993 resultados para Kaempfer, Engelbert, 1651-1716.


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[EN] In this review we integrate ideas about regional and systemic circulatory capacities and the balance between skeletal muscle blood flow and cardiac output during heavy exercise in humans. In the first part of the review we discuss issues related to the pumping capacity of the heart and the vasodilator capacity of skeletal muscle. The issue is that skeletal muscle has a vast capacity to vasodilate during exercise [approximately 300 mL (100 g)(-1) min(-1)], but the pumping capacity of the human heart is limited to 20-25 L min(-1) in untrained subjects and approximately 35 L min(-1) in elite endurance athletes. This means that when more than 7-10 kg of muscle is active during heavy exercise, perfusion of the contracting muscles must be limited or mean arterial pressure will fall. In the second part of the review we emphasize that there is an interplay between sympathetic vasoconstriction and metabolic vasodilation that limits blood flow to contracting muscles to maintain mean arterial pressure. Vasoconstriction in larger vessels continues while constriction in smaller vessels is blunted permitting total muscle blood flow to be limited but distributed more optimally. This interplay between sympathetic constriction and metabolic dilation during heavy whole-body exercise is likely responsible for the very high levels of oxygen extraction seen in contracting skeletal muscle. It also explains why infusing vasodilators in the contracting muscles does not increase oxygen uptake in the muscle. Finally, when approximately 80% of cardiac output is directed towards contracting skeletal muscle modest vasoconstriction in the active muscles can evoke marked changes in arterial pressure.


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Le linee direttrici che hanno caratterizzato la composizione si possono riassumere in tre punti principali: • ricerca di una connessione tra la zona del parco del fiume Savio e il centro storico; • espansione del costruito attraverso lo sfruttamento dell’argine fluviale; • strutturazione di un nuovo polo attrattivo per la città di Cesena. Il primo problema che si è posto, ipotizzando la demolizione del muro di cinta, è stato quello di come far interagire due aree completamente separate tra loro; l'idea è stata quella di rendere la zona interamente pedonale e di porre in comunicazione l'area fluviale con la nuova area progettuale; in questa maniera il verde del Savio si estende oltre i propri argini e si spinge all'interno dell'area di progetto, costituendone le zone verdi, mentre il nuovo costruito giunge oltre l'argine del fiume, guadagnandosi spazio attraverso la terrazza del mercato e le braccia del museo, che si estendono verso il corso d'acqua accentuando questa nuova relazione tra le due zone. L'idea progettuale è stata quindi quella di ottenere una continua interazione tra le due entità evitando una netta divisione tra il fiume Savio e la restante cittadina ed ottenendo una zona in grado di collegare la parte più centrale di Cesena, con il proprio fiume. Il mercato ha come ambizioso obiettivo, quello di fungere da elemento di collegamento tra il centro storico di Cesena e la zona fluviale; esso viene così definito da due fronti principali, uno rivolto verso il centro storico, l'altro verso il fiume Savio. L'edificio può essere immaginato come composto da due volumi distinti, che si sviluppano attorno a due corti di diverse dimensioni; i due corpi non sono completamente separati tra loro, ma vengono collegati da un elemento centrale, che ospita parte dell'impianto distributivo dell'edificio. L'impianto generale del mercato presenta un forte richiamo al mondo classico: esso è interamente circondato da un porticato, si eleva al di sopra di un basamento e si ispira fortemente alla tipologia della domus romana. Elemento fondamentale dell'area così ipotizzata, è inoltre la passeggiata pedonale, la quale collega il Ponte Vecchio con quello di più recente costruzione; il percorso, è rialzato rispetto alla quota della nuova piazza, è visibile dalla sponda opposta del Savio e costituisce il nuovo fronte lungo il fiume; esso si identifica come l'elemento unificatore di tutti gli interventi, viene costeggiato dal nuovo impianto sulla sinistra e dal'area di pertinenza fluviale sulla destra, offrendo suggestive visuali di entrambe le zone, costituendo così una vera e propria promenade architecturale sul lungofiume. Il progetto, si pone come obiettivo, quello di restituire un carattere architettonico all'area, partendo dalla realizzazione della piazza centrale, fulcro di tutto l'impianto ipotizzato. Essa viene a costituirsi tra l'edificio più alto del C.A.P.S., l'auditorium, il mercato e la loggia. Quest’ultima si trova di fronte al mercato e si affaccia sulla piazza centrale, definendone un limite e rappresentando nello stesso tempo un forte richiamo storico agli antichi mercati italiani.


