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The work described in this thesis is directed towards the reduction of noise levels in the Hoover Turbopower upright vacuum cleaner. The experimental work embodies a study of such factors as the application of noise source identification techniques, investigation of the noise generating principles for each major source and evaluation of the noise reducing treatments. It was found that the design of the vacuum cleaner had not been optimised from the standpoint of noise emission. Important factors such as noise `windows', isolation of vibration at the source, panel rattle, resonances and critical speeds had not been considered. Therefore, a number of experimentally validated treatments are proposed. Their noise reduction benefit together with material and tooling costs are presented. The solutions to the noise problems were evaluated on a standard Turbopower and the sound power level of the cleaner was reduced from 87.5 dB(A) to 80.4 db(A) at a cost of 93.6 pence per cleaner.The designers' lack of experience in noise reduction was identified as one of the factors for the low priority given to noise during design of the cleaner. Consequently, the fundamentals of acoustics, principles of noise prediction and absorption and guidelines for good acoustical design were collated into a Handbook and circulated at Hoover plc.Mechanical variations during production of the motor and the cleaner were found to be important. These caused a vast spread in the noise levels of the cleaners. Subsequently, the manufacturing processes were briefly studied to identify their source and recommendations for improvement are made.Noise of a product is quality related and a high level of noise is considered to be a bad feature. This project suggested that the noise level be used constructively both as a test on the production line to identify cleaners above a certain noise level and also to promote the product by `designing' the characteristics of the sound so that the appliance is pleasant to the user. This project showed that good noise control principles should be implemented early in the design stage.As yet there are no mandatory noise limits or noise-labelling requirements for household appliances. However, the literature suggests that noise-labelling is likely in the near future and the requirement will be to display the A-weighted sound power level. However, the `noys' scale of perceived noisiness was found more appropriate to the rating of appliance noise both as it is linear and therefore, a sound level that seems twice as loud is twice the value in noys and also takes into consideration the presence of pure tones, which even in the absence of a high noise level can lead to annoyance.


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The affinity isolation of pre-purified plasmid DNA (pDNA) from model buffer solutions using native and poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) derivatized zinc finger–GST (Glutathione-S-Transferase) fusion protein was examined in PEG–dextran (DEX) aqueous two-phase systems (ATPSs). In the absence of pDNA, partitioning of unbound PEGylated fusion protein into the PEG-rich phase was confirmed with 97.5% of the PEGylated fusion protein being detected in the PEG phase of a PEG 600–DEX 40 ATPS. This represents a 1322-fold increase in the protein partition coefficient in comparison to the non-PEGylated protein (Kc = 0.013). In the presence of pDNA containing a specific oligonucleotide recognition sequence, the zinc finger moiety of the PEGylated fusion protein bound to the plasmid and steered the complex to the PEG-rich phase. An increase in the proportion of pDNA that partitioned to the PEG-rich phase was observed as the concentration of PEGylated fusion protein was increased. Partitioning of the bound complex occurred to such an extent that no DNA was detected by the picogreen assay in the dextran phase. It was also possible to partition pDNA using a non-PEGylated (native) zinc finger–GST fusion protein in a PEG 1000–DEX 500 ATPS. In this case the native ligand accumulated mainly in the PEG phase. These results indicate good prospects for the design of new plasmid DNA purification methods using fusion proteins as affinity ligands.


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Bovine tuberculosis (bTB) caused by infection with Mycobacterium bovis is causing considerable economic loss to farmers and Government in the United Kingdom as its incidence is increasing. Efforts to control bTB in the UK are hampered by the infection in Eurasian badgers (Metes metes) that represent a wildlife reservoir and source of recurrent M. bovis exposure to cattle. Vaccination of badgers with the human TB vaccine, M. bovis Bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG), in oral bait represents a possible disease control tool and holds the best prospect for reaching badger populations over a wide geographical area. Using mouse and guinea pig models, we evaluated the immunogenicity and protective efficacy, respectively, of candidate badger oral vaccines based on formulation of BCG in lipid matrix, alginate beads, or a novel microcapsular hybrid of both lipid and alginate. Two different oral doses of BCG were evaluated in each formulation for their protective efficacy in guinea pigs, while a single dose was evaluated in mice. In mice, significant immune responses (based on lymphocyte proliferation and expression of IFN-gamma) were only seen with the lipid matrix and the lipid in alginate microcapsular formulation, corresponding to the isolation of viable BCG from alimentary tract lymph nodes. In guinea pigs, only BCG formulated in lipid matrix conferred protection to the spleen and lungs following aerosol route challenge with M. bovis. Protection was seen with delivery doses in the range 10(6)-10(7) CFU, although this was more consistent in the spleen at the higher dose. No protection in terms of organ CFU was seen with BCG administered in alginate beads or in lipid in alginate microcapsules, although 10(7) in the latter formulation conferred protection in terms of increasing body weight after challenge and a smaller lung to body weight ratio at necropsy. These results highlight the potential for lipid, rather than alginate, -based vaccine formulations as suitable delivery vehicles for an oral BCG vaccine in badgers.


