940 resultados para Interviewing in child abuse - Technique


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Os avanços tecnológicos ocorridos nas últimas três décadas na área da saúde têm garantido a sobrevivência de crianças nascidas extremamente prematuras ou asfíxicas, o que acabou gerando as chamadas crianças com necessidades especiais de saúde, dentre elas, as portadoras de encefalopatia hipóxico-isquêmica. A encefalopatia acomete as crianças em graus variados requerendo cuidados específicos, o que implica na inclusão de suas famílias nas ações de cuidados a criança quando no domicílio. Objeto de estudo: o cuidado prestado pela família à criança portadora de encefalopatia hipóxico-isquêmica no contexto domiciliar. Objetivos: descrever as demandas de cuidados da criança portadora de encefalopatia no domicílio, identificar as práticas de cuidados desenvolvidas pelos familiares cuidadores junto a essas crianças e discutir os desafios determinados por esses cuidados para os familiares cuidadores de criança com encefalopatia no domicílio. Metodologia: pesquisa qualitativa, desenvolvida a partir do método criativo sensível, utilizando a dinâmica corpo-saber no domicílio de cinco grupos de familiares cuidadores, totalizando doze familiares. O período de geração dos dados ocorreu de fevereiro a abril de 2014. Os dados foram analisados a partir da análise de discurso, em sua corrente francesa, e interpretados à luz da concepção freiriana, com destaque para os conceitos de crítica reflexiva, processo de conscientização e educação dialógica e o cuidado centrado na família. Resultados: as práticas de cuidados dos familiares apontaram modificações nos cuidados habituais de alimentação, higiene, desenvolvimento e medicamentoso. Na prática da alimentação, os familiares expressaram suas condutas frente à alimentação por via oral ou por gastrostomia e suas crenças e atitudes frente a essas práticas alimentares. Quanto à higiene, revelaram a necessidade de adaptações na prática habitual do banho. No que se refere aos cuidados voltados ao desenvolvimento, apontaram o lazer e as brincadeiras como elementos adjuvantes ao favorecimento do desenvolvimento infantil. O cuidado medicamentoso emergiu como parte do universo das famílias, apontando a necessidade dos profissionais de saúde, em especial, os da enfermagem, incluírem esta temática em suas pautas de orientações. Quanto aos desafios vividos pelos familiares, esses estiveram relacionados ao medo e a inexperiência no cuidar da criança, ao enfrentamento e a aceitação da necessidade especial de saúde, a necessidade de uma rede de solidariedade cooperando nas dificuldades econômicas e ao atendimento em saúde por diferentes profissionais e especialidades. Conclusão: as múltiplas dimensões de cuidados apresentadas pelas crianças com necessidades especiais de saúde apontam para o profissional de enfermagem a necessidade de desenvolver seu papel educador junto aos familiares pautado na dialogicidade e horizontalidade facilitando, assim, a relação com os estes, em benefício da criança e promovendo a aproximação profissional/família, O estudo assinala a necessidade de dos profissionais de saúde, em especial, o enfermeiro, perceberem a família como um elemento chave no processo de cuidar da criança com necessidades especiais de saúde quando no domicílio.


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A pesquisa que se insere na linha Infância, Juventude e Educação do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação, da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro/UERJ, teve por objetivo compreender as enunciações que professoras e estudantes de Pedagogia produziram nas discussões do Ciclo de Palestras Direitos Humanos e Educação Infantil: questões de raça, etnia, sexo e gênero, realizado na UERJ, durante cinco encontros quinzenais, sobre a questão raça e etnia, em 2013. O procedimento metodológico do Ciclo foi de palestras expositivas, sessões reflexivas que produziram amplo debate crítico com os 40 participantes. O material empírico analisado na dissertação foi composto pelas enunciações produzidas pelos participantes relativas às questões étnico-raciais: relatos de preconceito, discriminação e racismo. A pesquisa adotou uma abordagem qualitativa e procurou compreender as enunciações a partir do aporte teórico proposto por Bakhtin. Esta abordagem teórica dialogou com outras que subsidiaram o ciclo de palestras e as presentes no levantamento bibliográfico realizado (2003 2013), que visou observar a materialidade da Lei 10.639/13 e das DCNERER. A partir do corpus de enunciações da pesquisa elegemos três eixos temáticos: (1) As relações étnico-raciais no Brasil; (2) Práticas racistas e antirracistas na Educação Infantil e (3) A formação de professores para a educação das relações étnico-raciais. As análises apontaram que as atividades de problematização e discussão sobre o tema são importantes e necessárias, diante à lacuna de formação e conhecimentos especializados, em contraponto às dificuldades cotidianas e embaraços voltados às questões de raça e etnia vividas por professores e crianças negras ou não, no cotidiano das Instituições de Educação Infantil. Os participantes reconheceram o próprio despreparo para atuar frente às questões em estudo e propuseram estratégias de ação nas suas práticas pedagógicas com as crianças


