922 resultados para Irish waters
During an expedition aboard R/V Pavel Gordienko (September, 2002) investigations in the Sea of Japan areas, where radioactive wastes were disposed by the former Soviet Union, were carried out in order to assess present level of radioactive contamination of marine environment. Concentration of I37Cs, radioecologically one of the most important radionuclides, in near-bottom sea water and bottom sediments were measured to be low, 2.8-17.2 Bq/m**3 and 3.2-27.2 Bq/kg dry weight, respectively, that did not differ significantly from levels elsewhere in the northwest Pacific Ocean arising from global fallout. Results of measurements were compared with results of the Joint Japanese- Korean -Russian expedition to the Sea of Japan in 1994.
Atomic absorption spectroscopy is used to determine concentration of gold in waters of the Bering Sea and North Pacific. Distributions of gold and organic carbon in colloidal and "dissolved" fractions separated by ultrafiltration through Vladipor filters are determined. Direct evidence of gold association with colloidal matter of sea water is presented and concentrations of gold in various fractions of colloidal solutions are determined. The most important forms of occurrence of colloidal gold prove to be high molecular weight fractions, and the most important form of colloidal organic carbon (Corg) is low molecular fraction. Dissolved forms are important in the balance of gold and Corg. Variations in forms of occurrence of gold and Corg in vertical profiles are described.
The mouth area of the North (Severnaya) Dvina River is characterized by a high concentrations of methane in water (from 1.0 to 165.4 µl/l) and bottom sediments (from 14 to 65000 µl/kg), being quite comparable to productive mouth areas of rivers from the temperate zone. Maximum methane concentrations in water and sediments were registered in the delta in segments of channels and branches with low rates of tidal and runoff currents, where domestic and industrial wastewaters are supplied. In the riverine and marine water mixing zone with its upper boundary, locating far into the delta and moving depending on a phase of the tidal cycle, decrease of methane concentration with salinity increase was observed. The prevailing role in formation of the methane concentration level in water of the mouth area pertains to bottom sediments, which is indicated by close correlation between gas concentrations in these two media. Existence of periodicity in variations of methane concentration in river water downstream caused by tidal effects was found.