969 resultados para Internet experience


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Cattle sourced for feedlots from extensive properties will generally have little experience of conditions to which they will be exposed in feedlots, eg close contact with humans, confinement, crowding and feed in troughs. Such conditions can result in stress (Fell 1994) which can have adverse effects on health and performance (Moberg 1985). This experiment determined the effect of prior exposure to aspects of a feedlot environment on the feedlot performance of Bos indicus steers. 21st Biennial Conference. 8 - 12 July 1996. University of Queensland. Brisbane.


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Children with end-stage liver disease now form a major sub-group of patients considered suitable for liver transplantation (ltp), and enjoy better survival statistics after transplantation than do adults. Since June 1984, a paediatric ltp programme has been developed in Brisbane with an initial working relationship and ongoing close links with two USA centres (Pittsburgh, and the UCLA Medical Center). Fourteen children with end-stage liver disease have been referred to the Queensland Liver Transplantation Programme for formal assessment. Following frank, informed discussion with their parents, 10 of these children were offered the option of ltp. During the transition stage, two infants with biliary atresia were referred to UCLA at their parents' request and, subsequently, eight children aged from 9 months to 6 years have been placed on a transplant candidacy list in Brisbane. A donor procurement team with access to a Queensland Government jet has been available to cover all mainland States except Western Australia. Six of the children have now had orthotopic ltp (two children at the UCLA Medical Center; four children at the Royal Children's Hospital, Brisbane). One UCLA patient died with a non-functioning graft, and one Brisbane patient died 5 weeks post-transplant with rejection, hepatic artery thrombosis and sepsis. The other four children are alive and well, three with normal liver function and one with unexplained intrahepatic cholestasis, during the 1-20 month follow-up to date. Three further children have died of their liver disease without a donor of an appropriate blood group and size being found, and one patient still awaits a suitable donor. The experience of these authors suggests that ltp is a major advance in the treatment of paediatric liver disease, and that the procedure can be carried out successfully in Australia with initial results comparable with leading overseas centres. The procedure requires the full array of services of a major paediatric tertiary care facility, an intensive team effort with awareness of the special needs of children, and a widespread procurement capability. A major problem for Australia is the procurement of sufficient numbers of optimal paediatric donor livers.


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Background Ensuring efficient and effective delivery of health care to an ageing population has been a major driver for a review of the health workforce in Australia. As part of this process a National Registration and Accreditation Scheme (NRAS) has evolved with one goal being to improve workforce flexibility within a nationally consistent model of governance. In addition to increased flexibility, there have been discussions about maintaining standards and the role of specialisation. This study aims to explore the association between practitioners’ self-perceptions about their special interest in musculoskeletal, diabetes related and podopaediatric foot care and the actual podiatry services they deliver in Australia. Methods A cross sectional on-line survey was administered on behalf of the Australasian Podiatry Council and its’ state based member associations. Self-reported data were collected over a 3-week interval and captured information about the practitioners by gender, years of clinical experience, area of work by state, work setting, and location. For those participants that identified with an area of special interest or specialty, further questions were asked regarding support for the area of special interest through education, and activities performed in treating patients in the week prior to survey completion. Queensland University of Technology Human Research Ethics approval was sought and confirmed exemption from review. Results 218 podiatrists participated in the survey. Participants were predominately female and worked in private practices. The largest area of personal interest by the podiatrists was related to the field of musculoskeletal podiatry (n = 65), followed closely by diabetes foot care (n = 61), and a third area identified was in the management of podopaediatric conditions (n = 26). Conclusions Health workforce reform in Australia is in part being managed by the federal government with a goal to meet the health care needs of Australians into the future. The recognition of a specialty registration of podiatric surgery and endorsement for scheduled medicines was established with this workforce reform in mind. Addition of new subspecialties may be indicated based on professional development, to maintain high standards and meet community expectations.


