986 resultados para Interaction analysis in education -- Argentina -- Buenos Aires -- Moreno
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This study analyses digital inclusion in secondary education in the Tarija School District in the Plurinational State of Bolivia for the 2012-2013 school year, using the indicators in the Plan of Action for the Information Society in Latin America and the Caribbean (Plan of Action elac). This is an exploratory and descriptive analysis based on a sample of 311 students, 108 teachers and 15 school principals. According to the findings, teenagers use the Internet to look for information and entertainment; the expansion of mobile technology among them offers numerous educational opportunities; and insufficient training for teachers on how to integrate information and communications technologies (icts) into the learning process is a top challenge. The existence of icts in schools has been confirmed, but not their use. Local and national efforts are helping to reduce the digital divide and promote equality of opportunity for young people.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Stress analysis in oral obturator prostheses over parallel and tilted implants: photoelastic imaging
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
This study investigated the biomechanical behavior of screwed partial fixed prosthesis supported by implants with different diameters (2.5 mm; 3.3 mm and 3.75 mm) by using a photoelastic analysis. Six photoelastic models were fabricated in PL-2 resin as single crowns or splinted 3-unit piece. Models were positioned in a circular polariscope and 100-N axial and oblique (45 degrees) loads were applied in the occlusal surface of the crowns by using a universal testing machine (EMIC). The stresses were photographically recorded and qualitatively analyzed using a software (Adobe Photoshop). Under axial loading, the number of fringes was inversely proportional to the diameter of the implants in the single crown models. In the splinted 3-unit piece, the 3.75-mm implant promoted lower number of fringes regardless of loading area application. Under oblique loading, a slight increase of fringes number was observed for all groups. The standard implant diameter promoted better stress distribution than the narrow and mini diameter implants. Additionally, the splinted crowns showed a more uniform stress distribution.
Background: Cancer is the second leading cause of death in Argentina, and there is little knowledge about its incidence. The first study based on population-based cancer registry described spatial incidence and indicated that there existed at least county-level aggregation. The aim of the present work is to model the incidence patterns for the most incidence cancer in Córdoba Province, Argentina, using information from the Córdoba Cancer Registry by performing multilevel mixed model approach to deal with dependence and unobserved heterogeneity coming from the geo-reference cancer occurrence. Methods: Standardized incidence rates (world standard population) (SIR) by sex based on 5-year age groups were calculated for 109 districts nested on 26 counties for the most incidence cancers in Cordoba using 2004 database. A Poisson twolevel random effect model representing unobserved heterogeneity between first level-districts and second level-counties was fitted to assess the spatial distribution of the overall and site specific cancer incidence rates. Results: SIR cancer at Córdoba province shown an average of 263.53±138.34 and 200.45±98.30 for men and women, respectively. Considering the ratio site specific mean SIR to the total mean, breast cancer ratio was 0.25±0.19, prostate cancer ratio was 0.12±0.10 and lower values for lung and colon cancer for both sexes. The Poisson two-level random intercepts model fitted for SIR data distributed with overdispersion shown significant hierarchical structure for the cancer incidence distribution. Conclusions: a strong spatial-nested effect for the cancer incidence in Córdoba was observed and will help to begin the study of the factors associated with it.
The selection of reference genes used for data normalization to quantify gene expression by real-time PCR amplifications (qRT-PCR) is crucial for the accuracy of this technique. In spite of this, little information regarding such genes for qRT-PCR is available for gene expression analyses in pathogenic fungi. Thus, we investigated the suitability of eight candidate reference genes in isolates of the human dermatophyte Trichophyton rubrum subjected to several environmental challenges, such as drug exposure, interaction with human nail and skin, and heat stress. The stability of these genes was determined by geNorm, NormFinder and Best-Keeper programs. The gene with the most stable expression in the majority of the conditions tested was rpb2 (DNA-dependent RNA polymerase II), which was validated in three T. rubrum strains. Moreover, the combination of rpb2 and chs1 (chitin synthase) genes provided for the most reliable qRT-PCR data normalization in T. rubrum under a broad range of biological conditions. To the best of our knowledge this is the first report on the selection of reference genes for qRT-PCR data normalization in dermatophytes and the results of these studies should permit further analysis of gene expression under several experimental conditions, with improved accuracy and reliability.