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This work analyzes the role of roman provincial fleets, mainly through the use of military diplomas. All the evidence has been collected, ordered and commented with special attention to the role of diplomas as official documents for the study of the naval provincial garrisons in the Ist and IInd centuries A.D.. Problems deriving from diplomas as still imperfect proofs for a full reconstruction of the history of roman fleets have been registered. Epigraphic evidence has been also taken into account to describe the history of the fleets.


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This work is a detailed study of hydrodynamic processes in a defined area, the littoral in front of the Venice Lagoon and its inlets, which are complex morphological areas of interconnection. A finite element hydrodynamic model of the Venice Lagoon and the Adriatic Sea has been developed in order to study the coastal current patterns and the exchanges at the inlets of the Venice Lagoon. This is the first work in this area that tries to model the interaction dynamics, running together a model for the lagoon and the Adriatic Sea. First the barotropic processes near the inlets of the Venice Lagoon have been studied. Data from more than ten tide gauges displaced in the Adriatic Sea have been used in the calibration of the simulated water levels. To validate the model results, empirical flux data measured by ADCP probes installed inside the inlets of Lido and Malamocco have been used and the exchanges through the three inlets of the Venice Lagoon have been analyzed. The comparison between modelled and measured fluxes at the inlets outlined the efficiency of the model to reproduce both tide and wind induced water exchanges between the sea and the lagoon. As a second step, also small scale processes around the inlets that connect the Venice lagoon with the Northern Adriatic Sea have been investigated by means of 3D simulations. Maps of vorticity have been produced, considering the influence of tidal flows and wind stress in the area. A sensitivity analysis has been carried out to define the importance of the advection and of the baroclinic pressure gradients in the development of vortical processes seen along the littoral close to the inlets. Finally a comparison with real data measurements, surface velocity data from HF Radar near the Venice inlets, has been performed, which allows for a better understanding of the processes and their seasonal dynamics. The results outline the predominance of wind and tidal forcing in the coastal area. Wind forcing acts mainly on the mean coastal current inducing its detachment offshore during Sirocco events and an increase of littoral currents during Bora events. The Bora action is more homogeneous on the whole coastal area whereas the Sirocco strengthens its impact in the South, near Chioggia inlet. Tidal forcing at the inlets is mainly barotropic. The sensitivity analysis shows how advection is the main physical process responsible for the persistent vortical structures present along the littoral between the Venice Lagoon inlets. The comparison with measurements from HF Radar not only permitted a validation the model results, but also a description of different patterns in specific periods of the year. The success of the 2D and the 3D simulations on the reproduction both of the SSE, inside and outside the Venice Lagoon, of the tidal flow, through the lagoon inlets, and of the small scale phenomena, occurring along the littoral, indicates that the finite element approach is the most suitable tool for the investigation of coastal processes. For the first time, as shown by the flux modeling, the physical processes that drive the interaction between the two basins were reproduced.


