943 resultados para Língua japonesa Análise do discurso


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Vrios estudos comparativos entre os sexos masculino e feminino comprovaram o fato de que o primeiro mais vulnervel s doenas, sobretudo s enfermidades graves e crnicas e que morre mais precocemente. A despeito da maior vulnerabilidade e das altas taxas de morbimortalidade, os homens no buscam, como as mulheres, os servios de ateno bsica. O presente estudo buscou compreender como os homens freqentadores de uma Unidade Bsica de Sade (UBS) se comportam em relao aos cuidados com a sua sade. Foi realizado em um Centro de Sade Escola (CSE), Unidade Auxiliar de uma Universidade de uma cidade do interior do Estado de So Paulo, inserido na rede Municipal de Sade do municpio. Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva, qualitativa e quantitativa. A organizao dos dados qualitativos foi baseada na Análise de Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo (DSC), sendo que a obteno dos discursos ocorreu atravs de uma entrevista semi-estruturada. Na parte qualitativa, a constituio da amostra foi por convenincia e foram selecionados 15 sujeitos do gnero masculino, maiores de 18 anos, que compareceram na UBS para um atendimento eventual ou para um atendimento pr-agendado. Na parte quantitativa, a constituio da amostra foi ao acaso, sendo sorteados 459 pronturios de usurios do sexo masculino, com 18 anos ou mais, que foram atendidos no perodo de Janeiro a Dezembro de 2009 para serem analisados atravs da estatstica descritiva. Alm disso, foram utilizadas as planilhas referentes s campanhas de vacinao contra a Gripe Pandmica (H1N1) e Gripe Sazonal (Influenza) para a obteno do nmero dos usurios do sexo masculino, de 20 anos ou mais, que participaram dessas campanhas no perodo de Janeiro a Julho de 2010. Em relao aos dados de caracterizao dos indivduos da amostra selecionada observamos que a faixa etria foi de 50 a 59 ano... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrnico abaixo)


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This article consists in a discourse analysis of the feature film in animation Wall.e produced by Pixar in association to Disney in 2008. Pixar has been known to produce films that contain various discursive levels, making its products appealing not only for children, but also for adults. However, Wall-e proves to be a masterpiece in Pixar carrier, because it is the one which focuses on the analysis and critique of contemporary society associated with technological development. For this, the plot has as its starting point the question of sustainability and unbridled consumerism. But the film expands the debate, tracing the relationship between technology and humanity, discussing how one affects the other. The project therefore aims to show how the animation works such concepts and constructs his discourse. To this end, the work seeks to identify the signs that make up the discourse and draw the intertextuality between WALL.E and other works that also discuss the same elements such as Stanley Kubricks 2001 - A Space Odyssey (1968)


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The aim of this paper is to present the results of a research in the area of Discourse Analysis, to describe discourses found in the media about the identities constructed in the Second Life virtual communities network and, to find out what discursive strategies are produced by the profile fashion in the soap operas hosted in the Twitter micro-blogging as an attempt to have a significant number of logfiles and to discover what leads men, women and, teenagers to participate of this fashion in the soap operas interaction. Our corpus consists of printed media reportings that present users of Second Life and its avatars with a proposal of new identities, including the utterances produced by the profile fashion in the soap operas and their respective followers. The analysis of the reports and discourses are based on the work by Michel Pcheux and Michel Foucault. The analysis have shown that the new identities, created in virtual communities network and, the profile of the followers of fashion in the soap operas, hosted in Twitter, are characteristically contemporary sensibilities, who take part in the truth games and in the social pressing experimented nowadays


