterns, head spination and fin spines and rays. Larvae of 7.5-8.3 mm BL were characterized by anteriorly serrated pelvic spine, two anal spines, nine inner preopercular spines and no melanophore on lateral side of the caudal peduncle; 7.0 to 7.5mm BL larvae by the above characters except serration on pelvic spine; and yolk-sac, pre-flexion, flexing and post-flexion larvae up to 7.0mm BL by unique melanophores on lower lobe of pectoral finfold/fin.


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An experiment was conducted on induced breeding and fry rearing of shing, Heteropneustes fossilis (Bloch) in the Department of Aquaculture, Bangladesh Agricultural University for a period of four months from April to July 1994. Hatching rate was calculated at 21.50h and was found to be 45 to 55 % and the survival rate of larvae was 30 to 40 % at 26 to 29°C. Survival rate and growth rate of post larvae were found to be 50 to 60% and 96.6 to 117.2% respectively. Feed-3 (F3) showed the highest survival rate and growth rate of post larvae.


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An investigation was carried out to monitor management practices and to find out whether there is any relationship with occurrence of deadly white spot disease and environmental parameters. Three semi-intensive and a improved traditional shrimp farms were selected in which mass mortality of shrimp (Penaeus monodon) by white spot disease occurred previously. The farms were situated at two different geographical locations. Two ponds from each farm at random were selected for the study. Out of eight investigated ponds, 6 ponds in three farms were affected by the disease during investigation period. The non-affected ponds had relatively lower stocking density, lightly different management practice and were located at different geographical area. There was no significant variation in water quality parameters among the affected and non-affected ponds. No significant variations were recorded in pond preparation, source of Post Larvae (PL), water and feed management among the affected and non-affected ponds. The observation indicated that pond micro-organisms in a farm may not the only cause of the disease but some external factors also might be responsible for the outbreak of this disease.


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An experimental culture practice of P. monodon on extension approach was conducted in two brackish water earthen ponds of Demonstration Farm and Training Center (DFTC), Kaliganj, Satkhira. The experiment was aimed to provide farmers with appropriate technology that can immediately improve pond yield with keeping the environment in friendly condition. For optimization of stocking density of a cost effective environmental friendly improved extensive shrimp farming, the ponds were stocked with coastal river post larvae of P. monodon at the stocking rates of 2 pls/m² and 2.5 pls/m² without supplementary feeding. To control experimental error another five farmer's gher were used as replicates of each demo-pond. Considering the farmers buying ability, cost of inputs and other facilities kept minimal. The impact of stocking density was evaluated on the basis of growth, survival rate, production and economic return. Better production (average 299.01 kg/ha) with same survival rate (39.33%) were found with a stocking density of 2.5 pls/m² without causing any deterioration in the culture environment.


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Distribution of post larvae, juveniles and adults of Macrobrachium rosenbergii was studied in three rivers of Paikgachha, Khulna during November '91 to Apri1 '94. The adults were found to ascend upstream and the matured ones again return to the estuary to breed. Post larvae of M. rosenbergii prefer a salinity range in between 0.5 to 19.0 ppt and juveniles require a salinity range in between 0.0 to 2.0 ppt.


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Gill net fishery exclusively for the white sardine, Escualosa thoracata, which started in mid-eighties at Versova, is described. During 1987-88 to 1991-92 periods, the annual average landing of the species was 202.2 tons with year to year fluctuations. The peak fishing season was during April-May. The size range of the species in the gill net was 41-105 mm and the von Bertalanffy growth parameters, L. and K, estimated by the ELEFAN program were 110 mm and 1.8 per year. The length-weight relationship was W=0.000001508 L(super 3.3946) for the males and W=0.000002561 L(super 3.2706) for the females. The food consisted of copepods, cladocerans and crustacean larvae. The size at maturity for the females was 82 mm and spawning took place during October - February period. The sex-ratio showed equal proportion except during January, July and October when females dominated in the catch.