933 resultados para Inflammatory Bowel Diseases


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HLA associations are found to differ with the gender of the patient in some autoimmune diseases. Here we have investigated whether there are gender-related HLA associations in Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS) and chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy (CIDP), both of which occur more frequently in male patients than in females. In GBS, no particular HLA associations were noted, except for a slight negative association in both males and females for carriage of HLA-DR5. In CIDP, the gene frequency and the frequency of individuals positive for HLA-DR2 were greater in female patients than female controls, although this was statistically significant only for the gene frequency. Furthermore more female CIDP patients were homozygous for DR2, than male CIDP patients, or male or female controls and patients with GBS. This suggests that sex-related factors may interact with the risk associated with carriage of HLA-DR2 for development of CIDP. (c) 2006 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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We have observed that vitamin A levels, deficient in patients with severe disease, returned to normal post lungtransplant independent of oral supplementation or pancreatic sufficiency. We hypothesised that vitamin A is associated with disease severity and the inflammatory marker C-related peptide (CRP). Data from RCH paediatric and TPCH adult CF clinic subjects (ns138 CF, 138 control, aged 5â56 yr), who had participated in a study of bone mineral density (BMD) in which vitamins A, E, D, and CRP, height, weight and lung function had been measured was used. Groups were compared using t- or Wilcoxon-tests, and predictors of vitamin A examined usingmultiple regression. Vitamin A was lower in CF subjects (1.23"0.5 vs. 1.80"0.6 mmolyl, P-0.0001), increasingwith age in paediatric subjects but to a lesser extent in the CF group (Ps0.0007). CRP was correlated with age (rs0.6, P-0.0001). FEV1% predicted (FEV) (57.93"23.0 vs. 70.63"21.8, Ps0.0014), weight z-score (WTZ) (y0.76"0.9 vs. y0.12"1.0, Ps0.0002), lumbar spine BMD z-score (y1.08"1.3 vs. y0.50"1.2, Ps0.009) were lower, and CRP higher (median 7.0, IQR 2â4 vs. median 1.0, IQR 1â3 mgy l, P-0.0001) in vitamin A insufficient CF subjects (61 insufficient vs. 71 sufficient). In all subjects, control status (P-0.0001), WTZ (Ps0.02), vitamin E (Ps 0.0003), CRP (Ps0.001), 1,25 dihydroxy vitamin D (1,25 vit. D) (Ps0.0007), and child, adolescent or adult grouping (all P-0.0001) were predictive of vitamin A. In the CF group, CRP (Ps0.01), Vitamin E (P-0.0001) and 1.25 vit. D (Ps 0.006), but not FEV, were predictive. The normal increase in vitamin A with age was not observed in CF subjects, who had lower levels at any age. This failure of normal increase in vitamin A had a consistent association with increasingCRP , supportingthe hypothesis that increased inflammation may result in increased vitamin A consumption.


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We have carried out a discovery proteomics investigation aimed at identifying disease biomarkers present in saliva, and, more specifically, early biomarkers of inflammation. The proteomic characterization of saliva is possible due to the straightforward and non-invasive sample collection that allows repetitive analyses for pharmacokinetic studies. These advantages are particularly relevant in the case of newborn patients. The study was carried out with samples collected during the first 48 hours of life of the newborns according to an approved Ethic Committee procedure. In particular, the salivary samples were collected from healthy and infected (n=1) newborns. Proteins were extracted through cycles of sonication, precipitated in ice cold acetone, resuspended and resolved by 2D-electrophoresis. MALDI TOF/TOF mass spectrometry analysis was performed for each spot obtaining the proteinsâ identifications. Then we compared healthy newborn salivary proteome and an infected newborn salivary proteome in order to investigate proteins differently expressed in inflammatory condition. In particular the protein alpha-1-antitrypsin (A1AT), correlated with inflammation, was detected differently expressed in the infected newborn saliva. Therefore, in the second part of the project we aimed to develop a robust LC-MS based method that identifies and quantifies this inflammatory protein within saliva that might represent the first relevant step to diagnose a condition of inflammation with a no-invasive assay. The same LC-MS method is also useful to investigate the presence of the F allelic variant of the A1AT in biological samples, which is correlated with the onset of pulmonary diseases. In the last part of the work we analysed newborn saliva samples in order to investigate how phospholipids and mediators of inflammation (eicosanoids) are subject to variations under inflammatory conditions and a trend was observed in lysophosphatidylcholines composition according to the inflammatory conditions.


