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An important topic in genomic sequence analysis is the identification of protein coding regions. In this context, several coding DNA model-independent methods based on the occurrence of specific patterns of nucleotides at coding regions have been proposed. Nonetheless, these methods have not been completely suitable due to their dependence on an empirically predefined window length required for a local analysis of a DNA region. We introduce a method based on a modified Gabor-wavelet transform (MGWT) for the identification of protein coding regions. This novel transform is tuned to analyze periodic signal components and presents the advantage of being independent of the window length. We compared the performance of the MGWT with other methods by using eukaryote data sets. The results show that MGWT outperforms all assessed model-independent methods with respect to identification accuracy. These results indicate that the source of at least part of the identification errors produced by the previous methods is the fixed working scale. The new method not only avoids this source of errors but also makes a tool available for detailed exploration of the nucleotide occurrence.
Aceria guerreronis Keifer (Acari: Eriophyidae) is a major pest of coconut fruits (Cocos nucifera L.) in many countries of the Americas, Africa, and parts of Asia. Considerable attention has been given to studies of biological control agents of A. guerreronis. Proctolaelaps bulbosus Moraes, Reis and Gondim Jr. is a predator recently discovered in association with A. guerreronis. Nothing is known about its biology. The aim of this study was to determine suitable food sources for P. bulbosus, among items commonly found on coconut fruits, including A. guerreronis. Food sources evaluated included the mites A. guerreronis, Steneotarsonemus concavuscutum Lofego and Gondim Jr., and Tyrophagus putrescentiae (Schrank), the fungus Rhizopus aff. stolonifer (Ehrenb.) Vuill and coconut pollen; the mite Tetranychus urticae Koch was also included in the assessments, for being a commonly used prey for mass production and laboratory rearing of predatory mites. Proctolaelaps bulbosus was able to develop up to adulthood when fed A. guerreronis, R. aff. stolonifer and T. putrescentiae. It had the highest population growth rates when feeding on the former (R (o) = 17.5; r (m) = 0.392). These results indicate that A. guerreronis is the most suitable food for P. bulbosus among the possible food sources found on coconut fruits and that P. bulbosus can survive in the absence of eriophyid using R. aff. stolonifer as a food source.
Neoseiulus baraki Athias-Henriot (Acari: Phytoseiidae) has been reported from the Americas, Africa and Asia, often in association with Aceria guerreronis Keifer (Acari: Eriophyidae), one of the most important pests of coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) in diVerent parts of the world. That phytoseiid has been considered one of the most common predators associated with A. guerreronis in Brazil. The objective of this study was to evaluate the feeding preference and the eVect of food items commonly present on coconut fruits and several temperature regimes on the life history of a Brazilian population of N. baraki. Completion of immature development was possible when N. baraki was fed A. guerreronis, Steneotarsonemus concavuscutum Lofego and Gondim Jr., and Tyrophagus putrescentiae (Schrank). Fecundity was highest on T. putrescentiae (39.4 eggs), followed by A. guerreronis (24.8 eggs). In choice tests, irrespective of the food on which N. baraki was reared, a larger number of adults of this predator chose leaf discs containing A. guerreronis than discs containing other food items, demonstrating a preference of the former for the latter as food. Egg to adult thermal developmental time was calculated as 84.2 degree-days, above a threshold of 15.8 degrees C. This lower developmental threshold is higher than previously published for phytoseiid species from higher latitudes. Neoseiulus baraki was shown to have higher biotic potential at 30 degrees C (r(m) 0.29). The results suggest N. baraki to be a promising biological control agent of A. guerreronis, well adapted to survive and develop in areas with relatively high temperatures, where that pest prevails.
Fungal entomopathogens have been used more frequently than other types of pathogens for classical biological control. Among 136 programs using different groups of arthropod pathogens, 49.3% have introduced fungal pathogens (including both the traditional fungi and microsporidia). The most commonly introduced species was Metarhizium anisopliae (Metschnikoff) Sorokin, with 13 introductions, followed by Entomophaga maimaiga Humber, Shimazu & Soper, which was released seven times. The majority of introduction programs have focused on controlling invasive species of insects or mites (70.7%) rather than on native hosts (29.4%). Almost half of the introductions of traditional fungi targeted species of Hemiptera and 75% of the microsporidia introduced have been introduced against lepidopteran species. The United States was the country where most introductions of fungi took place (n = 24). From 1993 to 2007, no arthropod pathogens were released in the US due to the rigorous regulatory structure, but in 2008 two species of microsporidia were introduced against the gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar (L.). Establishment of entomopathogenic fungi in programs introducing traditional fungi was 32.1% and establishment was 50.0% for programs introducing microsporidia. In some programs, releases have resulted in permanent successful establishment with no non-target effects. In summary, classical biological control using fungal entomopathogens can provide a successful and environmentally friendly avenue for controlling arthropod pests, including the increasing numbers of invasive non-native species.
