945 resultados para Intention of voluntary departure


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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In this work, we analyze a measurement system that will be implanted in a wheels production line, in order to use those wheels for buses and trucks. The measurement device has to be approved according to the MSA study, due to the fact that the mentioned industry is an automobilistic supplier, so that it has to be conform with the ISO/TS 16949 standards. We showed the MSA studies, as well as some concepts for the work understanding. The airlock wheels systematic production is also broached, that is to say, wheels that use airlock tyres, with a better attention given to the rim production, where the device must be implanted. We analyze and assess the data’s acceptance according to the guidelines showed in this study, along with this, improvement proposals are elaborated and their analysis is made, in order to check the obtained results. Finally, we survey the analyzed measurement system, and new studies are suggested, with the intention of improving it


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Hyperactivity has been frequently discussed, researched and monitored, but it is important to investigate the student, the interrelationships that exist in the classroom and everything that happens in that context, what are the difficulties, facilities and behaviors. The intention of this work contribute to the education, seeking answers to the questions about hyperactivity and what happens in the classroom, or that was the object of study: classroom and its dynamics. This is a field study aimed to analyze the educational aspects and inter-personal relationship student-student and studentteacher in an inclusive classroom where there is a student with hyperactivity properly diagnosed. It was proposed to draw a profile of the hyperactive student, since it constitutes a case study. The research subject was a student of 3rd year of elementary school to public school, clinically diagnosed as hyperactive and who is backed by family, school and doctor. For data collection was developed an observation protocol, completed daily. The student was observed for two months on alternate days and times, totaling 18 classes. Interviews were conducted with the teacher and the student's mother in order to profile the student participant. After compiling the data, we can find the answers of the questions that motivated this research, it is possible to identify the unpreparedness of teachers to deal with hyperactive students in the classroom, the spread of behaviors, considering many students as hyperactive, but no diagnosis; need to adapt the content, but properly and not just recreational; lack of dialogue between school and family


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This final course project originates itself from the discussions of the Group of Studies and Pedagogical Research in Gymnastics (GEPPEGIN) of Unesp/RC and starts with the Pedagogy of Sport, with the purpose of knowing, analysing and discussing its existence and paths, in a series of discussions about the early specialization. The early specialization is a theme that relates frequently to the modalities of gymnastics, the focus point being that most gymnasts are specialized younger than most athletes from other sports (SCHIAVON, 2009), and not always in a proper way. It is from this issue that the intention of this study begins: knowing, analysing and discussing the existence and the ways of discussions about early specialization in researches and publications related to Rhythmic Gymnastics in the last decade (2002-2012) in Brazil. For the development of this qualitative research of scientific initiation a bibliographic research will be conducted about Rhythmic Gymnastics, with the focus on arising researches from post graduation programs stricto-sensu, recognized by Capes and, scientific papers, published during indexed periods in Brazil and classified in Qualis of Physic Education


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This paper discusses the importance of energy efficiency and the use of alternative energy sources, facing to the increasing energy demand and the concomitant economic, social and environmental restrictions imposed by society. In this work, alternative sources are illustrated by photovoltaic, micro turbines and fuel cells microgeneration systems. Energy efficiency is presented by direct current microgrids because its uses excludes the conversions of direct current (DC) to alternating current (AC) losses made with the intention of injecting energy into the electric grid and then the inverse conversion, AC to DC, in order to feed residential loads. The object of this paper is to analyze a case study and evaluates the costs and technical feasibility of a Project that combines a DC microgrid and a microgeneration system


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Studies on new adhesives and resins for bonding wood and wood products are being conducted with the intention of improving their properties, taking into account a lower environmental impact. For this reason new formulations of polyvinyl acetate (PVA) adhesives have been developed, because they have no chemicals in its composition extremely polluting and harmful to health, as is the case of formaldehyde-based resins, which in turn are the most commonly used today for wood panels production. This study tested three different formulations of PVA adhesives, with different times and temperatures of pressing for the production of Eucalyptus sp. Plywood, coming up in satisfactory results with respect to shear strength at the bondline, which was higher for the PVA adhesives compared with urea-formaldehyde and phenol. The results of MOE and MOR were lower than those values of the panels produced with urea and phenol-formaldehyde, and the results of physical tests showed to be close to the panels produced with these same adhesives


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Leafcutter ants are considered pests in agriculture for their impact in human crops, as they behave utilizing foliar fragments to raise their simbiont fungi (Agaricales: Lepiotaceae) inside their nest. Recent studies have noticed that other fungi may be associated to ants inside their nests, for instance, fungi with melanized wall, known by “dematiaceous”. Historically, many black fungi have been noticed as fitopathogens of many plant cultures with economic importance, highlighting dematiaceous ecological behavior importance in this study. This investigation had the purpose of amplifying ecological knowledge of this fungi, isolating and identificating dematiaceous fungi found in Attini nests, having the intention of understanding plant pathogens dispersion by ants. In this work, 66 isolates were characterized in the following genus: Aspergillus, Penicillium, Paecilomyces, Oxyporus, Rhodotorula, Bipolaris, Curvularia, Fusarium, Giberella, Paraphaeosphaeria, and Cladosporium. The genus Bipolaris, Curvularia, Fusarium and Giberella are known for their opportunistic behaviour, with some published human infections in literature. Fusarium is a notorious fitopathogen, with wide number of descriptions and studies involving pathogenicity development, biochemistry and genetics. The isolates outline is of phyto – associated (phytopathogens, endophytic or epiphitic), fulfilling this work intention in alarming fungi capacity of dispersal by ants. The comprehension of phytopathogenical processes may be clarified based on the knowledge of oportunistics fungi that may utilize ants bodies for their own dispersal. The identification of isolates with capacity of infecting humans brings out public health issues.


