955 resultados para López, Vicente Fidel
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According to Self-determination Theory (SDT), there are only three psychological needs - competence, autonomy and relatedness - truly fundamental and essential for human being?s health and well-being, which can be satisfied by individuals while engaging in a wide variety of behaviors that may differ among individuals and be differentially manifest in different cultures. However, a number of questions have been raised about SDT?s contention that there are only those three basic psychological needs. The present study discusses the possibility that the security need should be considered as a basic need and its relation to the accepted three basic psychological needs. Using the Cultural Theory framework the degree of satisfaction of the basic needs, depending on the type of culture, is also presented.
El pie de imp. consta en colofón
The neurophysiological changes associated with Alzheimer's Disease (AD) and Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) include an increase in low frequency activity, as measured with electroencephalography or magnetoencephalography (MEG). A relevant property of spectral measures is the alpha peak, which corresponds to the dominant alpha rhythm. Here we studied the spatial distribution of MEG resting state alpha peak frequency and amplitude values in a sample of 27 MCI patients and 24 age-matched healthy controls. Power spectra were reconstructed in source space with linearly constrained minimum variance beamformer. Then, 88 Regions of Interest (ROIs) were defined and an alpha peak per ROI and subject was identified. Statistical analyses were performed at every ROI, accounting for age, sex and educational level. Peak frequency was significantly decreased (p < 0.05) in MCIs in many posterior ROIs. The average peak frequency over all ROIs was 9.68 ± 0.71 Hz for controls and 9.05 ± 0.90 Hz for MCIs and the average normalized amplitude was (2.57 ± 0.59)·10−2 for controls and (2.70 ± 0.49)·10−2 for MCIs. Age and gender were also found to play a role in the alpha peak, since its frequency was higher in females than in males in posterior ROIs and correlated negatively with age in frontal ROIs. Furthermore, we examined the dependence of peak parameters with hippocampal volume, which is a commonly used marker of early structural AD-related damage. Peak frequency was positively correlated with hippocampal volume in many posterior ROIs. Overall, these findings indicate a pathological alpha slowing in MCI.
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Alcance y contenido: Ms. poético conteniendo unas décimas en contra de Fr. Luis Vicente Mas de Casavalls (1698-1772) dominico y su "dudosa" actitud para con su orden.
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Esta investigación evalúa la resistencia de morteros realizados con mezclas de diferentes composiciones, donde una parte del conglomerante tradicional es sustituido por el polvo de vidrio para analizar de una forma sencilla las características mecánicas de las muestras reactivas obtenidas de esta forma. Los ensayos se han realizado con morteros. Para facilitar las reacciones se añaden a las mezclas objeto del análisis diferentes reactivos: se mezcla el polvo de vidrio con reactivos básicos, lo que permite la obtención de condiciones de pH superiores a 12, en las que el vidrio sodo-cálcico es muy reactivo. Analizadas las diferentes probetas de morteros, se observa que el polvo de vidrio, así como su granulometría, juegan un importante papel en el aumento de las resistencias mecánicas a compresión de las mezclas.
El autor cita su nombre en los ultimos versos
Sign.: [A]-B2, C8