The tomato red spider mite, Tetranychus evansi (Acari: Tetranychidae) was recently introduced in Africa and Europe, where there is an increasing interest in using natural enemies to control this pest on solanaceous crops. Two promising candidates for the control of T. evansi were identified in South America, the fungal pathogen, Neozygites floridana and the predatory mite Phytoseiulus longipes. In this study, population dynamics of T. evansi and its natural enemies together with the influence of environmental conditions on these organisms were evaluated during four crop cycles in the field and in a protected environment on nightshade and tomato plants with and without application of chemical pesticides. N. floridana was the only natural enemy found associated with T. evansi in the four crop cycles under protected environment but only in the last crop cycle in the field. In the treatments where the fungus appeared, reduction of mite populations was drastic. N. floridana appeared in tomato plants even when the population density of T. evansi was relatively low (less than 10 mites/3.14 cm(2) of leaf area) and even at this low population density, the fungus maintained infection rates greater than 50%. The application of pesticides directly affected the fungus by delaying epizootic initiation and contributing to lower infection rates than unsprayed treatments. Rainfalls did not have an apparent impact on mite populations. These results indicate that the pathogenic fungus, N. floridana can play a significant role in the population dynamics of T. evansi, especially under protected environment, and has the potential to control this pest in classical biological control programs. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Aceria guerreronis Keifer (Acari: Eriophyidae) is considered a major pest of coconut in many countries in the Americas, Africa and parts of Asia. Neoseiulus baraki Athias-Henriot (Acari: Phytoseiidae) is one of the predatory mites most commonly found in association with A. guerreronis in parts of northeast Brazil. The objective of this work was to study the distribution of A. guerreronis and N. baraki among and within coconut bunches. The hypothesis was tested that A. guerreronis and N. baraki are homogenously distributed over the fruits in a bunch, independent of the fruits` age and position. Five collections of bunches, each corresponding to leaves 12-16 from apex (about 2-6 month-old), were conducted in each of three fields in northeastern Brazil, from February to October, 2007. A total of 1,986 fruits were examined. The number of mites, the percentage of fruits hosting them and the level of damage caused by A. guerreronis were evaluated. The highest density of A. guerreronis was observed on fruits of bunch 4 whereas the highest density of N. baraki was observed on bunch 5. Considering all fruits together, no significant differences were observed between densities of either A. guerreronis or N. baraki among the basal, median and apical thirds of the bunches. In younger bunches, fruits of the apical region tend to have lower densities of both mites than fruits of the basal region. This pattern, in association with a similar pattern for the percentage of fruits hosting N. baraki, suggests that the predator initially reaches the basal bunch region, from where it moves to the apical region. The results of the present study suggest that the pest population reduction in bunches older than bunch 4 could be due to (1) an effect of the predator, (2) reduction of the proportion of undamaged tissues amenable to attack, and/or (3) less favorable characteristics of the fruits to attack by A. guerreronis, as indicated by their increasing lignin content as they get older.
Predatory behaviour and reproductive output of the ladybird beetle Stethorus tridens Gordon as function of the tomato red spider mite (TRSM), Tetranychus evansi Baker & Pritchard, densities was investigated in the laboratory. Adult female of S. tridens were isolated in cylindrical plastic arenas, containing a leaf disc of Solanum americanum Mill. with 5, 20, 40, 60, 80 or 100 T. evansi nymphs. The number of prey consumed and eggs laid were evaluated daily for ten consecutive days, starting at the oviposition. Oviposition of S. tridens was positively correlated with prey consumption and lower threshold prey consumption for S. tridens laying eggs was 16.3 mites per day. The instantaneous rate of attack (ca. discovery area) and the handling time were 0.0062 h(-1) and 0.83 h, and 0.00254 h(-1) and 0.78 h, respectively, for predators at the 1st- and 10th-oviposition day. The predator exhibited a type II functional response at 1st- and 10th-oviposition day with a maximum consumption per predator of 33 T. evansi nymphs per day at the highest prey density. The ladybird beetle S. tridens is often collected associated with red spider mite colonies on solanaceous wild plants and the results suggest the potential of this ladybird beetle to control T. evansi in tomatoes crops.