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Tarkastelen kuntien esittelyteksteissä esiintyviä, adjektiiveihin ja adjektiiviryhmiin liittyviä kollokaatioita ja kolligaatioita, eli myötäilmauksia. Adjektiiveja käsittelen adjektiiviryhmittäin, joita on kuusi. Laskevassa kokojärjestyksessä aineistossani esiintyvät adjektiiviryhmät ovat seuraavat: suhteelliset, absoluuttiset, yksilöivät, taipumattomat, suhteutusadjektiivit sekä proadjektiivit. Kiinnitän huomiota erityisesti siihen, millaisia kollokaatiosuhteita (nousevat ja laskevat kollokaatiot) eri adjektiiveihin ja eri adjektiiviryhmiin liittyy. Käyttämäni tekstiaineisto on pienehkö sähköinen tekstikorpus, joka koostuu suomalaisten kuntien Internet-sivuilta kerätyistä esittelyteksteistä. Korpuksessa on yhteensä 119 tekstiä, ja niissä on kyse kunnan esittelystä Internet-sivustojen lukijoille, eli tavallisesti erilaisesta oman kunnan markkinoinnista. Aineistooni kuuluvien kuntien väkiluku on vähemmän kuin 3000 asukasta, eli tutkimuskunnissa kyse on kaikkein pienimmistä Suomen kunnista. Tutkimusaineistooni, eli sähköiseen korpukseen, kuuluvat tekstit on käsitelty Fintwol-ohjelmalla, jolloin niihin on tehty koneavusteinen morfologinen analyysi. Jokaiseen saneeseen on siis lisätty sille kuuluva morfologinen tulkinta. Tarkoitukseni onkin havainnoida myös tietokoneen mahdollistamia sähköisiä tutkimusmenetelmiä kvalitatiivisen kielentutkimuksen välineenä. Kollokaatioiden tutkimuksessa tekstikorpuksia on käytetty pitkään, mutta aiemmin morfologinen analyysi on tavallisesti tehty käsin ja analyysit perustuneet esimerkiksi tiettyjen lekseemien tarkasteluun. Tutkimuksessani selvitän, millaisia mahdollisuuksia tietokoneavusteinen analyysi tuo kvalitatiiviseen kielentutkimukseen sekä millaisia rajoituksia sillä on. Adjektiivi-kollokaatti-esiintymien avulla kuvaillaan esittelyteksteissä usein kuntaa joko suoraan tai välillisesti. Tietokoneavusteisesta analyysista saadut tulokset ovat lähinnä kvantitatiivisia, mutta käytän tarkastelun apuna konkordanssilistaa, eli niin kutsuttua KWIC-listaa (Key Word In Context), jonka tarkasteluvälin pituudeksi olen rajannut viisi sanaa. Tämä pituus sisältää tarkasteltavan lekseemin (adjektiivi) sekä kaksi sanaa sen edellä ja jäljessä. Havainnoin sähköisestä korpuksesta saamieni tilastollisten tulosten avulla myös sitä, millainen aineisto ja tekstilaji esittelytekstit ovat. Vertailen saamiani tuloksia muista korpuksista saatuihin tilastollisiin tuloksiin. Adjektiiviryhmiin liittyvät nousevat kollokaatiosuhteet, joissa kollokaatti on adjektiivia yleisempi, toistuvat läpi aineiston samanlaisina: Näissä kollokaatiosuhteissa adjektiivit kollokoivat useimmiten sellaisen sanaston kanssa, joka on varsin yleistä koko aineistossani. Esimerkiksi substantiivit kunta ja palvelu, jotka ovat koko aineiston yleisimpiä sanoja, esiintyvät kaikkien adjektiiviryhmien adjektiivien kollokaatteina toistuvasti. Ne myös ilmaisevat sellaisia esittelyteksteissä toistuvia aiheita, jotka ovat kunnille tärkeitä ja joita käsitellään monessa esittelytekstissä. Laskevat kollokaatiosuhteet taas ilmaisevat lähinnä esittelyteksteissä yleisiä, adjektiivien merkitystä määrittäviä leksikaalisia suhteita, kuten adjektiivi-kollokaatti-parit hyvät liikenneyhteydet tai kaunis maisema. Esittelytekstiaineistoni käsittelyyn tietokoneavusteinen analyysi soveltui vain osittain. Suurin ongelma aiheutui paikannimistä (esim.