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A new synthetic method, applicable to the preparation of a wide range of hydrazine derivatives, is described. This involves the diborane reduction of a hydrazone, or, more conveniently, the reductive-condensation of a hydrazine and the appropriate aldehyde (or ketone). The method gives high yields and provides a particularly simple route to the relatively inaccessible 1,2-disubstituted hydrazines bearing a different group on each nitrogen. The new method has also been applied to the preparation of 1,2-disubstituted hydrazines with the same group on both nitrogens (via the azine), the very rare 1 ,2-disubstituted hydrazines bearing a tert-butyl group, trisubstituted hydrazines and monosubstituted hydrazines. Application of the reaction to the preparation of diaziridines has also been investigated. A mechanism for the reduction, supported by the isolation of a boron-containing intermediate, is suggested. Some limitations of the procedure are discussed. A general i.r. method of distinguishing the isomeric disubstituted hydrazines, as stable salts, has been developed. This has the advantages of speed and simplicity over previous methods. The mass spectra of a series of monosubstituted hydrazines, a series of 1,2-disubstituted hydrazines and some 1-benzoyl 2-alkylhydrazines have been examined in detail. The spectra are generally dominated byα -cleavage processes and the compounds show a variety of interesting rearrangement reactions. The mass spectra of some 1, 1-disubstituted hydrazines and some trisubstituted hydrazines have also been examined. Rearrangement processes occurring in the mass spectrum of tropylium fluoroborate have been examined. Similar rearrangements have been found in the spectrum of trityl fluoroborate and may be of general occurrence in the mass spectra of aromatic fluoroborates. Chemical shift values for some groups on hydrazine nitrogen are recorded and the results of tumour inhibitory tests on some hydrazines are also given.


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In this paper we present F LQ, a quadratic complexity bound on the values of the positive roots of polynomials. This bound is an extension of FirstLambda, the corresponding linear complexity bound and, consequently, it is derived from Theorem 3 below. We have implemented FLQ in the Vincent-Akritas-Strzeboński Continued Fractions method (VAS-CF) for the isolation of real roots of polynomials and compared its behavior with that of the theoretically proven best bound, LM Q. Experimental results indicate that whereas F LQ runs on average faster (or quite faster) than LM Q, nonetheless the quality of the bounds computed by both is about the same; moreover, it was revealed that when VAS-CF is run on our benchmark polynomials using F LQ, LM Q and min(F LQ, LM Q) all three versions run equally well and, hence, it is inconclusive which one should be used in the VAS-CF method.


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Current anti-angiogenic treatments involve the attenuation of signalling via the pro-angiogenic vascular endothelial growth factor/receptor (VEGF/VEGFR) axis. Stimulation of angiogenesis by VEGF requires the activation of the calcineurin/nuclear factor of activated T-cells (NFAT) signal transduction pathway which is inhibited by Plasma Membrane Calcium ATPase 4 (PMCA4), an endogenous calcium extrusion pump. However, PMCA4s role in calcineurin/NFAT-dependent angiogenesis is unknown. Using “gain of function” studies, we show here that adenoviral overexpression of PMCA4 in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) inhibited NFAT activity, decreased the expression of NFAT-dependent pro-angiogenic proteins (regulator of calcineurin 1.4 (RCAN1.4) and cyclooxygenase-2) and diminished in vitro cell migration and tube formation in response to VEGF-stimulation. Furthermore, in vivo blood vessel formation was attenuated in a matrigel plug assay by ectopic expression of PMCA4. Conversely, “loss of function” experiments by si-RNA-mediated knockdown of PMCA4 in HUVEC or isolation of mouse lung endothelial cells from PMCA4−/− mice showed increased VEGF-induced NFAT activity, RCAN1.4 expression, in vitro endothelial cell migration, tube formation and in vivo blood vessel formation. Additionally, in an in vivo pathological angiogenesis model of limb ischemia, the reperfusion of the ischemic limb of PMCA4−/− mice was augmented compared to wild-type. Disruption of the interaction between endogenous PMCA4 and calcineurin by adenoviral overexpression of the region of PMCA4 that interacts with calcineurin (residues 428–651) increased NFAT activity, RCAN1.4 protein expression and in vitro tube formation. These results identify PMCA4 as an inhibitor of VEGF-induced angiogenesis, highlighting its potential as a new therapeutic target for anti-angiogenic treatments.