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Neste estudo desenvolvemos uma análise das relaes entre a ideologia e as polticas de subjetivao na sociedade moderna atravs do rastreamento de marcas discursivas em peas publicitrias prprias das prticas de governo vinculadas ao autoritarismo. O corpus da pesquisa se delimita no dilogo com os registros que chegaram at ns por meio dos esforos de Victor Klempere, em seu livro A linguagem do terceiro Reich. Este autor nos coloca em contato com propagandas utilizadas na imprensa escrita e falada. Por meio da Análise do Discurso discutimos o sentido de convencer, enquanto recurso de argumentao e cartografamos os recursos simblicos utilizados nas estratgias de vencer sobre o pblico alvo das propagandas polticas. Queremos observar as marcas dos processos de subjetivao que acompanham os deslizamentos das prticas polticas de convencimento para o exerccio da violncia concentrada nos termos daquilo que se expressou como um ato de vencer pela fora fsica. Que processos de subjetivao se consolidam sob o jugo da fora colocada em exerccio por formas autoritrias de governos sobre os cidados? Como estas marcas reverberam em nossos corpos e limitam as possibilidades de expresso da vida? Estas so as nossas perguntas que nos acompanharam nas leituras, no trabalho do pensamento e da escrita.


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Cette recherche l veut analyser et discuter les pratiques discursives qui promeuvent et constriusent des modles de subjectivit dans la socit ds mdias. Le corpus de la recherche est la srie de TV Glee, produite et vhicule par la chane Fox, dont on observe la proposition dune identit des minorits pour les jeunes gens dans lre de la mondialisation, aussi que le mouvement du march culturel promu par le discours de la srie. Enfin, sont penss les transformations rcentes dans contexte mdiatique et le changement dans le faon comme les effets de sens sont vhiculs dans la socit. Pour cela, on utilise les constributions thoriques de lAnalyse du Discours Franaise, fonde sur le travail de Michel Pcheux et Michel Foucault, et les rflexions de Jenkins (2009) sur la convergence mdiathique et le phnomne transmdia


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According to data from the World Health Organization, the older population will grow sixteenfold from 1950 to 2025 in comparison to a fivefold population growth in the same period, which is referred to by UNO as the Ageing Era. This places Brazil in the sixth position in the contingent of older individuals worldwide, with a number that is higher than 32 million. Considering how topics such as quality of life and social vulnerability are important in face of the growing older population, these topics must be furthered studied so that they can be understood as important variables for both better clinical practice and scientific research. To describe the social vulnerability and evaluate the quality of life of older individuals in a population hospitalized in the internal medicine ward of Bauru State Hospital. This is a descriptive qualitative study that was conducted by means of interviews and using Bardins discourse analysis. The inclusion criteria used in this study were: individuals at 60 years of age who were mentally capable of answering the proposed questions. Two categories concerning Quality of Life and Social Vulnerability emerged from the interviews. The following emerged from the theme Quality of Life: Life as something important and subcategories that involved feeling useful in society, having a supportive family, independence, optimism and joy and survival. Also, the following emerged from the theme Social Vulnerability: Negative recognition of older individuals in society and subcategories that involved lack of respect, functional disability, family indifference, housing-related insecurity, an inefficient health care system and loneliness. Quality of Life and Social Vulnerability are largely discussed themes in the present scenario. In this study, it was possible to perceive that the older population needs social support, effective public... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Ps-graduao em Educao - FCT


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Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)


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Ps-graduao em Letras - IBILCE


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Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)


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This paper aims to explain certain language phenomena remarkable for example in the Internet. These phenomena are popularly known as internets in Brazilian Portuguese writing texts. A set of texts collected from chats was analyzed based on discoursive and phonological studies. The relationship between spoke and writing is seen as a distinctive character of heterogeneity of writing. In a particular way, the writing of nicknames in these digital interactions is analyzed. It is shown that enunciative complexity came from different linguistic information (phonological, morphological, semantics and enunciative ones). This study aims to contribute for general questions about oral/spoken and literacy/writing in digital context (but not just in those contexts).


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The present article aims at reflecting about the discursive practices of writing and reading on the net, more specifically about the writing and reading methods used by the undergraduate and graduated teachers, based on an internet search engine. Its of interest to investigate: i) the (hyper) textual relations established in the context thought as permitted by the electronic resources; ii) the discursive marks that arise (are arisen) in a singular way of reading (and/or writing). The set of material was produced during a university extension course about reading and cyberspace, whose context consisted of a drawing production of the reading process on an internet search engine, on the basis of the signifier apple. Based on the French Discourse Analysis and assumptions from the New Literacy Studies, we intended to discuss the operating procedures of the internet search and the effects of meanings produced by the subject during his/her reading/writing process.