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An accurate and simple technique for measuring the input reflection coefficient and the frequency response of semiconductor laser diode chips is proposed and demonstrated. All the packaging parasitics could be obtained accurately using a calibrated probe, and the impedance of the intrinsic diode chip is deduced from the directly measured reflection coefficient. The directly measured impedance of a laser diode is affected strongly by the short bond wire. In the frequency response (S(2)1) measurements of semiconductor laser diode chips, the test fixture consists of a microwave probe, a submount, and a bond wire. The S-parameters of the probe could be determined using the short-open-match (SOM) method. Both the attenuation and the reflection of the test fixture have a strong influence on the directly measured frequency response, and in our proposed technique, the effect of test fixture is completely removed.


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Fabrication of semiconductor nanostructures such as quantum dots (QDs), quantum rings (QRs) has been considered as the important step for realization of solid state quantum information devices, including QDs single photon emission source, QRs single electron memory unit, etc. To fabricate GaAs quantum rings, we use Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) droplet technique in this report. In this droplet technique, Gallium (Ga) molecular beams are supplied initially without Arsenic (As) ambience, forming droplet-like nano-clusters of Ga atoms on the substrate, then the Arsenic beams are supplied to crystallize the Ga droplets into GaAs crystals. Because the morphologies and dimensions of the GaAs crystal are governed by the interplay between the surface migration of Ga and As adatoms and their crystallization, the shape of the GaAs crystals can be modified into rings, and the size and density can be controlled by varying the growth temperatures and As/Ga flux beam equivalent pressures(BEPs). It has been shown by Atomic force microscope (AFM) measurements that GaAs single rings, concentric double rings and coupled double rings are grown successfully at typical growth temperatures of 200 C to 300 C under As flux (BEP) of about 1.0 x 10(-6) Torr. The diameter of GaAs rings is about 30-50 nm and thickness several nm.


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The semiconductor microlasers based on the equilateral triangle resonator (ETR) can be fabricated from the edge-emitting laser wafer by dry-etching technique, and the directional emission can be obtained by connecting an output waveguide to one of the vertices of the ETR. We investigate the mode characteristics, especially the mode quality factor, for the ETR with imperfect vertices, which is inevitable in the real technique process. The numerical simulations show that the confined modes can still have a high quality factor in the ETR with imperfect vertices. We can expect that the microlasers is a suitable light source for photonic integrated circuits.