Periodontal diseases result from the interaction of bacterial pathogens with the hosts gingival tissue. Gingival epithelial cells are constantly challenged by microbial cells and respond by altering their transcription profiles, inducing the production of inflammatory mediators. Different transcription profiles are induced by oral bacteria and little is known about how the gingival epithelium responds after interaction with the periodontopathogenic organism Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans. In the present study, we examined the transcription of genes involved in signaling transduction pathways in gingival epithelial cells exposed to viable A.actinomycetemcomitans. Immortalized gingival epithelial cells (OBA-9) were infected with A.actinomycetemcomitans JP2 for 24 h and the transcription profile of genes encoding human signal transduction pathways was determined. Functional analysis of inflammatory mediators positively transcribed was performed by ELISA in culture supernatant and in gingival tissues. Fifteen of 84 genes on the array were over-expressed (P < 0.01) after 24 h of infection with viable A.actinomycetemcomitans. Over-expressed genes included those implicated in tissue remodeling and bone resorption, such as CSF2, genes encoding components of the LDL pathway, nuclear factor-?B-dependent genes and other cytokines. The ELISA data confirmed that granulocytemacrophage colony-stimulating factor/colony-stimulating factor 2, tumor necrosis factor-a and intercellular adhesion molecule-1 were highly expressed by infected gingival cells when compared with control non-infected cells, and presented higher concentrations in tissues from patients with aggressive and chronic periodontitis than in tissues from healthy controls. The induction in epithelial cells of factors such as the pro-inflammatory cytokine CSF2, which is involved in osteoclastogenesis, may help to explain the outcomes of A.actinomycetemcomitans infection.
Nell’ambito del Laboratorio di sintesi finale “ Progetto Buenos Aires”, siamo entrati in contatto con la realtà sociale, culturale ed architettonica sudamericana, che si presenta attualmente molto complessa e dinamica. Partendo dalle dieci conferenze tenute in Sudamerica dal demiurgico Le Corbusier nel 1929, abbiamo intrapreso un’analisi critica dei progetti proposti dall’architetto svizzero al fine di comprendere il suo approccio progettuale in relazione alle specificità urbane di Buenos Aires, Montevideo, San Paolo e Rio de Janeiro. L’obiettivo del corso è stato poi quello di sviluppare un progetto di architettura individuale per la realtà urbana di Buenos Aires e a tal scopo, nel mese di maggio, abbiamo intrapreso un primo viaggio per comprendere direttamente alcuni aspetti legati alla “natura” della città. Con la volontà di cogliere al meglio le articolate ed eterogenee sfaccettature che una metropoli come Buenos Aires può offrire, siamo tornati, nei mesi di ottobre e novembre, per vivere, osservare e studiare la città. Tale esperienza ci ha permesso di acquisire una migliore visione critica e di comprendere con maggiore consapevolezza le sue molteplici sfumature. Al fine di avviare il progetto abbiamo inizialmente svolto ricerche documentali presso la Biblioteca Nacional, la biblioteca del FADU (Facultad de Arquitectura, Disegno y Urbanismo di Buenos Aires), e la biblioteca della Societad Central de Arquitectos ed altri archivi, che ci hanno acconsentito di reperire testi e materiali essenziali non disponibili in Italia. Il percorso è stato arricchito da una serie d’incontri e dibattiti sulla città, i suoi continui cambiamenti e le sue criticità, con architetti e professori della FADU e della Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo de la Universidad de La Plata, quali il professor Miguel Angel Roca, Javier Fernandez Castro e Fernando Aliata. Intrecci che hanno rappresentato un momento di riflessione importante per una visione generale dell’ambiente culturale in cui stavamo lavorando, e hanno proposto alcune chiare idee per un ridisegno generale della città di Buenos Aires e alcune suggestioni per i progetti portati avanti individualmente. Abbiamo avuto inoltre il grande onore di esporre e mostrare i nostri primi elaborati davanti agli studenti e professori delle suddette facoltà, avviando così un momento di scambio e confronto sui diversi approcci metodologici adottati nei due paesi, al tempo stesso così lontani e così vicini. Il coronamento di questa esperienza è stato l’incontro con due figure fondamentali nel processo architettonico argentino del secondo Novecento, l’architetto Justo Solsona e l’architetto Clorindo Testa. La tesi si articola in cinque diversi momenti. Il primo, a scala territoriale, propone una suggestione sui possibili sviluppi della Ciudad autonoma de Buenos Aires, mentre gli altri, sulla base di un’idea di fondo, rappresentano i progetti architettonici sviluppati individualmente.