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The organizations now have felt some needs in regards to changes in attitudes in what refers to the relationship with their interest publics. In this way, this work has as objective approach different themes, like concepts of organizational culture and the interrelations with the profession of Public Relations, besides the contact with notions in the area of People Management and human capital. As all organizations are constituted by interest publics, it will also demonstrate theories that refer to the different kinds of publics which the organization maintains relationship with, although, giving special attention to the internal public, considered one of the main types of public. For better comprehension of the performance of the internal public it was used the greimassian narrative semiotics that allow an exploration and analysis os diverse procedures made by such public. Therefore, it was possible to observe a great contribution from the theory in what refers to the assertion of the importance in maintaining good relationships with the employees of an organization, specially to affirm the identity of the employee making use of factors such as culture, values, principals, norms etc. Thus, it is believed that the strategic communication must be used with the intention of proportioning personal and professional well being to the employees, in a way that they may feel more and more integrated and committed with the organization, granting, like so, the organizational development and recognition


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The intention of this survey is develop design actions about the site of the former steel from Lençóis Paulista, a large and impressive area, but underutilized in the town. The aim is to revitalize it since the analysis and knowledge from the place and its surroundings, in order to solve the analysis observed: the non integration of the town, neighborhoods and public adjacent devices with the interior of the mentioned spot


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This study focuses on the current use of the relative pronoun qual and variants or alternatives (o/os/a/as/ qual/quais, preceded or not by prepositions) in Brazilian Portuguese concerning mainly on the phenomenon of hypercorrection. As a theoretical basis, it was used the study of William Labov about the phenomenon and also the rules of use of this pronoun present in both traditional grammars and linguistic studies. It was performed a qualitative analysis of a corpus of written language with the intention of describing the different uses of the pronoun, and looking for their possible motivations. There were also found different types of occurrences of hypercorrection, which has led to propose a scale of uses of this relative pronoun, which reveals an increasing loss of its functions towards an use as an index of prestige. It discusses also the stylistic factor as a potential motivator of this phenomenon


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This paper aims to discuss the influence of new technologies in the field of media, more specifically, within the press. The discussion will contribute on concepts that emerge from new technologies in the environment of cyberspace, acceleration time; cyberculture, besides raising discussions on the social sphere in relation to the democratization of information via the Internet and the interests of political and marketing, which permeates the universe of the press professional. The intention of this work is to create an agenda for discussion around new technologies and their influence in changing the paradigm of communication and its impact cibersocial. Finally, the discussion of new technologies as an auxiliary tool in the work of the communicator in contemporary times


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Methods of semen cryopreservation allow changes in spermatic cells, such as damage in plasma and acrossomal membrane and modifications in mitochondrial function due to a disorder in the lipidic bilayer. For effective oocyte fertilization, spermatozoa require functional competent membranes, and intact organelles, acrosome and DNA. However, most laboratory methods used to evaluate semen quality are not highly correlated with fertilizing capacity. The discovery of a variety of fluorochromes and compounds conjugated to fluorescent probes has enabled an accurate assessment of the viability, integrity and function of spermatozoa. Among the most used probes that label the various compartments of the sperm cell there are the membrane impermeable fluorescent dyes to test the membrane integrity, as well as acylated dyes that pass the intact membrane. For the acrossomal integrity the most commonly used method is lectins labeled by a fluorescent probe. The acrosome reaction and spermatic capacitation is detected by the evaluation of membrane architecture and disorder of lipids in plasma membrane. Mitochondrial function can be determined using markers for their aerobic activity. The DNA status of spermatozoa has been determined using the metachromatic properties of Acridine Orange, and the DNA fragmentation can also be assessed by TUNEL assay. Finally, DNA condensation is analyzed using a single cell DNA gel electrophoresis assay that indicates DNA compactation. This monograph aims to compile the various tests used to detect damaged spermatozoa under cryopreservation methods, searching for improve the predictive value of semen analysis with the intention of a successful conception


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Fairy tales are popular stories that has been narrated for centuries, whether through oral tradition or printed manuscripts, over generations. It is known that fairy tales can, through symbolism, to penetrate the human unconscious, rescuing emotions, feelings and influencing their actions and ways of thinking, and are means of transmitting moral values propagated by particular historical and social contexts for variations that appear in the same story, because it can be modified by the intention of the person who transmits me story and the interpretation of those who read it, at a particular time and situation. Although, these changes, compared to the classic fairy tales of Perrault, the Grimm Brothers and Andersen, are marked clearly different, which shows the habits and customs of the time in which they are conveyed, whether in written or oral form. The present work aimed to study the differences between current and classic tales, as well as their influences on implications for the child's mind, from a work by the teacher, which consider the role of context in the situation, the characters and the plot. Thus it is intended that students be induced to question, to understand the values dealtturn in the story and to make inferences, and that logical reasoning be stimulated not only for reading, but for any act of communication to occur


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This project was developed with the aim of contributing to the construction of a system of Unidades de Saúde da Família (USFs) to Presidente Prudente, a city located in the western region of São Paulo state. It was tried to bring to the architectural space the existing guidelines for the public service with the intention of create welcoming and functional environments and a net identity. Given these characteristics it was developed a modular construction system that allows the creation of new units in an agile manner and with a minimum quality standard. Since many of Presidente Prudente’s features are present in other Brazilian cities, the guidelines presented in this proposal will be useful to the work of managers in other cities of the country


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)