The spider mites Tetranychus urticae Koch and Tetranychus evansi Baker and Pritchard are important pests of horticultural crops. They are infected by entomopathogenic fungi naturally or experimentally. Fungal pathogens known to cause high infection in spider mite populations belong to the order Entomophthorales and include Neozygites spp. Studies are being carried out to develop some of these fungi as mycoacaricides, as standalone control measures in an inundative strategy to replace the synthetic acaricides currently in use or as a component of integrated mite management. Although emphasis has been put on inundative releases, entomopathogenic fungi can also be used in classical, conservation and augmentative biological control. Permanent establishment of an exotic agent in a new area of introduction may be possible in the case of spider mites. Conservation biological control can be achieved by identifying strategies to promote any natural enemies already present within crop ecosystems, based on a thorough understanding of their biology, ecology and behaviour. Further research should focus on development of efficient mass production systems, formulation, and delivery systems of fungal pathogens.
Proctolaelaps bulbosus n. sp. (Acari: Ascidae) is described from adult females and males of a laboratory colony derived from a collection from Cocos nucifera L. (Arecaceae) in northeastern Brazil. This species is distinguished from other Proctolaelaps species by the absence of the setae z3 and R3, knobbed seta Z5 and long spermatodactyl.
The eriophyid mite Aceria guerreronis occurs in most coconut growing regions of the world and causes enormous damage to coconut fruits. The concealed environment of the fruit perianth under which the mite resides renders its control extremely difficult. Recent studies suggest that biological control could mitigate the problems caused by this pest. Neoseiulus paspalivorus and Proctolaelaps bickleyi are two of the most frequently found predatory mites associated with A. guerreronis on coconut fruits. Regarding biological control, the former has an advantage in invading the tight areas under the coconut fruit perianth while the latter is more voracious on the pest mites and has a higher reproductive capacity. Based on the idea of the combined use/release of both predators on coconut fruits, we studied their compatibility in spatial niche use and intraguild predation (IGP). Spatial niche use on coconut fruits was examined on artificial arenas mimicking the area under the coconut fruit perianth and the open fruit surface. Both N. paspalivorus and P. bickleyi preferentially resided and oviposited inside the tight artificial chamber. Oviposition rate of P. bickleyi and residence time of N. paspalivorus inside the chamber were reduced in the presence of a conspecific female. Residence of N. paspalivorus inside the chamber was also influenced by the presence of P. bickleyi. Both N. paspalivorus and P. bickleyi preyed upon each other with relatively moderate IGP rates of adult females on larvae but neither species yielded nutritional benefits from IGP in terms of adult survival and oviposition. We discuss the relevance of our findings for a hypothetic combined use of both predators in biological control of A. guerreronis.
Proteinase inhibitors (PI) are present in plant tissues, especially in seeds, and act as a defense mechanism against herbivores and pathogens. Serine PI from soybean such as Bowman-Birk (BBPI) and Kunitz have been used to enhance resistance of sugarcane varieties to the sugarcane borer Diatraea saccharalis (Fabricius) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), the major pest of this crop. The use of these genetically-modified plants (GM) expressing PI requires knowledge of its sustainability and environmental safety, determining the stability of the introduced characteristic and its effects on non-target organisms. The objective of this study was to evaluate direct effects of ingestion of semi-purified and purified soybean PI and GM sugarcane plants on the soil-dwelling mite Scheloribates praeincisus (Berlese) (Acari: Oribatida). This mite is abundant in agricultural soils and participates in the process of organic matter decomposition; for this reason it will be exposed to PI by feeding on GM plant debris. Eggs of S. praeincisus were isolated and after larvae emerged, immatures were fed milled sugarcane leaves added to semi-purified or purified PI (Kunitz and BBPI) or immatures were fed GM sugarcane varieties expressing Kunitz and BBPI type PI or the untransformed near isogenic parental line variety as a control. Developmental time (larva-adult) and survival of S. praeincisus was evaluated. Neither Kunitz nor BBPI affected S. praeincisus survival. On the other hand, ingestion of semi-purified and purified Kunitz inhibitor diminished duration of S. praeincisus immature stages. Ingestion of GM senescent leaves did not have an effect on S. praeincisus immature developmental time and survival, compared to ingestion of leaves from the isogenic parental plants. These results indicate that cultivation of these transgenic sugarcane plants is safe for the non-target species S. praeincisus.