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Solidification behavior and microstructural evolution of surface modified layers in plasma cladding technique are studied via numerical simulations. Both the coupling effect of temperature and solid volume fraction are considered in the proposed thermal analytical model, by which the transient temperature distributions are calculated and the shape of melting pool is determined. Furthermore, we perform microscopic thermal analysis on the nucleation and growth behaviors of ceramic hardening phases and dendrites, as well as the kinetics of related two-phase flow systems. By comparing with experimental observations, the evolution mechanisms of the morphology of Al2O3 ceramic hardening layer are explained. Based on the above results, a relationship among the scanning velocity of plasma stream, dendritic growth rate and the advancing speed of solid/liquid interface is found, and an energy criterion is proposed for predicting the pushing/engulfing transition of ceramic particles by grain growth fronts. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The thickness of the gold film and its morphology, including the surface roughness, are very important for getting a good, reproducible response in the SPR technique. Here, we report a novel alternative approach for preparing SPR-active substrates that is completely solution-based. Our strategy is based on self-assembly of the gold colloid monolayer on a (3-aminopropyl)trimethoxysilane-modified glass slide, followed by electroless gold plating. Using this method, the thickness of films can be easily controlled at the nanometer scale by setting the plating time in the same conditions. Surface roughness and morphology of gold films can be modified by both tuning the size of gold nanoparticles and agitation during the plating. Surface evolution of the Au film was followed in real time by UV-vis spectroscopy and in situ SPRS. To assess the surface roughness and electrochemical stability of the Au films, atomic force microscopy and cyclic voltammetry were used. In addition, the stability of the gold adhesion is demonstrated by three methods. The as-prepared Au films on substrates are reproducible and stable, which allows them to be used as electrodes for electrochemical experiments and as platforms for studying SAMs.


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In China and world, more than half the recent basin discovered reserves involve lithologic hydrocarbon reservoir reserves. The major target for further hydrocarbon basin exploration is the subtle reservoir. The Liaodong Bay prospect is much important in Bohai Sea, which includes Liaoxi low uplift, Liaodong uplift, Liaoxi sag and Liaozhong sag. After dozens years’ exploration in Liaodong Bay, few unexplored big-and-middle-sized favorable structural traps are remained and most of the stock structure targets are bad for fragmentary. Thus seeking for new prospect area and making a breakthrough, have become the unique way to relieve the severe exploration condition in Liaodong Bay. Technique Route Based on the petrophysical property of target area, the seismic forward inference of typical subtle trap model is expanded with analysis of logging, seismic and geologic data. According to petrophysical characteristics and forward inference and research on seismic response of actual seismic data in target area, the optimization of geophysical technique is used in subtle trap identification and the geophysical identification technique system of subtle reservoir is formed. The Key Research ① Petrophysical Model The petrophysical parameter is the basic parameter for seismic wave simulation. The seismic response difference of rocks bearing different fluids is required. With the crossplot of log data, the influence of petrophysical parameters on rock elastic properties of target area is analyzed, such as porosity, shale index, fluid property and saturation. Based on the current research on Biot-Gassmann and Kuster-Toksoz model, the petrophysical parameter calculator program which can be used for fluid substitution is established. ② S-wave evaluation based on conventional log data The shear velocity is needed during forward inference of AVO or other elastic wave field. But most of the recent conventional log data is lack of shear wave. Thus according to the research on petrophysical model, the rock S-wave parameter can be evaluated from conventional log data with probability inverse method. ③ AVO forward modeling based on well data For 6 wells in JZ31-6 block and 9 wells in LD22-1 block, the AVO forward modeling recording is made by log curve. The classification of AVO characteristics in objective interval is made by the lithologic information. ④ The 2D parameter model building and forward modeling of subtle hydrocarbon trap in target area. According to the formation interpretation of ESS03D seismic area, the 2D parameter model building and seismic wave field forward modeling are carried on the given and predicted subtle hydrocarbon trap with log curve. ⑤ The lithology and fluid identification of subtle trap in target area After study the seismic response characteristics of lithology and fluid in given target area, the optimization of geophysical technique is used for lithology identification and fluid forecast. ⑥The geophysical identification technique system of subtle reservoir The Innovative Points of this Paper ① Based on laboratory measurement and petrophysical model theory, the rock S-wave parameter can be evaluated from conventional log data with probability inverse method. Then the fluid substitution method based on B-G and K-T theory is provided. ② The method and workflow for simulating seismic wave field property of subtle hydrocarbon trap are established based on the petrophysical model building and forward modeling of wave equation. ③ The description of subtle trap structural feature is launched. According to the different reflection of frequency wave field structural attribute, the fluid property of subtle trap can be identified by wave field attenuation attribute and absorption analysis. ④ It’s the first time to identify subtle trap by geophysical technique and provide exploration drilling well location. ⑤ The technique system of subtle reservoir geophysical identification is formed to provide available workflow and research ideas for other region of interest.