Ammettere l'eterogeneità di Villa Lugano e Villa Riachuelo significa riconoscere nella totalità di questa zona una serie di realtà differenti, ciascuna delle quali a suo modo ne definisce l'identità. Si possono riconoscere gli interventi di edilizia popolare del secondo dopoguerra, come il Barrio General Belgrano per citare il più vistoso, un tessuto omogeneo di residenze di massimo cinque piani, il grande parco dell'autodromo e quello del campo da golf, la ferrovia in disuso, l'autostrada che taglia in due il quartiere e separa nettamente la parte "civile" da quella considerata illegale: le villas miserias. Rispettare le diverse realtà che convivono all'interno del quartiere è un primo passo per capire la complessità del territorio su cui si opera, e capire come riuscire a farle comunicare e relazionarsi in maniera più diretta ed efficace può essere un modo per risolvere quelle situazioni di isolamento sociale ed economico che si stanno subendo in entrambe le parti. L'idea progettuale è quella di rimediare a questa frattura e di ridare spazio vitale al denso tessuto urbano connettendo con una fascia verde il parco fino a Ciudad Oculta, situata alla parte opposta del barrio.
Nella progettazione degli edifici, si è posta molta attenzione al contesto urbano. Le varie proposte nascono dalla volontà di ricucire il tessuto urbano, trasformando quello che ora rappresenta un limite, nella vera soluzione al problema. Si propongono quindi isolati dalle più diverse forme, dimensioni e significati, andando ad attingere alle più svariate tipologie, che non intendono essere progetti in sé compiuti, ma possibili risposte.
Gene expression analysis in ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma mali’-resistant and -susceptible Malus genotypes
Apple proliferation (AP) disease is the most important graft-transmissible and vector-borne disease of apple in Europe. ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma mali’ (Ca. P. mali) is the causal agent of AP. Apple (Malus x domestica) and other Malus species are the only known woody hosts. In European apple orchards, the cultivars are mainly grafted on one rootstock, M. x domestica cv. M9. M9 like all other M. x domestica cultivars is susceptible to ‘Ca. P. mali’. Resistance to AP was found in the wild genotype Malus sieboldii (MS) and in MS-derived hybrids but they were characterised by poor agronomic value. The breeding of a new rootstock carrying the resistant and the agronomic traits was the major aim of a project of which this work is a part. The objective was to shed light into the unknown resistance mechanism. The plant-phytoplasma interaction was studied by analysing differences between the ‘Ca. P. mali’-resistant and -susceptible genotypes related to constitutively expressed genes or to induced genes during infection. The cDNA-Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (cDNA-AFLP) technique was employed in both approaches. Differences related to constitutively expressed genes were identified between two ‘Ca. P. mali’-resistant hybrid genotypes (4551 and H0909) and the ‘Ca. P. mali’-susceptible M9. 232 cDNA-AFLP bands present in the two resistant genotypes but absent in the susceptible one were isolated but several different products associated to each band were found. Therefore, two different macroarray hybridisation experiments were performed with the cDNA-AFLP fragments yielding 40 sequences encoding for genes of unknown function or a wide array of functions including plant defence. In the second approach, individuation and analysis of the induced genes was carried out exploiting an in vitro system in which healthy and ‘Ca. P. mali’-infected micropropagated plants were maintained under controlled conditions. Infection trials using in vitro grafting of ‘Ca. P. mali’ showed that the resistance phenotype could be reproduced in this system. In addition, ex vitro plants were generated as an independent control of the genes differentially expressed in the in vitro plants. The cDNA-AFLP analysis in in vitro plants yielded 63 bands characterised by over-expression in the infected state of both the H0909 and MS genotypes. The major part (37 %) of the associated sequences showed homology with products of unknown function. The other genes were involved in plant defence, energy transport/oxidative stress response, protein metabolism and cellular growth. Real-time qPCR analysis was employed to validate the differential expression of the genes individuated in the cDNA-AFLP analysis. Since