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For six decades tetracyclines have been successfully used for their broad spectrum antibiotic effects. However, non-antibiotic effects of tetracyclines have been reported. The anti-inflammatory effects of tetracycline drugs have been investigated in the context of a range of inflammatory diseases including sepsis and a number of neurodegenerative diseases. This thesis investigates the effects of a range of clinically important tetracyclines (oxytetracycline, doxycycline, minocycline and tigecycline) on the ability of the J774.2 cell line to produce nitric oxide when stimulated with the bacterial cell wall component, LPS. The proteome of J774.2 cells was analysed in response to LPS stimulation (1 µg/ml) with and without prior treatment with minocycline (50µg/ml), this allows the unbiased analysis of the cellular proteome in response to minocycline and LPS, protein spots of interest were excised and identified by nano-electrospray ionisation-linear ion trap mass spectroscopy. All of the tetracyclines that were investigated inhibited LPS-induced nitric oxide production in a dose dependent manner and this was due to the inhibition of inducible nitric oxide synthase expression. This is the first report to show that tigecycline inhibits inducible nitric oxide expression and nitric oxide production. Using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and total protein staining eleven proteins were identified as being modulated by LPS. Of these eleven proteins; expression of some, but not all was modulated when the cells received a prior treatment with minocycline suggesting that minocycline does not completely block LPS-induced macrophage activation but probably specifically acts on particular inflammatory signaling pathways in macrophages. Three protein spots with a similar molecular weight but different pI values identified in this proteomic study were identified as ATP synthase ß chain. These different protein spots probably correspond to different phosphorylation states of the protein, suggesting that minocycline affects the balance of protein kinase and protein phosphatase activity in the immune response.


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There is a growing awareness that inflammatory diseases have an oxidative pathology, which can result in specific oxidation of amino acids within proteins. It is known that patients with inflammatory disease have higher levels of plasma protein nitro-tyrosine than healthy controls. Fibrinogen is an abundant plasma protein, highly susceptible to such oxidative modifications, and is therefore a potential marker for oxidative protein damage. The aim of this study was to map tyrosine nitration in fibrinogen under oxidative conditions and identify susceptible residues. Fibrinogen was oxidised with 0.25mM and 1mM SIN-1, a peroxynitrite generator, and methionine was used to quench excess oxidant in the samples. The carbonyl assay was used to confirm oxidation in the samples. The carbonyl levels were 2.3, 8.72 and 11.5nmol/mg protein in 0, 0.25mM and 1mM SIN-1 samples respectively. The samples were run on a SDS-PAGE gel and tryptically digested before analysis by HPLC MS-MS. All 3 chains of fibrinogen were observed for all treatment conditions. The overall sequence coverage for fibrinogen determined by Mascot was between 60-75%. The oxidised samples showed increases in oxidative modifications in both alpha and beta chains, commonly methionine sulfoxide and tyrosine nitration, correlating with increasing SIN-1 treatment. Tyrosines that were most susceptible were Tyr135 (tryptic peptide YLQEIYNSNNQK) and Tyr277 (tryptic peptide GGSTSYGTGSETESPR), but several other nitrated tyrosines were also identified with high confidence. Identification of these susceptible peptides will allow design of sequences-specific biomarkers of oxidative and nitrative damage to plasma protein in inflammatory conditions.


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The Overactive Bladder (OAB) and Bladder Pain Syndrome (BPS) are debilitating disorders for which the pathophysiological mechanisms are poorly understood. Injury or dysfunction of the protective urothelial barrier layer, specifically the proteoglycan composition and number, has been proposed as the primary pathological characteristic of BPS. For OAB, the myogenic theory with dysfunction of the muscarinic receptors is the most reiterated hypothesis. For both over activity of the inflammatory response has been posited to play a major role in these diseases. We hypothesise that BPS and OAB are peripheral sensory disorders, with an increase in inflammatory mediators, such as cytokines and chemokines, which are capable of activating, either directly or indirectly, sensory nerve activity causing the disease. The aim of the PhD is to identify potential new therapeutic targets for the treatment of BPS and OAB. We used medium throughput quantitative gene expression analysis of 96 inflammation associated mediators to measure gene expression levels in BPS and OAB bladder biopsies and compared them to control samples. Then we created a novel animal model of disease by specific proteoglycan deglycosylation of the bladder mucosal barrier, using the bacterial enzymes Chondroitinase ABC and Heparanase III. These enzymes specifically remove the glycosaminoglycan side chains from the urothelial proteoglycan molecules. We tested role of the identified mediators in this animal model. In addition, in order to determine on which patients peripheral treatment strategies may work, we assessed the effect of local anaesthetics on patients with bladder pain. Gene expression analysis did not reveal a difference in inflammatory genes in the OAB versus control biopsies. However, several genes were upregulated in BPS versus control samples, from which two genes, FGF7 and CLL21 were correlated with patient clinical phenotypes for ICS/PI symptom and problem indices respectively. In order to determine which patients are likely to respond to treatment, we sought to characterise the bladder pain in BPS patients. Using urodynamics and local anaesthetics, we differentiated patients with peripherally mediated pain and patients with central sensitisation of their pain. Finally to determine the role of these mediators in bladder pain, we created an animal model of disease, which specifically replicates the human pathology: namely disruption in the barrier proteoglycan molecules. CCL21 led to an increase in painrelated behaviour, while FGF7 attenuated this behaviour, as measured by cystometry, spinal c-fos expression and mechanical withdrawal threshold examination. In conclusion, we have identified CCL21 and FGF7 as potential targets for the treatment of BPS. Manipulation of these ligands or their receptors may prove to be valuable previously unexploited targets for the treatment of BPS.