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Epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) is a process implicated in cancer progression in which the underlying cellular changes have been identified mainly using in vitro models. We determined the expression of some putative EMT biomarkers including E-cadherin, beta-catenin, zinc finger factor Snail (Snail), transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF beta 1), TGF beta type II receptor (TBRII) and the HGF receptor (c-met) and their possible correlation to progression and overall survival in a series of breast ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) and invasive ductal carcinomas (IDC). Biomarkers were immunohistochemically determined in 55 IDC specimens from which 21 had lymph node metastases and in 95 DCIS specimens, 46 of these cases associated to invasive carcinoma, in a tissue microarray (TMA). Positive cytoplasmic staining of TGF beta 1 (78.2%), c-met (43.6%), Snail (34.5%), TBRII (100%), membranous E-cadherin (74.5%) and membranous/cytoplasmic beta-catenin (71%) were detected in the IDC samples. Metastatic lymph node samples displayed similar frequencies. A significant increase of c-met and TGF beta 1 positivity along DCIS to IDC progression was noted but only TGF beta 1 positivity was associated with presence of lymph node metastases and advanced stages in IDC. The evaluation of the other EMT markers in DCIS did not show differences in positivity rate as compared to invasive carcinomas. DCIS either pure or associated to IDC showed similar expression of the analyzed biomarkers. All the carcinomas exhibited positive expression of TBRII. Associations between the markers, determined by Spearman`s correlation coefficient, showed a significant association between TGF beta 1 and respectively E-cadherin, beta-catenin and cmet in DCIS cases, but in invasive carcinomas only cadherin and catenin were positively correlated. Kaplan-Meier survival curves revealed that none of the EMT biomarkers analyzed were correlated with survival, which was significantly determined only by clinical and hormone receptor parameters.
Background Acral lentiginous melanoma (ALM) is a clinicopathologic subtype of cutaneous malignant melanoma. ALM is the most common type of melanoma amongst Asians, Africans, and patients with mixed ancestry. In Brazil, ALM comprises 10% of cutaneous melanoma. ALM develops on palmar, plantar, and subungual skin, and its biology is different from that of other cutaneous melanomas, where sunlight is the major known environmental determinant. Alterations and inactivation of the p16INK4 gene that encodes a specific inhibitor of cyclin-dependent kinase have been related to melanoma genesis and progression. Few studies, however, have addressed p16 expression in ALM. Methods In order to verify and compare p16 protein expression, 32 paraffin-embedded ALM specimens were subjected to a immunohistochemical technique using a monoclonal anti-p16 antibody. The tumors were classified according to thickness (up to 1.0 mm and thicker than 1.0 mm) and the presence of ulceration. Results Twenty-five (78%) ALMs displayed positive p16 protein expression: 21 of the 25 (84%) with a thickness of more than 1.0 mm, and four of the seven (57%) with a thickness of 1.0 mm or less. Thirteen of the 17 (76%) nonulcerated lesions and 12 of the 15 (80%) ulcerated lesions displayed positive p16 protein expression. Conclusion The data obtained suggest that p16 protein expression per se may not represent a marker of retinoblastoma protein (pRb) pathway disturbance in ALM tumorigenesis.
Background: Patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) present an important ventilatory (imitation reducing their exercise capacity. Non-invasive ventilatory support has been shown to improve exercise capacity in patients with obstructive diseases; however, its effect on IPF patients remains unknown. Objective: The present study assessed the effect of ventilatory support using proportional, assist ventilation (PAV) on exercise capacity in patients with IPF. Methods: Ten patients (61.2 +/- 9.2 year-old) were submitted to a cardiopulmonary exercise testing, plethysmography and three submaximal. exercise tests (60% of maximum load): without ventilatory support, with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) and PAV. Submaximal tests were performed randomly and exercise capacity, cardiovascular and ventilatory response as well as breathlessness subjective perception were evaluated. Lactate plasmatic levels were obtained before and after submaximal. exercise. Results: Our data show that patients presented a limited exercise capacity (9.7 +/- 3.8 mL O(2)/kg/min). Submaximal. test was increased in patients with PAV compared with CPAP and without ventilatory support (respectively, 11.1 +/- 8.8 min, 5.6 +/- 4.7 and 4.5 +/- 3.8 min; p < 0.05). An improved arterial oxygenation and lower subjective perception to effort was also observed in patients with IPF when exercise was performed with PAV (p < 0.05). IPF patients performing submaximal exercise with PAV also presented a lower heart rate during exercise, although systolic and diastolic pressures were not different among submaximal tests. Our results suggest that PAV can increase exercise tolerance and decrease dyspnoea and cardiac effort in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Management of rectal cancer has become increasingly complex and a multidisciplinary approach is considered of key importance for improving outcomes. A national survey among specialists involved in this multidisciplinary setting was performed. A web-based survey containing 11 questions regarding rectal cancer management was sent to surgeons and medical oncologists registered by their corresponding societies as members. Statistical analysis was performed using the chi-square and Fisher`s exact tests for all categorical variables according to response to individual questions. Multivariate analysis was performed using Cox`s logistic regression. Overall, 418 email recipients responded the survey. Local staging was performed without either magnetic resonance imaging or endorectal ultrasound by 64% of responders. Seventy-two percent considered that final management decision should be made after neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy. Additionally, 46% considered that an alternative procedure (local excision or observation) was appropriate in a patient with a complete clinical response. Colorectal surgeons were more frequently in favor of longer intervals after completion of chemoradiation therapy (P = 0.001) and of alternative management procedures after a complete clinical response (P = 0.02). After multivariate analysis, the choice of a watch and wait approach after a complete clinical response following neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy was significantly more frequent among surgeons (OR 3.5, 95% CI 1.8-7.1). Surgeons seem to be more in favor of tailoring management of rectal cancer according to tumor response after neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy, with longer intervals after chemoradiation therapy, decisions about treatment strategy being made after chemoradiation therapy instead of before, and the use of alternative surgical procedures after a complete clinical response following neoadjuvant therapy.