no internal controls were available for the study of the gene expression in Malus, an analysis on housekeeping genes was performed. The most stably expressed genes were the elongation factor-1 α (EF1) and the eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4-A (eIF4A). Twelve out of 20 genes investigated through qPCR were significantly differentially expressed in at least one genotype either in in vitro plants or in ex vitro plants. Overall, about 20% of the genes confirmed their cDNA-AFLP expression pattern in M. sieboldii or H0909. On the contrary, 30 % of the genes showed down-regulation or were not differentially expressed. For the remaining 50 % of the genes a contrasting behaviour was observed. The qPCR data could be interpreted as follows: the phytoplasma infection unbalance photosynthetic activity and photorespiration down-regulating genes involved in photosynthesis and in the electron transfer chain. As result, and in contrast to M. x domestica genotypes, an up-regulation of genes of the general response against pathogens was found in MS. These genes involved the pathway of H2O2 and the production of secondary metabolites leading to the hypothesis that a response based on the accumulation of H2O2 in MS would be at the base of its resistance. This resembles a phenomenon known as “recovery” where the spontaneous remission of the symptoms is observed in old susceptible plants but occurring in a stochastic way while the resistance in MS is an inducible but stable feature. As additional product of this work three cDNA-AFLP-derived markers were developed which showed independent distribution among the seedlings of two breeding progenies and were associated to a genomic region characteristic of MS. These markers will contribute to the development of molecular markers for the resistance as well as to map the resistance on the Malus genome.
La Tesi sviluppa alcune ipotesi di riqualificazione degli asentamientos informales di Buenos Aires, quartieri periferici della metropoli dove si insedia –abusivamente- la popolazione con minori risorse economiche. Adottando l’approccio delle “agopunture”, l’ipotesi progettuale investe diverse scale d’intervento che dialogano tra loro, cercando di valorizzarne gli effetti combinati e di favorirne la reciproca integrazione. Assunte le limitate risorse esistenti come condizioni date, l’approccio adottato identifica nel capitale sociale il fattore di rinnovamento: la cooperazione tra gli abitanti –uniti per la risoluzione di problematiche comuni- diventa lo strumento per la generazione di micro-comunità più efficienti e vivibili. La strategia di un’ibridazione tra tecnologie tradizionali con materiali poveri ed elementi industrializzati e standardizzati garantisce una soluzione low cost e di maggior consenso da parte dei vecinos. Pur rinunciando a conseguire gli standard normativi, il progetto punta a soddisfare alcune fondamentali esigenze degli abitanti, migliora le loro condizioni di vita ed innesca dinamiche relazionali positive tra i vecinos. Gli interventi proposti prevedono il miglioramento della tenuta all’acqua dell’alloggio, la realizzazione di servizi igienici domiciliari, un sistema di allontanamento e trattamento dei reflui che trasformato in biogas alimenta la rete di illuminazione stradale, una serie di punti di prelievo e distribuzione di acqua potabile, la raccolta e lo smistamento dei rifiuti, un nuovo luogo d’incontro per la comunità. La parte preliminare affronta lo studio del contesto storico, sociale, territoriale, economico e l’assetto del settore delle costruzioni dell’Argentina e di Buenos Aires. La seconda parte della ricerca si concentra sul conurbano bonoarense e sugli asentamientos informales, per i quali i numerosi Piani governativi e di ONG sono risultate inefficaci. Si evita così un’operazione ‘calata dall’alto’. Dopo aver identificato le sette principali criticità riscontrate negli insediamenti, la ricerca delinea per ognuna di esse una o più strategie di miglioramento, ipotizzando azioni e possibili alternative che, valutate secondo una metodica comparativa, consentono di definire la soluzione più adeguata. Tra le sette proposte, la comunità definirà le priorità di intervento, quindi le modalità di esecuzione e di gestione ritenute adeguate per la realizzazione delle singole azioni. La ricerca approfondisce la conoscenza e tenta di mitigare il disagio di vivere ai margini, un tema di estrema rilevanza sociale, a cui l’architettura può fornire qualche risposta.