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Over 50 years, a large number of research and development projects with respect to the use of cementitious and concrete materials for manufacturing railway sleepers have been significantly progressed in Australia, Europe, and Japan (Wang, 1996; Murray and Cai, 1998; Wakui and Okuda, 1999; Esveld, 2001; Freudenstein and Haban, 2006; Remennikov and Kaewunruen, 2008). Traditional sleeper materials are timber, steel, and concrete. Cost-efficiency, superior durability, and improved track stability are the main factors toward significant adoption of concrete materials for railway sleepers. The sleepers in a track system, as shown in Figure 1, are subjected to harsh and aggressive external forces and natural environments across a distance. Many systemic problems and technical issues associated with concrete sleepers have been tackled over decades. These include pre-mature failures of sleepers, concrete cancer or ettringite, abrasion of railseats and soffits, impact damages by rail machinery, bond-slip damage, longitudinal and lateral instability of track system, dimensional instability of sleepers, nuisance noise and vibration, and so on (Pfeil, 1997; Gustavson, 2002; Kaewunruen and Remennikov, 2008a,b, 2013). These issues are, however, becoming an emerging risk for many countries (in North and South Americas, Asia, and the Middle East) that have recently installed large volumes of concrete sleepers in their railway networks (Federal Railroad Administration, 2013). As a result, it is vital to researchers and practitioners to critically review and learn from previous experience and lessons around the world.


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All of Us is a ground-breaking Australian government approved anti-bullying educational resource comprised of seven online videos that feature gender diverse, sexual diverse and intersex youths. The videos, along with unit guides and student handouts, have been designed to address a gap in high school curriculum as they teach not just about sexual diversity and gender diversity but also the values of empathy and respect, which has been demonstrated to improve students’ wellbeing and educational engagement. The resource captures the real life experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex young people through a collection of short videos and teaching activities that are aligned to the Year 7/8 Health and Physical Education learning area of the Australian Curriculum. All Of Us has been developed to have a real impact on student attitudes towards lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex people and to encourage whole school change that affirms and supports the right of all students, staff and families to feel safe at school. This free video resource is widely available and allows all schools, regardless of experience, location or funding, the chance to create an environment where every student can learn, every teacher can teach and every family can belong from the beginning of 2016. The resource was launched on Thursday, 26 November 2015 at Treasury Theatre, 1 Macarthur St, Melbourne. The launch was attended by almost 200 people including former Safe Schools Coalition Ambassador Jason Ball, Victorian Commissioner for Gender and Sexuality Ro Allen, Chris Bush, Executive Producer of All Of Us, Micah Scott, CEO of Minus18, All Of Us Margot Fink; Safe Schools Coalition Victoria's Manager Roz Ward and; Sally Richardson, National Program Director of Safe Schools Coalition Australia.


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A 300-strong Angus-Brahman cattle herd near Springsure, central Queensland, was being fed Acacia shirleyi (lancewood) browse during drought and crossed a 5-hectare, previously burnt area with an almost pure growth of Dysphania glomulifera subspecies glomulifera (red crumbweed) on their way to drinking water. Forty cows died of cyanide poisoning over 2 days before further access to the plant was prevented. A digital image of a plant specimen made on a flat-bed scanner and transmitted by email was used to identify D glomulifera. Specific advice on the plant's poisonous properties and management of the case was then provided by email within 2 hours of an initial telephone call by the field veterinarian to the laboratory some 600 km away. The conventional method using physical transport of a pressed dried plant specimen to confirm the identification took 5 days. D glomulifera was identified in the rumen of one of two cows necropsied. The cyanogenic potential of D glomulifera measured 4 days after collection from the site of cattle deaths was 18,600 mg HCN/kg in dry matter. The lethal dose of D glomulifera for a 420 kg cow was estimated as 150 to 190 g wet weight. The plant also contained 4.8% KNO3 equivalent in dry matter, but nitrate-nitrite poisoning was not involved in the deaths.