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Natürliche Killerzell-Rezeptoren, die MHC-Klasse-I-Moleküle binden, sind im Leukozyten Rezeptor Komplex (LRC) und im Natürlichen Killer Komplex (NKC) kodiert. Die Bindung klassischer MHC-Klasse-I-Moleküle erfolgt im Menschen durch die im LRC kodierten polymorphen Killerzell-Immunglobulin-ähnlichen Rezeptoren (KIR) und in Nagetieren durch die im NKC kodierten polymorphen C-Typ Lektin-ähnlichen Ly49-Rezeptoren. Die ebenfalls im NKC kodierten C-Typ Lektin-ähnlichen CD94/NKG2-Rezeptoren sowie der NKG2D-Rezeptor sind sowohl im Menschen als auch in Nagetieren konserviert und wenig polymorph. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde das CD94-Ly49L-Intervall der NKC-Region in einem Neuweltaffen, dem Weißbüschelaffen (Callithrix jacchus), sowie einem Feuchtnasenaffen, dem Grauen Mausmaki (Microcebus murinus), über Screening von BAC-Banken und Sequenzanalyse von BAC-Contigs untersucht. Das CD94-Ly49L-Intervall im Weißbüschelaffen hat eine Länge von 171 kb und weist orthologe Gene zu den humanen NKC-Genen auf. Eine Ausnahme bildet das Gen NKG2CE, welches äquidistant zu den humanen Genen NKG2C und NKG2E ist. NKG2F und Ly49L sind Pseudogene. Expressionsanalysen der NKC-Gene in neun Weißbüschelaffen-Individuen lieferten einen mäßigen Grad an allelischen Polymorphismen. Alternative Spleißprodukte wurden für CD94, NKG2D und NKG2A identifiziert. Für NKG2A wurden verschiedene Transkripte mit potentiell unterschiedlichen Translationsstartpunkten gefunden. Im Grauen Mausmaki beträgt die Länge des CD94-Ly49L-Intervalls 489 kb. CD94 und die NKG2-Gene sind vervielfacht und wesentlich polymorpher als im Menschen und im Weißbüschelaffen. Expressionsanalysen der NKC-Gene wurden im Grauen Mausmaki und einem weiteren madagassischen Lemuren, dem Schwarzweißen Vari (Varecia variegata), durchgeführt und zeigten, dass CD94 und die NKG2-Gene im Vari ebenfalls vervielfacht sind. Die NKG2-Moleküle der Lemuren weisen unterschiedliche Kombinationen an aktivierenden und inhibierenden Signalmotiven auf und üben somit möglicherweise diverse Funktionen aus. Ly49L stellt in den Lemuren einen potentiell funktionellen inhibierenden Rezeptor dar und NKG2D besitzt im Vergleich zum humanen NKG2D-Protein eine verkürzte Zytoplasmaregion. Alternative Spleißprodukte der NKC-Gene existieren auch in den Lemuren. Darüber hinaus wurden mehrere CD94-Gene in einem weiteren Feuchtnasenaffen, dem Potto (Perodicticus potto) und einem Trockennasenaffen, dem Philippinen-Koboldmaki (Tarsius syrichta), nachgewiesen. Ein Alu-Element, welches ausschließlich in Intron 4 der CD94-Sequenzen des Philippinen-Koboldmakis auftritt, deutet darauf hin, dass sich CD94 in der Linie der Koboldmakis und in der Linie der Feuchtnasenaffen unabhängig voneinander vervielfacht hat. Die vervielfachten, polymorphen CD94/NKG2-Rezeptoren der niederen Primaten stellen möglicherweise das funktionelle Äquivalent zu den polymorphen KIR der höheren Primaten und den polymorphen Ly49-Rezeptoren der Nagetiere dar.


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Questo lavoro si concentra su un particolare aspetto della sfaccettata ricerca scientifica di Johannes Kepler (1571-1630), ossia quello teorico-musicale. I pensieri dell’astronomo tedesco riguardanti tale campo sono concentrati – oltre che in alcuni capitoli del Mysterium cosmographicum (1596) ed in alcune sue lettere – nel Libro III dell’Harmonices mundi libri quinque (1619), che, per la sua posizione mediana all’interno dell’opera, tra i primi due libri geometrici e gli ultimi due astronomici, e per la sua funzione di raccordo tra la «speculazione astratta» della geometria e la concretizzazione degli archetipi geometrici nel mondo fisico, assume la struttura di un vero e proprio trattato musicale sul modello di quelli rinascimentali, nel quale la «musica speculativa», dedicata alla teoria delle consonanze e alla loro deduzione geometrica precede la «musica activa», dedicata alla pratica del canto dell’uomo nelle sue differenze, generi e modi. La tesi contiene la traduzione italiana, con testo latino a fronte, del Libro III dell’Harmonice, e un’ampia introduzione che percorre le tappe fondamentali del percorso biografico e scientifico che hanno portato alla concezione di quest’opera – soffermandosi in particolare sulla formazione musicale ricevuta da Keplero, sulle pagine di argomento musicale del Mysterium e delle lettere, e sulle riflessioni filosofico-armoniche sviluppate negli anni di ricerca – e offre gli elementi fondamentali per poter comprendere l’Harmonice mundi in generale e il Libro III in particolare. A ciò si aggiunge, in Appendice, la traduzione, anch’essa con testo latino a fronte, della Sectio V, dedicata alla musica, del Liber IX dell’Almagestum novum (1651) di Giovanni Battista Riccioli (1598-1671), interessante sia dal punto di vista della recezione delle teorie di Keplero che dal punto di vista della storia delle idee musicali.