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The authors screened 34 large cattle herds for the presence of Mycoplasma bovis infection by examining slaughtered cattle for macroscopic lung lesions, by culturing M. bovis from lung lesions and at the same time by testing sera for the presence of antibodies against M. bovis. Among the 595 cattle examined, 33.9% had pneumonic lesions, mycoplasmas were isolated from 59.9% of pneumonic lung samples, and 10.9% of sera from those animals contained antibodies to M.bovis. In 25.2% of the cases M. bovis was isolated from lungs with no macroscopic lesions. The proportion of seropositive herds was 64.7%. The average seropositivity rate of individuals was 11.3% but in certain herds it exceeded 50%. A probability model was developed for examining the relationship among the occurrence of pneumonia, the isolation of M. bovis from the lungs and the presence of M. bovis specific antibodies in sera.


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Mammalian C3 is a pivotal complement protein, encoded for by a single gene. In some vertebrate species multiple C3 isoforms are products of different C3 genes. The goal of this study was to determine whether multiple genes encode for shark C3. A protocol was developed for the isolation of mRNA from shark blood for the isolation of C3 cDNA clones. RT-PCR amplification of mRNA, using sense (GCGEQNM) and antisense (TWLTAYV) primers encoding conserved regions of human C3, yielded 21 clones. The C3-like clones isolated shared 97% similarity with each other and 40% similarity to human C3. RACE-PCR amplification of shark liver RNA, using gene specific primers, yielded products ranging from 1800bp to 3000bp. Deduced amino acid sequence, corresponding to 408bp of the 1800bp fragment, was obtained which showed 51% similarity to human C3. These results suggest that nurse shark C3 might be encoded for by more than one gene. ^


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Aquatic toxins are responsible for a number of acute and chronic diseases in humans. Okadaic acid (OA) and other dinoflagellate derived polyketide toxins pose serious health risks on a global scale. Ingestion of OA contaminated shellfish causes diarrheic shellfish poisoning (DSP). Some evidence also suggests tumor promotion in the liver by OA. Microcystin-LR (MC-LR) is produced by cyanobacteria and is believed to be the most common freshwater toxin in the US. Humans may be exposed to this acute hepatotoxin through drinking or recreational use of contaminated waters. ^ OA producing dinoflagellates have not been cultured axenically. The presence of associated bacteria raises questions about the ultimate source of OA. Identification of the toxin-producing organism(s) is the first step in identifying the biosynthetic pathways involved in toxin production. Polyketide synthase (PKS) genes of toxic and non-toxic species were surveyed by construction of clonal libraries from PCR amplicons of various toxic and non-toxic species of Prorocentrum in an effort to identify genes, which may be part of the biosynthetic pathway of OA. Analysis of the PKS sequences revealed that toxic species shared identical PKS genes not present in non-toxic species. Interestingly, the same PKS genes were identified in a library constructed from associated bacteria. ^ Subsequent bacterial small subunit RNA (16S) clonal libraries identified several common bacterial species. The most frequent 16S sequences found were identified as species of the genus Roseobacter which has previously been implicated in the production of OA. Attempts to culture commonly occurring bacteria resulted in the isolation of Oceanicaulis alexandrii , a novel marine bacterium previously isolated from the dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense, from both P. lima, and P. hoffmanianum. ^ Metabolic studies of microcystin-LR, were conducted to probe the activity of the major human liver cytochromes (CYP) towards the toxin. CYPs may provide alternate routes of detoxification of toxins when the usual routes have been inhibited. For example, some research indicates that cyanobacterial xenobiotics, in particular, lipopolysaccharides may inhibit glutathione S-transferases allowing the toxin to persist long enough to be acted upon by other enzymes. These studies found that at least one human liver CYP was capable of metabolizing the toxin. ^