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Looping media are recurring components of online content, from gifs to Vine videos, in addition to the conceptual repetition of memes and related practices. This paper analyses practices around looping visual media as examples of vernacular creativity, social media literacies, and internet culture, especially for irreverent and playful purposes. Focusing on the LGBTQ digital cultural context as a pilot study, this research examines multi-platform uses of looping media, including personal narratives through Vine videos and animated gifs on Tumblr. In addition to textual analysis of LGBTQ looping visual social media content, the study will further explore the platform context as part of the experience of looped media. The research will address how these factors may also contribute to practices of irreverence and play, both within the specific case of LGBTQ culture and internet culture more generally.


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Primary brain tumors are associated with significant physical, cognitive and psychosocial changes. Although treatment guidelines recommend offering multidisciplinary rehabilitation and support services to address patients’ residual deficits, the extent to which patients access such services is unclear. This study aimed to assess patients’ supportive care needs early after diagnosis, and quantify service awareness, referral and utilization. A population-based sample of 40 adults recently diagnosed with primary brain tumors was recruited through the Queensland Cancer Registry, representing 18.9% of the eligible population of 203 patients. Patients or carer proxies completed surveys of supportive care needs at baseline (approximately three months after diagnosis) and three months later. Descriptive statistics summarized needs and service utilization, and linear regression identified predictors of service use. Unmet supportive care needs were highest at baseline for all domains, and highest for the physical and psychological needs domains at each time point. At follow-up, participants reported awareness of, referral to, and use of 32 informational, support, health professional or practical services. All or almost all participants were aware of at least one informational (100%), health professional (100%), support (97%) or practical service (94%). Participants were most commonly aware of speech therapists (97%), physiotherapists (94%) and diagnostic information from the internet (88%). Clinician referrals were most commonly made to physiotherapists (53%), speech therapists (50%) and diagnostic information booklets (44%), and accordingly, participants most commonly used physiotherapists (56%), diagnostic information booklets (47%), diagnostic information from the internet (47%), and speech therapists (43%). Comparatively low referral to and use of psychosocial services may limit patients’ abilities to cope with their condition and the changes they experience.


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New Internet and Web-based technology applications have meant significant cost and time efficiencies to many American businesses. However, many employers have not yet fully grasped the impact of these new information and communication technologies on applicants and employees with certain disabilities such as vision impairments, hearing problems or limited dexterity. Although not all applicants and employees who have a disability may experience IT-access problems, to select groups it can pose a needless barrier. The increasing dominance of IT in the workplace presents both a challenge and an opportunity for workers with disabilities and their employers. It will be up to HR professionals to ensure that Web-based HR processes and workplace technologies are accessible to their employees with disabilities. .


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[Excerpt] New York State has a long history of union-management education and training programs, making it unique in public sector employment. This chapter examines the programs undertaken at both state and city levels, as well as the applicability of the New York experience to other public sector jurisdictions. Although the profile of the New York State and city work force differs from that of the rest of the nation, there is much of value here for educators, union leaders, and others involved in public sector employment.


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to discuss residents’ views of social and physical environments in a co-housing and in a senior housing setting in Finland. Also, the study aims to point out important connections between well-being and built environment. Design/methodology/approach – The data include interviews and survey responses gathered in the cases. The results and analysis are presented at different case study levels, with the discussion and conclusions following this. Findings – The findings show that the physical environment and common areas have an important role to activate residents. When well-designed common areas exist, a higher level of engagement can be achieved by getting residents involved in the planning and running of activities. Research limitations/implications – This paper discusses residents’ experiences in two Finnish housing settings and it focuses on the housing market in Finland. Practical implications – The findings encourage investors and housing operators to design and invest common areas which could activate residents and create social contacts. Also, investors have to pay attention to the way these developments are managed. Originality/value – This study is the first to investigate the Finnish co-housing setting and compare social and physical environments in a co-housing and a senior house.