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An impressive discrepancy between reported and measured parental height is often observed. The aims of this study were: (a) to assess whether there is a significant difference between the reported and measured parental height; (b) to focus on the reported and, thereafter, measured height of the partner; (c) to analyse its impact on the calculated target height range.


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ABSTRACT Aim: Intrauterine conditions may interfere with fetal brain development. We compared the neurodevelopmental outcome between infants <32 weeks gestational age after maternal preeclampsia or chorioamnionitis and controls. Methods: Case-control study on infants with maternal preeclampsia, chorioamnionitis and controls (each n = 33) matched for gestational age. Neurodevelopment at two years was assessed with the Bayley Scales of Infant Development II. Results: Ninety-nine infants were included with a median gestational age of 29 weeks (range 25-32). Median mental developmental index (MDI) was 96 in the control, 90 in the chorioamnionitis and 86 in the preeclampsia group. Preeclampsia infants had a lower MDI compared with the control group (univariate p = 0.021, multivariate p = 0.183) and with the chorioamnionitis group (univariate p = 0.242; multivariate p = 0.027). Median psychomotor index was 80.5 in the control, 80 in the preeclampsia and 85 in the chorioamnionitis group, and was not different between these three groups (p > 0.05). Chorioamnionitis or preeclampsia exposure was not associated with major neurodevelopmental impairments (cerebral palsy, MDI<70, PDI<70). Conclusion: The results of this preliminary study suggest that preeclampsia and chorioamnionitis play a relatively minor role among risk factors for adverse neurodevelopment outcome. Postnatal factors such as ventilation and bronchopulmonary dysplasia may have a greater impact on neurodevelopmental outcome.


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Diagnostic coronary balloon occlusion (CBO) is mandatory for collateral function assessment, during angioscopy and optical coherence imaging, and when using certain coronary protection devices against emboli. Thus far, the safety of diagnostic CBO regarding procedural and long-term complications in normal coronary arteries has not been studied. In 316 patients, diagnostic CBO was performed for collateral function measurement in 426 angiographically normal vessels. The angioplasty balloon was inflated for 60 to 120 seconds using inflation pressures of 1 to 3 atm, followed by control angiography during and after CBO. Patients were divided into groups with entirely normal (n = 133) and partially normal (n = 183) vessels. Primary end points were procedural and long-term complications. De novo stenosis development was assessed by quantitative coronary angiography in 35% of the patients. Secondary end points were cardiac events at 5 years of follow-up. Procedural complications occurred in 1 patient (0.2%). In 150 repeat angiographic procedures in 92 patients (follow-up duration 10 +/- 15 months), quantitative coronary angiography revealed no difference in percentage diameter narrowing between baseline and follow-up (4.1% vs 3.9%, p = 0.69). During follow-up periods of 14 and 72 months, respectively, a new stenotic lesion was detected in 1 patient in each group (1.3%). Major cardiac events and percutaneous coronary intervention for stable angina were less frequent in the group with entirely normal than with partially normal vessels (0.8% vs 5.5%, p = 0.02, and 0.8% vs 18%, p <0.0001). In conclusion, low-inflation pressure diagnostic CBO in angiographically normal coronary arteries bears a minimal risk for procedural and long-term complications and can therefore be regarded as a safe procedure.