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This study is a comparative study of the Turkish Islamist movement Milli Görüş (IGMG) in Germany and the Netherlands. It is a qualitative and a quantitative inquiry about the nature (whether it is moderate or radical) of the Milli Görüş movement in these two countries. The central research questions are: what is the reason for the rise of Islamism among Turks living in two different countries in Europe? What is the reason for the difference in the radicalization levels? Islamism refers to an ideology that turns traditional Islam into a sustained and systematic program that includes social, political, and economic affairs (Pipes 1998). The movements within the framework of Islamism range from moderate to radical. Based on the data collected during the field research conducted in Germany and the Netherlands between the years of 2004-2007, this study suggests that Islamism is a response to social marginalization which is defined as “an external social position, of isolation of the individual or groups, with a limited access to economical, political, educational and communicational resources of the community” (Contained in the law adopted by the Romanian Parliament in 28 February 2002, www.hurriyetim.com, November 25, 2004). It is hypothesized that as the level of social marginalization increases, so does the level of radicalization.


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Introduction: Sudden cardiac death (SCD) in young people (ages 2-40) is a tragedy for families and communities alike. It has multiple causes, one of which is an underlying genetic arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy. A study from Ontario (ON) using a 2008 cohort assessed the incidence of SCD in persons aged 2-40 years to be 2.64/100,000 person-years. We hypothesized that Newfoundland & Labrador (NL) may have a higher incidence of early SCD in ages 2-40 due to possible underlying genetic causes given the historical genetic isolation of the population and the founder mutations already identified (ex. PKP2, RYR2, TMEM43). Methods: We ascertained cases of sudden death from the comprehensive Medical Examiners’ provincial database for the years 2008 and 1997; 2008 as a direct comparison to ON, and 1997 as it represented a time when the implantable cardioverter-defibrillator was not available in NL. Each case of sudden death was individually analyzed to determine likelihood of SCD. Results: There were 119 cases in 2008 and 157 cases in 1997. The incidence of SCD for ages 2-40 in 2008 was 7.32/100,000 persons. This was significantly higher than the incidence in Ontario. The incidence of SCD was not significantly higher in 1997 than 2008. Coronary artery disease was a major cause of death in all cohorts, similar to Ontario (non-significant difference). Conclusion: In general, there was a trend of more arrhythmogenic deaths in the young and more structural cardiac deaths as age increased. This reflects the cause of SCD in the young is often genetic in nature, while older deaths are often due to coronary artery disease, a disease heavily influenced by environment. To conclude, SCD in NL occurs at a higher incidence than ON, further research is needed on the topic.


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A near-bottom geological and geophysical survey was conducted at the western intersection of the Siqueiros Transform Fault and the East Pacific Rise. Transform-fault shear appears to distort the east flank of the rise crest in an area north of the fracture zone. In ward-facing scarps trend 335° and do not parallel the regional axis of spreading. Small-scale scarps reveal a hummocky bathymetry. The center of spreading is not a central peak but rather a 20-40 m deep, 1 km wide valley superimposed upon an 8 km wide ridge-crest horst. Small-scale topography indicates widespread volcanic flows within the valley. Two 0.75 km wide blocks flank the central valley. Fault scarps are more dominant on the western flank. Their alignment shifts from directions intermediate to parallel to the regional axis of spreading (355°). A median ridge within the fracture zone has a fault-block topography similar to that of the East Pacific Rise to the north. Dominant eastward-facing scarps trending 335° are on the west flank. A central depression, 1 km wide and 30 m deep, separates the dominantly fault-block regime of the west from the smoother topography of the east flank. This ridge originated by uplift due to faulting as well as by volcanism. Detailed mapping was concentrated in a perched basin (Dante's Hole) at the intersection of the rise crest and the fracture zone. Structural features suggest that Dante's Hole is an area subject to extreme shear and tensional drag resulting from transition between non-rigid and rigid crustal behavior. Normal E-W crustal spreading is probably taking place well within the northern confines of the basin. Possible residual spreading of this isolated rise crest coupled with shear drag within the transform fault could explain the structural isolation of Dante's Hole from the remainder of the Siqueiros Transform Fault.