Background & Aims: EPIC-3 is a prospective, international study that has demonstrated the efficacy of PEG-IFN alfa-2b plus weight-based ribavirin in patients with chronic hepatitis C and significant fibrosis who previously failed any interferon-alfa/ribavirin therapy. The aim of the present study was to assess FibroTest (FT), a validated non-invasive marker of fibrosis in treatment-naive patients, as a possible alternative to biopsy as the baseline predictor of subsequent early virologic (EVR) and sustained virologic response (SVR) in previously treated patients. Methods: Of 2312 patients enrolled, 1459 had an available baseline FT, biopsy, and complete data. Uni- (UV) and multi-variable (MV) analyses were performed using FT and biopsy. Results: Baseline characteristics were similar as in the overall population; METAVIR stage: 28% F2, 29% F3, and 43% F4, previous relapsers 29%, previous PEG-IFN regimen 41%, high baseline viral load (BVL) 64%. 506 patients (35%) had undetectable HCV-RNA at TW12 (TW12neg), with 58% achieving SVR. The accuracy of FT was similar to that in naive patients: AUROC curve for the diagnosis of F4 vs F2 = 0.80 (p<0.00001). Five baseline factors were associated (p<0.001) with SVR in UV and MV analyses (odds ratio: UV/MV): fibrosis stage estimated using FT (4.5/5.9) or biopsy (1.5/1.6), genotype 2/3 (4.5/5.1), BVL (1.5/1.3), prior relapse (1.6/1.6), previous treatment with non-PEG-IFN (2.6/2.0). These same factors were associated (p <= 0.001) with EVR. Among patients TW12neg, two independent factors remained highly predictive of SVR by MV analysis (p <= 0.001): genotype 2/3 (odds ratio = 2.9), fibrosis estimated with FT (4.3) or by biopsy (1.5). Conclusions: FibroTest at baseline is a possible non-invasive alternative to biopsy for the prediction of EVR at 12 weeks and SVR, in patients with previous failures and advanced fibrosis, retreated with PEG-IFN alfa-2b and ribavirin. (C) 2010 European Association for the Study of the Liver. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
BACKGROUND: Complete tumor regression may develop after neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy for distal rectal cancer. Studies have suggested that selected patients with complete clinical response may avoid radical surgery and close surveillance may provide good outcomes with no oncologic compromise. However, definition of complete clinical response is often imprecise and may vary between different studies. The aim of this study is to provide a clear definition for a complete clinical response after neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy in patients with distal rectal cancer in addition to actual endoscopic videos from patients managed nonoperatively. METHODS: Patients with nonmetastatic distal rectal cancer treated by neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy, including 50.4 Gy and concomitant 5-fluorouracil and leucovorin, were assessed for tumor response at least 8 weeks after chemoradiation therapy completion. Complete and incomplete clinical responses were defined based on clinical and endoscopic findings. Patients with complete clinical response were not immediately operated on and were closely followed. Early and late endoscopic findings were recorded. RESULTS: Definition of a complete clinical response should be based on very strict clinical and endoscopic criteria. The finding of any residual superficial ulceration, irregularity, or nodule should prompt surgical attention, including transanal full-thickness excision or even a radical resection with total mesorectal excision. Standard or incisional biopsies should be avoided in this setting. Complete clinical responders should harbor no more than whitening of the mucosa, teleangiectasia with mucosal integrity to be considered for a nonoperative approach. In the presence of these findings, regularly scheduled reassessments may provide a safe alternative to these patients with early detection of recurrent disease. CONCLUSION: Strict definition of the clinical and endoscopic findings of patients experiencing complete clinical response after neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy may provide a useful tool for the understanding of outcomes of patients managed with no immediate surgery allowing standardization of classifications and comparison between the experiences of different institutions.