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During the exploration of fractured reservoirs, worldwide difficult problems will be encountered: how to locate the fractured zones, how to quantitatively determine the azimuth, density, and distribution of the fractures, and how to compute the permeability and porosity of the fractures. In an endeavor to solve these problems, the fractured shale reservoir in SiKou area of ShengLi oil field was chosen as a study area. A study of seismic predictive theory and methods for solving problems encountered in fractured reservoir exploration are examined herein. Building on widely used current fractured reservoir exploration techniques, new seismic theories and methods focusing on wave propagation principles in anisotropic medium are proposed. Additionally, integrated new seismic data acquisition and processing methods are proposed. Based on research and application of RVA and WA methods from earlier research, a new method of acoustic impedance varying with azimuth (IPVA) creatively is put forth. Lastly combining drilling data, well log data, and geologic data, an integrated seismic predictive method for cracked reservoir bed was formed. A summary of the six parts of research work of this paper is outlined below. In part one, conventional geologic and geophysical prediction methods etc. for cracked reservoir exploration are examined, and the weaknesses of these approaches discussed. In part two, seismic wave propagation principles in cracked reservoirs are studied. The wave equation of seismic velocity and attenuation factor in three kinds of fracture mediums is induced, and the azimuth anisotropy of velocity and attenuation in fracture mediums is determined. In part three, building on the research and application of AVA and WA methods by a former researcher, a new method of acoustic impedance creatively varying with azimuth (IPVA) is introduced. A practical software package utilizing this technique is also introduced. In part four, Base on previously discussed theory, first a large full azimuth 3d seismic data (70km~2) was designed and acquired. Next, the volume was processed with conventional processing sequence. Then AVA, WA, and IPVA processing was applied, and finally the azimuth and density of the fractures were quantitatively determined by an integrated method. Predictions were supported by well data that indicate the approach is highly reliable. in part five, geological conditions contributing to cracked reservoir bed formation are analyzed in the LuoJia area resulting in the discovery that the main fractured zones are related to fault distribution in the basin, that also control the accumulation of the oil and gas, the generation mechanisms and types of fractured shale reservoirs are studied. Lastly, by using full 3D seismic attributes, azimuth and density of cracked reservoir zones are successfully quantitative predicted. Using an integrated approach that incorporates seismic, geologic and well log data, the best two fractured oil prospects in LouJia area are proposed. These results herein represent a break through in seismic technology, integrated seismic predictive theory, and production technology for fractured reservoirs. The approach fills a void that can be applied both inside China, and internationally. Importantly, this technique opens a new exploration play in the ShengLi oil field that while difficult has substantial potential. Properly applied, this approach could play an important role toward stabilizing the oil field' production. In addition, this technique could be extended fracture exploration in other oil fields producing substantial economic reward.


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R. Zwiggelaar, C.R. Bull, M.J. Mooney and S. Czarnes, 'The detection of 'soft' materials by selective energy xray transmission imaging and computer tomography', Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research 66 (3), 203-212 (1997)


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Jenkins, Tudor; Vaidyanathan, S.; Jones, D.G.; Ellis, J., (2007) 'Laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry on porous silicon for metabolome analyses: influence of surface oxidation', Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 21(13) pp.2157-2166 RAE2008


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Trabalho Social.