Coconut is an important crop in tropical and subtropical regions. Among the mites that infest coconut palms, Aceria guerreronis Keifer is economically the most important. We conducted surveys throughout the coconut growing areas of Brazil. Samples were taken from attached coconuts, leaflets, fallen coconuts and inflorescences of coconut palms in 112 localities aiming to determine the Occurrence and the distribution of phytophagous mites, particularly A. guerreronis, and associated natural enemies. Aceria guerreronis was the most abundant phytophagous mite followed by Steneotarsonemus concavuscutum Lofego & Gondim Jr. and Steneotarsonemus furcatus De Leon (Tarsonemidae). Infestation by A. guerreronis was recorded in 87% of the visited localities. About 81% of all predatory mites belonged to the family Phytoseiidae, mainly represented by Neoseiulus paspalivorus De Leon, Neoseiulus baraki Athias-Henriot and Amblyseius largoensis Muma; 12% were Ascidae, mainly Proctolaelaps bickleyi Bram, Proctolaelaps sp nov and Lasioseius subterraneus Chant. Neoseiulus paspalivorus and N. baraki were the most abundant predators on attached coconuts. Ascidae were predominant on fallen coconuts, while A. largoensis was predominant on leaflets; no mites were found on branches of inflorescences. Leaflets harboured higher mite diversity than the attached coconuts. Mite diversity was the highest in the state Para and on palms surrounded by seasonal forests and Amazonian rain-forests. Neoseiulus paspalivorus, N. baraki and P. bickleyi were identified as the most promising predators of A. guerreronis. Analyses of the influence of climatic factors revealed that dry ambient conditions favour the establishment of A. guerreronis. Neoseiulus paspalivorus and N. baraki have differing climatic requirements; the former being more abundant in warm and dry areas, the latter prevailing ill moderately tempered and humid areas. We discuss the significance of our findings for natural and biological control of A. guerreronis.
Tetranychus evansi Baker and Pritchard and Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae) are important pests of Solanaceae in many countries. Several studies have demonstrated that T. urticae is an acceptable prey to many predatory mites, although the suitability of this prey depends on the host plant. T. evansi, has been shown to be an unfavorable prey to most predatory mites that have been tested against it. The predator Phytoseiulus fragariae Denmark and Schicha (Acari: Phytoseiidae) has been found in association with the two species in Brazil. The objective of this work was to compare biological parameters of P. fragariae on T. evansi and on T. urticae as prey. The study was conducted under laboratory conditions at 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 degrees C. At all temperatures, survivorship was lower on T. evansi than on T. urticae. No predator reached adulthood at 10 degrees C on the former species; even on the latter species, only about 36% of the predators reached adulthood at 10 degrees C. For both prey, in general, duration of each life stage was shorter, total fecundity was lower and intrinsic rate of population increase (r(m) ) was higher with increasing temperatures. The slower rate of development of P. fragariae on T. evansi resulted in a slightly higher thermal requirement (103.9 degree-days) on that prey than on T. urticae (97.1 degree-days). The values of net reproduction rate (R-0), intrinsic rate of increase (r (m) ) and finite rate of increase (lambda) were significantly higher on T. urticae, indicating faster population increase of the predator on this prey species. The highest value of r (m) of the predator was 0.154 and 0.337 female per female per day on T. evansi and on T. urticae, respectively. The results suggested that P. fragariae cannot be considered a good predator of T. evansi.
To determine the effect of storage on fungal survival, mummified cadavers of the cassava green mite pathogen, Neozygites tanajoae were placed at different conditions of temperature and relative humidity. The best condition for long-term preservation was -10 degrees C. At this condition, the fungus retained viability for 10 years when the experiment was terminated, with a decrease in sporulation with time. Cadavers placed at 4 degrees C and 5% RH sporulated for 2 years, while the fungus survived for only 7 days at 25 degrees C and 50% RH.
In a series of tritrophic-level interaction experiments, the effect of selected host plants of the spider mites, Tetranychus evansi and Tetranychus urticae, on Neozygites floridana was studied by evaluating the attachment of capilliconidia, presence of hyphal bodies in the infected mites, mortality from fungal infection, mummification and sporulation from fungus-killed mite cadavers. Host plants tested for T. evansi were tomato, cherry tomato, eggplant, nightshade, and pepper while host plants tested for T. urticae were strawberry, jack bean, cotton and Gerbera. Oviposition rate of the mites on each plant was determined to infer host plant suitability while host-switching determined antibiosis effect on fungal activity. T. evansi had a high oviposition on eggplant, tomato and nightshade but not on cherry tomato and pepper. T. urticae on jack bean resulted in a higher oviposition than on strawberry, cotton and Gerbera. Attachment of capilliconidia to the T. evansi body, presence of hyphal bodies in infected T. evansi and mortality from fungal infection were significantly higher on pepper, nightshade and tomato. The highest level of T. evansi mummification was observed on tomato. T. evansi cadavers from tomato and eggplant produced more primary conidia than those from cherry tomato, nightshade and pepper. Switching N. floridana infected T. evansi from one of five Solanaceous host plants to tomato had no prominent effect on N. floridana performance. For T. urticae, strawberry and jack bean provided the best N. floridana performance when considering all measured parameters. Strawberry also had the highest primary conidia production. This study shows that performance of N. floridana can vary with host plants and may be an important factor for the development of N. floridana epizootics. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.