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The modern Aegean Sea is an important source of deep water for the eastern Mediterranean. Its contribution to deep water ventilation is known to fluctuate in response to climatic variation on a decadal timescale. This study uses marine micropalaeontological and stable isotope data to investigate longer-term variability during the late glacial and Holocene, in particular that associated with the deposition of the early Holocene dysoxic/anoxic sapropel S1. Concentrating on the onset of sapropel-forming conditions, we identify the start of 'seasonal' stratification and highlight a lag in d18O response of the planktonic foraminifer N. pachyderma to termination T1b as identified in the d18O record of G. ruber. By use of a simple model we determine that this offset cannot be a function of bioturbation effects. The lag is of the order of 1 kyr and suggests that isolation of intermediate/deep water preceded the start of sapropel formation by up to 1.5 kyr. Using this discovery, we propose an explanation for the major unresolved problem in sapropel studies, namely, the source of nutrient supply required for export productivity to reach levels needed for sustained sapropel deposition. We suggest that nutrients had been accumulating in a stagnant basin for 1-1.5 kyr and that these accumulated resources were utilized during the deposition of S1. In addition, we provide a first quantitative estimate of the diffusive (1/e) mixing timescale for the eastern Mediterranean in its "stratified" sapropel mode, which is of the order of 450 years.


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In recent years, temporal fluctuations in the abundance of C. d. davisiana have been used frequently as a highresolution stratigraphic and paleoenvironmental tool. The modern ecology and morphologic variation (temporal and geographic) of this radiolarian species is evaluated to ascertain its potential stratigraphic and paleoenvironmental significance. Statistics were obtained on the width and height of all C. d. davisiana segments from Pleistocene populations of differing ages from the Northern Hemisphere (Labrador Sea and Iceland-Faeroe Ridge) and Southern Hemisphere (Namibian shelf and Meteor Rise). Results reveal that segment height variations between and within populations are more conservative than segment width. The mean sizes of the thorax and first abdominal segment have distinguishable differences between C. d. davisiana found in the North and South Atlantic. All populations have no significant difference in first abdominal segment width, however, mean heights of this segment differ greatly between populations of the North and South Atlantic. Second abdominal segment sizes show no clear population grouping. Size differences in post-cephalic segment size of these populations would appear to be related to some isolation of gene pools and possibly unknown paleoenvironmental factors. Temporal changes in the postcephalic size of C. d. davisiana may be used to: (1) identify temporally equivalent peaks in abundance of the species in a given region, (2) possibly evaluate the degree of mixing of water'masses between regions, and (3) trace the initial spread of the species from its area of origin. Cleve's 1887 plankton samples, between Greenland and Spitzsbergen, were studied and used in conjunction with other data to make the following conclusions on the modern ecology of C. d. davisiana in the Arctic and Greenland-Norwegian Seas. (1) It is presently absent in surface water plankton samples, (2) it currently lives at depths below 500 m, where it is rare, (3) it does not live in the upper 200 m under Arctic ice but is rare at greater depths, (4) it is absent in the upper 200 m near permanent Greenland Sea ice where normal oceanic salinity prevails, and (5) it is most common in deep marginal fjord environments which may serve as a refuge for the species during interglacial periods. In the Atlantic Ocean, the abundance of C. d. davisiana does not exceed 1% of the assemblage between the Subtropical Convergence of each hemisphere. In the Norwegian and Labrador Seas the species may occasionally be in the range of 1-5% of the modern radiolarian assemblage and never more than 5% in the southern high latitudes. Apparently only in the modern Sea of Okhotsk, does the species presently occur in high abundance. We concur with Morley and Hays (1983) that increased abundances are likely caused by the development of a strong low-salinity surface layer associated with seasonal sea ice melting and a strong temperature minimum above warmer and higher salinity intermediate waters. Similar conditions were frequent during the Pleistocene in the high latitudes and its modern scarcity outside the Sea of Okhotsk must be related to the absence of the presently unique conditions in the latter region.


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Campbell Plateau occupies a key position in the southwest Pacific sector of the Southern Ocean. The plateau confines and steers the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) along its flanks, isolating the Subantarctic plateau from cold polar waters. Oxygen and carbon isotope records from Campbell Plateau cores provide new records of water mass stratification for the past 130 kyr. During glacial climes, strengthening of the Subantarctic Front (SAF) caused waters over the plateau flanks to be deeply mixed and ~3°C cooler. Waters of the plateau interior remained stratified and isolated from the cold southern waters. In the west, waters cooled markedly (~4°C) owing to reduced entrainment of Tasman Sea water. Marked cooling also occurred north of Campbell Plateau under increased entrainment of polar water by a branch of the SAF. The ACC remained along the flanks of Campbell Plateau during the last interglacial, when interior waters were stratified and warmer by ~1°C than now.