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Silicon (Si) is the base material for electronic technologies and is emerging as a very attractive platform for photonic integrated circuits (PICs). PICs allow optical systems to be made more compact with higher performance than discrete optical components. Applications for PICs are in the area of fibre-optic communication, biomedical devices, photovoltaics and imaging. Germanium (Ge), due to its suitable bandgap for telecommunications and its compatibility with Si technology is preferred over III-V compounds as an integrated on-chip detector at near infrared wavelengths. There are two main approaches for Ge/Si integration: through epitaxial growth and through direct wafer bonding. The lattice mismatch of ~4.2% between Ge and Si is the main problem of the former technique which leads to a high density of dislocations while the bond strength and conductivity of the interface are the main challenges of the latter. Both result in trap states which are expected to play a critical role. Understanding the physics of the interface is a key contribution of this thesis. This thesis investigates Ge/Si diodes using these two methods. The effects of interface traps on the static and dynamic performance of Ge/Si avalanche photodetectors have been modelled for the first time. The thesis outlines the original process development and characterization of mesa diodes which were fabricated by transferring a ~700 nm thick layer of p-type Ge onto n-type Si using direct wafer bonding and layer exfoliation. The effects of low temperature annealing on the device performance and on the conductivity of the interface have been investigated. It is shown that the diode ideality factor and the series resistance of the device are reduced after annealing. The carrier transport mechanism is shown to be dominated by generation–recombination before annealing and by direct tunnelling in forward bias and band-to-band tunnelling in reverse bias after annealing. The thesis presents a novel technique to realise photodetectors where one of the substrates is thinned by chemical mechanical polishing (CMP) after bonding the Si-Ge wafers. Based on this technique, Ge/Si detectors with remarkably high responsivities, in excess of 3.5 A/W at 1.55 μm at −2 V, under surface normal illumination have been measured. By performing electrical and optical measurements at various temperatures, the carrier transport through the hetero-interface is analysed by monitoring the Ge band bending from which a detailed band structure of the Ge/Si interface is proposed for the first time. The above unity responsivity of the detectors was explained by light induced potential barrier lowering at the interface. To our knowledge this is the first report of light-gated responsivity for vertically illuminated Ge/Si photodiodes. The wafer bonding approach followed by layer exfoliation or by CMP is a low temperature wafer scale process. In principle, the technique could be extended to other materials such as Ge on GaAs, or Ge on SOI. The unique results reported here are compatible with surface normal illumination and are capable of being integrated with CMOS electronics and readout units in the form of 2D arrays of detectors. One potential future application is a low-cost Si process-compatible near infrared camera.


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This study is a compilation and compendium of information on the oud, the most important instrument in Arabic classical music. It has grown out of my own long-time involvement in studying and playing the oud, and in particular out of my interest in the lack of sources and knowledge available to the vast majority of oud players and researchers, as well as for the readers. My own path started from an intensive study of the oud, which included exposure to several treaties; some housed in museums around the globe, and some only available in the Arabic language. The study combines archival research (including Arabic poetry and pre-Islamic Era and medieval treaties), symbolism, new archaeological discoveries, field interviews, and analysis of existing scholarship, and draws on my professional performance experience for detailed stylistic analysis of the oud's performance practice and its historical development. The study consists of participant observation, personal performance, and interviews conducted in person, via telephone, and/or via e-mail, according to the choice of the performers. The performers have been selected from networks of musicians who perform regularly at lounges, concert halls, and private events. These performers have been chosen according to their musical knowledge, technical skill, experience, and activity in Arabic music and oud performance. Chapter one deals with the purpose of this study and the methods of investigation, as well as giving a brief overview of the history of the oud. In addition, there will be an introduction to the Arabic musical system (mâqâm), which is primarily based on the mechanics and sound production of the oud. Chapter two deals with the oud in Arabic sources: the first source is Arabic poetry in the pre-Islamic Era. The second source is Arabic poetry in the medieval era, in which I found a significant number of poets who allude to the oud, providing accurate descriptions of the player, singers, and the scenes within the contexts of oud performance. The third source is the Arab scholars' intensive treatises with meticulous accounts of the instrument's apparatii, including descriptions and measurements of the parts, strings, and tuning. While chapter three deals with the classification, the development of the oud, chapter four deals with topics such as: the symbolism of the oud and its relation to cosmology, astronomy, mathematics and anatomy. In most of the pertinent Arabic writings, philosophers mention a significant correlation between the oud and the other sciences. Chapter five deals with recreating the performance practice of the oud. A case study of the oud performers focuses on their style, technique, training, and personal experiences. Topics such as improvisation and ornamentation, the oud in the Arabic musical ensemble, the social uses and functions, and gender in musical performance practices will be included in detailed analysis. Other important topics will be analyzed such as traditional vs. modern technique, and the repertoire of the oud. Specifically, in regard to technique, the study outline the style of the music, the role of the oud in Arabic ensembles, the function of the oud in music composition, and the form of the ensembles in Arabic performance and practice.